
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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May 31, 2024

What is the Feminine? And how can it support and guide us in the present time - both individually and collectively?

In this episode, Christine and Jennifer conversate on the inquiry: What is the Feminine? And how can it support and guide us now? They explore this inquiry through the lenses of Cyclical Living, Changing Relationships with our Creations, and the Feminine archetypal energies of Compassion and Creativity.

They also introduce the upcoming 9-part Season of Light series, beginning next week. The intention for the Season of Light is to create a container for all of us to come and recharge our radiance so that we can Stay Light amidst the swirl and chaos of the present time.

Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to reflect on where you are in your current life cycle, and in the cycles of anything you’ve created. Recognize what’s calling you to seed, what’s ready to sprout, what’s coming into full blossom. This is a way to connect to the cycles within and around you in order to bring your being into greater harmony with both the natural world and your own unique design.

What’s next?

  • Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through August - and invite a friend to join you!

  • Participate in the Mid Year Power Pause retreat that begins in June.

  • Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on the cycles you’re currently in, how your relationship to your creations might be shifting and changing, and where you can lean into the feminine superpowers of Compassion and Creativity in this next season.

Ways to Connect:


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May 20, 2022

I titled this episode of Feminine Power Time: "If Mothers Ruled The World: Embracing Our Collective Power to Create a More Sacred World" with the intention for it to be center point we could stand in, together, to look at what is happening in the world - that is so not honoring the sacredness of life, of women, of children and really of humanity.

I offer this as an invitation for us to take a step out of the ideals, politics, ideology and polarizing forces that have kept us stuck in a reality that keeps humans fighting against each other, vs. coming together as human beings, living on a living planet, to focus our power, wisdom and resources on creating a 'sacred world' -- sacred meaning "Devoted to wholeness, with respect, without violence to the self or others."

One is which we stop asserting our power and beliefs over one another. 

In wisdom traditions, we are taught not to defend our position or have all the answers. 

We are taught that when things seem insane, when we don't like what we see, to step back, to elevate so we can see the whole, to make an inquiry and then sit with it. And we wait for wisdom, which often comes in the form of an inquiry to arise. This inquiry opens the portal to a way to see things differently. 

The inquiry I received was "What if Mothers Ruled the World?"  Which doesn't only include people who give birth to human children. 

Wisdom also teaches us how to speak from both fierceness and through grace. To create a field that connects and opens. Which was my intention.

Tune in. Bring an open mind and open heart. Take in what resonates. Leave what doesn't. Most of all, I am inviting us to open up our imaginations. To see through our wise eyes. To see the reality playing on the world stage.  To see and speak what could be. 

See you there,

In devotion to love,



Aug 23, 2021

You and I have the super power to consciously choose to catalyze ourselves vs. wait to be catalyzed the a big Universal 2x4. We have the power to work with the catalyzing energy happening on our planet right now in a way that supports and serves us and others vs. overwhelming us. But like any super power, if you can't name it and articulate it, you can't wield its power.

The feminine super power of catalyze is: the power to use the situations that life brings you as liberators and elevators that lift YOU & OTHER up to expanded levels of consciousness and reality. 

When you choose to embrace your power to catalyze yourself out of a comfort zone, with focus and swiftness, you release and shed what's no longer needed (and is weighing you down)... 

And as a result take a self empowered step into your soul's evolution, liberating yourself to a more full, true, empowered expression.

When you shift how what's challenging you right now in your life from something happening to you into something happening through you, you step into your power to meet and work with whatever is showing up.... as a process and path to greater healing, freeing and expressing. 

Look around your life right now - at your work, your relationships, your physical foundation of health, wealth and home. Ask yourself:

1. What would I LOVE to catalyze in my life right now? 

2. What is already being catalyzed in your life? And if you named it, you could powerfully start working with it vs it working you. 

Then Join me for episode 161 of Feminine Power Time - Feminine Super Power: Catalyze! Release the comfortable. Embrace the call to shift. 

This is practical wisdom in action - to apply to whatever is catalyzing or wants to be in your life. We'll dive into:

  • 3 of the principles of the feminine super power of Catalyze so that you can be a Conscious Catalyzer 
  • How to meet challenges as catalysts 
  • How to catalyze yourself to step out of your comfort zone vs waiting for the Universe to do it for you
  • How to work with the catalyzing energy of our time to
  • Liberation - what it is and how you can use it

We'll reveal and identify:

  • What are your lifetime catalyzers? Those areas of your life that keep challenging you? 
  • What "skins" - roles, responsibilities, and robes of expression or repression - are you ready or is it time to release? 
  • What within you is calling to be liberated? What desires to be more free to express? What do you desire to be more free to receive? 
  • What ways of living, relating, or working are you complete with and ready to liberate yourself from? 

Tune in. And if you missed the podcast series on Sacred Transformation #126 - 128, tune in to that too.

See you there. 


p.s. Remember to share your insights on the Feminine Power Time Survey Here - THANK YOU!



Wisdom Byte:

Sometimes we need to RELEASE what we've been good at so we can step into our greatness. 

9 Common Catalyzers / Soul Curriculum:

Relationships - Romantic
Relationships - Friends or specific gender
Relationships - Family


Upcoming Trainings, Programs and Experiences 

What I know about this fall and winter... 

1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils 2021/2022 - for women whose work and purpose is to re-imagine and re-design the way we work as a world ... through the field you work in and the presence you are ... and would love to have collaboration, guidance, wisdom, space with other conscious change makers.

Starts October 2021. Applications being accepted now.

