
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Jul 29, 2022

About two to three timess a year I feel the call to do one of these Feminine Wisdom for Intense and Changing Times sessions - where we take a pause, put our wise woman / wise being glasses on and take a deeper look at what is going on in the Field (the bigger collective world) and in our field (our own inner experiences, relationships and reality.)

So we can see what is real, what is needed, what the patterns are, and find the wisdom to navigate the now and the next. 

This session was taped live during the time span between July 25th and August 8th which is always a powerful time to elevate and expand your consciousness ... and liberate yourself from stuff you just don't want to carry with you or create from (you can google Mayan Day Out of Time, Lammas, Leo New Moon, or 8 8 Lions Gate to learn more). 

The intention of our exploration is to give you perspectives & practices to prepare you for the now and the next. 

Some of the wisdom models, practices and tools we'll work with is:

  • Triangle of Transformation
  • Sovereignty in the Swirl
  • This is not that
  • Co-Create from Momentum and Intention 
  • Be aware of the now and what's needed, AND keep the long game in mind. Put energy in both.
  • Focus on your part and your design. If you are not clear, create this space to get clear this year.
  • EOE - Evidence of Elevation
  • EOM - Evidence of Momentum

Lots of good wisdom to share - that's all I am going to say here. Tune in for more. Resources below. 


Upcoming Classes, Feminine Leadership & Professional Develoment Programs 

1. Choosing ME & WE - 4 Week Relationship Pop Up with me and Noah Martin, my partner.  Starts August 9th. 

2. Overwhelmed and Over It: Path to Sustainable Success, Impact & Wellbeing - 4 month Council & Experience for Professional Women - Starts first week of October.

3. Self Love Essentials - 12-week Training for those who guide others in emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and relational wellness. Starts Sept 13th 

4. Gather and Guide Your People - A Feminine Leadership Training, Creative Catalyst & Collaborative Council - for people who do or desire to create potent experiences -workshops, programs, classes, circles, events, retreats - online and in person - that lead to real connection & lasting transformation... AND sustain you. Starts early November. www.GatherandGuideYourPeople.cpm  

To get notifications of events, programs and happening - subscribe to my Wisdom Letter e-mail list at

Or join the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, our private online community at


1. Triangle of Transformation - video and model posted on Feminine Wisdom Cafe here.

2. The Feminine Super Power of Catalyze Podcast #161 -





May 6, 2022

Hello Dear One ... Every May I love to re-listen to and re-share this episode on MOTHER LOVE which I recorded in 2017, and the wisdom still stands... and the message still so needed for us all to hear, contemplate and put into practical action. I've updated the start and end with a special reading and practice this year.
What is Mother Love? Mother Love is so much more than we think it is.) So many of us are feeling stretched - being called to make changes, expansions, trust. In times like you need more "mother love" - it's so powerful! MOTHER LOVE does not just come from your birth mother.  And since most of us aren't taught what that is or how to source it, I am replaying this Feminine Power Time. If you've never heard it, tune in. If you have, re-listen this is medicine and a message that will bring clarity, confidence and courage to you at this time....


When you read the words ‘mother love’ you likely go right to thinking about the mother who gave birth to you or the mother who raised you. And while that mother definitely has a role to play in our lives, she cannot be our only source of “mother love.”

Mother love is... a specific kind of love that every human being needs – we don’t outgrow the need for it, although we sadly forget how much we do need it.

Mother love is… the deep, all-embracing, all-accepting, nourishing, nurturing, warm, safe, supportive love that soothes the places inside our hearts that feel scared and lonely.

Mother love is… the strong love that we can fall into when we are stressed, stretched, uncertain, and feeling like we just can’t handle what’s happening in our life.

Sourcing Mother Love is not something most of us were taught how to doIn this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo: Mother Love: The Feminine Love That Will Hold You Through Transition:

  • Reveal why one mother cannot be our only source of love – and how embracing this can wipe out all kinds of baggage and free you to receive the support, nurturing, courage, acceptance, patience, understanding and compassion
  • Define Mother Love – this is SO much more than the story or situation between you and your birth mother. Even if you had the greatest mother growing up, your need for more Mother Love doesn’t end.
  • See how the lack of Mother Love is often at the root of things like loneliness, feeling like you don’t belong, fear, not feeling like you have enough, are enough, not being cared for, not feeling supported  – these patterns will keep showing up if you don’t get to the root
  • Explore the powerful 3 Sources of Mother Love that are here for all of us - there is SO much of this support here for us beyond what we have been taught exists.
  • Learn simple practices you can do to invite this powerful, potent, feminine love into your heart and life –  including the Great Mother Bath

If you have not gotten your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World... here's the link - Get a copy and join the women daring to do it differently: 

This book is at it's heart mother love ... first advocating for ourselves and those we love and lead to be sustained, nurtured, cared for, safe, supported ... so then we can create organizations, a society, a culture, a world that reflects that for all people and planet. 


Other Links

1. Sovereign Woman. Sacred Relationship. wisdom session. Get access here.

2. Read the full write up and definition of Mother Love on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and share how you receive Mother Love.


And.... lastly.... Appreciate if you leave a Review or Share this with another person you feel would benefit from the wisdom shared.

Oct 18, 2021

Anger and grief are good human emotions. They have the potential to open up so much for us - individually and collectively. Lead to healing, breaking down barriers, breaking through to better realities.

The problem is that most humans weren't taught how to express anger or grief in healthy ways, so it comes out sideways in distorted ways, or it gets stuffed down until we blow up or get sick. Sometimes we are the receiver of that big emotional eruption and other times we are the "unleasher" or "erupter" on someone else.

Join me for this Feminine Power Time conversation - Sacred Rage. Holy Grief. - where we explore perspectives and practices around dealing with the kind of rage and grief that comes from people's/our wound, and how to it differently in ways that lead to wholeness. We will explore inquiries like:

How do we...

  • Discharge anger & grief? So it doesn't build up inside us and leak out or erupt in distorted ways? 
  • Have big emotions like rage and grief about the world, about our reality, about other people's actions or choices, without them consuming us? 
  • Using our big emotions to heal ourselves and ignite creative action that inspires? 
  • Deal with other peoples misdirected rage and grief?
  • Respond to the things that piss us off, in powerful ways that make the world better vs. adding to the chaos. 

See below for some of the practices I mention in the podcast. 

I've been contemplating this topic for weeks and weeks, waiting for the right moment to arise. Today it did. 

After you listen, share with me one insight you took away that spoke to your heart, or illuminated a wisdom bite for you. (on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe). 

With heart,



Resources mentioned:

Osho Dynamic Meditation

Kriya for Releasing Anger  



If this speaks to you, so appreciate you sharing it with a friend. Then the two of you can conversate about it too. And support each other in taking your big emotions and using them for healing and creating.

Sep 7, 2021

In the second part of our series on Staying Sane in an Insane World, this week we press the "elevate" button to get a wider, higher view of what's happening in our world landscape.

This practice of "pressing the elevate button" is how we find wisdom amongst the madness, find our way to center in the midst of chaos, and open up possibility, compassion and connection instead of more of the same game humankind has been stuck in some thousands of years.

I've been contemplating what I would share in this podcast "4 Perspectives for Staying Sane in an Insane World" as I've been in deep listening and observing mode. 

What I share are four perspectives to contemplate, consider, chew on, try on and be curious about. Take what resonates, leave the rest. All I ask is you come with an open heart and mind, in service to us each unlocking ourselves and all beings and life from the consciousness that just no longer serves. 

Some of what we'll explore:

  1. Duality Reality and Polarities that pull us apart and pit us against each other and the power of 'standing in and surrendering to the paradox" to access a new level of reality
  2. How we work in this world now in ways that support life and humans to thrive is not the same way we've worked in the past

  3. Breaking apart the matrix of a dominating, power-over, distorted masculine world and value system, that's kept us stuck in unsustainable, inequitable realities. 

