
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Now displaying: 2023
Dec 29, 2023

In a year where we spend 8,720 hours doing, giving, working, caring, creating, mentoring (and sleeping) … and so much more … to  not create space to reflect on all we have done and who we have become, as well as recognize (and honor) our impact, growth & progress, would be just plain crazy :)

Plus honoring feels great!

The energy and act of "Honoring" is one of the most powerful things we have access to, but that we often under use. Honoring is a form a love. It melts away the heavy feels, the judgements of not enough, the pressure to do more. It turns struggle into comfort and possibility. 

I invoke the super power of honor every year at this time because I continue to see the power it has to open our hearts, lighten us up, fill us up and give us a way to start the next cycle radiant & clear, roooted in our enoughness.

We think of honor as something someone else has to give to us - when in reality we have the power to bestow honor upon ourselves, in a healthy way, with humility and dignity. 

There is so much to say about honor and what a super power it is.

In this episode of Feminine Power Time - 229: The Year-End Honoring Ritual - I'll walk you through this honoring ritual that I do every year for myself, 1:1 with others, with groups, so you can really FEEL the honor, shining a light in these three areas:

  •  INVISIBLE: the things you can't measure but have made a signficiant difference, especially all the internal shift and growth, and the things you do that can go unseen but matter alot
  • IMPACT ON PEOPLE & PLANET - how your presence and care has made a difference in real people's lives and the frequency of the planet 
  • INCREMENTAL PROGRESS - celebrating how projects, goals, dreams, reality shifts are more in form today

I love this ritual so much - May it fill you up with radiance, good vibes and a deep sense of how your presence, care, devotion, and choices matter.

With heart,


P.S. SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH A FRIEND + DO AN HONORING RITUAL TOGETHER. Share what you are Honoring in these different areas for this year. Use the words "I am proud that ... I honor that..." Reflect for each other._____


  1. Feminine Wisdom Way - Living, leading, succeeding the way women naturally work best 
  2. Emerge Visioning Co-Creative 4-week  
  3. Year End Reflection Ritual, RSVP, my gift -  




000003CA 000003CC 0000456F 0000456F 001A1B44 001A1B44 00007E85 00007E86 000BFABC 000BFABC

Dec 8, 2023

Imagine living the full month of December intentionally - connected to what matters, working with the energy of the season in ways that support your wellbeing in all ways - emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, spiritually and relationally. So come the start of the next roman calendar year, you felt fresh, radiant, clear and centered ... ready to receive what is to come.

Consider this Wisdom: In the absence a different option, we often revert to what we've done before or what the pull of the mainstream culture dictates. Only when you have a different choice, with practical application and things to 'do,' do you break free of unsupportive patterns and habits, and gain the power to create the reality you desire to be living. 

I know... that is a big piece of wisdom to take it. Because it's so foundational.

Which is why this month, I'm dedicating the entire set of podcasts to things you can 'do' in December at year end that support you to complete the year strong, clear, proud and connected to what matters .... vs. the alternative of the crazy banana world that has so many options and distractions that cause us to drain our energy, bank accounts, life force, etc. and OVER excess in ways that can never quell the deeper desire underneath.

In this episode of Feminine Power Time - 228: The Year-End Release: Clear Out Now So You're Set Up for Next Year, I will walk you through 3 practices I do every December to:

  • clear out any emotional, mental, relational or energetic "interference" you do NOT want to take into your next year cycle 
  • create harmony in your relationships with people, your body, and your money, so you start the next cycle with more peace, and low to no drama 
  • plant the seeds for what you want to manifest and experience next year in projects, career, relationships, so they are there waiting for you to re-engage with.      

    I'll share and take you through 3 Releasing practices:
  • Release Twiggly Danglers - clearing these out. Choose 1 relationship. Choose either your money or body and action to embrace the twiggly dangler into harmony.
  • Release a Short & Transform the "Feels" Attached to It - choose one short - disappointment/failture/shortcoming that was related things out of your control, professionally, personally and in the bigger planetary reality. 
  • Release Threads of Possibility into Next Year - choose projects and relationships you want to put some energy into now, to see potentials for next year, so they are there waiting.

I so love this practice! May it bring you peace, possibility and power. 



P.P.S.. SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH A FRIEND. Share your Releases for this year. Support each other.


  1. Feminine Wisdom Way - Living, leading, succeeding the way women naturally work best 
  2. Emerge Visioning Co-Creative 4-week  
  3. Year End Reflection Ritual, RSVP, my gift -  



Dec 1, 2023

When I think about the power of the last 4 weeks of the year we are completing, and the first 4 weeks of the year to come, I wonder what it would be like if our culture reflected and supported people to: turn inward to their creativity ... turn toward each other in meaningful connectivity... and to tune into their body/mind/heart/spirit for what they needed to restore and regnerate at deep levels. 

I imagine a world in which we were taught that these last 4 weeks of a year cycle have so much wisdom and freedom to give us ... if we create the space to reflect and honor all we have done and become ...

And as we turn toward the next cycle consciously consider what we choose to release and leave behind ... so as we step into the next cycle, we can more fully co-create the next while living the now.

Last year, I realized that I had been doing year-end podcasts and blogs since 2007 - focused on avoiding holiday overwhelm, starting and ending the year differently, living with the cycles, completing the year clear ... so much wisdom and practice there still totally relevant - I put these episodes in the Series Library for You Here. 

This year ... I tuned into what we needed to support us in this bigger cycle shift we are headed into, to elevate the conversation, and open ourselves up to the co-creative power that is here for us ... if we create the space.

Here's the Wisdom I Received:
Create Space for Inspired Creativity + Meaningful Connectivity + Restoring Your Deeper Wellbeing 

Tune in and I'll lead you through this to apply in your life and reality now, including:

  • Lean into & Embrace Creativity. Release the pull to more producivity.  
  • Use the practice of Reflow and Refocus to create space 
  • Create Space for what you are co-creating in the next year/cycle by Releasing the roles, responsibilities, and roots that you no longer need/no longer serve going forward 
  • Create Space for Restoring at deep levels - mind/body/heart/spirit - by saying NO to what subtracts from your creativity, connectivity, and wellbeing, and YES to what supports
  • Try the Holiday Self Sustainability Practice - Choose 3 Harmonzing Words + Release 1 Sabotaging Habit and Embrace 1 Supportive Habit  

It's a juicy way to open to receive in ways that keep on giving, even after Jan 1, in ways that don't add calories or credit card debt :) 

With great heart,


P.S. Elevation Action: Share this podcast with a friend, so you can support each other real time. Invite them to join you for the Year End Reflection Ritual, and do it together.


Upcoming Experiences

1.  RSVP for the Year End Reflection Ritual and Power Pause - 

2. Emerge Yearly Visionining and Intention Setting Experience - 

3. Feminine Wisdom Way : Live, Lead and Succeed the Way Women Naturally Work Best. Join us to Vision, Focus and Co Create in 2024  -

Other Podcasts 

Year End and Year Start -



Nov 19, 2023

"Synchroncity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see." - Carl Jung 

I love synchroncity - it's like gold in the bank that never loses it's value, and always keeps be feeling secure and stable, no matter what. - Christine Arylo :) 

When I can see the meaningful connections happening around me and for me, my faith reserves fill, anxiety and stress release. I feel held and guided. So when  get a case of the wobbles, or things seem to be going sideways, or I feel stuck, or I am headed to despair about the state of the world, I can find the threads to pull myself back to center and lift above the fray and connect to a higher frequency.  

Consider this: In the chaos and uncertainity of our world, it can be really easy to end up with cloudy eyes that make it impossible to see (and believe) the magic. Our normal high-vibe, wise eyes which can see what is real can become glazed over or bewildered by all of the goop from the distorted mainstream world. Gooped up, our internal frequency drops into the tanker, takes us off our path, and gives our energy and chi to the chaos.

Wisdom #1: If you don't have something deeper within you, and more real holding you, insecurity is going to invade your internal ecosystem and try to take over.  

Which is exactly why we are grabbing a hold of our practical magic wisdom book, volume S, today ... S for Synchronicity and Security. 

Wisdom #2: When you can see and feel the synchronicities happening around and for you, you start to see the patterns that can lead you to new possibilities, wisdom & realitites.