2. Path of Self Love 12-week training for professional: Self Love Essentials: Specific Self Love Tools for emotional and mental wellness in our times  -  

3. Fierce Grace: Power Presence Purpose. Feminine Leadership Experience - 6-week, virtual - Starts Sept 29th. 


What's still forming... 

2021 Women's Wisdom Quest & Live Gatherings - virtual last year, may be this year too. As well as some in person, intimate gatherings in Austin, Arizona, and Seattle. 

And more. Stay tuned. 




May 4, 2021

I am so over the moon thrilled to be able to mark this point of the Feminine Power Time podcast with you - 5 years - with 5 being a number that signifies transformation. Which is the time we are in! 

I have been contemplating for the past few weeks what this episode should focus on, how it can support you during this transformational times and how Feminine Power Time can be a structure, support and space for you.

The center point of Feminine Power Time has always been about embracing our power to create the world we desire to live in. For ourselves. For those we love, lead and influence. For what matters to you in this world. 

It's my response to breaking through what keeps us from access our full wisdom and power. 

It's a space I create for you to come weekly to turn off the chaos or chatter of the outside world, to more deeply tune into what is true and real and aligned for you. 

It's a playground and a gathering place for us to explore different ways of being, living, leading and succeeding.

Whether you just found us or you have been here for years, I am grateful for our connection. I look forward to this special conversation with you.

Tune in. 

We are just getting started .... in what it really means to embrace our power to create the world we desire to live in. What that means practically. What we need to support us to keep stepping forward. And how we do this TOGETHER.

With great heart



p.s. I will share the genesis story of how Feminine Power Time came to be. 


Oct 30, 2020

Within you is the courage and the clarity to make choices that are right for you - that cut through the chaos - that come from the deep feminine wisdom within you willing to shake up the status quo to stay true to yourself ... choices that may seem crazy to others but that will keep YOU sustained, on your path, supported with what you need. 

I call this the Feminine Super Power of Crazy Wisdom. And every year at this time, I bring it back up for us to work with. Because as it turns out Crazy Wisdom is Crazy Powerful. It gives you the courage and clarity to make different choices, that may defy logic. It's not reckless, it is rooted in the deep intuitive place within you that knows what is right, real and aligned for you.

And now more than ever we need this super power. 

I'll share the full definition of Crazy Wisdom in this episode of Feminine Power Time #2 of 3 in our Embracing Our Power series... 

And I'll share more about how your intellect and intuition work together to access your deeper wisdom... how to know and feel how this deeper wisdom feels and works for you... 

And we'll use this super power to tune you into what your deeper, soul-led, Crazy Wisdom is whispering to you... so you can hear this deeper guidance through the swirl out there.

I'll end with a series of 6 inquiries I use myself, and with the women in the Feminine Wisdom Way and the retreats I do at this time. Chew on them. Consider them. Go beyond what you've know to reveal the possibility and truth of you and the path ahead. 

Also - I do a reading from Overwhelmed and Over It (starting on page 35). If you didn't get your copy yet - go to 

Our wisdom knows the way - are you listening? 



Dive in for more... 

1.  Overwhelmed and Over It Book - 

Upcoming Gatherings, Councils and Programs - RSVP to get the Invitation, Save the Date

1.  Crazy Wisdom Wisdom Session - Conjuring Up Clarity and Courage in Uncertain Times - Nov 22nd 12:33pm PT - Free Gathering. Save the date

2. Sacred Rebel. Sacred Work. Wisdom Quest 2020 - Nov 13th - 15th. You can do this from wherever you are. 

3. Gather and Guide Your People - feminine leadership and program design training, creative incubator, wisdom council. Starts Nov 10th 

4. Feminine Wisdom Way 2021 - Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment opens November. Emerge visioning process starts Jan 3rd. Request the invitation when enrollment opens. 

5. ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Councils 2021 - for women who are influencing change in the systems from the inside out. To request an application go to 

Oct 24, 2020

We have become so resilient that we have become too tolerant. We have said yes to keep doing more with less. Piling more on to already too full plates. Assimilating into ways of working and managing our lives that frankly haven't been working for a long time.

Now is the time, to give voice to what is no longer sustainable for you... in your work, in your relationships, in your life design, in your health and wealth.

And then look around, and realize this : It's not your fault. You are not alone. And together, we do have the power to change this. There are MANY many women and beings who feel the same way - overwhelmed, overworked and over it. Tired of over stretching themselves to make it work, make ends meet, get things done. 

We've been talking about this for years at Feminine Power Time. And we are at the breakthrough or breakdown point ... which will you choose?

invite you in to this three part series of Feminine Power Time : Embracing Our Power... where we will tap into the wisdom in the new Overwhelmed and Over It Book to explore and activate the ways we collectively and you individually can embrace and embody our power to STOP what's not working, SUSTAIN ourselves and those we love and lead, and RE-IMAGINE and RE-DESIGN the new.   

The first episode in our series invites you to activate your power of taking a stand to say NO MORE... i have used this many times to make a change, call in the Universe's support and start making small but significant shifts that lead to the bigger shifts that have set me free. 

Tune in. See show notes below for some of the inquiries and steps I shared. And the page numbers I referred to from Overwhelmed and Over It - and get your copy of the new book! 

See you there.

Together, we will walk through this, re-imagine and re-design how we and the world work, and rise.



Dive in for more... 

