
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Now displaying: Category: Making Choices
Oct 4, 2021

In the third part of our series on Staying Sane in an Insane World, we activate one of the most subtle but absolutely potent powers we have ... the power of inquiry and contemplation. 

We are trained in our over culture to value and work with questions and answers to drive to a conclusion, usually as fast as possible. "Time is money." And we are imprinted with a value system that says we must have the answer, if we don't we risk looking a fool, being called out or being discounted. 

But operating this way - in a mindset about quick answers vs. contemplation and consideration... in a world that values confidence over curiosity.... keeps us stuck in the consciousness and realities that don't work for us individually or collectively. Unhealthy, insane ways of working, relating and living.

In a wiser, healthy culture, one that values the feminine, we practice the art of inquiry and contemplation to open up possibility and to gain clarity.  

 For this session of Feminine Power Time I chose 4 inquiries that I use often in making choices everyday. They are the same ones I use when I am working with a leader to unlearn the distorted approach to growth, goal setting and management, and to learn a different, wiser, healthier way of working.    

As I lead you through these 4 inquiries, bring a challenge, a catalyst, a situation you are working or that is working you. And we can apply it to inquiries and see what emerges!  

Some of what we'll explore:

1.  The power of wonder. Inquiry: I wonder...

2.  The power of quintessence. Inquiry: What is at the core? What is the essence?

3. The power of seeing beyond your five senses to shift out of fear into a response that leads to harmony and healin. Inquiry: What's real? What's needed? What do I need?

4. The power of choosing to move forward consciously vs waiting for change to kick you in the butt. Inquiry: How do we/I move forward from here?

See you there!



p.s. Come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe to get connected into conversation and exploration with other wise, courageous women daring to do things differently.

Aug 1, 2021

Should you trust your logic and rationale brain or your deeper inner feelings and knowing when making choices? How do you know when to listen to the data or the numbers, and when to trust your heart and make a choice against what the numbers say?

Do you tend to rely more on your intellect or your intuition to guide you, and how is that helping you or hurting you? 

Join me and my partner in life and love and business, Noah Martin, for #3 in our Making Wise Choices series on Feminine Power Time: Using the Power of Both Your Head & Heart. 

I invited Noah to join us because he masterful at using both the head and the heart together to make wise choices (join us and you'll learn more why.)

Here is some of what we will dive into together. Bring with you the choice points you are standing at, and / or choices you have made in the past ... because we make this personal to you, so that you can make wiser choices in all parts of your life.

  • What having access to both our intellect and our intuition gives you
  • When you want to use your intellect - its' good at this - and when you want to trust your intuition (intellect sucks at this)

  • What bad choices made from the heart look like
  • What bad choice made from the head look like

  • Determine if you tend to over-rely on the head or the heart, and how that can be sabotaging you
  • How to get underneath the unconscious drivers of your decisions so you don't make impulsive choices from fear, or make a choice thinking you are getting on thing, but you get another. 

Tools like

  • The Power Spectrum of aligned intuition and intellect and distorted uses of both  
  • The Known and Unknown Clarity and Courage Booster

And 4 Wisdom Inquiries Noah shared to run yourself through to get underneath what is driving any choice you are making:

1. What is the dream that is underlying this decision? And does it actually help you get to the dream? 

2. What is the fear? 

3. What is your tendency towards making choices - do you lean to being overly optimistic or overly pessimistic? What is that part saying? 

4. What does your Inner Wisdom know?


To learn more about Noah Martin and his decision making and business insight consulting for women go to 




I appreciate you leaving a rating and review. I love hearing from you.
And sharing this episode with anyone you think will benefit from it. 


WOULD LOVE & APPRECIATE you completing the Feminine Power Time Survey

This will help me make wise choices that help me support you. 

Go to 


** Events and programs with Christine Arylo **  

What I know about this fall and winter... 