  4. What action we can take by choosing who we will be as we go through this collective transformation.

Plus I will sing a little diddy for you at the end. 

Share the English paper I wrote that broke my heart open and opened my wise woman eyes.

I'll end us with a short meditation and leave you with these words:

Who do you choose to be?
Remember your personal healing matters. 
Believe your personal choices matter.
How will you give your gifts and voice to create the world you know in your heart is possible? 

See you there!



Upcoming Trainings, Programs and Experiences 

What I know about this fall and winter... 

1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils 2021/2022 - for women whose work and purpose is to re-imagine and re-design the way we work as a world ... through the field you work in and the presence you are ... and would love to have collaboration, guidance, wisdom, space with other conscious change makers.

Starts October 2021. Applications being accepted now.

2. Path of Self Love 12-week training for professional: Self Love Essentials: Specific Self Love Tools for emotional and mental wellness in our times  -  

3. Fierce Grace: Power Presence Purpose. Feminine Leadership Experience - 6-week, virtual - Starts Sept 29th. 

4. Overworked and Over It Virtual Workshop - date to come. Free admission with purchase of a book. 



The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas


Jul 4, 2021

Are the choices you are making creating freedom for you? Or are you unknowningly creating realities that keep you stuck, stressed and out of alignment with what you truly desire? Most of us subconsciously make choices that laden us down vs. liberate us... but how do you know? 

Take a power pause with Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher to shine a light on the ways in which you may be sabotaging your own freedom, so you can make sure you are making choices that lead to creating a life that supports and sustains what truly matters to you. In this episode of Feminine Power Time you'll gain wisdom on:

  • The 3 ways we sabotage their own freedom
  • How our unconscious needs to belong and have security lead us to make choices in our careers, relationships, home, lifestyles that cause us to sacrifice what matters most to us
  • Three common freedom stealers - The Golden Handcuffs, The Self Sacrifice Shackles and the Fishbowl Effect
  • How to make sure that the choices you are making are in alignment with what's true for YOUR Path 
  • How to identify specifically what's out of alignment, creating unnecessary pressure and how to free yourself - using a special feminine wisdom process created by Christine  

Make a conscious choice to gain the wisdom, tools and practices to keep you on your path, even if that means stepping outside of conventional wisdom and your comfort zone... And keep yourself out of overwhelm and burnout. 

I originally taped this episode in 2018, and re-taped the intro this year, during what I call "Liberation Weekend" - July 4th in the US. It's a powerful portal to liberate yourself from the unconscious constraints, judgements, expectations, and beliefs limiting and binding you.

May this bring you more awareness and more courage to make choices that create a life and career design that supports, sustains and empowers you to prosper on all levels. 

With heart



1. Join in the conversation on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe for this week:  

What is one self-created judgement, expectation, belief, or time pressure you can free yourself from this month? And what supportive imprint can you choose instead?  

Post yours and be inspired by other courageous souls - click here

This is our private online community off of social media, where we connect and share on the topic we are exploring in these podcasts and more. 

2. Get the Overwhelmed and Over It Book - learn about the Feminine Super Power of Creating Space  -

3. Share. Rate. Review this podcast - THANK YOU. This is  how we get the wisdom out to more people 


GO DEEPER. Learn More.

Current and Upcoming Programs with Christine

1. The Mid Year Power Pause - FLOW Focus Your Lifeforce On What Matters the 2nd half of the year. 

2. Personal Transformation and Feminine Leadership Mentoring and 

3. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - applications open now, we start in October. 



May 9, 2021

Hello Dear One ... Every May I love to re-listen to and re-share this episode on MOTHER LOVE which I recorded in 2017, and the wisdom still stands... and the message still so needed for us all to hear, contemplate and put into practical action. 

Mother Love is so much more than we think it is.) So many of us are feeling stretched - being called to make changes, expansions, trust. In times like you need more "mother love" - it's so powerful! MOTHER LOVE does not just come from your birth mother. 

And since most of us aren't taught what that is or how to source it, I am replaying this Feminine Power Time. If you've never heard it, tune in. If you have, re-listen this is medicine and a message that will bring clarity, confidence and courage to you at this time....

Next week we will start our three part series on how we can tap into and focus our feminine creative power to birth, make and co create the world we desire to live in. For now, soak in the Mother Love.

Much love to you xoxo Christine 


When you read the words ‘mother love’ you likely go right to thinking about the mother who gave birth to you or the mother who raised you. And while that mother definitely has a role to play in our lives, she cannot be our only source of “mother love.”

Mother love is... a specific kind of love that every human being needs – we don’t outgrow the need for it, although we sadly forget how much we do need it.

Mother love is… the deep, all-embracing, all-accepting, nourishing, nurturing, warm, safe, supportive love that soothes the places inside our hearts that feel scared and lonely.

Mother love is… the strong love that we can fall into when we are stressed, stretched, uncertain, and feeling like we just can’t handle what’s happening in our life.

Sourcing Mother Love is not something most of us were taught how to doIn this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo: Mother Love: The Feminine Love That Will Hold You Through Transition:

  • Reveal why one mother cannot be our only source of love – and how embracing this can wipe out all kinds of baggage and free you to receive the support, nurturing, courage, acceptance, patience, understanding and compassion
  • Define Mother Love – this is SO much more than the story or situation between you and your birth mother. Even if you had the greatest mother growing up, your need for more Mother Love doesn’t end.
  • See how the lack of Mother Love is often at the root of things like loneliness, feeling like you don’t belong, fear, not feeling like you have enough, are enough, not being cared for, not feeling supported  – these patterns will keep showing up if you don’t get to the root
  • Explore the powerful 3 Sources of Mother Love that are here for all of us - there is SO much of this support here for us beyond what we have been taught exists.
  • Learn simple practices you can do to invite this powerful, potent, feminine love into your heart and life –  including the Great Mother Bath

If you have not gotten your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World... here's the link - Get a copy and join the women daring to do it differently: 

This book is at it's heart mother love ... first advocating for ourselves and those we love and lead to be sustained, nurtured, cared for, safe, supported ... so then we can create organizations, a society, a culture, a world that reflects that for all people and planet. 

Jun 28, 2020

We often hear things like choose love over fear. Or that love is the only thing that is real. Or that we have the power within us to transform fear into love. But what does that really mean? And how does that apply to the massive transformation we are in collectively and personally right now, in a way that is practical?

Knowing how fear and love work within you, and how they can be used and show up within our collective social situations is essential at this time.

Fear can be used to manipulate, trigger, create fields of more fear in ways we don't even see... unless we know what to look for.

We can react to fear, vs. respond from love because of the primal imprints rooted in scarcity and fear that we don't even know are within us... unless we know what to look for. 

Most of us didn't get a Fear and Love 101, 201, 301 class in school. And with the amount of fear that is being activated, we could all use an uplevel of our consciousness to see the fear being triggered within us, and the fear being used to control, distract, and disconnect us from truth, love and freedom.

Within each of us lies the super power we need at this time to use the transformation happening to do what is called "alchemize and transmute" lower vibrations, to elevate and create higher vibrations, that have the power to lead us to healing, freeing and wholeness.

That's what we will do in today's session #3 of 3 in the Sacred Transformation Series: Let's Talk About the Power of Fear and Love, and How to Work with Both, Wisely.

We can use this energy to heal, free, and create new realities - for ourselves, others and this world - but not if we aren't wise about the energies within us, and around us, and what we are consciously or unconsciously contributing too. 

Here are some wisdom bytes to chew on and some ways to make what I shared in the podcast real, as awareness practices:

1. Where there is no fear, there is no anger, no anxiety, and no absoluteness. 

2. Become more aware of the root primal fears that have been imprinted into your body/mind/heart/spirit - through experiences you have had, and through the collective imprinting of this overculture. Fear of death, not feeling safe, not having enough, not being enough, etc.