1. The Overwhelmed and Over It book unveiling & activation session - get access here 

2.  Overwhelmed and Over It Book - 

Upcoming Gatherings, Councils and Programs - RSVP to get the Invitation, Save the Date

1.  Crazy Wisdom Wisdom Session - Conjuring Up Clarity and Courage in Uncertain Times - Nov 8th 12:33pm PT - Free Gathering. Save the date

2. Sacred Rebel. Sacred Work. Wisdom Quest 2020 - Nov 13th - 15th. You can do this from wherever you are. 

3. Gather and Guide Your People - feminine leadership and program design training, creative incubator, wisdom council. Starts Nov 10th 

4. Feminine Wisdom Way 2021 - Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment opens November. Emerge visioning process starts Jan 3rd. Request the invitation when enrollment opens. 

5. ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Councils 2021 - for women who are influencing change in the systems from the inside out. Applications accepted starting Nov 1st. To request an application go to 


Wisdom Inquiry: What is no longer sustainable for you?

  • In how you are working?
  • Relating?
  • Set up in your life? 

Steps to embracing your power to catalyze shift to happen

1. Draw the NO MORE Line as your wise self  - speak the NO MORE out loud to yourself and the Universe

2. Release the mind from needing to know HOW. Ask for the Universe's hand in showing you the path.

3. Voice your NO MORE stand to another person, releasing any shame or guilt ... freedom! 

Jun 13, 2019

How do you achieve what you desire in your work and career, and receive the financial flow you need without driving, striving, pushing, and working so much your life gets out of whack? Or you feel depleted because you are giving, working and doing so much, but not receiving the money, support, space, time, appreciation and recognition desire and deserve?

We have been bred to be strong achievers and self less care givers, but few of us have been taught how to be strong receivers. We've been taught to be ambitious in order to be successful, so we approach our work, career and businesses like a racehorse with a strong desire for success and achievement. But even if we get 'there' - it doesn't feel like enough. We cannot receive it. 

A big part of my work in teaching feminine leadership and living and leading the feminine wisdom way is in teaching and living myself the feminine super power of RECEIVING.

A lack of receiving is at the root of all burnout, overwhelm, self sacrifice, overworking, over giving, feeling dissatisifed in your work, relationships and making self sabotaging choices about what you consume.

So... I thought we should dive into RECEIVING. 

This three part series of Feminine Power Time is called OPEN TO RECEIVE. 

In this first Open to Receive episode: 95: Achieving Success + Receiving What You Need in Your Work and Wealth we:

  • Reveal the difference between ambition and achieving and why ambition is not what you want to focus on.
  • Explore how you can develop a strong capacity to receive what you need and achieve your purpose/dream/etc. without sacrificing yourself
  • Do a short but mighty meditation to explore what you desire to receive in your work and wealth NOW and how you might be blocking receiving it
  • How to clear about what is really driving you - are you striving from your ego or a love crack? Or acting powerfully from your strong whole self? 
  • Practices for getting clear on what you desire to achieve in your work this second half of the year and then OPEN to receive it
  • How to work with the Universe so that you can relax control and open to receive more support and what you need in your work 

Tune in.

And come back for the next OPEN TO RECEIVE session, focused on opening to receive the love, support, connection you desire in relationship. 

Draw the Feminine Leadership Power Spectrum I gave you in this session for Receiving and Achieving. 

Tune into the Overwhelmed and Over It Series if you missed it. 

And to PRACTICE receiving in really practical ways you can use to focus your energy and time and money in your work, and receive what you need come to these:

1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - do in June or July to get focused on what matters -  Do from home. 

2. Feminine Wisdom Way - 6-month feminine wisdom training includes Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you to achieve what matters AND be sustained.  We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this. 

3. Feminine Wisdom Weekend Retreat - Kripalu - July 19-21 

4. The Path of Self Love Teacher Training - Kripalu - July 21-26 

Nov 29, 2018

Our feminine power comes from our ability to feel deeply in our hearts, for the world, for what we care about, for those we care about, and ourselves. But in a world with so much chaos and distortion, domination, etc… how do you BE with those feelings of anger, sadness, grief, even despair without letting them run you, depress you, or send you into a bout of rage or blame, or just complete overwhelm?

The last few weeks I’ve been riding the feeling waves from despair to anger, some days feeling like a wet blanket was on top of me, like I was shedding tears for the world… and other days in overwhelm and despair about the state of the world and humanity… wondering if anything will really change or can?

So many things that are just #notokaywithme.

And imagine that you too have many things as you look around the world, your life, relationships, that are just #notokaywithyou.

Collectively, if we can harness these feelings of things that are JUST #NOTOKAYWITHUS, we can work with the power of the fierce feminine to make change happen in this world… to use the feelings we have in our hearts to fuel our work, to fuel our practice, and to keep us focused on what matters. 

I’ve been waiting to share this with you until I could re-steady myself, using the Feminine Power and Wisdom tools that do feel like super powers created for this time. Today, on my mat, it was time to invite you into this Feminine Power Time: “It’s Not Okay with Us: Channeling our Fierce Feminine Feelings to Fuel Our Work, Fuel Our Life-force and Change The World”

Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, MBA and wisdom teacher, as we dive into:

  • How do you work with the feelings of anger, fear, grief, anxiety and despair?
  • What is the difference between emotions that drag you down or distract you or cause you to add to the chaos and distortion and feelings that fuel your feminine power?
  • Why not having your feelings can lead to you carrying the weight of the world in your body - creating weight gain, anxiety, depression and addiction.
  • Three feminine archetypes that can help you tap into what’s not okay with you - and give you access to the power to speak it, so you can channel the energy for good
  • How to use the anger, grief, despair in positive and productive ways that honor your feelings and make you more powerful in your resolve, focus and presence. 
  • Practices for moving the heavy energy of despair and sadness and transforming the energy of rage and anger
  • Three small but mighty actions you can take to use your feelings to fuel your work, make change, fuel your practice and keep you focused on what really matters

Living and leading with our feminine power and wisdom is essential for navigating these times - but most of us are operating at half power and partial wisdom because we have not been taught how to wield our power or tap into our wisdom.