1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils 2021/2022 - for women whose work and purpose is to re-imagine and re-design the way we work as a world ... through the field you work in and the presence you are ... and would love to have collaboration, guidance, wisdom, space with other conscious change makers.

Starts October 2021. Applications being accepted now.

What's still forming... 

1. 2021 Women's Wisdom Quest & Live Gatherings - virtual last year, may be this year too. As well as some in person, intimate gatherings in Austin, Arizona, and Seattle. 

2. Overwhelmed and Over It: A Path to Sustainable Success. 4 month transformational circle and program.  We are considering running this in the fall again.

3. Path of Self Love 12-week training: Self Love Essentials -  

Classes on Intuitive Thinking and Intuition and on Feminine Leadership: Power, Presence and Purpose. 


Jul 18, 2021

If you are making choices that stretch you out of your comfort zone or go against the status quo you should expect fear to bubble up. It's normal and human. 

But how do you deal with the confusion, doubt, anxiety, frustration, impatience in a way that empowers you to make wise choices? And how do you get past it to find the wisdom that will actually guide you to making the wise and aligned choice for you? 

The truth is that most of us were not taught how to work with the mental, emotional, physical, and energetic responses and reactions our bodies, minds, hearts and psyches have when we make choices that stretch us, or trigger past trauma, hurt or suffering. 

But when you know how to work with both the parts of you that react from fear and past trauma or cultural or familial imprints AND the part of you connected to your true soul design and heart desires, you can the super power to elevate out of the doubt and confusion, into a inner knowing that empowers you to take action. 

In #2 of our Making Wise Choices series on Feminine Power Time with me, Christine Arylo, "Is Fear or Wisdom Guiding You? Clear Confusion & Doubt to Get to Your Truth":  we will dive into:

  • How to understand the different forces within you that influence your choices 
  • How to use the doubt, fear, confusion to make better choices and get what you need. 
  • Why you can't ignore your emotional reactions if you want to make wise choices
  • How to discern whether it's your inner critic/fear/past trauma/imprints making your choices or your inner wisdom
  • The Ping Pong effect - what to do when you get caught in this or that thinking. 
  • Practices for strengthening your clarity, including a 3-part practice you can do right now with the choices you are making

Bring whatever choices you are working with. You don't have to navigate this alone!

Wisdom byte:

  • You must give yourself the space to feel your emotion before you can find the path to the wise choice. 
  • When you stretch out of your comfort zone, it's normal to have fear and doubt. Just don't let it drive your choices. 
  • Your feelings are your super power. 
  • Your heart is your power center. Know how it works or you only operate at half of your intelligence. 


I appreciate you leaving a rating and review. I love hearing from you. And sharing this episode with anyone you think will benefit from it. 

With heart, 

Jul 11, 2021

You make choices every day. Every choice we make - big or small - affects the shape of our lives and the reality we live. But most of us were not taught how to make wise decisions.

We’ve been taught to be logical, and practical, but decisions about your life made from only the intellect often lead you to creating realties that limit you, burn you out, keep you from what you truly desire.

In changing, intense times like we live in, where we are each making choices - in our career, relationships, business, money and health - you cannot just rely on your intellect or what the mainstream world is telling you to make courageous and wise choices. 

Many of the choices I see women being faced with right now are also causing us to have to stretch outside our comfort zones … which can create feelings of fear and doubt… confusion and procrastination… and stress!

If you want to make choices that lead to a reality that supports you vs sacrifices you, you have to access both your heart wisdom and intuitive power first … have the inner skill to work with your own fear and confusion to find clarity… and then have the courage to make choices that will often look differently than others. And for this you need super powers, truly.

Which is why I decided to create this 3 part series on Feminine Power Time for you “Making Wise Choices”.

This first episode is focused on one of the super power tools I believe is essential … but most people lack. It’s called “Cultivating Your Wisdom Council” — without this I don’t think it is possible to stay focused on what matters, and make truly wise choices.