3. Your body is like a broadcasting station that can emit and run frequency fear or love. Know the signs of both.Become more aware of when you respond from anger, anxiety and absolutes - that is fear. 

4. Fear has many shades as does Love, but in the English language we only have one word for love. Expand your understanding of Love = compassion, tenderness, patience, understanding, affection, fierce truth from the heart, kindness, connection and more.  

5. Become more aware of the interactions, situations, and 'fields' you are in, that cause you or others to react in anger, anxiety or absoluteness (it has to be this way, you have to do it this way).

6. Be conscious how you participate - don't engage in activity that adds to the frenzy, froth, fragmentation or reactivity. See it, even have compassion for it, just don't waste your chi on it.

7. To participate - ELEVATE and CREATE a deeper, expansive, love-centered conversation that seeks understanding and a higher consciousness. Or to participate ILLUMINATE the HATE, speaking from your fierce heart. 

8. Take care of your heart - feed it love, so it can be stronger in it's frequency, so you like a Phoenix Rising you can transmute and alchemize denser emotions through love into a higher reality for yourself and others. I'll share some ways in the podcast.

9. Open your WISE EYES to see how people and systems may be using fear to create a swirl or field of mass consciousness that feeds on fear and keeps people stuck in their lower minds. Say NO to letting that kind of energy be okay with you, for you, or for those you love and lead. 

So much to share, which is why in addition to this podcast series on Feminine Power Time, on July 5th, I am taking part in the Truth and Reconciliation Weekend, offering a Sacred Transformation: Creating a Path of Stability and Sustainability As We Shift. RSVP 

Together, rooted in love, for real, in it's power, we will rise, more free as people and planet .... this is possible. 

With love




More to connect into 

Sacred Transformation Wisdom Session : Creating a Path of Stability and Sustainability as We Shift - July 5th, live, or get the recording 

FLOW POWER PAUSE - take a pause to reflect and consider where to focus your life force and resources these next few months. Do anytime through July. 

FEMININE WISDOM WAY - July-Dec Session - For women who desire to walk forward more rooted in their feminine wisdom and full power, centered and clear from the inside out. Learn more and claim your spot today. 

Jun 19, 2020

The second in a 3 part series I titled SACRED TRANSFORMATION to guide us through these intense, changing, disruptive, heart-opening, consciousness awakening times ... so we can walk through this threshold of transformation in a way that leads us to a new way of living, leading, relating, succeeding that truly has the best interests of all life at the core... and so we have the energy and keep the momentum moving to stand what's no longer working, heal what needs healing, and have the energy to create the new way.    

Sacred transformation (which I defined deeply in part 1) is: being devoted and dedicated to change (no turning back), secured against violation and violence, regarded in reverance and respect, rooted in the intention of creating wholeness. Sacred transformation is challenging, and it's blessed, held by grace as we move through. 

In part 2 of this Feminine Power Time we dive into how we create significant and sustainable change so we don't burn out, numb out or let fear win.  

A few highlights:

  • We'll use the four stages of personal and social transformation to guide us to see where we are, where we've been, where we are going and what's needed.

  • The four stages of transformation. Awareness, Reflection, Change in the Moment and Integration, which leads us to elevation. 

  • The power of NO MORE! and #notonmywatch to stand individually and collectively for what we will no longer tolerate or accept in the 4 realms we are experiencing change: societial, systemic, generational and self. 

  • The second step we cannot bypass - Reflection. Why we must pause to reflect, listen and look around - not seek information but find and feel true compassion. If we don't acknowledge what is, and accept it, we cant be free of it ... even if our brains know it's not okay.
  • The power of fierce compassion and how to be with the suffering of others and this world, to break open the power and wisdom in your heart, in a way that doesn't short circuit you or cause you to feel like you have to take it all on.

  • The dangers we need to be aware of that can disrupt the power of sacred transformation - What keeps us from being able to eradicate or change these things that we know are not okay - and how to stay awake to the forces that want to create separation and polarization and fear and confusion.

  • How to keep yourself emotionally sustained and in your heart - I'll share the two parts of our human and soul heart, and how to take care of both of yours.
  • Pace yourself to sustain yourself. The waves of changes and catalysts are not stopping. There are a LOT of NO MORES! we need to change in this world. I'll share a way to think about this in cycles, and a wake up call to notice how the systems will try to get you riled up and full of rage to burn you out.

  • Stay focused on your part, without guilt or pressure to 'do more' - We each have a personal transformation that's being required of us now. And we each have a part to play in the elevation of this world. We need to call BullS**T on the storyline we are not doing enough... where we create toxic unsustainable pressure... and instead stay PRESENT and listening for what our part is to take action on. We start this conversation this week. And dive into more next week. 

I will end us with a blessing, from the tree of life, the tree of wisdom, which was written by my dear soul sister Shiloh Sophia McCloud whose birthday is today.

Tune in. May this ignite your fierce heart to see and embrace the power you have AND give you permission to do what you need to stay sustained through this shift. We NEED your light and love. Don't burn out that light. It's going to be a journey over years, not months, to destruct, preserve and create. 

with great heart



May 30, 2020

How Do We Go From Here?  Permission to Replenish, Reset and Receive. 

Hello dear ones... I sat down this morning to tune into what we really needed these next few weeks because whew! it has been a very intense several weeks. And I wanted to set us all up for the reset I am feeling our bodies, hearts, minds and spirits really need.

Not to disconnect. Not to go back to normal. But to just take a BREATH. 

Our nervous systems have been at defcon 5. We need a downshift that gives us some space. So consider this a permission slip to reset, tend to your weary heart ... and also look ahead to how to approach these next few weeks and months.

After an intense and powerful day in sisterhood and circle with women who are choosing to show up for co creating the new world, but are also tired and need a break, I taped this for you this evening before I head into my weekly Sabbath practice.  Where I just tune into being present with my surrounding as is - no media or electronics.

Tune in. 

It's deep and practical. 

See you there.

With great heart,


Coming up - RSVP to get the invitation to

1. FLOW the Mid Year Power Pause - 

Starts June 14th - RSVP for the invitation. space to really tune into what is right and true for you moving forward. To create a path for the year ahead.

2. Feminine Wisdom Way summer/fall session - - do the power pause and receive structure and sisterhood for the rest of the year. 

May 16, 2020

What's Not Sustainable Any Longer? Finding Our Power to Create the World We Want to Live in. #3 of 4 in the Harmonize to Rise Series on Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo. 

Hello dear ones... I have been deep in book edits but was SOOO looking forward to this conversation with you that I could not wait one more week to have it! So my notes this week are short.

Basically, tune in. 

As we move into this next phase of our global wake up catalyst shift there's an inquiry essential for us to be in - so we don't miss the possibility and gift of this experience, so we do step into our power to do things differently and create the world we want to live in. 

I'm sending you much love from the Puget Sound where the eagles and crows were swooping through the skies after I completed this session. Interesting given the crow is the symbol of the wise woman, and the eagle a symbol for the power of the current power systems (although it means much more than that!) I think they were dancing.... as we are all finding a new way....

Don't go back to normal.

Wake up your wise woman eyes. Feel your power. Expand your consciousness.

Next week, we explore more. This week i have an inquiry to bring into all parts of your life..

"What is no longer sustainable? For yourself. in relationship. In work. in wealth and health? And for the planet? for your family? for the communities you are in? 

See you there.

With great heart,


p.s Remember since you are here with me and we are connected, you receive access to the Stay Harmonized Sessions, a love offering for my community .... 

p.p.s I extended the 40 Day Burnout to Balance Practice through May - 

More to come on the summer including the June Flow Power Pause. And more. 




