
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Oct 24, 2024

Hello Dear Ones! After a month of being silent mode (and navigating a natural disaster) ... sitting with what words and wisdom wanted to emerge to support and guide us through these intense, transformative times... the inspiration came through for a 3-part series on Power ... specifically what I am calling "Genuine Power" - natural, innate, native power, different than authentic power and for sure different than distorted power.

We are going to explore what genuine power looks and feels like ... what distorted, destructive power looks and feels like ... what is at the roots of both...  how do we open up our eyes to see and discern truth and reality .... and then how do we apply our co-creative power to reimagine the way we and this world work, now, from the inside out.

This first episode in the series is #254: A Call to Honor, Humanity & Sanity.  

Imagine this: What if in order to hold a position of power and leadership in any system - from a corporation to government to a family or community - a person had to meet the qualifications of embodying and expressing Honor, Humanity and Sanity ... and they also had to create an environment that instilled and cultivated those qualities in others?    

Remember, the fertlizer to the see of new, elevated realities are to imagine it, bring language to it, and then through our voices, choices, presence, relations and projects, co-create it.

In the podcast we will hone in on HONOR. HUMANITY. SANITY and use the power of the definitions below to bring forth the essence of what we are talking about what leadership - personal and systemic - looks and feels like when it's rooted in wholeness. 

  • Genuine - native, natural, innate
  • Honor - regard to respect. honesty. integrity. Honor is the harmony between humility and dignity. 
    Humility - freedom from false pride or arrogance, not equating worth to being better than
    Dignity - healthy self respect, quality of being worthy of honor 
  • Sanity - health/healthy. the ability to think and behave in normal, reasonable manner, sound power of mind. 
  • Humanity - man + earth, humane, to be a steward, to show care for other humans without regard to how their beliefs or choices may be different or similar to yours. 

See you there!


Remember ... OUR POWER comes from connecting with heart and purpose with others, to support each other to stay light - centered, radiant, clear -- and to explore and conversate so we can co-create new realities into being. 


>>INSPIRED ACTIONS - Be an Agent of Elevation

  • >> INSPIRED ACTION: Share this podcast with a friend. Share some Hope Biscuits - evidence of Honor, Humanity and Sanity you are seeing.
  • >> INSPIRED ACTION: Acknoweldge and appreciate a man in your life who embodies and has expressed the energy of Honor, Humanity or Sanity.


Resources + Connect

  1. Daily Harmonizing Kit -
  2. Connect on Linked In -
  3. Learn about Feminine Wisdom Way + Cyclical Living
  4. Connect on Feminine Wisdom Cafe - for inspiration and resources to stay harmonized + wield your co creative power and wisdom! - go here.


Aug 11, 2024

One of the things I love about the practice of cyclical planning and co creation is that it gives us the space to tune into wisdom before moving into action. If we dare to take that space - which could be days, weeks or months, we gain so many things really hard to see or believe if we are only operating in the busy mode of our day to day.  Things like: 

Clarity on what matters .... where the momentum is... where it's not. 

Acknowledgment of all the incremental progress we have made ... that's easy not to see or receive if we don't pause.

Guidance that comes from a deeper wisdom than our minds can source. 

Which is why I'm inviting you to take a breath, take a beat, and experiment with this practice I call Pause. Listen. Co-Create.

It's one of the practices for' how' we create space for ourselves to evolve into the next, while sustaining the now, and releasing that which we no longer need.

This is a practice we do every August - the first harvest of the year - but you can do it anytime.

I will lead you through the 3 parts -

1.Incremental Progress - What are you harvesting now because of where you put your attention, intention and resources the last 4 months of last year?

2. Pausing - Reflect on the wisdom gained. What do you want to take with you / focus on into the rest of this year (this will create your harvest next year!) 

3. Listening - What's falling off? What's shapeshifting? Where's the momentum taking you?

4. Co-Create - What space + structure do you need to experiment, explore and elevate? 

I will also check in with you on where I've been in my own journey these last few months using this process to chart my course forward.

See you there!

Elevate Action - Share 
>> Share this podcast with a friend + share what you are harvesting this year because of what you gave intention and attention to the last quarter of last year. Also share, what you choose to give your energy to the last 4 months of the year.