So tune in … I taped this on location in Northern California at the home of one of my soul sisters on my Wise Woman Council. during a weekend in which I came to visit 3 of the members of my council to help me make some big choices about my business and organization, and the shape of the reality those choices would create.

What I will share today is:

  • Why you want to make WISE CHOICES vs. smart choices.
  • What is a wisdom council, and why do you want to make sure you have one?
  • How to create your own Wisdom Council
  • Who to have in your council and who not to
  • How to ask for the support and clarity you need so you get wisdom not advice.

    I also have two daring acts for you to put this into place in your life now. 

Bring the choices and challenges you are facing ... and let's get you set up to have the support you need to stay clear and stay connected to what is true for you.

see you next week!
much love,



1. Join in the conversation on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe for this week:  

How have you gone about inviting people or finding people to be part of your council of wisdom, clarity and support that worked well? What kinds of people do you need in your wisdom council now, to support you moving forward from here?

Post yours and be inspired by other courageous souls.

If you are not yet a member click here

If you have already joined - click here. 

This is our private online community off of social media, where we connect and share on the topic we are exploring in these podcasts and more. 

2. Get the Overwhelmed and Over It Book -and learn more about cultivating sisterhood and support as a practice Chapter 8. -

3. Share. Rate. Review this podcast - THANK YOU. This is  how we get the wisdom out to more people 


GO DEEPER. Learn More.

Current and Upcoming Programs with Christine

1. The Mid Year Power Pause - FLOW Focus Your Lifeforce On What Matters the 2nd half of the year. 

2. Personal Transformation and Feminine Leadership Mentoring and 

3. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - applications open now, we start in October. 

4. Feminine Wisdom Way, 2nd half of the year - 



Apr 5, 2021

You can do and be anything. And you to have to make choices. Our choices day to day and in big life decisions create our reality.

But how do you make sure that the choices you are making daily and in big life design, career path, financial, relationship are actually 'in alignment' for you? In alignment with your heart and soul, not just your ego? And why does this matter? 

What I've learned in the decade plus I've been researching the root causes of burnout, overwhelm, self sacrifice and the rise in depression and disease within women, one thing I found was this:

No matter how educated or smart, most women did not receive the wisdom, training or education we needed to make soul-aligned, supportive choices, that keep us rooted in our personal truth, innate wisdom and internal self-worth. 

So we end up creating realities in how we work, design our relationships and lives that are not truly in alignment with what feels aligned and in harmony - which has so many implications and so much wisdom that you'll just have to tune in :)

I started this series to open up a conversation, illuminate wisdom and give you some things to consider as you look at the way you design your life, relationships, career, mission, work, business if you are an entrepreneur, from here. 

In #1 of our three part series on Feminine Power Time: Soul-Aligned Sustainable Success, we will dive in to 4 nuggets of wisdom, elevated perspectives for you to consider about "Soul-Aligned Choices"

We cannot have success and won't feel truly successful professionally or personally if we don't expand our understanding of success to include our heart and soul.Here's some of what we will dive into:

1. What are soul-aligned choices, and what does this have to do with your daily life, career, chosen work and relationships?

2. How do you know when your choices and realities are in alignment for you, and when the are not? 

3. How to tell when something that was once in alignment is no longer in alignment so you can make different choices, without creating distress and or getting a Universal 2x4 wake up.

4. What practices and support structures you want to have in place so you have the clarity and wisdom to make soul aligned choices that lead to sustainable - vs. distress making - change and shifts.


Go deeper. Make this real in your life. 

1. Join Christine for the Overwhelmed and Over It : A Path to Sustainable Success experience. Starts April.  Learn more 

2. Visit our private community space The Feminine Wisdom Cafe (it's not on facebook) where women who dare to do it differently gather. It's free to visit. 

3. For people ready to do the internal transformation to create an aligned life and work and relationship design - explore person mentoring with Christine - Harmonize & Rise.