May 8, 2020

Hello Dear One ... Every May I love to re-listen to and re-share this episode on MOTHER LOVE (which is so much more than we think it is.) So many of us are feeling stretched - being called to make changes, expansions, trust. In times like you need more "mother love" - it's so powerful! MOTHER LOVE does not just come from your birth mother. And since most of us aren't taught what that is or how to source it, I am replaying this Feminine Power Time. If you've never heard it, tune in. If you have, re-listen this is medicine and a message that will bring clarity, confidence and courage to you at this time....

Next week we will resume our Harmonize and Rise Series with session #3, where we dive into the ways of working and living in our world that are no longer working for you... so instead of falling back into normal, you rise in a reality that supports, and sustains you. For now, soak in the Mother Love.

Much love to you xoxo Christine 


When you read the words ‘mother love’ you likely go right to thinking about the mother who gave birth to you or the mother who raised you. And while that mother definitely has a role to play in our lives, she cannot be our only source of “mother love.”

Mother love is... a specific kind of love that every human being needs – we don’t outgrow the need for it, although we sadly forget how much we do need it.

Mother love is… the deep, all-embracing, all-accepting, nourishing, nurturing, warm, safe, supportive love that soothes the places inside our hearts that feel scared and lonely.

Mother love is… the strong love that we can fall into when we are stressed, stretched, uncertain, and feeling like we just can’t handle what’s happening in our life.

Sourcing Mother Love is not something most of us were taught how to doIn this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo: Mother Love: The Feminine Love That Will Hold You Through Transition:

  • Reveal why one mother cannot be our only source of love – and how embracing this can wipe out all kinds of baggage and free you to receive the support, nurturing, courage, acceptance, patience, understanding and compassion
  • Define Mother Love – this is SO much more than the story or situation between you and your birth mother. Even if you had the greatest mother growing up, your need for more Mother Love doesn’t end.
  • See how the lack of Mother Love is often at the root of things like loneliness, feeling like you don’t belong, fear, not feeling like you have enough, are enough, not being cared for, not feeling supported  – these patterns will keep showing up if you don’t get to the root
  • Explore the powerful 3 Sources of Mother Love that are here for all of us - there is SO much of this support here for us beyond what we have been taught exists.
  • Learn simple practices you can do to invite this powerful, potent, feminine love into your heart and life –  including the Great Mother Bath

To dive deeper into the feminine connection with Christine Arylo, attend one of her virtual or in person Feminine Wisdom Sessions or Retreats - go here for more details 

Or join Christine for The Feminine Wisdom Way - it opens again in June with the mid year power pause - go to - 

Apr 24, 2020

Have you been feeling any of the emotional waves? In yourself, where emotions like anxiety flutter or flow through your heart? Or emotions like frustration and anger come welling and firing up and out?

How about in others? Noticed or picked up other people's fear, frustration or feelings and not known what to do with it? Or found yourself feeling deep grief where you just have to sit down and cry or go to sleep - that's you falling into the waves of the collective emotions. 

In the reality that we are moving through you should expect your emotions to rise up ... you just don't want to let them run you. You should expect other people's energy to try to stir up and muck up your own .... but you don't want to bite at the invitation, or get your emotional field meshed up with theirs.

And you should expect you are going to have days, hours where it's all just too much, and you need to release the energy of the collective your feeling.  

But how to you BE with your emotions, without being run by them?

How do you be present with others without taking on their stuff?

How do you stay informed without being infected, by the ENERGY of fear that is the bigger danger that can take hold?

How can you work with this energy to support your personal transformation and elevation? 

That's what we will dive into in this episode of Feminine Power Time, 122: Riding the Emotional Waves: How to Work with Your Feeling to Reveal Wisdom, Power and Healing, #2 of 4 in our Harmonize to Rise Series. 

This global catalyst that is affecting every human on the planet isn't something to get over, or wait out ... it is a powerful force you and I can work with, if you wake up to where your power is, where your fear is (YOUR HEART)... and then take the steps to be with what's within you... so you can heal it, release what you no longer need (harmonize) ... and then rise up and through the possibility at catalyst of this magnitude offers us.

During intense times in which are emotions can get stirred up like big wave, you want to have the self awareness and skills to stay on your surfboard, know when to stand and when to just lay down, and what to do when you fall off your center and into the emotional swirl so you can get back on.

Some of what we'll dive into today:

  1. What love cracks and overculture imprints may be unconsciously driving your emotions and thoughts 
  2. Is your mind or your heart your power center? Which do you know better and trust? 
  3. Discern between YOUR emotions and the emotions of others or the collective - so you only work with yours
  4. Don't miss this opportunity to release and heal the heart and soul parts within yourself that have kept you small, striving, driving, trying to succeed in the overculture, martrying yourself or too busy to realize you aren't living in alignment 

And then embrace your power GO DEEPER and find the wisdom your heart and body have for you. 

Then instead of setting up camp in a new normal that is only 5% better or running back to all the ways your life wasn't working in harmony before... you will have insight and super power to expand beyond what your mind can see, to step into the reality your heart and soul knows is possible.

See you there!

Note the fierce feminine came flowing through at the end ... so make sure to listen all the way through.

With great heart,


To Go Deeper ... 

1. The annual Burnout to Balance 40-Day Practice: Embrace your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World -  Start anytime in April - 

2. Stay Harmonized! Weekly Sessions with Christine - love offering for my community through May - 

3. Yoga of Self Love: Simple practices for Staying Connected to Yourself Everyday  - 

4. Personal Transformational Mentorship with Christine - learn more at 


Apr 16, 2020

Harmonize. To get yourself aligned on the inside so that the choices you make and the way you show up in your day to day come from the deeper truth and knowing within you. Harmonize. To choose to connect with your higher Self - your Wise Woman/Man/Being" - who knows how to walk through any threshold (change) because it is deeply attuned to Grace, the Divine, Expanded Possibility. 

I've been thinking of you all! Waiting for the words to come about what is needed to support us all to stay awake, aware, wise and clear.

As we walk through what is called a "threshold crossing", a catalyst, a challenge beckoning us to change, as individuals and a society, culture and world, with lots of uncertainty ... what is needed is for each of us to stay awake, be wise, stay harmonized ... so together we can rise.  

This Feminine Power Time, 121: Harmonize to Rise: Wake Up to Your Wise Self and Let Her Lead, is #1 of 4 in the series on Crossing Over to a New World, not a New Normal. 

What we are experiencing in the world right now is like one of those major catalysts that happen in a life that gives you both the challenge and the grace to make significant shifts, quantum leaps ...

The kind that can propel us into a world personally and collectively that can create more harmony, connection and wholeness vs. so much of what we've been tolerating or assimilating into for a long time.

It is a challenging intense time... we need to be aware and with it, and we also don't want to miss the expansion and possibility here for us by running to find a new normal.   

Today, we start by diving into our own inner worlds - connecting to that deep wisdom within you ... to support you to get harmonized on the inside, so as you walk through this catalyst you can work with the energy and reality to expand and rise into what your heart and soul is oh so ready for. 

Tune in ....  let's talk about how to stay present to what is... how to RESET your rhythm and patterns to support and sustain you through this threshold... how to get clear and real about what is calling for you to RELEASE so you can RISE... and tap deep into your wisdom self to reveal what you need to REMEMBER to help you walk through this threshold crossing to trust the process, walk step by step and rise into what is next.

Wherever this finds you today, I am sending you much LOVE!

Stay awake. Be wise. Stay harmonized. Together we rise. 



For More Practices for Staying Harmonized, Centered and Clear 

1. The annual Burnout to Balance 40-Day Practice: Embrace your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World -  Start anytime in April - 

2. Stay Harmonized! Weekly Sessions with Christine - love offering for my community through May - 

3. Yoga of Self Love: Simple practices for Staying Connected to Yourself Everyday  - 




p.s. A clarification on one of the metaphors I used in the episode.. I have nothing against Kansas. I have never actually been to Kansas :) So for anyone from Kansas or who love it, or whose ancestors pioneereed there, love to you! and please receive the metaphor as just that. xoxo 

Mar 28, 2020

Every year at the start of the year and as the quarter turns I do a special Feminine Power Time focused on spiritual insight and feminine wisdom for the intensity we are facing personally and globally at the time. This year, the intensity I think we can agree just wratched up about 25 or 2500 degrees.

