
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Now displaying: November, 2018
Nov 29, 2018

Our feminine power comes from our ability to feel deeply in our hearts, for the world, for what we care about, for those we care about, and ourselves. But in a world with so much chaos and distortion, domination, etc… how do you BE with those feelings of anger, sadness, grief, even despair without letting them run you, depress you, or send you into a bout of rage or blame, or just complete overwhelm?

The last few weeks I’ve been riding the feeling waves from despair to anger, some days feeling like a wet blanket was on top of me, like I was shedding tears for the world… and other days in overwhelm and despair about the state of the world and humanity… wondering if anything will really change or can?

So many things that are just #notokaywithme.

And imagine that you too have many things as you look around the world, your life, relationships, that are just #notokaywithyou.

Collectively, if we can harness these feelings of things that are JUST #NOTOKAYWITHUS, we can work with the power of the fierce feminine to make change happen in this world… to use the feelings we have in our hearts to fuel our work, to fuel our practice, and to keep us focused on what matters. 

I’ve been waiting to share this with you until I could re-steady myself, using the Feminine Power and Wisdom tools that do feel like super powers created for this time. Today, on my mat, it was time to invite you into this Feminine Power Time: “It’s Not Okay with Us: Channeling our Fierce Feminine Feelings to Fuel Our Work, Fuel Our Life-force and Change The World”

Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, MBA and wisdom teacher, as we dive into:

  • How do you work with the feelings of anger, fear, grief, anxiety and despair?
  • What is the difference between emotions that drag you down or distract you or cause you to add to the chaos and distortion and feelings that fuel your feminine power?
  • Why not having your feelings can lead to you carrying the weight of the world in your body - creating weight gain, anxiety, depression and addiction.
  • Three feminine archetypes that can help you tap into what’s not okay with you - and give you access to the power to speak it, so you can channel the energy for good
  • How to use the anger, grief, despair in positive and productive ways that honor your feelings and make you more powerful in your resolve, focus and presence. 
  • Practices for moving the heavy energy of despair and sadness and transforming the energy of rage and anger
  • Three small but mighty actions you can take to use your feelings to fuel your work, make change, fuel your practice and keep you focused on what really matters

Living and leading with our feminine power and wisdom is essential for navigating these times - but most of us are operating at half power and partial wisdom because we have not been taught how to wield our power or tap into our wisdom.

If you would love to learn how to access your feminine power and wisdom and use it practically in your work, life, health, wealth and impact in this world… Join me..

1. The Feminine Wisdom Year 2019

A year devoted to living, leading and succeeding from your feminine super power. Starts January 2019 with special year end reflection and visioning in December.   

Learn more at


2. 2018 Reflection Power Pause and Ritual

Complete the year feeling powerful, proud and peaceful.

RSVP for free. Attend live via video or audio stream or get the recording.


3. Dream Partnership Retreat - for couples who would love to vision the next phase of their life together, so both people can thrive. Starts with year end refection ritual in December, visioning in Jan and retreat Feb 1-4.

Nov 22, 2018

This Feminine Power Time is a big boost of gratitude and love from my heart to yours... an invitation to take a pause to SEE and FEEL the impact you are making in this world. Because I know you ARE making a difference. Yes, there is more to do, the days you feel like you aren't doing enough, but the underlying truth is that you are making a BIG difference, but you likely aren't receiving the truth of what a difference you are making. 

We are more powerful and less overwhelmed as women in our careers and relationships when we can see and feel the difference we are making. 

Yet, few of us every truly slow down long enough to see the impact we are making in the lives of others, the world and in our own lives. As a result, we keep pushing, striving and driving, which leads to the overwhelm and burnout we feel.

Women often feel like we should be doing more because we aren't acknowledging or receiving the impact we are making.

I know there is alot you could be doing and you might think you don't have time to really receive what you've done. And I invite you to consider a different way of living, the feminine wisdom way, which knows wise women slow down to SEE and FEEL the impact and as a result regenerate and refuel their passion, love and commitment to creating a better world, without sacriificing themselves.

Join Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, women's empowerment coach and MBA, for this episode of Feminine Power Time: THANK YOU for Making A Difference: Take a Pause to Receive the Impact You've Had, where we will:

  • Get real about why we as women rarely feel like we are doing enough - and often feel like we should be doing more
  • Explore how to be with all the needs in the world that do need our life force and resources AND not feel like we have to drain ourselves to make the difference we desire

  • Take a power pause to FEEL and SEE the difference you have made this year - in other's people's lives and the world
  • Reveal how you have made a difference in your own life and why it's essential for you to be proud and unapologetic about it - this is self-love 
  • Use the power of a day focused on gratitude - thanksgiving - which has both shadow and light in it, to support us to be with the challenges of the world and also see the beauty of humankind happening at the same time

Stay connected with Christine Arylo through her weekly Feminine Wisdom Letters and also get notices for upcoming events and programs- 

Join Christine for upcoming events 

Year End Power Pause - Dec 20th - 5:30pm  via Livestream

The Feminine Wisdom Way: Living, Leading and Succeeding Differently in 2019 -enrollment opens Nov 29th -    

Dream Partnership Couples Retreat - For couples who desire to create the next part of their lives together. Includes year end reflection ritual, January visioning process and February retreat. Space for 6 couples max.  