Nov 13, 2020

The choices we make in our every day for how we direct and give our energy, our resources, our time and money all add up to having a significant impact on you ... but most of us don't really see how these simple decisions are the drivers underneath us feeling stretched too thin, or not being focused on what matters, or just getting swirled up in the world. Which is why we are doing this podcast series!

So your can be more aware of what's going on within you and with your choices ... so you can be empowered to make choices that are creating the reality you desire for yourself, those you love and lead and this world. 

Join me for #3 of 3 in our series called Embracing Our Power. This episode of Feminine Power Time focused on "Making Choices that are Right for you Now".

  • I'll pull back the veil on how this is showing up in my life now, to hopefully help you see what is in alignment and not in alignment for you right now.
  • Then we'll look at how you might be feeling and filling a need out there in your work or relationships or families that is causing you to not receive the support or space you need. 
  • And lastly, we'll dive into what choices your deeper wisdom is calling you to make ... things to let go of ... and ways it is time to step into the unknown

Tune in. Dive in. And let's open up the wisdom channels. 

See you there



Dive in for more... 

1.  Overwhelmed and Over It Book - 

Upcoming Gatherings, Councils and Programs - RSVP to get the Invitation, Save the Date

1.  Crazy Wisdom Wisdom Session - Conjuring Up Clarity and Courage in Uncertain Times - Nov 22nd 12:33pm PT - 

2. Gather and Guide Your People - feminine leadership and program design training, creative incubator, wisdom council. Starts Nov 10th 

3. Feminine Wisdom Way 2021 - Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment opens November. Emerge visioning process starts Jan 3rd. Request the invitation when enrollment opens. 

4. ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Councils 2021 - for women who are influencing change in the systems from the inside out. To request an application go to 


May 22, 2020

What's Your Life Really About? Choosing What to Center Your Life Around Next.  #4 of 4 in the Harmonize to Rise Series on Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo. 

Hello dear ones... I have an inquiry for you that I don't want you to answer, but I want you to consider, to chew on, to explore, to open your eyes to....

What have you been constellating your life around? 

What do you desire to constellate your life around going forward?

This is what we call a wisdom inquiry that has the power to break you through to expanded levels of self awareness and possibility. It gets you tuned into what is really true and right for you now ... it taps you into your power to be a co-creator in your life design and reality ... it empowers you to see how the choices you are making are creating the reality that you've been stuck in or living ... it catalyzes you out of where you are stuck and what no longer serves so you can be free to create what it is you truly need, desire and are here to experience.  

As we walk through this global catalyst.... we don't want to go back to normal or keep assimilating into ways of working, living and relating that are not working for us. 

Wake up your wise woman eyes. Reopen your eyes that see wonder and possibility beyond the mind. Let your wild woman whose not bound by limitations or rules free.  Feel your power. Expand your consciousness.

This week we explore the power of being conscious about what is at the center of your life - and how you can use this inquiry and the framework I share to see what's not working for you any longer and find your power to create something different. 

This framework works for the self, for our family/relationships, and our society. 

What you choose consciously or unconsciously as the centerpoint of your life is what drives your choices, decisions about home, money, career, relationships, everything.

When you are the leader of your life - you consciously choose to shift this over the course of your life time. And when you do, you are so much more empowered to create a reality that supports and sustains you. And that creates the reality that gives you peace, harmony inside.

It's deep and practical. 

See you there.

With great heart,


Coming up - RSVP to get the invitation to

1. FLOW the Mid Year Power Pause - 

Starts June 14th - space to really tune into what is right and true for you moving forward. To create a path for the year ahead.

2. Feminine Wisdom Way summer/fall session - - do the power pause and receive structure and sisterhood for the rest of the year. 


Sep 5, 2019

Should you trust your logic and rationale brain or your deeper inner feelings and knowing when making choices? How do you know when to listen to the data or the numbers, and when to trust your heart and make a choice against what the numbers say? Do you tend to rely more on your intellect or your intuition to guide you, and how is that helping you or hurting you? 