If you would love to learn how to access your feminine power and wisdom and use it practically in your work, life, health, wealth and impact in this world… Join me..

1. The Feminine Wisdom Year 2019

A year devoted to living, leading and succeeding from your feminine super power. Starts January 2019 with special year end reflection and visioning in December.   

Learn more at


2. 2018 Reflection Power Pause and Ritual

Complete the year feeling powerful, proud and peaceful.

RSVP for free. Attend live via video or audio stream or get the recording.


3. Dream Partnership Retreat - for couples who would love to vision the next phase of their life together, so both people can thrive. Starts with year end refection ritual in December, visioning in Jan and retreat Feb 1-4.

Nov 8, 2018

Why is it that we women hide and hold back? When our inner wisdom whispers, or screams, at us to step forward, be more visible, speak up, be a force for change, give our great work, be seen in new ways that can feel vulnerable... why can even the most courageous confident woman hold back, procrastinate, distract herself with busyness, and any other of a myriad of strategies we employ that keeps us smaller than we are and less seen that we need to be?

There are real reasons we distract and sabotage ourselves from stepping out and giving our sacred work in new ways, speaking our truth or wisdom or making an offering that feels vulnerable or risky. 

I originally taped this episode last year at this same time of the year, and it's SO powerful and relevant, I felt like we needed to hear it again. I myself just listened to it and I am inspired. 

Tune into this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor with a special guest, open up a provoking conversation to explore what keeps women from stepping forward to be more visible and seen, including:

  • Illuminate the reasons behind why women hide and hold back that most people don't talk about - but would serve all women to know. 
  • Feminine Fear - what it is, how it works and how the collective fear of women being persecuted for being powerful and having wisdom still affects us today 
  • How we stop ourselves from putting our work, thoughts, offerings out there because we short circuit ourselves ... and yogic and feminine wisdom to just get started, even if it's not perfect.
  • The new model for creating and making our offerings and doing our sacred work in the world that requires us to stop isolating and start creating in collaboration. 

For those of you who are called to hold space for others or gather others to create connection and transformation, the 2018 Art of Sacred Circle Creative Incubator and Circle Training starts this Month, November. Create and birth your next offering, program, circle, in sisterhood, with other wise women who dare to step forward to make shift happen. 

For those desiring to go deeper into feminine wisdom and learn how to lead, live and succeed the feminine way, successful and sustainable, Feminine Super Power Year 2019 opens on Nov 17th.   

For women leaders here to make shift happen ... the ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion Retreat is April 25*28, 2019.

For private leadership mentoring and coaching, email Christine at  



Sep 13, 2018

You have the power to change this world and change the systems that you work and live by how and who you show up as, and how you choose to design your life, lead your team, family, business, organization... You have the power to change the things in your life that cause unhealthy and unnecessary pressure. You don't have to accept that 'this is just how things are."

You just need to know how to access and activate the power within you that stems from the depths of your internal feminine wisdom. 

Which is why in this Feminine Power Time, the #4 in our Feminine Wisdom Series, we are diving deep into the feminine wisdom super power of "Harmonic Defiance: The Power to Make Shift Happen, the Feminine Way.

Harmonic Defiance is:

The power to make shift happen by choosing to design your life and lead your work, team, family, organization, business, in ways that cultivate harmony, to speak up and question that which does not support sustainability and humanity. And then with that feminine power activated, you dare to do things differently.

You are going to love learning about this and applying it directly to your life right now. 

Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor, as we explore:

  • “What is Harmonic Defiance and Why Do I Need it As a Leader in my Life, Work and Family?" 
  • How you can make different choices in how you lead and create that lead to a reality that supports you, if you have the courage to do things differently - in everything from your work, to parenting, to money and healthcare.
  • The ways we lead or try to make change that exhaust us, disempower us or make us want to give up - and a different way to approach having the impact you desire to have in your work, family, life, community.  
  • Cultivating a "field of harmony" within yourself that has the power to shift relationships and situations on the outside - seriously how can you create harmonious realities out there if you are not feeling harmonious on the inside? 
  • "The Pressure Release and Redesign" Power Pause - one of my most powerful tools for releasing the unnecessary pressures that get in the way of you showing up as the most powerful centered presence you can be
  • Finding your part in this bigger elevation and shift that's happening ... so you don't have to take it all on, and so you feel the truth that you are part of something bigger!


To join Christine in person at her Feminine Wisdom Weekend this fall, go to 

To learn more about the 3-month personal transformation program, Reform Your Inner Mean Girl, Empower Your Inner Wisdom - it's like rehab for your inner critic and super hero training for your inner wisdom go to 



Aug 9, 2018

Of course we all want to live in the flow. Have things - invitations, opportunities, people, resources - 'come to us' vs having to go out and kill the proverbial meat or attack our lives and work like pushing a boulder up a hill. If given the choice between having to hustle, network like crazy, and make stuff happen OR having the experience where I'm guided to where to focus, when to act, where things come to me, I'm choosing the latter. Less stress, more spacious. Less pressure, more peace. 