Nov 16, 2018

When you pause in November to get clear about how you COULD spend your energy, time and resources and then mindfully choose where to focus in your work, relationships, and personal health ... you are so much more likely to end the year feeling good about your choices, and so start the year ready and regenerated for what is to come. 

This practice is called POWER PAUSING. Wise women do it 4-8 times a year at key points that harmonize us with the natural cycles. 

Specifically we do it in November so we don't get caught up in the swirl of the holiday madness and consumption, but instead make space for what matters. 

So many people fall into patterns during the holidays that drain and over stretch then - in how they spend their time, money, connection and what they consume. 

The holidays turn us into human consumption machines when what we are craving is human connection.  

In this Feminine Power Time power pause, Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor:

  • Teaches you about power pauses - why they work and how they support us as leaders, esp during intense times

  • Gives you 4 inquiries to ask yourself at the end of the year to complete what really matters and stay sane, sustained and strong - you can apply these to your work, relationships and personal health to create the space to complete what matters most to you by the end of the year

  • Shares how to stop the holiday time patterns and rituals that drain you and create new ones that sustain you - you will leave empowered to say NO to the obligatory holiday to do's that don't support you any longer

  • Shares how to use these feminine wisdom inquiries to create deeper connection with your partner, team, friends and yourself. 

Save the Date - Year End Power Pause with Christine Arylo, Dec 20th, 5:33 pm PT - My gift to you. RSVP soon! Make sure we are connected by signing up for my wisdom letters as 

If you'd like to learn to live, lead and succeed the Feminine Wisdom Way and gain the super power to get out of overwhelm, get what matters done, and be supported and sustained in your work, relationships and health and wealth, this 'feminine wisdom school' is the place. 

Register to get the invitation.

Save the Date - Feminine Leadership Immersion. ELEVATE, Power, Presence and Purpose. April 25-28.  Seattle Coast. 

Nov 8, 2018

Why is it that we women hide and hold back? When our inner wisdom whispers, or screams, at us to step forward, be more visible, speak up, be a force for change, give our great work, be seen in new ways that can feel vulnerable... why can even the most courageous confident woman hold back, procrastinate, distract herself with busyness, and any other of a myriad of strategies we employ that keeps us smaller than we are and less seen that we need to be?

There are real reasons we distract and sabotage ourselves from stepping out and giving our sacred work in new ways, speaking our truth or wisdom or making an offering that feels vulnerable or risky. 

I originally taped this episode last year at this same time of the year, and it's SO powerful and relevant, I felt like we needed to hear it again. I myself just listened to it and I am inspired. 

Tune into this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor with a special guest, open up a provoking conversation to explore what keeps women from stepping forward to be more visible and seen, including:

  • Illuminate the reasons behind why women hide and hold back that most people don't talk about - but would serve all women to know. 
  • Feminine Fear - what it is, how it works and how the collective fear of women being persecuted for being powerful and having wisdom still affects us today 
  • How we stop ourselves from putting our work, thoughts, offerings out there because we short circuit ourselves ... and yogic and feminine wisdom to just get started, even if it's not perfect.
  • The new model for creating and making our offerings and doing our sacred work in the world that requires us to stop isolating and start creating in collaboration. 

For those of you who are called to hold space for others or gather others to create connection and transformation, the 2018 Art of Sacred Circle Creative Incubator and Circle Training starts this Month, November. Create and birth your next offering, program, circle, in sisterhood, with other wise women who dare to step forward to make shift happen. 

For those desiring to go deeper into feminine wisdom and learn how to lead, live and succeed the feminine way, successful and sustainable, Feminine Super Power Year 2019 opens on Nov 17th.   

For women leaders here to make shift happen ... the ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion Retreat is April 25*28, 2019.

For private leadership mentoring and coaching, email Christine at  



Nov 4, 2018

Courageous Women feel fear and have doubt too, the difference is they meet and move through the uncertainty to make choices that feel right for them…regardless of what is considered acceptable or feels comfortable.

Some call this crazy, I name it brave. If you look back through herstory you’ll see powerful women who dared to conjure up courage to step past their own fear and the projection of fear placed on them from others to follow their heart’s deep wisdom.

These trailblazers were often called “crazy” as a way to diminish and discount their feminine power and intuitive wisdom.… but in truth these women were the ones who lived freely and fully regardless of external circumstances or opinion.