Leave a Review - Love to Hear from You! 
>>Go to show episode in your podcat app, scroll down, and leave review. 

What’s next?

  • Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through the end of August - and invite a friend to join you!

Ways to Connect:

Jun 1, 2023

One of the biggest reasons so many of us can feel so busy, overwhelmed, fragmented, pulled in a million directions ... like no matter how hard we work or how much we do, we just can't reach our goals ... is because we are operating from half-power vs. whole-power.

So we over work, over effort, try to do too much, choose careers  or paths that are not aligned for us.

We operate like speed boats vs sail boats - we are moving so fast, focused on the next, we can't even savor what we've worked so hard or given so much to create or take care of.

Or we are adrift like lost boats out at sea, without the focus and intentional steps to ride the waves and let the wind carry us to our aligned path.

There is a different way ... if we can access some of our full power spectrums. I'm over the moon excited to share with you two power spectrums that give us a path to Do Less. Receive More. Achieve a Greater Impact (while savoring the process!) 

1: Strategic Surrender

2: Focused Fluidity

Tune into #3 of 3 in our What is the Feminine? And why do we need it? Series. #213: The Power of Strategic Surrender & Focused Fluidity.

These two power spectrums brings in the feminine, marry it with the masculine. and creates the HOW we can stay focused on our goals, missions, people we care for ... in a way that we can savor the process... make progress through momentum ... and achieve the kind of success that includes wellbeing of planet and people.

Consider this: Success without wellbeing, or having the space to savor the process, is not success. 

Some of what we will dive into... 

  • How to go from making it happen to focusing on what matters now
  • Revealing whether you are too strategic and focused or surrendered and fluid
  • Learning what RBG and sailboats can teach us about sustainable success, purposeful patience, and working in smart ways that focus our resources + leave room for synchronicity and divine timing 

I will also walk you through applying the power of strategic surrender + focused fluidity to an area of your life now. 

See you there.


p.s.  >> REQUEST - SHARE this podcast with a friend and then PLAY with the two power spectrums to see what wisdom emerges when you apply strategize and surrender AND intentional focus and intuitive fluidity to the situation.



  1. Mid Year Power Pause - Reset. Realign. Refocus. 


  1. Overwhelmed and Over It - Chapter 10 -  Make It All Happen --> Focus On What Matters 

  2. Feminine Leadership Wisdom Session - for visuals and more wisdom on Power Spectrums and Feminine Leadership Archetypes -  Gain Access Here


Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters -

Linked in:

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

You Tube:



May 25, 2023

Can you re-imagine a world in which our intuition is valued as much as our intellect?

Where young women and girls, and all humans, are taught how to discern between their internal knowing, wisdom and truth?

Make decisions that not only make logical sense, they make heart sense .... the kind that keeps us aligned on our path ... the kind that gives us the courage to speak up, stand up and do things differently?

I think we can co create this reality now - but we need new language, understanding and each other.  

Consider this: There is SO much power in expanding our understanding, trust in and value system of what true intelligence is.

So much power in doing what Joesph Campbell called following your bliss, and what I call follow your heart wisdom AND don't be a dummy pants :) 

So much power in knowing how to tune into the 4 parts of our full spectrum of intelligence - instincts, intuion, insight and intellect. 

Self trust. Creative strategic planning that supports creativity + productivity. Making choices in careers, & relationships that lead to less suffering & anxiety and more aliveness and ways to express our creative genius.. Speaking up. Just to name a few.  

The mind & intellect are not built to tap into creativity and possibility, or even make wise choices. Our minds can only see what we've done before or seen others do. The intellect alone will make all kinds of things that are bad for our world (atomic bombs and AI to name two).  

When we choose to honor, value, access, embody, employ this feminine energy of intuitive intelligence & heart wisdom... we open up the field of possibilty and creativity... we bring more heart power onto the planet... and the Universe starts showing up to show us the way to create realities that reflect the good and beautiful in humanity.

Tune into the second in the series is 212:  The Power of Intuitive Intelligence & Heart Wisdom 

Some of what we will dive into... 