We are in midst of a global, social, and personal catalyst. 

Our minds want to make sense, make sure we are safe, know what will happen, and search for information. Our minds are not the tool we need at this time. Because this isn't about figuring stuff out - it's about being with what is... pulling our heads above the chaos to see a greater truth and pattern ... while also creating stability for our human hearts.

This isn't the time to react and pivot ... it's the time to plant and ground and get clear about what you need to stabilize yourself and what and who you care for. To set the structures so you can stay harmonized or get re-harmonized when you get tweaked out, twisted up, or turned around (which you will). 

What's needed now is the deeper spiritual wisdom and mystical wisdom that we can use practically at this time to support us to strengthen our capacity to meet the intensity... and instead of holding on to the old or giving away our power to the systems or running back to try and establish normal we RISE UP and connect to a deeper purer wisdom that seeks to create new realities. 

But first we stabilize and harmonize ourselves so we can rise. And that is not just about our mind and immune systems. Hearts, nervous systems and magnetic fields too. 

I've been waiting to do this Feminine Power Time until I was clear on what spiritual wisdom and insight wanted to come through... I've been listening to what is real, what it needed and what our human hearts need.

I sat Saturday morning with coffee in my A CUP OF LOVE mug, beeswax candle lit, and this is what came streaming through. 

May this serve to support you as we walk through this threshold. 

See you there. 

Much love,



Wisdom Inquiries

1. How can I stabilize myself, and who and what I care for? (Consider this for the next one or two months).

2. What are the practices that I do as my bookend practice to harmonize my mind, body, heart and magnetic field? What practices do I have to re-harmonize myself when I get tweaked out, turned around or twisted up? 

3. What places do I have to connect that support my energy and harmonize me? What places am I connecting that drain me? 

4. What is Wisdom trying to show me? What inquiries are arising with a new set of eyes tuned into the mystical and material? (the rise post stabilize) 

Support, structure and community for you

1. Weekly STAY HARMONIZED Sessions with Christine 
Love Offering for My Communities - to keep you from getting tweaked out, turned around and twisted up, and/or to re-set and re-harmonize if you do. 

Access and RSVP here 

2. Annual Burnout to Balance 40-Day Practice - Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World
Full of wisdom and practice to help you take a deeper look within at what needs to be redesigned and released and created, and the practices that create a sustainable rhythm, re-harmonize, release stress and increase vitality.  Start anytime in April 

3. Save the Date - Feminine Wisdom Weekend Virtual Retreat - May 2/3. 


Jan 17, 2020

Today I invite you to consider this powerful inquiry - one you have not likely asked yourself before: What is Holding Me? I know it sound esoteric, vast, vague, maybe even irrelevant to your day to day reality. But trust me, if you want to stay centered, calm, clear in this chaotic world, you want to know. 

Feeling held is the tap root of your courage to step out, make changes, and speak up. When you feel held fear cannot derail you. When you feel held you are so clear within yourself that confusion, doubt, and anxiety melt away.

But what does feeling held mean?

And what is holding you, really, as you step into 2020 and beyond? 

And what do you need to know to make sure that just as a tree is held by its roots in the ground, and the network of other trees, that you have what you need to weather the storms that are surely ahead?

One of my super powers is creating powerful inquiries that open up portals to deeper wisdom within us, questions that expand what's possibility and that shift our perspective so we can do things differently. 

As we face 2020 and beyond, and I've been in my EMERGE Visioning and Intention Setting process, powerful inquiries that have been blowing my mind and opening up my imagination and intuition have been popping up like popcorn! I've been having deep conversations with friends about these and it's been altering how I choose to focus my life force in 2020. Giving me clarity.


In this Feminine Power Time: What is Holding You? #1 of 3 in a series I'm calling Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself for 2020 and Beyond to Stay Centered, Calm, and Clear in Intense Changing Times we will dive into this inquiry together. 

Making powerful inquiries is one of the feminine wisdom way tools we use to gain access to our own intuition and to the imaginal field of possibility, and to Divine guidance.

So no bullet points for you to read here.

Just tune in. I promise it will be practical and relevant, and perhaps shape your choices and focuses in ways that are not only enlightening but truly empowering. 

Just as a tree must be held to grow strong, so you must be too.

For you who likely holds so much for others, what is holding you?

How do you cultivate the inner knowing that you are held? And how does that change everything? 

With great heart,



Feminine Wisdom Way 2020 - Live, Lead and Succeed the Way Women Work Best. 

Circle closes on Jan 19th.  

Join us. 



Jan 11, 2020

Every year in January I wait to do this special Feminine Power Time session until the timing feels just right. This year, it was exactly on the first full moon of the year, a wolf moon, eclipse just as the sun was setting on the Puget Sound across from my studio window.

I’ve been thinking of you all for weeks and what would emerge to be shared on the yearly “Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead” episode.

After weeks of being in my own reflection and visioning process, watching what’s happening in the world, deepening in my own practice and listening for guidance from Wisdom with a capital W, once again, a series of ‘wisdom bytes’ flowed out.

Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead - 202-, a yearly occurrence here at Feminine Power Time. It’s not about fortune telling, it’s about reading the signs all around us, feeling the knowings within us, and then being WISE about what is happening in the world and how we desire and choose to show up.

Feminine wisdom teaches us to prepare for the intensity, uncertainty, transformation and change that is just part of how the world is operating right now.

Not to brace yourself for it, but to embrace it, pace yourself through it and cultivate the vitality, resilience and wisdom you’ll need to stay elevated above the fray and the chaos.

Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and women’s leadership and empowerment teacher, as we dive in. 

See you there!



Wisdom Inquiries

1. Where are you not showing up in your full presence? Where are you?

2 What is your soul stretch in 2020?

3. Where are you separating or isolating instead of connecting and including? 

4. What support do you need to 'do' what you desire, need to, or are being asked to in 2020?

5. How are you cultivating sisterhood? What else do you need? 

6. What are your practices for staying centered and slowing down? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly? 

Programs and Classes

1. Different Way to Dream -

2. Feminine Wisdom Way - Vision, Plan, Focus and Grow the Way Women Work Best - 

Dec 28, 2019

What does it mean to be connected to Spirit? How do you trust that the Universe really has your back? How do you create a real, embodied relationship with the Divine, one that you can feel and work with in your daily life? Whatever you call this force or don't, in these intense times, if we want to stay clear, calm, on our soul's path, able to meet the challenges and expand in the possibilities, we need a personal, embodied relationship with the Divine.

But what does mean, and how do you do establish and keep this relationship strong, as an empowered human? So you can create the realities for yourself, others and this world you can feel in your heart are possible? 

Taking a step beyond religion constructs or estoreric spiritual concepts, join me for this Feminine Power Time: Plug into Your Divine Downline: 3 Ways to Create a Stronger Connection with the Universe, #3 of 3 in our Trinity of Connection Series. 

Whatever your beliefs and path are you are welcome in this conversation which is meant to be a way to expand and strengthen this very personal connection to the Divine/Universe/God/Force - whatever you call it.  I will call it the Divine for simplicity. You choose whatever language works for you.

Some of what we'll dive into:

  • What does it mean to have a "RELATIONSHIP" to the Divine? As a co-creative partner?
  • Going beyond law of attraction to the practice of co-creation to elevate our practice of how we vision, create our lives, manifest our dreams, do our work
  • What is Grace? Really? How do you work with grace to make better choices? Struggle less? Spend your life force in more sustainable ways? 
  • Practices to strengthen your relationship and connection to this 'force' and presence
  • Elevated way to approach visioning, intention setting, achieving and manifesting desires

I felt so strongly we needed this series at this time to elevate our awareness about connection. 