But how do you create synchronicity? How do you get into the flow, and most important, how do you stay there? So what you NEED comes to you vs. you exhausting yourself physically to make it happen or mentally to figure out how to plan and strategize to happen?

This is the realm of Feminine Wisdom.

The feminine super powered way of living, leading and succeeding, that most of us were not taught in our traditional education or on the job training. 

Which is why it's the focus for this week's Feminine Power Time: "Synchronicity & Shakti Leadership: Working with Feminine Power so Things Happen for You Vs. Pushing and Planning" It's the 1st in a 3 part series (maybe 4, we'll see) on FEMININE WISDOM - what is it, how do you find it and how do you work with it? 

I invited a new soul sister to our session today, Nilima Bhat, author of Shakti Leadership, a woman I've been aware of for about 2 years, have wanted to meet, but instead of making it happen, the Great Mama orchestrated a meeting for us over Spring Equinox "unplanned" (more on that in the show, you;ll love this Synchroncity Story!)

I invite you join Nilima and I for this feminine wisdom session, where together we will all explore:

  • HOW Sychroncity works - you can't really make it happen, but you are an active participant in it happening. How does that work?
  • How to tell when you are pushing vs. when you are in the feminine flow - how does it FEEL so you can know?
  • The Inner Practices you can put into place to make sure you are  operating in Synchronicity Receiving mode - so you can live in and move with the flow 
  • Why this powerful way of living and leading, where intuition and synchronicity are normal ways we operate isn't taught or talked about in our educational or on the job trainings. 
  • What our lack of access to our feminine power and wisdom has to do with why we push so hard, feel like we have to work so hard, and over plan as a way to feel okay 
  • How to start bringing more feminine wisdom, synchroncity, flow and Great Mama mojo into your life, so you are operating within your aligned center of power 

To learn more about Feminine Power Time and Christine Arylo, and receive past episodes and receive Christine's weekly Wisdom Letters, go to 

To learn more about Nilima Bhat and Shakti Leadership, including the book and fellowship, go to

To learn more about the Path of Self Love Teacher Training and School, go to 

May 24, 2018

Each of our hearts has a spectrum of emotion that ranges from SAD to MAD that is our super power, if we know how to yield it and be with in correctly. But most people have not gotten training on how to use these energies in ways that fuel the change we desire vs. destroy the very thing we care so deeply about. 

There are days when my heart can feel so heavy with sadness at the state of this world and what humans do to each other. If I don't allow myself to feel this and then move through it, it can drag me down like a grief pool of stagnant water. There are other days when my heart ignites like a fire storm, angry and mad sparking frustration and sometimes when it gets too big, it distorts into righteousness.

So when you are SAD or MAD at the state of the world, or things happening in it, or what specific people are doing ... how do you use those emotions powerfully in ways that elevate the situation and honor your feelings vs. expressing those feelings in distorted ways (or not at all) harming yourself and others?  

What do we do with this anger and grief? And how do we use it? 

Join me This Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, where we are going to dive deep into:

  • Reveal and feel where you fall on the emotional power spectrum of SAD and MAD - where are you comfortable, how do you use this powerfully and how can you distort?
  • The power of Sadness - water - and Anger - fire - how to not get stuck in or overwhelmed by either & how to use both to fuel your passions, work and part on the planet.
  • How to know when you are tapping into your personal feelings and when you are tapping into the collective grief and rage
  • 3 simple but mighty practices for "transmuting" the sadness and anger that we just need in order to stay above the fray in these intense times  

Christine Arylo mentioned some resources which you can get links to on her Feminine Wisdom Blog at

To join Christine for her Summer Programs go to - including a 40-Day Self Love and Relationship program, the Feminine Wisdom Weekend Retreat at Kripalu July 27-29 and the FLOW Virtual Power Pause in June. 

Apr 12, 2018

Courage - where does it come from? How do you cultivate it so that you have the inner strength and clarity to meet the challenges and catalysts in your life? So you can expand vs contract? So you make grounded choices that are also guided by divine grace?

Courage in the feminine is not false bravado, it's not without fear, and it does not come from the mind. Courage comes from the heart, it requires us to feel, and it also requires us to step forth out of our comfort zones.

When we cultivate it consciously as part of our daily practices, we gain the 'super power' to say NO to what limits us, say YES to what supports and expands us, even if it scares us and is different than what everyone else is doing or what conventional wisdom says.

Tune into this Feminine Power Time - Courageous Leadership - with Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, for a soul provoking, heart invoking, and practical revealing and teaching on Courage through the feminine lense, including:

  • What courage is, how courage has been distorted blocking our access to it, and the truth about where courage stems from (so you can access it)
  • 3 sources of courage that you can tap into to strengthen your ability to listen, trust and act - even when it pulls you out of your comfort zone 
  • Simple but mighty daily practices for cultivating courage - so you have the courage when you need it
  • Make it personal and practical - Christine will help you illuminate where you are being stretched and called forth and then use the teachings to support you to expand vs contract 

If you are going through a transition, standing at a threshold, being called forth to change, expand and open ... tune into this Feminine Power Time. And stay til the end when Christine shares a special passage from mystic John O'Donohue, Thresholds.

To learn more about working with Christine personally or attending one of her retreats - go to 

To join the April 40 Day Practice Burnout to Balance for creating resilience and a supportive pace to your life - go to 


Oct 27, 2017

Why is it that we hide and hold back? When our inner wisdom whispers, or screams, at us to step forward, be more visible, speak up, be a force for change, give our great work, be seen in new ways that can feel vulnerable... why can even the most courageous confident woman hold back, procrastinate, distract herself with busyness, and any other of a myriad of strategies we employ that keeps us smaller than we are and less seen that we need to be?