  • How to play with your intuition and intellect so they work together for you - so you don't get stuck in being over rationale ... or ungrounded in wishful thinking
  • My 4 Eyes model for accessing the full spectrum of intelligence ... which give you access to Wisdom and a higher level of intelligence
  • Why the mental mind is not the place to look if you want to do things differently - and where to look instead
  • What is heart wisdom, how do you follow it? 

I will also walk you through a short 4 inquiry contemplation to apply heart wisdom and intuitive intelligence.

See you there.


p.s.  >> REQUEST - SHARE this with a friend and then do the heart wisdom tune in together. 



  1. Mid Year Power Pause - Reset. Realign. Refocus. 


  1. Overwhelmed and Over It - Chapter 1 -  Choose What is Right for You 

  2. Feminine Leadership Wisdom Session - for visuals and more wisdom on Power Spectrums and Feminine Leadership Archetypes -  Gain Access Here


  1. I know....
  2. I really desire...
  3. I feel...
  4. I need...


Linked in:

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

You Tube:


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May 18, 2023

I named the podcast Feminine Power Time for a reason. Even though the word 'feminine' throws or turns off many people (which is part of the reason I knew I needed to keep the name!) Even those of us that get to a point in which we get we need the feminine, want it and cherish the feminine can have a hard time understanding what it is, practically.  

What do you do with the feminine? 

How can it help me in my career? My relationships? Choices? 

Is it really even relevant to business? and big issues like global warming and the education and safety of our children? 

The short answer. Yes. We are just very ignorant (and imprinted) to not value or understand it. 

One of my supers powers is taking big concepts and esoteric wisdom and breaking them down. Putting language, visuals, practices, models to it, so we can access this really potent wisdom and energy in our lives, and for all that we care about in the world. 

The "feminine" first found me in 2006, after my first super woman sob in which all I was trying to do to have success in my business, mission and life was not working (more on that in the podcast).

Since then, I have studied it, explored it, experimented, and been educated and initiated into some of the most powerful energy I didn't know existed, but that was there within me all along. 

For 17 years, I have seen how the feminine is the medicine needed to end at least two big epidemics - 1. burnout of the planet and people 2. the 'not enoughness' that drives so many peoople and young girls to so much unnecessary anxiety, self judgement, etc. 

I also believe with all my heart that if we embody and apply the feminine, it brings the distortions of our current systems and society into balance and harmony ... and we start seeing HOW to create different realiities, that are rooted in value systems that honor the wellbeing of all people and this planet.

This is not airy hope ... this is practical application of straight up wisdom.

Tune in and join me for our inagural series in our 8th year ... What is the Feminine and Why Do We Need it?     

The first in the series is 211:  The Power of Stillness & Space Holding.

I will set us up for the series + we will dive into more including:

  • Going from Ready, Fire, Aim --> Intend, Aim, Release (it's a get out of the jail of overwhelm, busyness freedom card) 
  • The Feminine Leadership Archetype of Space Holder  
  • The Power Spectrum of Stillness and Swiftness to get into aligned action
  • Why you only want to do the Hustle if you are dancing :) 

The feminine does like to be a bit of a mystery - so less words and bullet points. You will just have tune in for more. 

See you there.


p.s.  >> REQUEST - Please SHARE this with a friend and then talk about Space Holder and Stiliness and Swiftness. CONVERSATION STARTERS: Where are you under-valuing your Space Holder leadership and expression? what do you choose to value differently as an act of Harmonic Defiance? How can you work with stillness and swiftness in a current situation to find aligned action?   



  1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - Preface, Introduction / Chapter 1 / Section 5 Liberate Your Power - all mentioned

  2. Feminine Leadership Wisdom Session - for visuals and more wisdom on Power Spectrums and Feminine Leadership Archetypes -  Gain Access Here


Linked in:

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

You Tube:

Feb 20, 2023

When we think of advocacy or being an advocate, we often think of how we show up for and support others, or take stands for the causes that matter to us - which is a beautiful thing. Today, I am inviting you to turn the energy of standing for, honoring and being a voice for others towards yourself. Self-advocacy.

What would it look like this year if you chose to be an advocate for yourself? 