When you can see possibility + feel the presence of grace + see the magic connections and occurences happening, the fluctations of the markets, the current state of world affairs, the changes out of your influence, start to hold less power over you. They still might cause a flare up, but they won't take you down. 

Synchronicity spotting and actively cultivating the environment for synchroncities to emerge are practical magic practices ... they are one way we can feel more secure in an ever shifting world. If we remember to look for them, believe in them, and actively create the ecosystems they can thrive in.

Tune into Feminine Power Time Episode #226: Finding Security in Synchronicity: Create the Environment to Keep Seeing & Feeling Your Magical Connection

See you there! 



P.P.S.. SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH A FRIEND. Share about a time you embrace and followed the synchroncities. And where you are inviting synchronicity in now. 


  1. Feminine Wisdom Way - enrollment opens mid-Novemember every year. 
  2. Emerge Visioning Co-Creative 4-week Journey.  


000003AD 000003AE 00004C04 00004C03 00040F63 00040F63 00007E7A 00007E86 0038EBD6 0038EBD6

Nov 3, 2023

Imagine a world in which creativity, beauty, collaboration, & wellbeing were the major values of the society we lived in. A culture that by nature was efficient, created sufficiency for all, and kept itself in balance & harmony.

Stay with me ... this is not a fairy tale or pollyana dream .... I am talking about humans choosing to create societies, systems, businesses, industries, etc. that mimic how the natural world (and we as part of it) thrive and grow best. 

Wisdom: Humans made the systems that make up our culture, which means we have the power to create different systems, rooted in healthier values, to create a culture that can work for all. This starts with our own choices and voices, and then within the families, teams, and ecosystems we influence.

Not easy ... for sure a challenge... but possible. 

In the realm of magic, there are these things called "rings pass not" -- sticking points that keep you stuck in a reality. To get out of the reality that no longer works, you have to illuminate (see) to liberate (free) to elevate (create).

TIME is a top ring pass not ... that can become a "power point."
A power point is a focus point that if we take our "muggle glasses" off (that see through smudgy lenses of fear, scarcity & greed) and put on our "magical spectacles" (that see things clearly) empower us to do things differently.

When we see clearly, we can locate where we have the power to distrupt the current reality, transform & shift the sh$# that keeps us stuck, and then co-create a different reality and world. Starting with small every day ways.

Wisdom: "When you change your relationship to time, you'll not only be more productive, you'll become more empowered to create the space you need and crave. The Wise Ones know the truth about time and the secrets to creating space, and we choose to work with both. " 

Tune into Feminine Power Time Episode #225: Time Magic: The Power & Practice of Moving from Producitivity to Creativity  (#2 of 3 in Practical Magic Series).

I will walk you through a series of R's this week - wisdom + practices - for how to free yourself from the time matrix rooted in a culture obsessed with producitivity to a more natural way to get stuff done + savor your life along the way.

  • Moving from Routine to Rhythm 
  • Moving From the Efficiency & Functionality Wasteland to the Creativity & Connectivity Well of Being 
  • Moving from Fabricated Time Pressure to Flow  
  • Moving from Time Scarcity to Space Sufficiency
  • Plus meditations to get you tuned into your subtle body and magic sensors 

See you there! 



P.P.S.. SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH A FRIEND. And share what you learned about yourself, and support each other to put in spacers to create your natural rhythm.


1.. Overwhelmed and Over It the book - Section 4. 

2. To be notified of upcoming progams: Sign up for Christine's twice a month wisdom letter here


  1. Crazy Wisdom Ritual: CoCreative Practice for Tuning into Your Deeper Wisdom + Focusing On What Matters to Complete this Year. 
  2. Feminine Wisdom Way - enrollment opens mid-Novemember every year. 


000003AD 000003AE 00004C04 00004C03 00040F63 00040F63 00007E7A 00007E86 0038EBD6 0038EBD6

Oct 27, 2023

Imagine a world in which in addition to math, we and all children were taught about how to work with and apply magic to our day to day lives. Not to pull coins out of our ears, or cast spells on people, but the TRUE meaning and energy of magic. 

In this world, people know, trust and value tuning into the subtle realms of insight, feeling, senses, intuition, grace - things we can't see with our eyes but we for sure feel with our bodies and hearts. In this world, synchroncity is the flow for how we roll. No pushing rocks up hills or over-asserting wlll to make stuff happen. 

When we work with true magic, the elements work with us and with us to create more ease, alignment and grace, even in the tricky, challenging parts. 

You know here at Feminine Power Time we are not waiting for others to create this world, we are choosing to re-imagine, re-design and co-create the realities we know are possible now.... which can also be tricky and challenging. 

Magic helps us notice and recognize patterns. One pattern I see is how many of us are experiencing the call to / need to LET GO and RELEASE things - relationships to others, to organziations, to how we do things, how we think, where we live, how we live, what we do for work, how we communicate, etc (also tricky and challenging .... hear the theme?)

As we get the call to release the old, what no longer serves, what needs to shift, etc. we often resist and struggle, we can get lost and confused, we can give up defeated, and waste alot of life force.

SO how about this ... Tune into Feminine Power Time Episode #224: The Magic of Letting Go: The 5Gs for Releasing with Grace.  (#1 of 3 in Practical Magic Series). 

  • I thought, it's time for calling in the Magic ... to show us how we can go through changes where we must let go of what has been to be open to receiving the new (takes oodles of trust).
  • Bring whatever shift, change, letting go is showing up for you.
  • We'll go through 5Gs of Releasing with Grace, in ways that keep you centered in the now, while living into the next.

See you there! 


PS: SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH A FRIEND -- and consider sharing what you are RELEASING and opening up to RECEIVING, and what you need to TRUST in the process.



1.. Overwhelmed and Over It the book - Crazy Wisdom Page 35. 

2. To be notified of upcoming progams: Sign up for Christine's twice a month wisdom letter here


  1. Crazy Wisdom Ritual: CoCreative Practice for Tuning into Your Deeper Wisdom + Focusing On What Matters to Complete this Year. 
  2. Elevate Leadership Wisdom Council for Women Re-Imagining & Designing Next Cycle of Career, Life, Leadership.  




000002D7 000002D8 00004072 00004072 00127E7D 00127E7D 00007E86 00007E86 00144C39 00144C39

Oct 13, 2023

The New Moon Reset is one of those practices that if you weave it into the rhythm of your life, you won't believe how you could have ever lived without it. It's a must for those of us who choose to cultivate a centered, connected, clear presence and perspective, even within the chaos. 

During these times, we can expect the world is going to go wavy gravy ... that humans are going to horrible things to other humans and the planet ... that the changes we are going through are individually and collectively are going to stir up anxiety, fear and all the feels. 

It won't always be this way (AND we are in transitory times), and there are many other really beautiful signs that humanity is elevating, choosing love and compassion ... the mainstream news just doesn't cover those so much (which is why we create alternatives which do!) 

A question to ask ourselves is - how do we choose to walk through these times? How can we be with what is, and also keep our fierce hearts open, faced forward, our vision for what is possible alive, and our thoughts clear? How do we stay light and lifted when the world or people go low? 

A response is: we lean into, apply, and use the practices rooted in wisdom for how we as people and planet naturally work best. Not as more to do's, but as the HOW we do our daily, weekly, monthly, yearly lives and how we make our choices, big and small... so we can show up as the leaders, co creators and elevators. 

Ep 223 of Feminine Power Time: The New Moon Reset is one of our Stay Harmonized Practice episodes, where I share/teach a specific practice and then use the power of inquiry, transmissions and somatic experience to make it real and relevant to you today.

Tune into today and:

  • Get the wisdom scoop on why resetting at new moon is SO wise (and feels so good)
  • Receive a new moon reset - body ,mind, heart and spirit
  • Learn how you can apply the new moon energy to projects, wellbeing and staying present to what is happening in the world, without becoming overwhelmed and taken down by it
  • Receive the new moon transmission connected to the energy of the super power of Crazy Wisdom - to bolstser up your courage and clear out clutter 

See you there!

PS: SHARE THIS EPISDOE WITH A FRIEND -- and consider connecting on or new the new moons together to reset and restore :)  



1.. Overwhelmed and Over It the book + the companion journal. Page 37 and 251. 