There are real reasons we distract and sabotage ourselves from stepping out and giving our sacred work in new ways, speaking our truth or wisdom or making an offering that feels vulnerable or risky. 

And in this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo, with a special guest, open up a provoking conversation to explore what keeps women from stepping forward to be more visible and seen, including:

  • Illuminate the reasons behind why women hide and hold back that most people don't talk about - but would serve all women to know. 
  • Feminine Fear - what it is, how it works and how the collective fear of women being persecuted for being powerful and having wisdom still affects us today 
  • How we stop ourselves from putting our work, thoughts, offerings out there because we short circuit ourselves ... and yogic and feminine wisdom to just get started, even if it's not perfect.
  • The new model for creating and making our offerings and doing our sacred work in the world that requires us to stop isolating and start creating in collaboration. 

For those of you who are called to hold space for others or gather others to create connection and transformation, the 2017 Art of Sacred Circle Creative Incubator and Circle Training starts Nov 9th. Create and birth your next offering, program, circle, in sisterhood, with other wise women who dare to step forward to make shift happen. 


Aug 24, 2017

When a woman or girl knows how to tell the difference between the inner force that reacts from fear, shame and judgment and sabotages her and the inner force that guides her from loving truth, to respond in accordance to her truth, she gains 'super power'. Super power to make the choices both small (in her daily live) and big (like who she will marry or if she will marry, what career she will choose, where she will live).

In my dream world, girls would be taught about their "Feminine Super Power of Intuition" and how to create a strong self trust from a very early age - as early as 6 or 7 (because that is when the other force starts to appear). And then we would grow up as young women talking about these forces, supporting each other to discern between them. We would live our lives as women holding space for each other to sort between what yogi's call the distorted negative mind and the distorted positive mind to find our neutral minds where they say we can know our truth within 9 seconds. We would live our lives trusting our intuition and we would follow it no matter what - even when we are scared or it goes against conventional wisdom or our peers.

In this week's Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, we'll tap into the yogic and divine feminine wisdom and explore:

  • What are these two inner forces within the hearts, minds and bodies within all women and girls - and how do we discern the difference between which one is behind our thoughts and actions?
  • How do we strengthen our self trust so we can choices that honor and support us - in our relationships, career, health, wealth, everything
  • What happens to women and girls when they don't trust their inner wisdom (i will share some stories that will touch your heart)
  • A couple simple feminine super power practices you can start using right away in your daily life to bring more awareness of these two forces, shifting negative self talk, self doubt and self sabotaging habits into self loving actions.

And of course we will end with a mighty meditation to make this all personal and embodied. Remember, feminine power is not a mental idea, it's an embodied practice and wisdom.

If you'd like to learn more about the inner force that sabotages you, who I call the "inner Mean Girl" take this short but enlightening quiz 

If you would like to be part of the movement of people teaching girls and women self-trust and how to work with these two inner forces, consider joining us for The Path of Self Love Training & Certificate program -

To Join us for the free class on Transforming Inner Critics - go to  

Feb 9, 2017

STAY S.T.R.O.N.G. is the self love mantra we're inviting people to embrace and practice for this year ahead which will be intense and uncertain - we need to be strong on the inside so we don't get swept away but what's swirling on the outside. Not as in strong like the dominating macho or self sacrificing martyr or tireless machine kind of way. But strong in the feminine way:

S - Speak your truth + stay connected

T- Trust yourself 

R- Rest + Replenish

O- Own your power + play your part 

N - Nourish your heart & soul desires

G - Give & Receive 

Join Christine Arylo for this episode of Feminine Power Time and begin to consider what support YOU need to stay strong this year on all four levels - emotional, physical, relational and spiritual.  So you can stay centered in your life - focused, clear, confident and compassionate no matter what emerges on the path.   
Then join Christine on the 10th global Self Love Day - February 13th - for a Feminine Super Power Salon and make a set of self love promises for the year ahead that will support you to stay strong. RSVP for free 

About Self Love Day - Sponsored by The Path of Self Love School & 
the international movement of self-love

Self Love Day was founded 10 year ago by Christine Arylo to bring self awareness to self-love and empower people to stay true to themselves all year by taking a set of self-love promises. Sponsored by The Path of Self Love School, whose mission is to serve 1 billion hearts the medicine and message of self-love. To make the teachings and practices of self love as accessible and applied as table salt :)  

Our vision is that if we can teach self-love and make it as understood and embraced as self-esteem that within 3 generations we could create a world where every child born is born connected to love and stays connected to love no matter what they face in their lives... the thread of love stays alive.  

Dec 29, 2016

So many of our choices throughout the year do not align with what truly matters to us - in our work, relationships, health, self expression, home. This year, what if that changed? What if you gave yourself the space to tune into a deeper wisdom and consider the choices you’ve made and the choices you could make, so they were infused with wisdom, instead of the pressure the mainstream world starts to advertise and put out in January.

In this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, tune in for some wisdom and personal reflection to support you in creating a year that you love and that has space and time for what really matters, including:

  • The most essential question to ask yourself as you start the new year
  • What to do instead of making resolutions and goals at the start of January that will make sure your choices are wiser.
  • The Feminine Super Power of Choice - and why Gloria Steinem says it’s so essential to our health and happiness.
  • Dreaming and Receiving Time - how to tap into a deeper wisdom than you can access through your mind or a vision board

Join Christine for a Feminine Super Power Year at

Or receive the year end Reflection Ritual with Christine arylo at

Nov 18, 2016


I believe we are the ones here at this time to be part of a great awakening on this planet, and awakenings are often not easy.