What would it look like to so deeply honor what you desire and require, that you were willing to stay true to yourself, even if that meant disappointing another? 

What would change for you, if instead of just heading straight into all the things you desire and need to tend to, create, cause and respond to, you paused to consider what SUPPORT YOU NEED? 

These are the questions I am inviting you step into in this series - Receive the Support You Desire and Require this Year.  And then, after tuning into your deeper truth and wisdom, start using your voice and your choices to create a reality in which you truly do receive the support you need. 

WISDOM: “In times of stretch or stress, or when you are doing something new, ask for and receive more support, not less." (Overwhelmed and Over It page 175)

In this episode of Feminine Power Time, #204 SELF-ADVOCACY: Honoring What You Need, No Matter What, we'll explore:

  • Self-Advocacy and Self Honor - where do these live within you, and how do you access and apply their power to your daily life

  • Personal Sustability before Purpose & Responsibility - What foundations must be in place to support us to give to those we love, lead and influence  

  • Investing in Support - where do you under-invest time, energy and financial resources in the support you need? And were do you invest easily? 

I will take you through a guided process tuning into 4 areas of physical foundational support.  This will tune into your deeper wisdom and needs about: 

  • What are the support structures you both desire + require in your physical and material foundation this next cycle - Home, Health, & Financial Flow? 

  • What does stability and vitality in home, health, and wealth FEEL like for you?

  • What rhythm and pace structures will hold and support you daily, weekly. monthly and yearly this next cycle?   

Tune in to explore and experiment with Self-Advocacy this year. 

See you there


P.S. Dare to Share --> Share this podcast episode with a friend + then share what each of you are advocating for in the 4 realms of physical foundations I take you through. You can then be advocates for each others. 

P.P.S. --> Request to Receive Support --> Leave a Review for Feminine Power Time. Go to the Show on your podcast app and scroll to bottom to Rate and Review. Thank you!


Jul 1, 2022

Freedom is one of the most essential human needs, and desires. People have died fighting for it, many have never tasted it, and most of us, even if we live in a 'free' world have many ways in which we are NOT free. 

Every year as we pass through July 4th marker, which in America is celebrated as Independence Day, in a country that is supposed to be founded on freedom (but in many ways is not, and was not for all people)... I take a pause to shine a light on all the ways I personally am not free or feeling free, and what is happening collectively that is so not about freedom of the people or the planet. 

I tune in every year also for what conversation to have with all of you here at Feminine Power Time around Freedom. And this year, well wow,  unprecented with the repealing of rights to our body, rights to be safe from gun violence in schools and public spaces, rights to vote, rights to affordable housing, and ....

So today I tuned in after my morning practice to what was needed for ust to gather around ... and out flowed Feminine Power Time #187: Fighting for Our Freedom, the Feminine Way. A power pause to consider how we channel our energy and influence.

We'll dive into:

  • Freedom "Power Points" - where to focus our attention, energy to stand for freedom vs. add to the chaos and waste our energy 
  • Practices for how to emote our anger, rage, grief, and to express from wholeness vs. the wound, so we add to mometum of elevation 
  • Perspectives on freedom and control through our "wise" eyes - to see what might 

I will lead you through: 

  • 5 inquiries to ask yourself at this time to choose how you can consciously channel and direct your energy, time, money, life force and influence.  

There is wisdom here for navigating these times.

Not to just get through them. But to break through. 

We've each got a part to play. We are all being called to awaken even more. And none of us can do this on our own.

Tune in to this touchstone for your radiance, rootedness and rememberance.


p.s. THANK YOU for those who have left reviews and ratings for the Feminine Power Time Podcast and Overwhelmed and Over It book. Appreciate you leaving a review for one of these. Helps others find the light!

Resources & Links

Upcoming Programs

1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - 

2. Strengthening Sisterhood, Healing the Wounds Between Women So We Can Lead Together. Interactive Wisdom Session -

 Practices for Staying Light

1. 4 Rs Morning Meditation - Root Down. Rise Up. Relax Back. Receive. Access video here.  