2. To be notified of upcoming progams: Sign up for Christine's twice a month wisdom letter here

3.  4 Realms of Wellbeing and Resiliency -


  1. Align to Your Design Weekend Experience  -
  2. Elevate Leadership Wisdom Council for Women Re-Imagining & Designing Next Cycle of Career, Life, Leadership.  




0000034D 0000034D 00007D04 00007D04 0012D01F 0012D01F 00007E85 00007E86 0003F9DB 0003F9DB

Sep 29, 2023

The third part of any power pause is always about gaining clarity about what REALLY matters to you, so you and Realign and Refocus. When I say what matters, what I mean is what matters in your heart, spirit and body (the mind is not helpful in this realm, because it's job is to sort, it does not sense into what is real, aligned or life-energizing for you.)

What became so evident to me in my research around the roots of burnout, overwhelm, workstyle bias, & self-sacrifice and the real path to creating sustainable success & whole lives that foster true wellbeing is this:

Most people make the mistake of focusing on finding more time - "If I just had more time. I need to find time. When I have more time..."  This will only keep you in scarcity, lack and slaving away to the now.

The Wise ones know that the super power is in Creating SPACE within our NOW to co-create the next. 

Which is exactly what I am going to guide you through in Part 2 of the Equinox Power Pause - although you can do this anytime and work with the next 3-4 month cycle ahead. 

I will lead us through a 3-inquiry (plus bonus one) process, including visualization and meditation so you can really FEEL into your heart what matters and

  • Stay present to what is happening in your NOW so you can savor what you are harvesting, and truly find joy and feel fulfilled in the process 
  • Name what is wanting and needing to shift, so you can make space for the next, in your now
  • Name WHAT you desire space for - give specific heart felt  language to it and then CLAIM that space with fierce self-advocacy
  • Put the structure and support in place + name the next few steps to make this space a reality that you get to PLAY in!

See you there!

P.S. Remember -->> REVIEW + / or SHARE this Power Pause with a friend. Use the inquiries (listed below), share from the heart, witness each other, and WOW!

*** Resources + Connect

1.. Overwhelmed and Over It the book + the companion journal. Section 4 - Liberate Your Time. Learn more 

2. To be notified of upcoming progams: Sign up for Christine's twice a month wisdom letter here

*** Upcoming Happenings & Trainings & Retreats

  1. Align to Your Design - Transformational Career Path, Life Design & Leadership Impact
    - 1:1 Mentorship and Coaching
  2. Elevate Leadership Wisdom Council for Women Re-Imagining & Designing Next Cycle of Career, Life, Leadership.  

*** Wisdom Inquires from Power Pause 

Write these out and contemplate them or conversate with a freind. Considering the cycle you chose - 3 or 4 months

  1. Stay Present - What do you desire to stay present to in this next cycle (3 or 4 months), to receive the harvest now while creating the next?
  2. Shfit - What is calling for a shift this next cycle, starting now? Look in these areas: What is calling for attention? What pattern or habit needs to shift? What way of working is no longer in alignment / is not working? Where are there imbalances in your giving and receiving? 
  3. What really matters to you to create SPACE for in this next cycle? NAME it to Claim it. 
  4. Claim the space by getting clear on:: What structure is needed / would hold me and create an incubator for me? What support would help me stay true to this desire & keep focus on it & make it fun? What are the next steps?  


000002FB 000002FB 000046B5 000046B5 001220EB 001220EB 00007E86 00007E86 000A5B39 000A5B39

Sep 23, 2023

Wise beings know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support us to grow our work, wealth and relationships, and to support our health, and keep us focused on what matters.

Which is why one of my top three pratices for staying out of burnout and overwhelm and stay on the path of sustainable success, impact and wellbeing in the "Power Pause" + why I created the next two episodes for you, which are really more like a mini retreat. 

Power pauses are an elevated leadership best practice we do quarterly, at the Equinoxes and Solstices, the natural shifting times. Equinoxes are all about illuminating imbalances, shifting habits to restore wellbeing, and re-focusing your priorities and intentions for the next quarter.

The theme of Sept Equinox is always Harvest. This year, I added the themes of HONOR +  RECEIVE + CREATE THE NEXT WHILE LIVING THE NOW - because I feel like these are the energies and equations that will most support us in this cycle.

Tune into this Power Pause and learn some about:

  • Learn the wisdom behind taking power pauses 4 times a year 
  • Making the invisible and the internal visible  - so we can feel it and value it 
  • Honoring the process vs the product 

I will lead us through a 3 inquiry process, including visualization and meditation so you can really FEEL and register in your body, brain and being: 

  • How the energy and effort and focus you have given is returning harvest to you (but you have to pause to receive the harvest) 
  • That you have been stretched & chosen to stretch - so you can harvest the strength & keep the wisdom gained. 
  • You are supported & sustained in so many ways - but you have to soak it in to believe it. 

See you there! 


P.S. Remember -->> REVIEW + / or SHARE this Power Pause with a friend. Use the inquiries (listed below), share from the heart, witness each other, and WOW!

P.P.S. Come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe to share / be inspired by others self-honoring at Sept Equinox - Click here. 


Resources + Connect

1.. Overwhelmed and Over It the book + the companion journal. Learn more 

2. To be notified of upcoming progams: Sign up for Christine's twice a month wisdom letter here


Upcoming Happenings & Trainings & Retreats

  1. Align to Your Design - Transformational Career Path, Life Design & Leadership Impact
    - 1:1 Mentorship and Coaching
  2. Elevate Leadership Wisdom Council for Women Re-Imagining & Designing Next Cycle of Career, Life, Leadership.  


HONORING Wisdom Inquires from Power Pause 

Write these out and contemplate them or conversate with a freind. HONOR WHAT...  

  1. You are receiving harvest from now because of the choices you made or attention and focus you gave during this year? (or the past year?)
  2. Has started taking root?
  3. Has stretched you? And then strengthened you?
  4. Has sustained and supported you?



0000031F 00000320 00004CAC 00004CAC 001229B1 001229B1 00007E86 00007E0B 00006F53 00006F53

Sep 8, 2023

What do you 'do' when you find yourself in a time when the pressure is alot, the pace is intense, there's a lot happening - whether it's stuff you are excited about or stuff that's dragging you down? How do you move through it without becoming overwhelmed by it? 

Pressure and stress are part of life - but there is a difference between toxic pressure and stress that makes you sick and creates distress, and healthy pressure that stretches and supports you to grow. 

The notion that you should be able to stay strong and push through when the pressure increases is actually a program for self sacrifice, burnout, and isolation - one I invite you to release. And instead embrace this as the new design: YOU receive the support, space, and true strength you need, desire and require during times when the pressure is high.

There's a different way to 'do' pressure, and a much healthier way to relate to the pressures coming at you - in ways that are more empowering, human and balanced. There is a lot of pressure that comes at you that is NOT yours to take on, and that you have more choice than you know to say No Thank You Pressure Making Monsters! 

Consider this: If you want to do more than manage through pressure and intense times, you have to be able to SEE THE SOURCE of the pressure in order to gain the wisdom of how to work with it, in ways that empower you to receive the benefits without crossing the boundary into toxic distress.

Tune into Feminine Power Time: #220: Feeling Pressure? What to "Do" When You are In It 

Together we will explore these three inquiries, to shine a light on where you have the power to release pressure, create space, and dance through or surrender into the change, challenge or situations you find moving through:     

  1. Where is the pressure coming from? The 4 sources of pressure - self, other, system, society. We'll sense into each one and shed light on where the pressure is coming from. 
  2. What do you want to do with it? The 4 choices for working with the pressure vs. the pressure working you over. Shift out of it. Surrender to it. Dance through it. Create space within it. 

  3. What structure you need to put in place daily, weekly and monthly so you relax, release, rest and restore during times you are under pressure?  These 4 practices that will get you through this without burning out. Breathers. Movers. End Dates. Receivers. 

See you there! Bring your Overwhelmed and Over It book if you have it to refer to.


P.S. REMEMBER to do 2 things. 1. Subscribe to the podcast so you get notifications. 2.  SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together --> share your pressure sources & strategies with each other, and be each others permission slips (more on that at end of the podcast)




  • Self Love Essentials: Tools for Wellbeing, Resiliency & Transformation - Starts third week of September, once per year. 