Join me and my partner in life and love, Noah Martin, for #3 in our Making Wise Choices series on Feminine Power Time: Using the Power of Both Your Head & Heart. 

I invited Noah to join us because he masterful at using both the head and the heart together to make wise choices (join us and you'll learn more why.)

Here is some of what we will dive into together. Bring with you the choice points you are standing at, and / or choices you have made in the past ... because we make this personal to you, so that you can make wiser choices in all parts of your life.

  • What having access to both our intellect and our intuition gives you
  • When you want to use your intellect - its' good at this - and when you want to trust your intuition (intellect sucks at this)
  • What bad choices made from the heart look like
  • What bad choice made from the head look like
  • Determine if you tend to over-rely on the head or the heart, and how that can be sabotaging you
  • How to get underneath the unconscious drivers of your decisions so you don't make impulsive choices from fear, or make a choice thinking you are getting on thing, but you get another. 

Tools like

  • The feminine leadership Power Spectrum of aligned intuition and intellect and distorted uses of both  
  • The Known and Unknown Clarity and Courage Booster

And 4 Wisdom Inquiries Noah shared to run yourself through to get underneath what is driving any choice you are making:

1. What is the dream that is underlying this decision? And does it actually help you get to the dream? 

2. What is the fear? 

3. What is your tendency towards making choices - do you lean to being overly optimistic or overly pessimistic? What is that part saying? 

4. What does your Inner Wisdom know?


To learn more about Noah Martin go to 




I appreciate you leaving a rating and review. I love hearing from you.
And sharing this episode with anyone you think will benefit from it. 



** Events and programs with Christine Arylo - join us! **  

Upcoming Events with Christine

Austin - Sept 22nd - The Fierce Grace Experience: Unleash you full power, presence and purpose now. A 1-Day feminine leadership retreat. More information here. 

Seattle - Sept 28th - Harvest Equinox Power Pause: A 1/2 day retreat to reflect, refocus and get clear about your intentions and how to focus your life force the rest of the year.  More information here. 


Upcoming Programs and Retreats with Christine

Transform Your Inner Critic. Empower Your Inner Wisdom - Path of Self Love Training. Starts Oct 1st 

Sacred Rebel. Sacred Work. Vision Quest Weekend for Women. Nov 7-10. 

Fierce Grace Feminine Leadership Immersion and Incubator - Starts November 2019 




Aug 30, 2019

If you are making choices that stretch you out of your comfort zone or go against the status quo you should expect fear to bubble up. It's normal and human. But how do you deal with the confusion, doubt, anxiety, frustration, impatience in a way that empowers you to make wise choices? And how do you get past it to find the wisdom that will actually guide you to making the wise and aligned choice for you? 

The truth is that most of us were not taught how to work with the mental, emotional, physical, and energetic responses and reactions our bodies, minds, hearts and psyches have when we make choices that stretch us, or trigger past trauma, hurt or suffering. 

But when you know how to work with both the parts of you that react from fear and past trauma or cultural or familial imprints AND the part of you connected to your true soul design and heart desires, you can the super power to elevate out of the doubt and confusion, into a inner knowing that empowers you to take action. 

In #2 of our Making Wise Choices series on Feminine Power Time with me, Christine Arylo, "Is Fear or Wisdom Guiding You? Clear Confusion & Doubt to Get to Your Truth":  we will dive into:

  • How to understand the different forces within you that influence your choices 
  • How to use the doubt, fear, confusion to make better choices and get what you need. 
  • Why you can't ignore your emotional reactions if you want to make wise choices
  • How to discern whether it's your inner critic/fear/past trauma/imprints making your choices or your inner wisdom
  • The Ping Pong effect - what to do when you get caught in this or that thinking. 
  • Practices for strengthening your clarity, including a 3-part practice you can do right now with the choices you are making

Bring whatever choices you are working with. You don't have to navigate this alone!