It’s HOW we respond to what is happening in our world, families, communities and systems, whether it’s an election, water and oil rights, the way we do business, how we raise and educate our children, how we come together in true sisterhood or not – that is the deciding factor of how this will unfold.

The ancient sages predicted we would come as a people to this time of unrest.

Change often requires a catalyst, a bolt of lightening to quicken the shift. But the HOW we get there is not pre-determined. We are the ones who will lead the way. YOU are the one who will lead the way.

We each have a part to play. Never diminish or discount the importance of your part, no matter how small it may seem.

Many sages have said that when the women truly come together the great shift will occur. And while we have made much progress in this way, one only has to turn on reality TV, look at Twitter feeds, look around her own circle of friends and family to see as women we are still divided in many ways.

I called this circle in sisterhood. For the hearts of women and girls worldwide. We each have a part to play.

This special episode of Feminine Super Power Time with Christine Arylo was originally broadcast as a livestream. You can listen to the broadcast on this podcast and if you want to watch the video go to

And if you’d like to go deeper into exploring feminine wisdom with like-minded sisters who believe in the power of connection and sisterhood, here are some upcoming events to mark on your calendar. More details will be coming soon…

* Feminine Super Power Year – Activate Your Feminine Power + Attune to a more natural & sustainable rhythm – Starts December 2016

* Visioning 2017 Online Retreat – Starts Jan 12th

* Visioning 2017 In Person Retreat – Jan 27-29th 

* Harmonize: Women’s Vitality Retreat in Mexico – March 25-April 1st 

* Kripalu East Coast Retreat: July 28-30

Oct 13, 2016

Courageous women have risen above the forces that would try to diminish, distract, and discount their innate feminine power and wisdom because they feared the power of the feminine heart - for thousands of years. Not able to 'control' them, these powers sought to discount and derail them.

What we are seeing today in the media has been present on this planet for thousands of years... we just now have a tickers tape, social networks and 24/7 media so that this kind of blatant disrespect and disregard for the sacredness and power of the feminine body, heart and soul cannot be ignored.

In this Feminine Power Time, join me Christine Arylo, as we step out of the media madness where it's too easy to get caught up in the fear and frenzy, so we can:

  • Gain an elevated perspective - See what's really going on at a cultural and spiritual level - that the elections and media are just reflecting. Step back to see what's exciting about this!
  • Get real - Have our emotions - anger, frustration, sadness, despair - fully without falling into the exact thing we are fighting against.

  • Get Wise - How do you use your emotions to fuel the changes you want to see? 

  • Get Personal - Each of us has a part to play at this time in humanity when it's just not okay for any human to be disrespected or for fear and domination to be the way our culture works. That's big stuff. The shift starts within - I'll share 4 soul inquiries for this time. 

Remember..while what we see may anger us and try to pull us apart, remember our power comes from shining the light not only on what is vulgar and unacceptable, but also on illuminating what is possible when a woman dares to follow her heart and speak her truth. We each have a part to play - in how we show up, what we speak and how we choose to make the shifts our souls are calling for. 

Calling courageous women - to the Unleash the Feminine Heart 40-day Practice - starts in October, 


Oct 6, 2016

Follow your heart. What does that mean? How do you 'do' it? How do you conjure up the courage to step outside conventional wisdom to follow your inner wisdom? 

And why is it essential for women especially to know, trust, and follow their Heart Wisdom that can sometimes feel crazy?

Join me and my special guest Shiloh Sophia McCloud, visionary artist and one of my dearest soul sisters as we sit around her kitchen table and share with you what our wise mentors and teachers - wise women who were part of the feminist and women's movement in the 1970s and beyond. These wise women, including Alice Walker, have wisdom to share with all of us women so we can be wiser in how we live, make choices and dare to follow our hearts to create systems and realities that seek to free and sustain instead of control and drain. Tune into Feminine Power Time - and tap into the wisdom of the timeless feminine heart.

To bring more of the feminine wisdom into your life - join Christine Arylo for virtual circle of women participating in the Unleash the Feminine Heart 40-day practice, starting in October. 

Take a Vision Quest with Arylo and Shiloh and other wise women who dare to do things differently and are the visionaries weaving the new world.  

Sep 1, 2016

If you are a card carrying member of the “Impatience Club” you are going to love this episode of Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo. You know you are a member if you do any of these things in your career, your relationship status, your body weight/shape, your health or your money: 

  • Put pressure on yourself to be farther ahead than you are 
  • Think things should be different than they are or should be happening faster than they are - and then obsess about why they aren’t 
  • Judge and compare yourself against other people’s lives and success - and make yourself miserable in the process  
  • Often set unrealistic expectations and goals that you either fall short of or burn yourself out to try and meet
  • Future trip - over focus on the future and trying to figure out how to make stuff happen vs being focused on what is right in front of you 

There’s more - but honestly if you suffer from impatience you likely know it. Most people never cure it because they only focus on the symptom or the quick fix. 

This Feminine Power Time will take you into the roots … give you some super power remedies you can apply right now to the place in your life you are feeling impatient… and teach you ancient wisdom you can take with you and use for the rest of your life. 

Tune in with Christine Arylo, spiritual catalyst, women's leadership advisor and best-selling author. 