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Aug 27, 2023

Self Empowerment.... Be Empowered... Own your Power ... Stand in your power ... these are words that we see and hear alot more these days, but what does embodying our power really mean? What is self-empowerment? What does sovereignty have to do with all of this?

How do you know if you are coming from your pure power rooted in wholeness or distorted power rooted in woundedness?

How do you reveal where you are giving your power away - leaking power - in subtle but signifcant ways?

I've been exploring, researching and teaching self-empowerment as one of the 10 branches of self-love for over a decade.  I started studying power and realized pretty quickly how distorted our cultural concepts and expressions of power are. And I dove deep into where we as humans, give away our power in unconscious ways. Or express power in distorted ways that actually diminish our influence.

Most of us are blind to where we lack self empowerment or we give away our power, or over-rely on distorted power in ways that don't serve us. All of which has a big impact on our careers, relationships, wellbeing, financial reality - we just don't see the connection with the 8th branch of self-love, self-empowerment.

Which is why I over the years I have created new defintions of power and sovereignty, practices to strengthen both, and ways to reveal where our leaks and strengths lie.

And why I decided to re-run this episode - as a self-empowerment check up! Originally part of the Self Love Series Episodes #178-181.

Here is an appetizer for starters - the definition of self-empowerment I crafted as part of the self-love tree:

Self-empowerment is choosing to take care of and responsiblity for your life by acting to create the life you really desire, without apology or requiring approval from others. 

In this episode of Feminine Power, Self Empowement: How Are You Leaking Your Power or Discounting Your Value? :

  • Define Self Empowerment and Sovereignty
  • 5 Signs of a strong self-empowerent and 5 signs of weak self empowerment 
  • Difference between 'power' that is reckless , suppressed or distorted in you, and power rooted in wholeness 
  • 5 Power Leaks - which are affecting you
  • How this all shows up in our careers, life choices, and relationships to others, ourselves and the organizations we work in/with
  • How to speak from and stand in your pure power in everything from relationships to salary negotiations without being an ass or a pushover.

I'll guide you through some self-reflection inquiries as well. If you have the Madly in Love With ME book or Overwhelmed and Over It, grab them as I'll be referencing them in our conversation and exploration. 

And come over the Feminine Wisdom Cafe where I've posted the full definition of Sovereignty and we're inviting everyone to share what Sovereignty means to them. 

See you there!


Go Deeper. Get Connected. Receive Wisdom, Structure & Support.

  1. Self Love Essentials Training: Tools for Wellbeing, Resiliency & Transformation. For those who guide and support others. Only offered once per year. or 
  2. Align to Your Design  1:1 Transformational Mentorship & Coaching  with Christine Arylo- learn more  
  3. Get your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World


Connect on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe

Join the conversation! 

What does Sovereignty Mean to You? 


Here's the Self Love Tree one more time.

Aug 20, 2023

Have you ever considered that while we can do and be anything, you can't do it all at the same time. And honestly, if it's not in your design, even if you make it to your goal, it will feel empty and your lifeforce & energy will be emptied.

The dance between your soul path and career path is where the magic, meaning and sustainability live. Do you know what your soul path has to do with charting your career path and allowing it to unfold for you? 

This is a pretty big topic, which could be it's own series. But I sat with what would most serve us to dive into support you in the NOW while you create the next ... in your career path, your life design and the way you focus your leadership for the most meaningful impact. 

 Imagine a world in which we grew up understanding our soul path... and had tools for staying on it, staying true to ourselves, knowing ourselves, defining success for ourselves, trusting ourselves, and making choices that were in alignment for our unique design, even if that meant disappointing another, distrupting the status quo, or daring to step out of our comfort zone, and into uncharted territory. 

That's what we are up to in this Feminine Power Time: #219: How Your Soul Path & Career Path Dance Together. #3 of 3 in the Align to Your Design Series.

Consider this: The invisible - mystical, intuitive within you - is as powerful & essential as the visible - material, intellectual imprinted into you - to making choices that keep you aligned to your unique and true carer path & life design.  

When you sense & feel forward vs. just think forward, you naturally create in tune with your dharma, desires and destiny.

Some of what we will explore:     

  1. Soul Path - what is it? how do you know yours? what's soul have to do with our career?

  2. Dharma - what is your natural path and essence? why can't you do and be anything?    

  3. Self-Love & Career Choices - how can too much Self-Esteem, or not enough Self-Acceptance & Self-Awareness guide you or distract you?  

  4. Desires - how do you discern between the ego & distorted willpower, and what's in alignment with your heart & soul?

  5. Evolution Cycles & Soul Curriculum - what is your soul path, curriculum to both receive and give? how do you make sure you don't overstay in situations, cycles or orgs or indiv relationships no longer in alignment with your soul path?  

I as usual make this all personal with a series of illumination inquries, woven throughout that you can take into your life, contemplate, journal and conversate them with another to bring forth the wisdom your soul truth is wanting to show you. 

See you there!


P.S. REMEMBER to do 2 things. 1. Subscribe to the podcast so you get notifications. 2.  SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together --> invite them to join you for the series. Use the inquiries to conversate, illuminate, liberate and elevate each other




  • Self Love Essentials: Tools for Wellbeing, Resiliency & Transformation - Starts third week of September, once per year. 





  1. Your Current Career Cycle: Where are you at in your current career cycle? Starting, middle, completing, over-staying?   

  2. Integrating Lost Parts: What soul parts have you hidden or got diminshed to fit in,and  now want to integrate and come out to be fully alive, in this next cycle of your career path? How can you EMBRACE this? 

  3. Your Career Path: In the past, when have you made choices that are in which you trusted yourself, because you knew yourself and what success was for you? When have you not? What's the difference between what was going on within you and around you that empowered you to make choices that were aligned for you?  

  4. Embrace What Formed You to Guide You Forward: What is an experience from your career path and professional experience that has formed you, that you can apply and receive momentum from in the next cycle, if you embrace it as part of your curriculum vs something that happened to you?  How about your personal experience? 



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Aug 3, 2023

Have you ever considered how the work you do and the way you work could be different IF you & all people put your WELLBEING at the center? 

Imagine if our culture embraced that all humans are designed differently, which means what supports our wellbeing - mind, body, heart, spirit - will be different. Therefore, the way we work, and the environments we work within need to be flexible, fluid and responsive to the different kinds of work styles required to empower and enable diverse humans to thrive. 

Imagine a world in which we defined work not just by what we did to receive money, but all the ways in which we give our energy, care, time to a system, including care-giving & creative expression, as well as the jobs & roles we play within organizations and professions.  

Then remember this: You and I have the power to co-create culture. 

Culture is defined as: the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions, which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the group. The root of the word culture means to "cultivate a place" or "to till a place." Like a field.   

Our power starts with choosing to intentionally cultivate the culture of our individual place/reality. Then the family/relational systems we live in. Then the team ecosystem we work in. Then the organizational, community & social ecosystems we swim in. 

Consider this: Rather than wait for the big ecosystem to shift to creating a culture who builds how we work based on what we need as humans to cultivate and maintain a strong foundation of wellbeing... we can embrace our power of "harmonic defiance" and make small shifts that lead to bigger shifts to bring how we work and where we work into alignment with all realms of our wellbeing.    

As Glinda the Good Witch says to Dorothy "You had the power within you all along!" My role is illuiminating where that personal power is. Tune into #2 of 3 in our series: Align to Your Design. Episode #218: Align Your Work with Your Wellbeing,

We'll explore these 3 realms to illuminate the way you are designed to work best, liberate you from what doesn't align, and then begin to take small but significant steps to bring your reality into alignment with your design now:

  1. Rhythm    

  2. Roles

  3. Radiance 

We'll also explore and illuminate what must be present for you in the environments you work within in order for you to truly thrive. It's like being an orca in the ocean ... what needs to be true about the environment, other creatures, & your part in where and how you work going forward? 

See you there!


P.S. REMEMBER to do 2 things. 1. Subscribe to the podcast so you get notifications. 2.  SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together --> invite them to join you for the series. Use the inquiries to conversate, illuminate, liberate and elevate each other


Page 265 (weekly rhythm) and 279 (harmonic defiance)



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Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

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List of inquiries in podcast below - if you can't read them you can get them on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe or the Podcast Page.