2. Daily Flow Practice Kit - Practices for Staying Clear and Centered. Video + Book. Access here.

3. The Radiance Wheel - See samples here on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe.


1. Join us and Get connected to other conscious women. 

2. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - 

Power Pause Inquiries Shared

  1. Where am I being called to direct your life force, energy, time, resources and influence these next 6 months? 
  2. What have I been tolerating that is no longer working? Personally? Professionally? 
  3. What is my part now? 
  4. Where are my community touchstones?
  5. What is calling for my devotion this next 6 months, so I am deeply supported and sustained?
  6. What do I need these next 6 months to stay light, keep bright, and stay focused?  


Oct 6, 2021

This is a special broadcast of a letter I wrote to from my heart to the hearts of the women around the world when I was writing Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World

I often write a letter when writing a book, to help me tap into the heart and soul of why i am writing this book, and why I feel so passionate about sharing the perspectives, wisdom and stories enclosed in it. 

For this book, that letter became the opening. Today, on the one year anniversary of its publication, I am sharing it FIRST here with you on Feminine Power Time as a special podcast broadcast. 

Why? Because every time I sit down to create and tape a Feminine Power Time, I intend to connect with you heart to heart... to be real... to share openly... to bring insight and wisdom... and to be space where you can deeply tap into your deep internal wisdom. 

For 5 years, the listeners of this podcast have been with me, here, having these conversations that much of the world is just waking up to. 

The world's been crazy for a long time. It's just now, it's catalyzing at warp speed, because we MUST change. People and the planet have been burning out for decades if not centuries. 

But the game isn't over. 

You and I are the makers, creators, mothers of the world ... we shape culture by how we make our choices and use our voices ... we create reality ... but not if we get swirled into the swirl, can't see the systemically-generated and self-induced burnout games and structures. 

AND we need each other, to help us tap into what is real, she what is needed, and then from our deep wisdom, embrace our power to choose differently and say NO MORE to what's not working.

So today... I share this with you... 

Get some tea or vino or pelligrino. Or just take a chill moment in the sun. And tune in.

May this release some pressure and create more courage and clarity and connection for you today. 

with great heart,



p.s. If you have not gotten your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It yet, go to the book page and order a copy for you + a friend 

p.p.s If you do have your copy, I'd super appreciate a review to help others find the book. Leave one wherever you bought it or here on Amazon. 


And remember... Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, where courageous conscious women gather, including a special group exploring and experimenting with the wisdom in this book. Go here to learn more, it's free.

Apr 11, 2019

What does embodied power look, sound and feel like in a woman who is expressing as her whole and true self?  What does it look, feel and sound like in you? In your presence? In your voice, spoken or written? In how you are received and perceived by others? 

How do you access your truth, your voice and use it to amplify your visibility, influence, and presence in the world… in a way that is true to your expression, your authentic self?

The models for what power looks like in a person, what it sounds like, what people respond to, are distorted.

So we as women and the women before us have to distort and contort ourselves to get a seat at the table, be taken seriously, have our voices heard, or take on the qualities of men or intellectual machines without heart.

That time is over.

No more contorting, distorting our presence to fit in.

And also no more having to scream to be heard, be serious to be taken seriously, and suppressing our femininity in how we dress, speak and show up.

Today I invite you to explore within yourself the ways in which if you knew how to more powerfully wield your voice and presence, you would create more of the reality you desire for yourself, the world and what matters to you.

Whether that is in your relationships, your career, your message, your business, HOW you show up and the presence you are in it, matters big time.

But how we’ve been taught to use that voice, to show up to get what we need and be heard isn’t working for us as women.

So today, in this episode of Feminine Power Time, PRESENCE: Women with a Voice, #2 of 3 in our Re-Imagining Feminine Power series, I invite you to join me, Christine Arylo, women’s leadership advisor and catalyst, and special guest Alexia Vernon, author of Step into Your Moxie, for a session that will touch your heart, open your voice, and inspire you to expand in your expression in this world this year.