To learn more about her Grace Under Pressure Retreat + Weave Vision Quest go to 

To learn more about your Impatience Personality - take the Inner Mean Girl Quiz at 


"The yogis say that when you are content, you draw things to you. Cultivate patience, experience contentment. Cultivate impatience and you will repel that which you desire.” 

Aug 18, 2016

When a woman or girl knows how to tell the difference between the inner force that reacts from fear, shame and judgment and sabotages her and the inner force that guides her from loving truth, to respond in accordance to her truth, she gains 'super power'. Super power to make the choices both small (in her daily live) and big (like who she will marry or if she will marry, what career she will choose, where she will live).

In my dream world, girls would be taught about their "Feminine Super Power of Intuition" and how to create a strong self trust from a very early age - as early as 6 or 7 (because that is when the other force starts to appear). And then we would grow up as young women talking about these forces, supporting each other to discern between them. We would live our lives as women holding space for each other to sort between what yogi's call the distorted negative mind and the distorted positive mind to find our neutral minds where they say we can know our truth within 9 seconds. We would live our lives trusting our intuition and we would follow it no matter what - even when we are scared or it goes against conventional wisdom or our peers.

In this week's Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, we'll tap into the yogic and divine feminine wisdom and explore:

  • What are these two inner forces within the hearts, minds and bodies within all women and girls - and how do we discern the difference between which one is behind our thoughts and actions?
  • How do we strengthen our self trust so we can choices that honor and support us - in our relationships, career, health, wealth, everything
  • What happens to women and girls when they don't trust their inner wisdom (i will share some stories that will touch your heart)
  • A couple simple feminine super power practices you can start using right away in your daily life to bring more awareness of these two forces, shifting negative self talk, self doubt and self sabotaging habits into self loving actions.

And of course we will end with a mighty meditation to make this all personal and embodied. Remember, feminine power is not a mental idea, it's an embodied practice and wisdom.

If you'd like to learn more about the inner force that sabotages you, who I call the "inner Mean Girl" take this short but enlightening quiz 

If you would like to be part of the movement of people teaching girls and women self-trust and how to work with these two inner forces, consider joining us for The Path of Self Love Training & Certificate program - 

Jul 7, 2016

The Feminine Super Power of Slowing Down - when you use it you make wise choices, create more harmony & get more done. When it's absent from your life, you work harder, deplete yourself, and make choices that create struggle. 

But how do you do it? Why is it so essential? And why this isn't about being less productive or impactful, but about being more sustainable and successful. 

In this episode of Feminine Power Time I will share with you this ancient wisdom about re-aligning your life, your body, your mind to one that is way more natural and supportive ... and that if you try it, put it into practice, will support you to get what matters most done, be more centered in your daily life, and give you a sense of harmony. You'll be able to stop chasing balance, and start having it. 

I'll be honest - I have had a hard time embracing and trusting this aspect of the feminine ever since my spiritual mentors told me I needed to slow down. I misunderstood what that meant. My inner achiever freaked out. But I've become to understand it is saving my life. I now share it with you. Ancient wisdom for your sacred heart and modern life. 

For more feminine super power rituals, you can get my free Feminine Super Power Ritual guidebook at  


Jun 30, 2016

"Your power ends precisely where your fear begins." - Melissa Etheridge. Fear diminishes, distracts, and dissipates feminine power. When fear leads you create realities you don't desire. You work too hard, effort more, create more stuff to do than what's good for you or needed. When fear leads your choices in how you give life force you give out is WAY MORE than what you receive. Result. Overhwhelm, stress, depletion, frustration, sigh.

But...when a woman (or man) clears the fear from their head, transforms the fear in their heart, a choose to lead from her heart, even if it scares her or seems crazy, now that is where our power is.  

The challenge is that fear is tricky and it can be really subtle, so most of us have NO idea that we are operating from fear, making our choices about where our life force flows from fear. It is only when you slow down, and tune in, that you can see the fear, hear your heart, and let your soul wisdom guide.

In this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, you'll receive a mini fear cleanse and freedom boost, tapping into the Feminine Super Power of Liberation and

  • understand which of the 7 kinds of fears are running in your operating system
  • reveal the root of the fear - your 'love cracks' where fear took up residence in your heart long ago
  • tune into where fear is driving your choices right now
  • take a power pause to find out what is true for your heart
  • tap into your feminine power to free your heart to lead and make the choice that creates more freedom 

To find out more about Christine Arylo and get the Feminine Super Power Kit go to . To find out more about fear manifests in you take the Inner Mean Girl Quiz at 

Jun 23, 2016

Sometimes it can feel like you are not making a difference, or doing enough, or making progress on your goals and dreams. But the truth is YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE - you just have 'achievers amnesia' so you can't FEEL or SEE the difference you are making y. When you don't receive all you have done and become, you make choices based on pressure and lack and create stress and suffering for yourself. No bueno!  

In this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo will take you deep into your heart and soul to reveal and tap you into:

  • Why it is you don't feel like you are making a difference - and how to shift your perspective
  • 4 feminine super power tools for seeing & feeling the difference you are making - and believing it
  • A meditation to feel the difference you are making so you can go into the rest of your year and make your choices from a place of enoughness 

Plus, as often happens in Feminine Power Time, the feminine presence came streaming through to deliver a message to your heart about shifting your focus on the way you are measuring the difference you are making - in your life, in your work, in the lives of others, and in the world. Super feminine power.

Tune in to get a burst feminine power so you feel and see how you are making a difference right now!  

And for a piece of "You are Making Difference" Love Art from Christine visit  and this podcast.  

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