You and I need connection - but what is it really? We just dove into the three points of connection we need in our lives - Self (heart desires and soul path)... Others (intimate and collective community)... Divine. 

As you step into this next cycle and set intentions, make changes, go for you dreams, take these points of connection into deep consideration. Make sure they are part of the practices and support you cultivate consciously. Connection is the net , the web that will hold you true to your soul's path and heart's desires... give you the courage and clarity you need to step forward into the unknown... and provide you with the guidance you need to create realities that go beyond what you've known before or what you see in the mainstream consciousness. 

I look forward to our journey ahead!!

Much love,


p.s. I LOVE and appreciate the reviews and ratings for Feminine Power Time. Helps me keep going and also helps others find us. 

If inspired, please RATE, REVEIW & SHARE Feminine Power Time - on Itunes or on your podcast app.

Upcoming Happenings, Programs and Retreats

  1. Reflection Ritual - 
  2. A Different Way to Dream: Vision, Focus and Plan the Feminine Way - free class - Jan 2 or recording - 
  3. Feminine Wisdom Way 2020 - Visioning, Intention Setting and Focusing in the Way Women Work Best - Starts Jan 5th - 


Jul 18, 2019

We live in a time when you just can't plan out your life 3, 5, 10 years in advance and then follow 'the plan' - although our minds and desires for safety would love that. We live in a time when the world is changing fast, and we are each being 'called up' to new sacred assignments, ways of living and working that our soul signed up for.

These 'soul stretches' and catalysts are calling for us each to step out of comfort zones and step into into a zone where we often can't see how it will work out, how it can work out and if it will work out.

This is where the Feminine Wisdom teaching - the feminine super power of Stepping in the Unknown comes in. It's a different way of operating that most of us were not taught, but it is a REAL thing. In this Feminine Power Time, Stepping in the Unknown with Courage and Clarity to Chart the Path Ahead: Planning the Feminine Wisdom Way, the 3rd in our series on Feminine Wisdom, I'll share the wisdom teaching on Stepping in the Unknown. And make it personal for you so you can work with it and can step through the changes coming with grace and courage, feeling and being supported, including:

  • Why the way we've been trained to plan and strategize and create goals won't work - and an elevated, wiser way to approach creating your work, life, relationships that does
  • Wisdom about your Soul Codex  - what it is, how it to activate, access and align with it so you can access the wisdom needed to chart your path ahead and find you way 
  • How you can find your way through the uncertainty and unknown - so you don't get lost in the dark or get scared and turn back or move too fast or stretch too far and screw yourself up 
  • How to create a 'path' for crossing whatever threshold your soul is calling you into - there is a wise way and a stupid way to make changes :) 
  • Stories about how I've navigated the unknown to make choices from courage, and worked with other women to cross thresholds - there is wisdom to tell us how to "do" this differently
  • Personal reflection and meditation on your current threshold crossings - so we can make sure you don't try and straddle the grand canyon or get lost in the wilderness

If you missed the previous Feminine Wisdom Series episodes, #68 on Intuitive Attunement & #67 on Synchronicity with guest Nilima Bhat from Shakti Leadership, tune in! 


Finally the Feminine Power Time Survey is ready for your input. Please go to and share your thoughts ... THANK YOU! I will be reading them all. 


May 12, 2019

So many women I'm talking with are feeling stretched - being called to make changes, expansions, trust. In times like this week need more "mother love" - it's so powerful, does not just come from your birth mother. And since most of us aren't taught what that is or how to source it, I am replaying this Feminine Power Time. If you've never heard it, tune in. If you have, re-listen this is medicine and a message that will bring clarity, confidence and courage to you at this time.... 


When you read the words ‘mother love’ you likely go right to thinking about the mother who gave birth to you or the mother who raised you. And while that mother definitely has a role to play in our lives, she cannot be our only source of “mother love.”

Mother love is... a specific kind of love that every human being needs – we don’t outgrow the need for it, although we sadly forget how much we do need it.

Mother love is… the deep, all-embracing, all-accepting, nourishing, nurturing, warm, safe, supportive love that soothes the places inside our hearts that feel scared and lonely.

Mother love is… the strong love that we can fall into when we are stressed, stretched, uncertain, and feeling like we just can’t handle what’s happening in our life.

Sourcing Mother Love is not something most of us were taught how to doIn this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo: Mother Love: The Feminine Love That Will Hold You Through Transition:

  • Reveal why one mother cannot be our only source of love – and how embracing this can wipe out all kinds of baggage and free you to receive the support, nurturing, courage, acceptance, patience, understanding and compassion
  • Define Mother Love – this is SO much more than the story or situation between you and your birth mother. Even if you had the greatest mother growing up, your need for more Mother Love doesn’t end.
  • See how the lack of Mother Love is often at the root of things like loneliness, feeling like you don’t belong, fear, not feeling like you have enough, are enough, not being cared for, not feeling supported  – these patterns will keep showing up if you don’t get to the root
  • Explore the powerful 3 Sources of Mother Love that are here for all of us - there is SO much of this support here for us beyond what we have been taught exists.
  • Learn simple practices you can do to invite this powerful, potent, feminine love into your heart and life –  including the Great Mother Bath

To dive deeper into the feminine connection with Christine Arylo, attend one of her virtual or in person Feminine Wisdom Sessions or Retreats - go here for more details 

Or join Christine for The Feminine Wisdom Way - 

Or The Path of Self Love Training at Kripalu this Summer. 

May 3, 2019

What change is calling you? What threshold are you stepping over? What transition does your heart desire and your soul know it is time for, now?

And how do you walk into, through this transition in your full power and presence, supported and led not forcing and pushing? Or holding back or reverting to who and how you have been in the past?

I've been feeling called to have this conversation with you - about passing through what are called "Thresholds" - a term I learned from John O'Donohue, a beautiful teacher, poet, celtic mystic, writer and human advisor. I'll read his writing on THRESHOLDS at the start of our session to elevate how you think about change and transition in a way that makes it so much more empowering, potent and graceful. 

Fierce grace is the HOW we walk through change when we are fully embodied in our feminine power and wisdom. It's how we live our lives. 

And today, in this Feminine Power Time with me Christine Arylo, "Making Changes with Fierce Grace: Feminine Wisdom for Changing Times & Personal Transition " I invite you to:

  • Claim the Change Calling You. Bring whatever transition or change you are going through in your life or that you desire -career, relationships, health, location, expression?
  • Open up to a more empowering way to embrace and engage with the change 
  •  Learn what graceful change looks and feels like, vs change that destroys or creates suffering - and how to 'do it'
  • Consider how the mythos and energy of the PHOENIX can support you to release what is no longer needed and the RISE to your next expression and elevation 
  • Take a stand for yourself - a FIERCE stand -for what matters to you at this time ... why this change MUST happen. 

 And of course, we will do this all from your power center - the HEART.


I create these special Feminine Power Time episodes "Feminine Wisdom for Changing & Intense Times" to speak whatever wisdom I am being guided to share at this specific time based on what I am noticing and hearing from the people I work with - and seeing in myself. 

And based on the natural cycles and energy that is avaiable for us to work with as we lead, live and succeed in our lives a different way, having a impact and making a difference a sustainable way... as citizens of a universe not consumers driven by a machine... as self empowered sacred rebels here to show a different way, not follow the conventional status quo.

I'll drop these in for you 8 times a year, at the natural "flow" turning points - the four major turns, the equinoxes, solstices and then the 4 minor turns. These are the shifts of seasons no matter where you live, by which the earth and the cosmos operates. If you get in sync with them, you gain super power and your life, work and relationships get into sync too. 

For more on these cycles, join me at  



1. NAME & CLAIM THE CHANGE / THRESHOLD - What threshold / transition are you standing at or walking through? What change is calling you, and what is the call? 