  1. Rhythm - What is the weekly rhythm that best supports your wellbeing? Whats the starting and ending pace? Where are the breaths? Where is the space to connect with your heart & spirit? 
  2. Role - What roles align for you? Which chafe you? Employee. Entrepreneur. Solo Consultant/Contributor/Craftsperson/Caregiver.  Collaborative Consultant/Contributor/Craftsperson/Caregiver.  
  3. Radiance - Look for your heart & soul gold - when present in your work and work environment, role and pace really support you and nourish you - keep your Radiance strong. When not present, drain your Radiance.


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Jul 21, 2023

What is your "design?" What does that even mean? And why does knowing and having language for your innate design and the evolution of your design have everything to do with having a north star for how you make decisions in what you do, and how you do it in every part of your life?

This is not about what color your parachute is, or a what your sun sign is (although fun to know, these surface level dips into ourselves are not the same about understanding the depth and full tapesty and spectrum of your design). 

Consider this: Every body is different. Our dharma, our karma, our gifts, our paths, our lessons, our self expression. Yet, when it comes to career, lifestyle, wellbeing, money, relationships, we are shown images, prescriptions, expectations for success vs. taught how to tune into and stay true to our unique design.

So of course, wouldn't it be wise to know as much as we can about our design? So the paths we choose and the choices we make create the sustainable realities that create the environments that are essential for our unique wellbeing and sense of meaning? 

 Yes :) Which is why we're embarking on this 3-part series: Align to Your Design, where we explore Career, Life, Wellbeing & Leadership Design on a deeper level.

Where your design and your desires meet is the key to the focus for the next phase and cycle of your path. 

The first episode focuses on Career, Vocation and Your Work in the World, and sharing elevated language, metaphors, inquiries and stories to open up your mind and tap more deeply into your design, now.

We will set up the full series with a wisdom teaching on getting off the Do More Be More Rat Race, and back to the operating system of Choosing What's Right for You. 

Here's the 3 parts we'll explore and bring into your life now in practical ways to 

  1. Career -  Your Path. 

  2. Vocation - Your Part.

  3. GIfts -  Your Presence 

We'll also explore your Polymathic nature ... a different way to think about Purpose ... why what you feel called to doesn't always come true ... the difference between putting livelihood and money at the center of our careers.  

Join me for episode #217: Your Part + Your GIft + Your Career Path: Align to Your Design

See you there!


P.S. REMEMBER to SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together --> invite them to join you for the series or just this episode - and use the inquiries to conversate, illuminate, liberate and elevate each other



What would you love to be true by next year? 

Share and be inspired here.


Page 33 and Page 291



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Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

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  1. Career - Looking back at my career path, what experience, expertise, wisdom do I have that I can and will always take with me?
  2. Career - Looking back, what parts of my career path have felt good, enlivening? Which have drained me? What does that tell me about the environments I need to be in?
  3. Vocation - What is at the center of my work in the world? What are my current assigments? 
  4. Vocation - What is my part to play in the primary relationships in my life right now?  Personally? Professionally? What's the common theme?
  5. Vocation - What parts have I been playing that it may be time to release or redesign? 
  6. Gifts - What am I naturally good or that I do naturally and easefully, that I think everyone else is good at too, but really it's one of my gifts? What's the subtle gift behind the expression of it?
Jul 6, 2023

Every year around the day known as Independence Day in America, I like to tap into the energy of freedom and liberation to bring forth the wisdom, practices and inspiration for all of us ... so we can use the freedom mojo to break free from what might be holding us back, and liberate us to imagine and design the path and possibility forward. 

This is a co-creative practice - a practice I engage in to co create the now and the next. I come back to this liberation and freedom energy every year at this time because if we are evolving, stretching and expanding we can expect resistance and struggle, but we don't want it to stop us.

One way we exterminate the interference is by expanding so much into the possibility, it just cannot take the light! 

This year I was really feeling we could all use a boost of heart power to clear out the interference and break our consciousness & creativity free, so we can feel the possibility as reality, so much so that it gives us momentum to fuel and focus us forward.  

Consider this: The consciousness that got you here, cannot take you to what you are thirsting for, what's calling you, what you want to feel and experience next. But if you are feeling it within you, it is real. So we expand to elevate. 

Here's the 3 parts we'll explore and bring into your life now in practical ways to 

  1. Interference -  The unconcious stuff that keep us stuck in patterns and realities that we no longer desire or no longer serve. Imprints like the solo-solitude or scarcity trap. Internal inteference like constraints and conflict that bind us up vs open us up. When you see the interfernce, you can move beyond it, otherwise you just get "goobered" up and stuck in it (very technical term lol).

  2. Imagine - What you are seeking is also seeking you. When you name it and speak it, from a deep place of self worth and empowerment it's like you are painting that reality through your radiance and passion into the world. I'll teach you a practice that invokes the power of Invitation & Radiant Magnetism.

  3. Design - It's not a magical manifestation trick, it's a co-creative path and practice we engage in actively to bring this into being. From the power of invitation to exploration to experimentation, it takes courage and clarity and conscious creation and creativity. But that is part of the gift ... the question is will we dance with the Universe or try to control it and therefeor kill it?

Join me for episode #216: Invoke Your Power To Expand Your Possibility & Reality - a liberation and invitation boost from the heart. 

See you there!


P.S. REMEMBER to SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together --> invite them to do the Invitation & Radiant Magentism process with you - naming what you desire to invite in & what you would love to be true by next year.  Inquiries below or on the podcast page



What would you love to be true by next year? 

Share and be inspired here.





Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters -

Linked in

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

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  1. l would love to invite more into my life ... 
  2. I would love to invite in more .... (then respond for the different realms of your life,  my work in the world, my self expression, my wellbeing (home, health, wealth), my professional relationships, my personal relationships
  3. What I would love to be true by this time next year ...
Jun 23, 2023

One of the smartest things we can do at the mid year point is to pause, reflect, realign and redesign what we are going to focus our life force, resources and time on. This is true for how you run your work life - business, team, organization, career, classroom, etc. And how you run your personal life - wealth, health, home, relationships. For SO many reasons. 

This is what I call taking a Power Pause. It's a personal and team leadership practice and a core sustainable success principle. It's how we make sure we create realities that are both successful in what we desire to create and cause AND that are sustainable. 

It's also a best practice for getting out of overwhelm and the feelings that you are never doing enough or have enough. 

I've been doing Power Pauses myself for a decade and every year at this time I teach mid year power pauses, which I call FLOW for focus your life force on what matters, in many different forms. A virtual program/retreat, in person retreats and for women's leadership groups and teams within organizations. 

For you my beloved Feminine Power Time listener, 4x a year I do these special Power Pause episodes that include a series of inquiries that are like a Power Pause appetizer. They give you a taste of the full process, and enough of a taste to give you some wisdom bytes about what you truly desire this coming year. 

In this episode, "215:POWER PAUSE: Honor Your Progress & Reveal What's Working (or Not) for You", I will share:

  • The power & potential behind quarterly power pausing to create more calm, harmony, alignment (and less anxiety, burnout and overwhelm) for us individually and a society 

  • How you can use power pausing to ferret out what's not working for you - career, relationship, wellbeing, habits, home, money, etc -- before it gets to disease, distress or drama. 

  • The practice of acknowledging in your BODY your progress and your co-creative power, so you can experience co-creation as a real thing.

I'll take you through 6 inquiries focused in 2 realms -- Feel Good about where you are now (honoring your progress and choices) and Feel Forward to Right For You Next to reveal what wisdom & changes about your design & desires is trying to get your attention.   


INSPIRED ACTION>>> I listed the inquires below. A. Journal on them.  B. Share the Podcast with a  friend or your partner to share about them. C. Receive the benefit of the mid year Power Pause, 4-step process, do in your life - learn more 



FEEL GOOD NOW: Looking back at the first part of this year ... acknoweldge and honor:  

1. PROGRESS: Consider the shifts, changes, desires, goals, projects, relationships, etc. that you have been giving energy, time, resources and care to ... "I celebrate that I've made progress in ..."    

2. PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL CHOICES:  Consider the choices you made internally in the past 6 months, or even last year, that you are now experiencing momentum, movement or physical manifestation in... "I acknowledge & honor that the choice I made to XYZ is now XYZ."

3. MORE PLEASE: What would I love to keep doing, going, flowing, growing this second part of the year? 


FEEL FORWARD: Reveal what's working & not - in the 3 main realms of your life of personal foundation (home, health, wealth, practices), relationships + sacred work/career/self-expression so you can make shifts for the next

4. DRAIN: What is draining me? What no longer feels sustainable?  

5. SUSTAIN:What is sustaining me? What is giving me energy? Where do I feel the energy? 

6. GET WISE & RE-ALIGN : What does all this tell me? What are my feelings and responses revealing about the design of my life, work, relationships, that is not working? About what is working? What am I really desiring to create - to not do and to do differently?  



FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - do in June/July early August to get focused on what matters -  Do from home. 

Jun 15, 2023

At the start and midpoint of the year I always like to pause and put on my "wisdom goggles" to see what is really going on in the world - behind what we can see what our logical eyes or within the our day to day lives. I do this because it helps me see the bigger patterns that are going on... to see beyond the screens of frenzy and chaos ... and to see how what i call 'the banana world' is affecting me in ways I may not be noticing. 

I also take this pause with my super powered wisdom goggles to trace where the energy is going in the collective culture ... and how and if I want to respond to it. Which informs me so much on how I choose to focus my life force. 

I created this Feminine Power Time #214: Feminine Wisdom for Living in a Banana World, as a sort of mini power pause to stop and take a look around you and what is happening in the world ... not to be overwhelmed by it, but as an observer who is at choice about how you want to interact within it.

I invite you into this practice today as one of the primary practices you can strengthen to stay rooted and stable in the now, while you navigate the new, and make sure you don't get affected or infected by the banana world energy that can drain you and distract you without you even realizing it.

  • Come play with me the "What am i Noticing?" game.
  • Learn about some of our super cool wisdom tools - such as the wisdom googles, the overview pattern seer and the frequency detector. 
  • Hear what I am seeing in and outside of the banana world, and use my insights to support you in any way that resonates
  • Contemplate the liberating wisdom teaching : "Be in the world, but not of the world." 

I also will walk you through a process/meditation that cues you into how the banana world might be amping up unhelpful energies for you ... in whatever threshold or challenges and changes you may be in... and then take you through a 4-step practice I call Fear Shifting. 

See you there! 


p.s. Remember to SHARE this with a friend to Elevate together -->  share your thresholds/changes and walk each other through the 4-step From Fear to Flow Fearshifting practice. 



Join us for the annual mid year Flow Power Pause - Learn more http:/  

RESOURCE:  OVERWHELMED & OVER IT BOOK - page 224 for the 4-step practice and inquiries



Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters

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Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

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Jun 1, 2023

One of the biggest reasons so many of us can feel so busy, overwhelmed, fragmented, pulled in a million directions ... like no matter how hard we work or how much we do, we just can't reach our goals ... is because we are operating from half-power vs. whole-power.

So we over work, over effort, try to do too much, choose careers  or paths that are not aligned for us.

We operate like speed boats vs sail boats - we are moving so fast, focused on the next, we can't even savor what we've worked so hard or given so much to create or take care of.

Or we are adrift like lost boats out at sea, without the focus and intentional steps to ride the waves and let the wind carry us to our aligned path.

There is a different way ... if we can access some of our full power spectrums. I'm over the moon excited to share with you two power spectrums that give us a path to Do Less. Receive More. Achieve a Greater Impact (while savoring the process!) 

1: Strategic Surrender

2: Focused Fluidity

Tune into #3 of 3 in our What is the Feminine? And why do we need it? Series. #213: The Power of Strategic Surrender & Focused Fluidity.

These two power spectrums brings in the feminine, marry it with the masculine. and creates the HOW we can stay focused on our goals, missions, people we care for ... in a way that we can savor the process... make progress through momentum ... and achieve the kind of success that includes wellbeing of planet and people.

Consider this: Success without wellbeing, or having the space to savor the process, is not success. 

Some of what we will dive into... 

  • How to go from making it happen to focusing on what matters now
  • Revealing whether you are too strategic and focused or surrendered and fluid
  • Learning what RBG and sailboats can teach us about sustainable success, purposeful patience, and working in smart ways that focus our resources + leave room for synchronicity and divine timing 

I will also walk you through applying the power of strategic surrender + focused fluidity to an area of your life now. 

See you there.


p.s.  >> REQUEST - SHARE this podcast with a friend and then PLAY with the two power spectrums to see what wisdom emerges when you apply strategize and surrender AND intentional focus and intuitive fluidity to the situation.



  1. Mid Year Power Pause - Reset. Realign. Refocus. 


  1. Overwhelmed and Over It - Chapter 10 -  Make It All Happen --> Focus On What Matters 

  2. Feminine Leadership Wisdom Session - for visuals and more wisdom on Power Spectrums and Feminine Leadership Archetypes -  Gain Access Here


Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters -

Linked in:

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

You Tube:



May 25, 2023

Can you re-imagine a world in which our intuition is valued as much as our intellect?

Where young women and girls, and all humans, are taught how to discern between their internal knowing, wisdom and truth?

Make decisions that not only make logical sense, they make heart sense .... the kind that keeps us aligned on our path ... the kind that gives us the courage to speak up, stand up and do things differently?

I think we can co create this reality now - but we need new language, understanding and each other.  

Consider this: There is SO much power in expanding our understanding, trust in and value system of what true intelligence is.

So much power in doing what Joesph Campbell called following your bliss, and what I call follow your heart wisdom AND don't be a dummy pants :) 

So much power in knowing how to tune into the 4 parts of our full spectrum of intelligence - instincts, intuion, insight and intellect. 

Self trust. Creative strategic planning that supports creativity + productivity. Making choices in careers, & relationships that lead to less suffering & anxiety and more aliveness and ways to express our creative genius.. Speaking up. Just to name a few.  

The mind & intellect are not built to tap into creativity and possibility, or even make wise choices. Our minds can only see what we've done before or seen others do. The intellect alone will make all kinds of things that are bad for our world (atomic bombs and AI to name two).  

When we choose to honor, value, access, embody, employ this feminine energy of intuitive intelligence & heart wisdom... we open up the field of possibilty and creativity... we bring more heart power onto the planet... and the Universe starts showing up to show us the way to create realities that reflect the good and beautiful in humanity.

Tune into the second in the series is 212:  The Power of Intuitive Intelligence & Heart Wisdom 

Some of what we will dive into... 

  • How to play with your intuition and intellect so they work together for you - so you don't get stuck in being over rationale ... or ungrounded in wishful thinking
  • My 4 Eyes model for accessing the full spectrum of intelligence ... which give you access to Wisdom and a higher level of intelligence
  • Why the mental mind is not the place to look if you want to do things differently - and where to look instead
  • What is heart wisdom, how do you follow it? 

I will also walk you through a short 4 inquiry contemplation to apply heart wisdom and intuitive intelligence.

See you there.


p.s.  >> REQUEST - SHARE this with a friend and then do the heart wisdom tune in together. 



  1. Mid Year Power Pause - Reset. Realign. Refocus. 


  1. Overwhelmed and Over It - Chapter 1 -  Choose What is Right for You 

  2. Feminine Leadership Wisdom Session - for visuals and more wisdom on Power Spectrums and Feminine Leadership Archetypes -  Gain Access Here


  1. I know....
  2. I really desire...
  3. I feel...
  4. I need...


Linked in:

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

You Tube:


00000324 00000325 000052FC 000052F9 002A171A 002A171A 00007E86 00007E86 002BDB73 002BDB73

May 18, 2023

I named the podcast Feminine Power Time for a reason. Even though the word 'feminine' throws or turns off many people (which is part of the reason I knew I needed to keep the name!) Even those of us that get to a point in which we get we need the feminine, want it and cherish the feminine can have a hard time understanding what it is, practically.  

What do you do with the feminine? 

How can it help me in my career? My relationships? Choices? 

Is it really even relevant to business? and big issues like global warming and the education and safety of our children? 