Wisdom byte:

  • You must give yourself the space to feel your emotion before you can find the path to the wise choice. 
  • When you stretch out of your comfort zone, it's normal to have fear and doubt. Just don't let it drive your choices. 
  • Your feelings are your super power. 
  • Your heart is your power center. Know how it works or you only operate at half of your intelligence. 

Wisdom Inquiry:

Journal or talk this out regarding a choice point or situation you have decisions to make:

1. What is known?
2. What is still a mystery?
3. What support do I need to make wise choices? 


I appreciate you leaving a rating and review. I love hearing from you.
And sharing this episode with anyone you think will benefit from it. 



** Events and programs with Christine Arylo - join us! **  

Upcoming Events with Christine

Austin - Sept 22nd - The Fierce Grace Experience: Unleash you full power, presence and purpose now. A 1-Day feminine leadership retreat. More information here. 

Seattle - Sept 28th - Harvest Equinox Power Pause: A 1/2 day retreat to reflect, refocus and get clear about your intentions and how to focus your life force the rest of the year.  More information here. 


Upcoming Programs and Retreats with Christine

Transform Your Inner Critic. Empower Your Inner Wisdom - Path of Self Love Training. Starts Oct 1st 

Sacred Rebel. Sacred Work. Vision Quest Weekend for Women. Nov 7-10. 

Fierce Grace Feminine Leadership Immersion and Incubator - Starts November 2019 



Aug 23, 2019

You make choices every day. Every choice we make - big or small - affects the shape of our lives and the reality we live. But most of us were not taught how to make wise decisions. We’ve been taught to be logical, and practical, but decisions about your life made from only the intellect often lead you to creating realties that limit you, burn you out, keep you from what you truly desire.

In changing, intense times like we live in, where we are each making choices - in our career, relationships, business, money and health - you cannot just rely on your intellect or what the mainstream world is telling you to make courageous and wise choices. 

Many of the choices I see women being faced with right now are also causing us to have to stretch outside our comfort zones … which can create feelings of fear and doubt… confusion and procrastination… and stress!

If you want to make choices that lead to a reality that supports you vs sacrifices you, you have to access both your heart wisdom and intuitive power first … have the inner skill to work with your own fear and confusion to find clarity… and then have the courage to make choices that will often look differently than others. And for this you need super powers, truly.

Which is why I decided to create this 3 part series on Feminine Power Time for you “Making Wise Choices”.

This first episode is focused on one of the super power tools I believe is essential … but most people lack. It’s called “Cultivating Your Wisdom Council” — without this I don’t think it is possible to stay focused on what matters, and make truly wise choices.

So tune in … I taped this on location in Northern California at the home of one of my soul sisters on my Wise Woman Council. during a weekend in which I came to visit 3 of the members of my council to help me make some big choices about my business and organization, and the shape of the reality those choices would create.

What I will share today is:

  • Why you want to make WISE CHOICES vs. smart choices.
  • What is a wisdom council, and why do you want to make sure you have one?
  • How to create your own Wisdom Council
  • Who to have in your council and who not to
  • How to ask for the support and clarity you need so you get wisdom not advice.

    I also have two daring acts for you to put this into place in your life now. 

Bring the choices and challenges you are facing ... and let's get you set up to have the support you need to stay clear and stay connected to what is true for you.

see you next week!
much love,



Upcoming Events with Christine

Austin - Sept 22nd - The Fierce Grace Experience: Unleash you full power, presence and purpose now. A 1-Day feminine leadership retreat. More information here. 

Seattle - Sept 28th - Harvest Equinox Power Pause: A 1/2 day retreat to reflect, refocus and get clear about your intentions and how to focus your life force the rest of the year.  More information here. 


Upcoming Programs and Retreats with Christine

Transform Your Inner Critic. Empower Your Inner Wisdom - Path of Self Love Training. Starts Oct 1st 

Sacred Rebel. Sacred Work. Vision Quest Weekend for Women. Nov 7-10. 

Fierce Grace Feminine Leadership Immersion and Incubator - Starts November 2019