2. INVITE IN GRACE - What needs to be released so you can rise? What needs to be preserved so you can be sustained through this threshold? 

3. TAKE A FIERCE STAND - What does this transition matter to you? If you were being an advocate for yourself, what would you say NO to and what would you say YES TO?



#it is wise in your life to recognize and acknowledge key thresholds @johnodonohue 

#when making big changes you can go it alone and suffer or you can invite in grace to guide you and feel supported

#make no move before grace goes before you 

#take a stand for what matters to you 

#embrace the change calling you, and walk into the fire of transformation open hearted and you will rise wiser and fuller 



1:1 Harmonize & Rise Transformational Mentorship with Christine Arylo - learn more at  

The Feminine Wisdom Way - living, leading and succeeding the feminine way. Create and work in the flow.



Rate. Review and Share Feminine Power Time! Do it on Itunes or from your phone. 

Thank you. 

To Get a Copy of Thresholds writing by John O'Donohue read by Christine, go to the Wisdom Blog at www.   

Mar 15, 2019

I am always over the moon thrilled when Spring Equinox rolls around - the vernal equinox which used to be the start of our calendar year before the calendar was changed by humans. It's the time on the planet where naturally things start to emerge, to sprout, to come up after a winter slumber. But in our mainstream world, we've already been hustling and working hard for months.

It's the time when if we were farmers we would plant our crops, choose what we were to grow and then work it equinox to equinox to reap an abundant harvest. Our work, business, project, wealth and relationships are no different.

It is also the time when our bodies naturally desire and need different food, they want to lighten up, cleanse and purify. Its the best time for elevating the practices, rituals and habits that create the structure and reality of how your life flows.

I never learned this in my traditional schooling or leadership training. I learned it through my wisdom training and my desire to seek a way to have the impact I desired, grow my work and wealth AND sustain my health ... to create a WHOLE LIFE in which I didn't have to push and work so hard.

I have much to share during the Spring which is why I hold retreats, power pauses and do my annual 40-Day Burnout to Balance practice. 

In this episode of Feminine Power Time, "The Power of Spring: Using the Energy of Seasonal Shift to Focus Your Work & Fuel Your Life Force", join me Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, where I'll get you started with:

  • Illuminate the imbalances in your life, relationships and work so you can get honest about what's not working and re-harmonize 
  • Learn the 8 realms of a whole harmonized life, so you can create one
  • How to think about your work in a way that helps you focus your life force and resources vs. try and do it all, or waste energy on what doesn't matter
  • How to prioritize what you focus on in a way that gives the right amount of energy and time to the projects and relationships with the most potential to grow
  • How to make sure you don't over give your time and energy to projects and people and drain yourself 
  • Elevate how you relate to your body and life force 
  • How to shift your habits and practices for the Spring based on what your body needs

To learn more about the 8 realms of a whole life, see the visual and do the harmony assessment - get the Fierce Grace feminine wisdom session Christine Arylo video streamed at or listen to it on the podcast Salon.

Upcoming retreats

Elevate: Power, Presence and Purpose. Feminine Leadership Retreat April 25-28 

Harmonize Spring Power Pause Seattle with Ellevate Women's Network: March 23rd, Urban 1/2 Day retreat. 

Upcoming 40-Day Practices

From Burnout to Balance: Create a More Sustainable Less Stressful Rhythm to your Life.  



Jan 21, 2019

Every year in January I wait to do this special Feminine Power Time session until the timing feels just right. This year, it was exactly on the first full moon of the year, a wolf moon, super moon, blood moon, eclipse just as the sun was setting on the Puget Sound across from my studio window.

I’ve been thinking of you all for weeks and what would emerge to be shared on the yearly “Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead” episode.

After weeks of being in my own reflection and visioning process, watching what’s happening in the world, deepening in my own practice and listening for guidance from Wisdom with a capital W, once again, a series of ‘wisdom bytes’ flowed out.

Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead - 2019, a yearly occurrence here at Feminine Power Time. It’s not about fortune telling, it’s about reading the signs all around us, feeling the knowings within us, and then being WISE about what is happening in the world and how we desire and choose to show up.

Feminine wisdom teaches us to prepare for the intensity, uncertainty, transformation and change that is just part of how the world is operating right now.

Not to brace yourself for it, but to embrace it, pace yourself through it and cultivate the vitality, resilience and wisdom you’ll need to stay elevated above the fray and the chaos.

Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and women’s leadership and empowerment teacher, as we:

  • Get real and honest about the ELEVATION the world is going through, and our individual part in it
  • Why ELEVATE is one of my favorite and most powerful words -and how it can support you in the years to come
  • Reveal what you need to know about what you don’t know - cuz you don't know what you don't know! 
  • Explore what level of consciousness is keeping you stuck at baser levels of reality, and what is needed to expand your possibility, change your reality, and keep you growing in a way that stretches but doesn’t stress you.
  • Share what Michele Obama and my two greatest spiritual mentors say about pacing ourselves so we don’t burnout
  • The 3 kinds of practices you want to be cultivating this year so you can stay centered, calm, focused, energized and healthy
  • How to think about the support you need for the coming year
  • How you have the power within to change the distortions in power, greed, consumption by your choices and what you are willing to see and explore within yourself

2019 will be full of change, transformation and uncertainty. Wise women prepare themselves with the practices, wisdom and support they need to walk through the storm with grace.


And if you desire more Feminine Wisdom, support, wisdom, structure and sisterhood… join me for



  • ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion 3-Day Retreat - April 25-28 - Seattle Coast  Invitation details here. 22 spaces available.
  • March 23. HARMONIZE 2019. Seattle. A Spring Power Pause. Feminine Power for Creating a Successful and Sustainable Life in Which You Can Really Thrive. WIth the Ellevate Women’s Network. Learn more here.
  • EAST COAST: Feminine Wisdom Weekend - Mid Year Power Pause. Super Powers for Staying Strong and True to Yourself. Kripalu July 19-21 Learn More Here.



  • Burnout to Balance Annual Spring Re-Harmonizer Practice. Starts March 2019.



* Path of Self Love Teacher Training - March 5th through May 2019 - virtual, attend from anywhere in the world - learn more 

* Path of Self Love Teacher Training, in person - July 21-26 - In Person Kripalu, come for a 5-day immersion and intensive 







Dec 28, 2018

As we embark on the journey into a new year poised to be full of more intensity, change and stepping into the unknown, it’s oh so essential to make sure that your Wisdom Channels are as clear as possible

The challenge is that you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it. The Universe is trying to get your attention, trying to show you things you can't see or understand yet, or maybe you don't want to see (because then you would have to do something about it!)

You can waste a lot of time and life force walking around in the dark, trying to figure things out, holding onto the same patterns because your CONSCIOUSNESS has not awoken to the next level of awareness and insight, yet.

Which is why I created this 3 part series of Feminine Power Time for you called EMERGE - to support you to emerge into the new year with more access to self-awareness and to a higher level of wisdom as to how you work, the world works and how you can best work within it.

You can't change what you can't see...
and once you see it, you must do something with it.

Don't fear this... embrace it. So much more power and wisdom await you if your willing to open your eyes to new realities and possibilities. 

This 2nd in the EMERGE series is called: AWAKEN: Wake Up to What the Universe is Trying to Show You about You!  I invited a guest to join us for a deep, real and enlightening conversation to give yourself space to AWAKEN… to adjust to the light, to stretch your body, to wake up gently but purposely into the new year. To consider what wisdom and guidance the Universe is knocking on your door trying to show you. 

 Awakening is not something you do one time in your life. If you are wise, it's something you do again and again. 

This time of year - the thresholds between years and the start of a new cycle - give you special super powers to access expanded levels of insight about yourself, the world, and the systems and relationships you work within. 