The short answer. Yes. We are just very ignorant (and imprinted) to not value or understand it. 

One of my supers powers is taking big concepts and esoteric wisdom and breaking them down. Putting language, visuals, practices, models to it, so we can access this really potent wisdom and energy in our lives, and for all that we care about in the world. 

The "feminine" first found me in 2006, after my first super woman sob in which all I was trying to do to have success in my business, mission and life was not working (more on that in the podcast).

Since then, I have studied it, explored it, experimented, and been educated and initiated into some of the most powerful energy I didn't know existed, but that was there within me all along. 

For 17 years, I have seen how the feminine is the medicine needed to end at least two big epidemics - 1. burnout of the planet and people 2. the 'not enoughness' that drives so many peoople and young girls to so much unnecessary anxiety, self judgement, etc. 

I also believe with all my heart that if we embody and apply the feminine, it brings the distortions of our current systems and society into balance and harmony ... and we start seeing HOW to create different realiities, that are rooted in value systems that honor the wellbeing of all people and this planet.

This is not airy hope ... this is practical application of straight up wisdom.

Tune in and join me for our inagural series in our 8th year ... What is the Feminine and Why Do We Need it?     

The first in the series is 211:  The Power of Stillness & Space Holding.

I will set us up for the series + we will dive into more including:

  • Going from Ready, Fire, Aim --> Intend, Aim, Release (it's a get out of the jail of overwhelm, busyness freedom card) 
  • The Feminine Leadership Archetype of Space Holder  
  • The Power Spectrum of Stillness and Swiftness to get into aligned action
  • Why you only want to do the Hustle if you are dancing :) 

The feminine does like to be a bit of a mystery - so less words and bullet points. You will just have tune in for more. 

See you there.


p.s.  >> REQUEST - Please SHARE this with a friend and then talk about Space Holder and Stiliness and Swiftness. CONVERSATION STARTERS: Where are you under-valuing your Space Holder leadership and expression? what do you choose to value differently as an act of Harmonic Defiance? How can you work with stillness and swiftness in a current situation to find aligned action?   



  1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - Preface, Introduction / Chapter 1 / Section 5 Liberate Your Power - all mentioned

  2. Feminine Leadership Wisdom Session - for visuals and more wisdom on Power Spectrums and Feminine Leadership Archetypes -  Gain Access Here


Linked in:

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

You Tube:

Apr 27, 2023

There is a lot of talk & information about wellbeing, presence, mindfulness, getting good sleep, eating well and self-care ... alot of which can be good and helpful, and alot can also be overwhelming and like more to do's in an already full life.

Here at Feminine Power Time we get to the roots of wellbeing by applying wisdom to the choices we make every day ... including the practices, choices and routines that have way more influence over how we feel, how we show up,  and how others perceive and receive us than we know.

As we embark on our 8th year here at Feminine Power Time - I wanted to take a pause to bring practical application to our theme for this year: Rooting and Rising in Radiance, that enables and empowers us to actually live that theme into reality. 

It's the choices we make in our every day that determine how we feel and live throughout our days. 

Contemplate this: Which every day choices are supporting your radiance + your capacity to show up as your best self? Which are draining your radiance or driving you to react to people or situations that does not reflect your best self?  

When I say "practice" it can help to think about practices in two categories: 

  1. Proactive and Preventative: Put these into your daily, weekly and monthly rhtyhm to keep your life force and radiance strong, so you are more able and likely to show up as the calm, clear, grounded, radiant, powerful presence that is you.

  2. Pull On In the Moment : Use these in the moments you get triggered, pinched, swirled up, overwhelmed, full of emotion or feelings of anxiety or frustration. They will give you a  path to move through the trigger or wobble, and recenter. So you can respond vs. react to a situation or a person.

Tune into episode #210 - Keep Your Radiance Strong & Light  - 3 Practices to Play With and then try these three practices in your day to day. These are three practices I use in  my day to day too!

  1. Relax. Rest. Regenerate. The Daily & Weekly Bookend
  2. Eliminate & Release. Release & Embrace. Choose a time span to play with.
  3. Emote to Elevate. Ask someone to be a space holder for you or play with this through journaling, movement or self recorded speaking.

I so look forward to sharing this wisdom with you, and hearing what happens as you play with them. 




  1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - Section 2 -
  2. Episode #117 The Practice of Downshifting -


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Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

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Apr 20, 2023

It's hard to believe that today I can share with all of you that this month marks the 7th year anniversary of Feminine Power Time, and since I believe in living by the wisdom, perspectives and practices I share and we work with here, I invite you to join me for the kind of pause that would do us all (and the world) so much good...

One: Pausing to Savor what we create. Acknowledge what is already here. Which in our case is a still very relevant Wisdom Library on topics ranging from self-love to sacred work & careers to intuition & making wise choices to feminine super powers & liberating ourselves from burnout to redefining success & embracing our power of harmonic defiance, and so much more. 

I'm curious for you... what milestone are you moving through right now? Something you could pause and savor and acknowledge, even if it's not 'done'?  

Two: Pausing to consider what's needed & what we desire to do with the creations we've given our energy to. Find the wisdom for how we grow through momentum, using the principles of Cyclical Living & Co-Creative Pathing. In our case, how can Feminine Power Time serve you, me and the world in this next year (it's 8th year).  

Tune in with me for this special episode of Feminine Power Time: The 7th Anniversary Milestone: What We've Created & Where We Go From Here. 

You will notice Feminine Power Time has received:

  • an elevation & expansion in her external expression to match the internal frequency of the depth, breadth and energy we cultivate here  - ie. check out the new podcast website, logo and banner branding,  
  • a Series Library - so you can access the episodes within a particular topic or share a topic with someone in an easy way vs. having to go through all 253+ episdoes 
  • the Full Library - access to all episodes + my blogs searchable by date and topics 

Four parts to our conversation & exploration that will provide the focus and format for the next year:

One: I'll share how I am using the wisdom for sustainable success and growing our projects & missions & desires through momentum with Feminine Power Time now and the next - and how you can use this for your own creations & desires:

    • Releasing Procrastination, perfection, plans + embracing the path and co-creative practice
    • Cyclical 10 Count - natural growth cycles of 10 years
    • Creating from momentum to rise into radiance vs stay stuck in status quo or blow  it all up

Two: Theme for our 8th year - Rooted and Rising in our Radiance

Three: Foundation and Focus Going Forward 

  1. Centerpoint - Re-Imagining the Way We and the World Work … changing what we mean by “work” and how we work as individuals, collective, systems, society, and embracing our co-create power to Re-imagine, Re-design & Re-create.

  2. 6 Parts, that make up the harmony star that creates this space for us
  • Feminine Power
  • Time
  • Turn off the Chatter Tune into what matters. 
  • Wisdom
  • Leadership
  • Wellbeing

Four: What I heard from the Survey. At 56 minutes; Share short sumamary the results of the recent survey + the structure for the next cycle. 

Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey. And thank you to each one of you who has engaged here me in this intentional space I call Feminine Power TIme.

I created this as “intentional space” for us to step outside of the crazy chaos of the world and the hectic pace of our lives… so we can tune in to what is real, right and true.

There is so much interference and information out there creating pressure, confusion, anxiety, frustration inside our heads & hearts… driving us to make choices, big & small, that are often not aligned or sustainable.

This is why we really do need places that operate at an elevated frequency. Feminine Power Time is such a place. It’s more than a podcast. It’s space created for you, and all those daring to do things differently.

Look forward to this next cycle of our journey together.


P.S. Share this episode with one person - one who you'd like to create a closer relationship with or someone you think it would support.  Share through the podcast app, share my wisdom letter or send them to  

Together, we rise into our radiance, rooted in our design, our relationships and the world we know is possible.  



1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - Chapter 1 -


Linked in:

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

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Apr 2, 2023

As we go into this next cycle, and look ahead at what we desire to create for ourselves, those we care for and influence, and the world, two thing I do know for sure is this: 

HOW we do this must be done together. It's the design of how we create a different reality, rooted in wholeness, compassion, interconnection, inclusion & sustainability.

Our relationships are a big part of both our personal and collective healing & elevation. 

