Within you lies a great power that you are likely only using a very small part of - your Feminine Super Power of Intuition. In ancient times it was called "The Sight" and women, and men, were killed for having and using it. Women were called witches, whores, evil sorceress just because they could tap into what scientests now call 'the quantum field' to access insight, direct knowing. What does this have to do with you?
One of the biggest reasons we don't trust ourselves, doubt ourselves, don't speak up, don't feel confident, don't take the leap, or take a risk, or we stay stuck is because we don't have embodied access to our intuitive power nor do we know how to use it. And for thousands of years if you had it or showed it, you were a goner. Witch was just an easy way to shut women, and men up.
You need access to, and ways to strengthen your intuitive power to meet these intense times ... to SEE what is real... to SEE what is B.S. fed to you by the over-culture or other people... to SEE what your soul is trying to wake you up to.
So... I created this episode of Feminine Power Time: Get Witchy: Reclaim Your Feminine Super Power of Intuition for you. I literally taped it on the crescent moon, on Halloween, candles lit... let's dive in:
Tune in.
See you there.
Under the crescent moon.
with special thank you to Lisa Lister author of the book "Witch: Unleashed, Untamed, Unapologetic" for the definition of what witch really is. You may never use this word in how you describe yourself, but you want to understand what it means and see how it's been used to disempower women and men for far too long.
with great Heart,
p.s RSVP for the Feminine Wisdom Session on Nov 11th: Crazy Wisdom: Practices for Conjuring Up Clarity, Courage & Calm in Intense Times ... www.femininewisdomsession.com
p.p.s. LOVE for you to SHARE this with a friend or two who you think could benefit from a sacred pause in her life and open up to her own deep feminine wisdom within. SISTERHOOD POWER!
When you are 'tuned in' to your inner wisdom and your channel is clean and clear, wow can you step forward with courage, stay focused on what matters, and make wise choices for yourself, your work/business and in your relationships. But when your wisdom channels are blocked up or mucked up, wow can you make some bad choices, shrink back, spin out, work too hard and give too much and generally create havoc vs harmony for yourself.
But how do you know if your inner guidance system is tweaked out vs tuned in?
I just had to add this bonus Feminine Power Time to complete our series of Feminine Wisdom: What is it? Why is it essential? How do you use it? It will be the 5th in this Feminine Wisdom Series. Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, for a conversation we have to have to make sure we are responding from our truth vs reacting from our fear.
If we aren't self aware of how we work inside and understand the signs we are operating from distorted emotions and ideas, we can't support ourselves or get the support we need to face the levels of change, stretch, possibility and uncertainty we face.
Join me and We'll dive into:
I invited a special guest to join us for this Feminine Power Time, Stacey Hoffer, the director of programs at The Path of Self Love School, whose "inner mean girls" = the force that disempowers and distorts your inner wisdom = are different than mine.
I'm bringing my Achievement Junkie, Move the Bar Belinda, and my Invincible Super Woman, who I haven't named yet! Stacey brought her Rejection Queen and her Overly Optimistic Cheerleader. You will Love their names!
If you'd like to join Stacey and me for this falls Empower Your Inner Wisdom, Expose Your Inner Mean Girl, personal transformation circle, learn more here www.EmpowerYourInnerWisdom.com
The yogis say when our intuition is strong and clear we can know our truth and the best path to take within 9 seconds. But when your subconscious is cluttered or clogged due to stress, fear, too much going on, other people's stuff your intuitive guidance system gets tweaked, cloudy and confused. So you make choices that are not in your best interest.
But how do you know if your channels of intuition are clear or cloudy? And how do you clear your intuition channels so you can make choices that are aligned to your highest consciousness and good?
I am just back from an 8 day yoga teacher training in the New Mexico desert, and I brought you back some souveniers... to support you in clearing out the blocks and clutter in your field so the choices you make this next part of the year are guided by Wisdom, keeping you true to your path and yourself. Intuition super food!
Join me, Christine Arylo, for this Feminine Power Time - "Are Your Channels Clear? Ensuring Your Higher Consciousness is Directing Your Life" where we:
Join me for a feminine wisdom weekend to learn practices and rituals for strengthening and clearing your intuitive channels and accessing the deeper levels of wisdom within to guide your work, relationships, health, wealth and life choices.
East Coast US - Kripalu - July 27-29 www.FeminineWisdomRetreat.com
West Coast US - CIIS - California Institute for Integral Studies - Oct 21-22 - click here
For the virtual FLOW Focus your Lifeforce on What matters Power Pause - to go www.femininepowerritual.com
To Join Christine and a circle of women around the world daring to live and lead the feminine way - learn about Feminine Super Power Year here, 6-month session starts July 12th. www.FeminineSuperPowerYear.com