SPACIOUSNESS... we all desire it. But we have not been taught how to cultivate it. We've been told to "find time," "Make time for self care", "meditate and be mindful" ... but time can't be found, self care is a way of life not something to add to your to do list, and WHY are we meditating and being so mindful?
Feeling Spacious on the inside is not just some nice self care strategy... cultivating spaciousness is fundamental part of our ability to be powerful, courageous leaders... essential for accessing our inner wisdom to make wise choices... foundational to our health, emotionally and physically... and super power for staying young, vital and radiant.
Cultivating spaciousness is a big part of what we teach and practice at our feminine wisdom school and in "Feminine Super Power Year" so it becomes a way of life.
In this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, shares:
Give yourself the gift of feeling SPACIOUS by choosing to cultivate it and claim it... timeless feminine wisdom put to use in your day to day life.
To get the 5 points of the Spaciousness Star, visit the feminine wisdom blog at
To learn more about Feminine Super Power Year, visit
To learn more about the Dream Partnership Retreat -
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