The time of the lone wolf, hero, guru, star, indivdual leader is done. The time of putting the world on our backs & doing it all on our own, and sacrificing ourselves for our cause, company or just mere survival needs to be complete. 

As we watch the world around us transform, one thing we want to really open our eyes to is the realm of our Relationships and what I call our "Webs of Connections". So much of our personal and collective transformation and elevation can only happen in relationship ... to other people, and to communities, groups and eco systems of people.  

Our relationships - the ones we have or the ones we lack - are where we work through our wounds, heal our hearts, return to wholeness, and as result become like agents of elevation in our families, partnerships, teams, communities, companies and the larger world.

Our relationships are the how we move out of working in ways that make us sick... how we create a culture in which people are compassionate, collaborative and inclusive... how we create a reality in which people stop making choices from fear and instead open their imagination to see different possibilities where there is enough for all.   

I am curious ...

Do you have the relationships you need now, and to create the next? 

What are the relationships + webs of connection that will support you to grow, express in your full genius, & be sustained now and in the next? 

Are you up for the experimenting with different ways to engage in relationship?  And making changes to how you show up within them? Live the next months and years like a "yoga of relationship" where you can elevate your frequency and experience of relationship in all realms of your life? 

Today we open up the portal of elevation for the now and next .... to empower us to create the relationships and connections we really do need for this next 3 year cycle and beyond. 

In this episode, #208 (#3 of 3 of our extended Power Pause)- we will focus on your Relationships and Your Web of Connection.

I will share with you two frameworks: 

  1. The 4 kinds of relationships you want into place - from conscious collaborations to mutually beneficial connections to your heart line to resonant communities. 
  2. The 4 different kinds of actions you can take in existing or non-existing relationships: Release. Redesign. Reconnect. Reveal & Reach Out.  

I will share wisdom on both as well as take you into these 3 inquiries:

3 Co-Creative Inquiries

1. Who am I keeping company with? What is the frequency of the connection or the field? What is draining/dissonant? What is fine/no sweat? What is energizing, empowering and resonant? 

2. Who are the people I am meant to connect with? 

3. If what and who I am seeking is also seeking me, what could be creating interference? 

Creative Actions: 

  • Write these inquiries out. Increase your awareness of current company.
  • Make a visual of the people you are meant to connect to and invite the Universe to help you make connections. 
  • Choose one relationship from each category to work with these next 3 months or year ... Release. Redesign. Reconnect. Reveal & Reach Out. 

See you for the conversation. Honored to be on the path with you!

With heart,


p.s.  REQUEST to CREATE CONNECTION: SHARE THIS PODCAST with a friend. Ask each other the inquiries. And reflect to each other what you hear to bring more insight forward.  



1. Burnout to Balance 40-Day Practice - learn more


1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - Chapter 1 -


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Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe:

You Tube:




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Mar 26, 2023

Consider this: You career is your path. Your vocation is your calling. Which means as long as you stay true to yourself, live your design, and stay open to learning and evolving... you will make choices in the jobs you take or don't, the 'vocations' you say yes to, and the organizations and people you choose to work with that are aligned for you.

If your career is a path, that means that it will have turns, uphills, downhills, weather systems, and unexpected events. It's not a straight line or a ladder - although the over culture conditions us to believe so. 

If you are a person who has dared to follow your truth, heart and deeper knowing, you have likely stepped outside of what is deemed normal, smart or successful. Good for you! That is what we do as co-creators who feel empowered vs. cogs who follow the rules or worse sharks who eat others for lunch to get ahead.

We are at a threshold and big shift in the evolution of humanity - transformation, changes, uncertainty, structures breaking down - of which we are individually a part of.

The wise ones PAUSE to consider where we are NOW and where we want to go NEXT in our careers and the vocations we say yes to. We work with the energy intentionally vs. being worked over by it blindly. 

That's why we are doing this power pause series on Feminine Power Time - Wisdom for Thriving Now & Creating What’s Next.

In this episode, #207 (#2 of 3)- we will focus on your Career (path) and Vocation (calling). I will share wisdom on both as well as take you into these 3 inquiries:

3 Co-Creative Inquiries 

1. Who am I working for? 

2. What am I working for Now? Am I in a Shift, a Stand & Savor, an Unsure & Stay put, a Sustainability Reset, a Service?   

3. What I am moving towards Next? What is the reality I desire to fully experiencing in my career and vocation three years from now?

BONUS Inquiries: 
* What is no longer sustainable or suitable to my design or today’s reality? Do I Release or Redesign? 
* Where is the energy and momentum at? What do I need in the now to follow it?  

Remember ... the over culture will pull you onto the go go more more more escalator or sweep you and your life force up, if you are not centered in your truth and knowing about your path, your vocation and clear on WHO you work for. Even if you say you work for yourself. 

Also... We are not meant to do this alone, be lone wolves, or scouts with little to no supplies. We are meant to work in collaboration, synergy and be supported and sustained as we give our gifts and genius and live well. This is our practice, not a prescribed 7 step process :) So we apply these co-creative practices to guide they way.

See you for the conversation. Honored to be on the path with you! 

With heart,

p.s.  Share your thoughts in the Feminine Power Time Podcast Survey to inform the next three year cycle of this podcast 



1. Burnout to Balance 40-Day Practice - learn more


1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - Chapter 1 - 


Linked in or Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe:


SHARE this podcast with a friend and conversate on the inquirires - you'll LOVE the wisdom you receive


Mar 20, 2023

New inspiration for Feminine Power Time...what I'm calling an "XO" episode ... XO from my heart to yours .. like a movie "short," it's a podcast shortie to bring forth something that moves my heart to share with you spontaneously.

I have these moments where I am feeling the energy in the world + sensing themes through the conversations I am having with conscious beings that make me feel "Oh, it would really serve us all to hear this wisdom right about now!" But instead of waiting to do a full podcast, I thought we could experiment with this shorter format. See if we like it? 

This first XO short is all about getting to the heart of a pattern, habit, imprint that might be driving you - unconsciously - into overwhelm, self sacrifice, burnout, and ways of working, living, relating. One that is rooted in your self-worth and the imprints around self-worth that have been imprinted on you.

If we can't get to the root of what is causing the burnout within us, we cannot change the systemic roots that keeps us stuck in the in patterns, relationships and situations that do not support our sustainability + thriving. Nor change the systems we work and live in.

Every year around this time, I put myself on a 40-day practice to shine light on root habits and imprints that are driving me in ways that don't serve me + to shift my habits to support my wellbeing & desires going forward. 

I was reflecting on the years I've done 40 day practices, and remembered that I had written about one of my profound 40 day practice breakthroughs in Overwhelmed and Over It. Specifically, the connection between our self worth & feelings of safety, security and enoughness and our inability to break free of burnout & self-sacrifice.

In this XO from my heart to yours, I will take us through some wisdom, experience and a set of inquiries that will help you shine some light on where you may be unconsciously pushing yourself way too hard, or stuck in systemic imprints you just don't know are there.

Consider this (excerpt from book and podcast):

The simple truth is this: We cannot give ourselves the space to pause or replenish, nor can we create a reality in which we can be both successful and sustained, in part because we’ve been imprinted to value ourselves based on how busy we are; how much we’ve achieved; or how hard we have to push, strive, and grind.

Or we’ve been so laden down with the reality of just having to survive, we haven’t had space to even consider the pace we’d prefer, because we are drowning, barely keeping our heads above the water.

This is true, for so many of the reasons we have stated about the way this world is currently structured; what society values; and the increasing pace and demands on us financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally to just keep up.

As we’ve said since the start, “It’s not our fault. And . . . you and I, and all the other women on this planet, are the ones with the power to change it, together.”

The way forward is this: We bravely look underneath all the push and grind to see the lies, fear, lack, feelings of “not enough,” and distorted ways we value ourselves, and heal and free ourselves from them.

We re-root ourselves into the truth of our inherent value and a real, felt sense that we are held and guided by something greater, of which we are a part. To start us moving in this direction, I have a few inquiries for you.

Let's look underneath the roots + re-root ourselves into our inherent value and connection.

See you there, 

p.s. THANK YOU for those responding the Feminine Power Time Podcast Survey - would love your insight and feedback on what you'd like to see. Go to 



Burnout to Balance: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered, Sustained & Supported 





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