This Wisdom Inquiry: What is the Support I Need this Year? can alone determine if you will feel more stressed and stretched this year OR more supported and sustained. Think of it like putting your order into the Universe, so that you can receive what you need to support you as you do your work, lead your teams and families, take care of all that needs tending, and achieve your dreams... but this year, you FEEL supported physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
This month at Feminine Power Time, I'm sharing each week with you an inquiry that has the super power to keep you out of overwhelm and burnout. But you have to PAUSE to consider it, and use it as a portal into expanded levels of possibility ... even if it seems impossible, you DESERVE to be supported this year, on all levels.
But how do you make sure you get the support you need?
Tune into this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, where you'll get insight on:
To get a visual of the wings of support go to Christine Arylo's blog at
To learn more about Christine's upcoming retreats - go to
There are SO many ways that you can spend your energy, time, money and resources this coming year - many that will distract you, fragment your energy, or keep you so busy in the day to day grind you never get the space to do what truly matters. Instead of having the space to focus on the projects & people and your own personal wellbeing that mean alot to you this year, you end up giving your time and energy to what is most urgent, demanding, productive or profitable. We are programmed to self sabotage and self sacrifice.
Which is why wise women who lead the feminine way take a POWER PAUSE at the start of the new year, to look ahead, tap into their Inner Wisdom, feel into their heart and get really clear on WHAT MATTERS MOST this coming year... in their work, relationships and personal health.
And which is why, I Christine Arylo, am inviting you into this Feminine Power Time where I will:
To learn more about visioning, planning and focusing your year the feminine way, tune into the Salon on A Different Way to Dream (the previous podcast). Or receive the video of the session at
To learn more about living, leading and succeeding the feminine way, Feminine Super Power Year, go to
There is a misunderstanding in our culture about visioning, dreaming and goals setting that stems from the go,go, go,work hard, stay busy, mindset we've been trained to operate from in the distorted versions of masculine and feminine power in our mainstream systems.
Even big misunderstandings about manifesting, the law of attraction, and vision boards of baseline spiritual teaching that lead to self criticism & stress later in the year.
The good news is this....There is another way, a sacred, super-powered way to dream, that gives you access to deeper levels of Wisdom that can fuel & focus what you desire to create for yourself, your work, your family and this world in 2018.
Which is why I, Christine Arylo, held this special feminine wisdom session and salon, A Different Way to Dream. Originally livestreamed via video, here for you now, where we will dive into:
Why using traditional goal-setting, resolution-making, manifesting techniques, and vision boarding can create more stress, pressure and self-criticism in 2018 (you don't want to start your year like this).
The Wisdom Way of using the entire month of January to set the path and foundation for 2018 , so you can create a reality in which you are both achieving what you truly desire + receiving what you need.
How to set yourself up to stay OUT OF OVERWHELM in 2018 and stay FOCUSED on what matters most to you, so you can grow your work /career/business, nurture your relationships, take care of what and who you love, with sacrificing yourself.
To gain access to the Feminine Wisdom Session and the visuals of the models that Christine Arylo talks about, go to to request the recording and access.
To join Christine and women around the world for a practical and spiritual way to live and lead the feminine way, including Visioning and Planning the year the feminine way, go to
Stay out of the fray. Step into feminine wisdom to illuminate how you can best navigate the path ahead for 2018.
As we cross the threshold into a new year - after a very intense 2017, I'm inviting you to take a PAUSE to feel into what is true, what is coming, what is needed to navigate the waters ahead, and how and who you want to be this coming year.
In the wisdom traditions, Jan is the dreaming month - a time for listening to our hearts and souls, to divine guidance and to what is needed in the world, with our beloveds and for ourselves. We slow down to connect inward so the realities we create liberate us to be and give our fullest selves, instead of become burdens, jail cells or more things to do.
In times like this focus and fluidity is key.
Accessing our inner WISDOM - calling to become stronger.
Stepping out of the fray to stay centered in our selves and our truth is essential.
So using the power of the first full moon of 2018 - known as a Wolf Moon - in this Feminine Power Time, we'll shine a flashlight ahead to:
Join Christine Arylo for the feminine wisdom session "A Different Way to Dream: Vision, Plan & focus YOUR YEAR,The Feminine Way" - RSVP for free at
Consider joining Christine Arylo and women around the world for Structure + Support + Sisterhood to live, lead and succeed differently - The Feminine Super Power Year 2018 - get the invitation here