They dared to stand in their true soul expression as Courageous Wise Women. Some wise women’s courage changes the masses. And for many of us, while our courage may only touch as far as our children, friends, peers, clients, communities and selves, the amount of courage it takes to stand up and lead and speak from your heart is just as immense, and brave.

Truthfully... feminine wisdom is not “crazy,” but it is crazy powerful.

And we need it more than ever to navigate these intense times, where we are each being called to step forward, make change, stretch ourselves out of what feels comfortable and in line with conventional wisdom to what feels empowering and aligned to a much deeper, human wisdom. 

This Feminine Power Time: Crazy Wisdom: Conjuring Up Courage and Clarity in Intense Times is a "Salon" - originally broadcast as a live video stream and virtual circle by Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and teacher. These salons are feminine wisdom sessions that go into deeper levels of teaching and wisdom based on what we are experiencing. 

Usually streamed during one of the 'power days', Christine invites you to join her and other courageous souls around the world to:

  • Identify your “Crazy Wisdom” edge – this is the intersect between what you KNOW you desire to create and do and the fear that diminishes your power, and creates doubt and distraction.
  • Reveal What’s Really Driving Your Overwhelm, Lack of Clarity or Inability to Bring Your Inner Knowing into Material Form 
  • Discern Between Choices Made From Masked Fear & Blind Faith (not wise) and Rooted Faith & Courageous Wisdom (wise) - so you can make wise and courageous choices even when you are confused, scared, or uncertain. 
  • Get Clear on What Really Matters to Focus On For the Rest of the Year and Courageously Let the Rest Go 

To receive the video of this feminine wisdom session, go to


If you are a brave courageous soul here to do things differently in how you lead and live, then consider joining us for one of our upcoming trainings, programs and circles to support your work, your presence and what you desire to create in this world. 

Art of Sacred Circle Training and Incubator - for people who gather and teach others or desire to and are called to create a new offering 

Feminine Super Power Year - A Feminine Wisdom School for living, leading and succeeding the feminine way. 

ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion - Save the Date - April 25-28, Seattle Coast. 






Nov 2, 2018

Courageous Women feel fear and have doubt too, the difference is they meet and move through the uncertainty to make choices that feel right for them…regardless of what is considered acceptable or feels comfortable.

Some call this crazy, I name it brave. If you look back through herstory you’ll see powerful women who dared to conjure up courage to step past their own fear and the projection of fear placed on them from others to follow their heart’s deep wisdom.

These trailblazers were often called “crazy” as a way to diminish and discount their feminine power and intuitive wisdom.… but in truth these women were the ones who lived freely and fully regardless of external circumstances or opinion.

They dared to stand in their true soul expression as Courageous Wise Women. Some wise women’s courage changes the masses. And for many of us, while our courage may only touch as far as our children, friends, peers, clients, communities and selves, the amount of courage it takes to stand up and lead and speak from your heart is just as immense, and brave.

Truthfully... feminine wisdom is not “crazy,” but it is crazy powerful.

And we need it more than ever to navigate these intense times, where we are each being called to step forward, make change, stretch ourselves out of what feels comfortable and in line with conventional wisdom to what feels empowering and aligned to a much deeper, human wisdom. 

This Feminine Power Time: Crazy Wisdom: Conjuring Up Courage and Clarity in Intense Times is a "Salon" - originally broadcast as a live video stream and virtual circle by Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and teacher. These salons are feminine wisdom sessions that go into deeper levels of teaching and wisdom based on what we are experiencing. 

Usually streamed during one of the 'power days', Christine invites you to join her and other courageous souls around the world to:

  • Identify your “Crazy Wisdom” edge – this is the intersect between what you KNOW you desire to create and do and the fear that diminishes your power, and creates doubt and distraction.
  • Reveal What’s Really Driving Your Overwhelm, Lack of Clarity or Inability to Bring Your Inner Knowing into Material Form 
  • Discern Between Choices Made From Masked Fear & Blind Faith (not wise) and Rooted Faith & Courageous Wisdom (wise) - so you can make wise and courageous choices even when you are confused, scared, or uncertain. 
  • Get Clear on What Really Matters to Focus On For the Rest of the Year and Courageously Let the Rest Go 

To receive the video of this feminine wisdom session, go to


If you are a brave courageous soul here to do things differently in how you lead and live, then consider joining us for one of our upcoming trainings, programs and circles to support your work, your presence and what you desire to create in this world. 

Art of Sacred Circle Training and Incubator - for people who gather and teach others or desire to and are called to create a new offering 

Feminine Super Power Year - A Feminine Wisdom School for living, leading and succeeding the feminine way. 

ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion - Save the Date - April 25-28, Seattle Coast.