We dive into:

  • The history of what women have had to do to be heard or be taken seriously – thank you so much! And it’s our turn to do it differently.
  • Why women are not taken seriously or heard – and men are often listened to over women
  • Revealing what you do when you feel confident or insecure when speaking – are you a bunny, a bull, a cheetah or a owl? And how you may be sabotaging yourself?
  • Reclaim what leadership is – and why we must do this as women to have the influence we desire in the world.
  • How to have your full range of emotion and also be a powerful catalyst for change and elevation not more separation
  • Difference between trying to BE something, and being who you are – and how to tell the difference
  • Is what you look like on the outside reflecting who you are on the inside?

  • What happens when you move from your focus from trying to inform and get other people to understand and to shifting to focusing on connection?

  • Where your feminine power and voice lives in your body – and why spanx, bellies and flat abs are short circuiting our power
  • How do you find and express your natural communication super power?

Here are some of the wisdom bytes from the show followed by how to connect with Alexia, including her book Step into Your Moxie – and also upcoming retreats with Christine Arylo.




  • Leadership is not bestowed vs. leadership is embodied and chosen.  

  • Embrace your leadership power, do not try to “own” your power.

  • Confidence comes from stopping to grip your body and let your body do what it knows how to do to connect with others and move the energy. It intuitively knows when to stay still, we know when to move.
  • Your power comes from your presence, not your position.
  • If you know what your core essences are, then you can be who you are truly are.
  • If you don’t know who you are in your core, you will contort yourself to fit in.
  • As women who want to have more impact in the world. we have to harness our storytelling power.

  • We are being called to speak more clearly, authentically to be a vessel for the divine to come through.
  • Speak from compassion without censoring what you have to say. 


What are you going to embody more of this year to more powerfully express your presence and voice?

What is wanting to come through you more this year? Make this year part of exploring this next season or elevation of your expression.

What do you need to embody that is already in you?

What from your past, needs to integrate into who you are now? Have an exploration. Play with how you dress, speak, write.




Get Alexia Vernon's Book - great wisdom, fun, stories, and potent power. Practical, playful and powerful 

Step Into Your Moxie: Amplify your voice and visibility and influence in the world.




Feminine Wisdom Weekend – Mid Year Power Pause
Stay Strong and True to Yourself
July 2019



The Path of Self Love Trainiing
July 2019


Note: This Feminine Power Time is part of the 3 part series on Re-Imagining Feminine Power. Tune into #1 of the series - WEALTH: Women with Real Wealth with Christine Arylo and Julie Murphy.

Mar 9, 2019

When we look back at women's history, for over 50 + years since women fully entered the workforce, we have had to assimilate into systems for how we work, educate, govern, relate and operate in almost every realm of our lives... in which women had no say in creating.
The models for leadership, government, healthcare, education, business? All were created at a time when women had little power, no vote, and no voice.  

Today, we are in a different position.

Today, every woman - including you - has the potential to be a leader – in your organization, community, tribe, family, life – by consciously doing things differently.  

Leadership is a CHOICE you make, not a position, degree, or job you get.  Your power comes from your presence. Your presence comes from within. 

Your presence is that powerful, if you know how to access it's full spectrum and use it.  

On the eve of International Women’s Day, I held this feminine wisdom session you can tune into now. Join me Christine Arylo, women’s leadership teacher and advisor, MBA, and catalyst for personal and collective transformation, for an illuminating, eye opening, soul awakening wisdom "session" where we will dive into:

  • Overwhelm and Burnout: Why you can't maintain balance, or find the time and energy you need, and why it's not your fault - and why until we address and solve this, nothing can really change for you, for women or the world.
  • How Women Lead, Create & Operate Best: Why the current systems and solutions don't support how you innately work as a human being and a woman. If women designed the world, we'd get more done with less effort.
  • The 11 Spectrums of Power: What masculine and feminine power really are & why you need to be able to articulate and access both. I'll share a model that makes this so practical so you can begin to assess where you are strong and weak and understand your own power and value biases.
  • Feminine Presence: What is it? Why isn't it valued? And how are you giving this valuable asset away without being compensated or recognized for it?
  • Fierce Grace: How to access both your fiery fierceness and deep stillness and wisdom to be a force of change without having to push, force or fight. How do you channel anger and outrage in a way that serves?
  • How Power Expresses for You : How can you show up powerfully in a way that feels authentic to you? How do you use your power and life force strategically to cause the impact you desire?
  • Daily Structures & Practices for Staying Calm, Centered, Clear and Focused: without a recipe and rhythm for how you start and end your days, you will get swirled up into the chaos of the world. There is a different way. I'll share it.