Today, join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, MBA and wisdom teacher, and guest Julie Santiago, author of Awaken: 6 Steps to Remembering Who You Are, for a juicy, real and heart opening conversation about:

  • What does it mean to awaken? And why you want to know how to consciously do it. 

  • Why awakening is not something you do just once and how it affects all your choices from career to love to money and more… wise women treat awakening like a continuous process you seek out. And understand that even the most 'spiritually evolved' still resist awakening! 
  • The process for how we become hip to things in our work or relationship or the way the world works that once seemed normal but when our higher consciousness kicks in seem crazy and unhealthy - and what do when you have these kinds of AHAs?? 
  • What do you do when start to see things that others around you at work and home don’t see - and you don't want people to think you are crazy! 
  • How do you determine when and if’s its time to leave a job or a relationship that you’ve outgrown - and how to do it wisely?
  • What are the signs that you are avoiding awakening to a deeper truth or a soul call?
  • What do you do when 'weird' stuff starts to happen that you can't explain with your brain - but you know in your heart is real.

  • How you can proactively ‘wake up’ to higher levels of insight and therefore working and living and relating - so you don't get a Universal 2x4 Wake Up Call at Your Door One Day.
  • What your awakening has to do with everything you see in the world that you don’t like or want to be different.

We will make this personal and real to you as we always do at Feminine Power Time. 

Bring whatever catalyst, change, calling is calling you to wake up and elevate your understanding and insight and wisdom.

We are all being called to awaken to more truth and to what is really happening around us and within us.

We are being called to make wise changes not brash moves. And we are being called to be bold in our stand for making changes that are often challenging. Wise + bold = need expanded levels of consciousness and understanding. We have to upgrade our operating systems! 

I invite you to tune into this episode and this time of the year when LIGHT RETURNS to light up the unconscious or unseen parts of your life, so that  you can EMERGE in 2019 focused on what matters, fully embracing your path and expressing yourself, embodied in your wisdom and power, ready for what’s ahead.

Join me for this series of Feminine Power Time: EMERGE 2019. And be sure to listen to the first episode in it 78: Resisting Change and Our Callings: Don't Get Stuck. 

And also make sure to join me for...


* 2018 Power Pause and Reflection Ritual - - my gift. RSVP.

* A Different Way To Dream - Jan 3rd Feminine Wisdom Session

* EMERGE 2019 Evening Workshop with Ellevate Women’s Network, Seattle. Jan 15th - Register here 



* The Feminine Wisdom Way 2019 - Visioning Journey and Feminine Wisdom Training for leading, living and succeeding a different way.  Get the invitation



* Dream Partnership Retreat - Couples Who Dream Together Thrive Together - Feb 1-4, includes year end reflection, Jan visioning process and retreat

* Elevate Feminine Leadership Immersion - April 25-28 - Save the Date!



Nov 4, 2018

Courageous Women feel fear and have doubt too, the difference is they meet and move through the uncertainty to make choices that feel right for them…regardless of what is considered acceptable or feels comfortable.

Some call this crazy, I name it brave. If you look back through herstory you’ll see powerful women who dared to conjure up courage to step past their own fear and the projection of fear placed on them from others to follow their heart’s deep wisdom.

These trailblazers were often called “crazy” as a way to diminish and discount their feminine power and intuitive wisdom.… but in truth these women were the ones who lived freely and fully regardless of external circumstances or opinion.

They dared to stand in their true soul expression as Courageous Wise Women. Some wise women’s courage changes the masses. And for many of us, while our courage may only touch as far as our children, friends, peers, clients, communities and selves, the amount of courage it takes to stand up and lead and speak from your heart is just as immense, and brave.

Truthfully... feminine wisdom is not “crazy,” but it is crazy powerful.

And we need it more than ever to navigate these intense times, where we are each being called to step forward, make change, stretch ourselves out of what feels comfortable and in line with conventional wisdom to what feels empowering and aligned to a much deeper, human wisdom. 

This Feminine Power Time: Crazy Wisdom: Conjuring Up Courage and Clarity in Intense Times is a "Salon" - originally broadcast as a live video stream and virtual circle by Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and teacher. These salons are feminine wisdom sessions that go into deeper levels of teaching and wisdom based on what we are experiencing. 

Usually streamed during one of the 'power days', Christine invites you to join her and other courageous souls around the world to:

  • Identify your “Crazy Wisdom” edge – this is the intersect between what you KNOW you desire to create and do and the fear that diminishes your power, and creates doubt and distraction.
  • Reveal What’s Really Driving Your Overwhelm, Lack of Clarity or Inability to Bring Your Inner Knowing into Material Form 
  • Discern Between Choices Made From Masked Fear & Blind Faith (not wise) and Rooted Faith & Courageous Wisdom (wise) - so you can make wise and courageous choices even when you are confused, scared, or uncertain. 
  • Get Clear on What Really Matters to Focus On For the Rest of the Year and Courageously Let the Rest Go 

To receive the video of this feminine wisdom session, go to


If you are a brave courageous soul here to do things differently in how you lead and live, then consider joining us for one of our upcoming trainings, programs and circles to support your work, your presence and what you desire to create in this world. 

Art of Sacred Circle Training and Incubator - for people who gather and teach others or desire to and are called to create a new offering 

Feminine Super Power Year - A Feminine Wisdom School for living, leading and succeeding the feminine way. 

ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion - Save the Date - April 25-28, Seattle Coast. 






Nov 2, 2018

Courageous Women feel fear and have doubt too, the difference is they meet and move through the uncertainty to make choices that feel right for them…regardless of what is considered acceptable or feels comfortable.

Some call this crazy, I name it brave. If you look back through herstory you’ll see powerful women who dared to conjure up courage to step past their own fear and the projection of fear placed on them from others to follow their heart’s deep wisdom.

These trailblazers were often called “crazy” as a way to diminish and discount their feminine power and intuitive wisdom.… but in truth these women were the ones who lived freely and fully regardless of external circumstances or opinion.

They dared to stand in their true soul expression as Courageous Wise Women. Some wise women’s courage changes the masses. And for many of us, while our courage may only touch as far as our children, friends, peers, clients, communities and selves, the amount of courage it takes to stand up and lead and speak from your heart is just as immense, and brave.

Truthfully... feminine wisdom is not “crazy,” but it is crazy powerful.

And we need it more than ever to navigate these intense times, where we are each being called to step forward, make change, stretch ourselves out of what feels comfortable and in line with conventional wisdom to what feels empowering and aligned to a much deeper, human wisdom. 

This Feminine Power Time: Crazy Wisdom: Conjuring Up Courage and Clarity in Intense Times is a "Salon" - originally broadcast as a live video stream and virtual circle by Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and teacher. These salons are feminine wisdom sessions that go into deeper levels of teaching and wisdom based on what we are experiencing. 

Usually streamed during one of the 'power days', Christine invites you to join her and other courageous souls around the world to:

  • Identify your “Crazy Wisdom” edge – this is the intersect between what you KNOW you desire to create and do and the fear that diminishes your power, and creates doubt and distraction.
  • Reveal What’s Really Driving Your Overwhelm, Lack of Clarity or Inability to Bring Your Inner Knowing into Material Form 
  • Discern Between Choices Made From Masked Fear & Blind Faith (not wise) and Rooted Faith & Courageous Wisdom (wise) - so you can make wise and courageous choices even when you are confused, scared, or uncertain. 
  • Get Clear on What Really Matters to Focus On For the Rest of the Year and Courageously Let the Rest Go 

To receive the video of this feminine wisdom session, go to


If you are a brave courageous soul here to do things differently in how you lead and live, then consider joining us for one of our upcoming trainings, programs and circles to support your work, your presence and what you desire to create in this world. 

Art of Sacred Circle Training and Incubator - for people who gather and teach others or desire to and are called to create a new offering 

Feminine Super Power Year - A Feminine Wisdom School for living, leading and succeeding the feminine way. 

ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion - Save the Date - April 25-28, Seattle Coast. 






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