To get the video taping of this feminine wisdom session, go to 

To learn more about the Elevate Feminine Leadership Immersion at

To learn more about the 40 Day Burnout to Balance Practice go to 

To receive Christine Arylo's weekly Feminine Wisdom Letters go to 

Oct 26, 2018

Most women operate at half power, trying to assimilate into ways of working that don't support how we naturally operate and create, undervaluing ourselves and our work, and taking more responsibility than is ours to take on. We care about the world. We want to make things better. But the way we've learned to lead and work is based on models that do not support nor tap into our 'feminine' power and wisdom. 

But what the heck is the 'feminine' and why do we need it? Can't we just all try to be better people, grow our careers, and talk about leadership without needing to gender modify it? The answer is NO.

If we desire to create a world in which there is pay equity, gender equity, connection instead of isolation, where we grow ourselves, our families and our work/business in ways that sustain and nourish us vs like some crazy Monsanto accelerated growth model, we have to LEARN what the feminine is... REVEAL the full range of our power... and then VALUE and APPLY a different way to work, live and lead.

There's much to say about Feminine Leadership and we are not going to cover it all today - I don't want to add to your overwhelm love! I want to give you the path out of it, which feminine leadership and wisdom offer us.

After studying tradition leadership for over two decades and realizing it didn't have what I needed as a woman or as a human who didn't want to perpetuate a domination and consumption model for business and living, I sought out 'the feminine' (even though I had no idea what that was at the time. Over the last decade I've applied this Wisdom to my own life and work and shared it with many more. 

Today, is the start of on ongoing conversation here at Feminine Power Time, the first of our deep dives into Feminine Leadership, a way of living, working and creating I've devoted my life to teaching and living. 

For today's session "Feminine Leadership: What Does it Look Like to Lead As a Woman?" we will dive into 5 foundational realms of Feminine Leadership, so we can open up to some deeper wisdom, new insights and expanded possibilities that and support us in being the change we wish to see, including:

  • The Power Spectrums of feminine power and masculine power - what are these and why do we need them to access our full power and wisdom?

  • Why the way we think about masculine power and the patriarchal power disempowers us 

  • Why Mama Nature is the go-to expert on getting out of overwhelm - and how we've been conditioned to ignore her and how we've been distanced from what humans once knew intuitively to sustain life but is not called woo woo
  • How we each contribute to the pay inequity and the disrespect we see women receiving from men and vice versa - it's not easy to embrace this but we will never have pay equity or equal rights or women and girls being valued and respected if we don't look at how we ourselves don't value the feminine, within ourselves and in how we work and lead 
  • Why feminine leadership has to be part of the path to elevating human leadership, and creating a new model for what leadership in business, politics, education, government, families, healthcare looks like

When we lead naturally as a whole woman we embody both our masculine and feminine powers in ways that naturally lead us to creating realities that create more harmony, sustainability and prosperity. 

We will end this Feminine Power Time with a short meditation that leads you to connect with HOW big a difference you are making -so you can stop pressuring yourself and start acknowledging yourself. And will help you take the pressure of taking on more responsibility than is yours... feminine leadership leads us to just do our part.

We are just getting scratching the surface here on Feminine Leadership. To explore more check these out:

1. Free Feminine Wisdom Session: CRAZY WISDOM: Conjuring Up Courage and Clarity in Intense Times. RSVP for Free. 

2. Art of Sacred Circle Training and Incubator 2018/19 - Starts Nov. For women desiring to birth new offerings, programs, events, workshops, gatherings and to expand the impact and presence of themselves and their sacred work. Only offered 1 time per year. Learn more at 

Save the Date

1. Feminine Leadership Immersion Retreat - ELEVATE. Power. Presence. Purpose. April 25-28th, 2019. Islandwood Retreat Center. Island off the coast of Seattle. Early Bird Opens in Nov.

2. Feminine Super Power Year 2019 - A wisdom school for learning, living and succeeding the feminine way. Enrollment opens Nov 11.