
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Apr 11, 2021

If we just keep taking more on - in our work, in our relationships, and world - we will burn out, get sick and not have the impact we desire to make, nor receive the lives our hearts and souls crave.

But we can't help ourselves - most of us feel over stretched and over whelmed because we keep taking more on, as if it's our only choice. Something has to give, and this time, it cannot be you.

In this episode of Feminine Power Time: #2 of 3 in our Soul Aligned Sustainable Success, Christine Arylo, author of Overwhelmed and Over It! takes us into a conversation that will:

  • Illuminate the systemic and social realities that have created a culture - in our society, in our organizations and in our families - that always demands more. 
  • The hub of the systemic distortions around how we value growth and success that have gotten imprinted into we approach and think about our relationships, work and choices. 
  • Why in the 50 + years working women have been in the workforce, we are more stressed not less.

Wisdom Byte: The systems have not sufficiently changed to support women in the workforce, so we just kept doing more! Because we had to.

We'll explore and expand possibility by looking at two of the imprints that drive us to make unsustainable choices in our lives, relationships, career and work. And RELEASE those. And learn two self sustaining imprints to embrace instead.

Imprint #6: Release: It's better to give than receive. Embrace: It's better to give AND receive. Imprints that we inherit from our family and how we were educated that cause us to value how much we sacrifice ourselves or how much burden or pressure we can carry. 

Imprint #7: Release: Work Hard to Succeed. Embrace: Work Wise to Thrive. Which causes you to plug the holes and needs of the systems and people around you, like the little Dutch Boy.

And two self sustainability practices for doing things differently, to work wise. 

Just give enough.

Don't plug the holes. Let the system re-shape itself.

See you there!



Go deeper. Make this real in your life. 

1. Join Christine for the Overwhelmed and Over It : A Path to Sustainable Success experience. Starts April.  Learn more 

2. Visit our private community space The Feminine Wisdom Cafe (it's not on facebook) where women who dare to do it differently gather. It's free to visit. 

3. For people ready to do the internal transformation to create an aligned life and work and relationship design - explore person mentoring with Christine - Harmonize & Rise.

Jan 23, 2021

There are many things you could do this year, many things you think you should do, or heck maybe this year you have no idea what to do!? Wisdom teaches us to use the power of inquiry to consider the path before moving into action.

Not so we can have it all figured out like an agenda or project plan. But so we can be clear on our intentions, be connected to what's really in right timing, and to see what we can't see with our eyes but can sense with our deeper intuitive knowing ... if we slow down to listen. 

Every year I do a episode that takes us through 6 super powered inquires that I'm feeling would serve us to consider - so we can stay focused on what truly matters, create the realities for ourselves and the world that align with our deeper truth and desires, and realize sustainable success. 

Six is the number that creates harmony.

Every year the inquires are different.

Because every year, we need differently inquiries to lead us to the possibilities we haven't even considered with our limited - often fear reactive - minds. 

And this year, as I went to begin with inquiry #1, a bonus inquiry jumped in! A seventh inquiry. 7 is the number associated with going deeper than we've gone before so we can emerge in a more radiant, whole form. Perfect.

Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and women’s leadership and empowerment teacher, for episode 146: Stay Focused on What Matters This Year: 6 Super Powered Inquiries to Illuminate Your Path.

See you there!



Current and Upcoming Programs, Classes and Leadership Councils

1. Different Way to Dream & Succeed - get the class recording

2. EMERGE 2021 Visioning and Focusing Process - learn more 

3. The Feminine Wisdom Way 2021 - Vision, Plan, Focus and Grow the Way Women Work Best -  (includes the Emerge 2021 process)

4. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils 2021 - For women ready to re-imagine and re-design the way we and the world work - applications open Jan 22, starts March 18th


Wisdom Inquiries 

1. Where do you desire to be standing in the center of 2022?  -

2. What is your growth portal or edge - both what’s healing and what’s going to stretch you to be free?

3. What is calling to be Shape-shifted in your Career/SW? Relationships?

4. What is ready and ripe to GROW … like put your energy, lf, time there? Career SW + Relationships

5. What support - structure, practices, sisterhood/sangan, mentoring - do you need to support you to grow and stay centered as you stretch?

6. What would bring you joy - fun play ??

Bonus 7: How do I desire to wield my wealth? Consciousness Wealth? Material Wealth?

Jan 4, 2021

There are big misunderstandings in our culture about visioning, goal setting & achieving that stem from a "go, go , go, work hard, stay busy" mindset that many of us have been trained to operate from.... which honestly set us up for more pressure, overwhelm and self-criticism vs. true, sustainable success.

Even in teachings you hear about manifestation, the law of attraction and vision board - there's significant distortions that can lead you to creating realities, careers, businesses, lifestyles that are unsustainable... keeping you working hard & so busy, but not feeling sustained or successful.

There is a different way to dream + succeed. That's what we'll explore & share together in the next three episodes, focused on supporting you to see the unsupportive ways you've been taught to approach goal setting and the start of the year... and reveal some other ways to think about and approach this year, so you really do FEEL successful and sustained at the end of the year.

In this first of the three part Feminine Power Time series - #144: A Different Way to Start Your Year & Set Your Goals we'll dive into:

  • Why Jan 1st is really truly the natural start of the new year - and how shifting your relationship to this can create both healthy time pressure AND spaciousness 
  • Why setting resolutions and goals are set ups for stress, pressure and not feeling like you are ever doing enough or where you want to be
  • Elevating your language and metaphors around how to achieve 
  • The power of "Co-Creation" - which feels empowering -- vs  the law of attraction and basic manifestation which often creates self criticism, self induced pressure, and fantasy based or external based goals 
  • Esoteric teachings that were used thousands of years ago to create and work in ways that created more ease than hard struggle.
  • Feminine Wisdom Principle for Visioning and Intention Setting #3 and #5 - you will love these!

I love sharing this deep and practical wisdom every year at this time as a different way to vision, succeed and reach out goals. 

Tune in.

See you there, and for more check out below.


p.s. I will also share about where I've been the last two weeks - exhale. Which is part of how I stay sustained, out of overwhelm and get what matters done.


Upcoming Programs - Learn more 

1. EMERGE 4-week Visioning Journey - starts Jan 10th, you can start any day in Jan.

2. Feminine Wisdom Way 2021 - Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment open throughout January. 

3. ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Councils 2021 - for women who are influencing change in the systems from the inside out. Starts March 2021 To request an application go to

Free Feminine Wisdom Sessions:
1. A Different Way to Succeed - Live Jan 12th . Co hosted with Ellevate Women's Network. Free. RSVP. 

2. Year End Reflection Ritual & Power Pause  


1.  Overwhelmed and Over It Book - 

(check out the chapter releasing the imprint of Work Hard to Succeed and embracing the imprint of Working Wise to Thrive which I referred to, to see the path of Sustainable Co Creation)


Oct 25, 2019

You have goals, dreams, desires, yes? Things you want to achieve, change, manifest, see happen? Ever feel like they are not happening fast enough or happening to the level you wanted or expected or see other people achieving? Ever judged yourself for not being where you think you should be now? Or put pressure on yourself with deadlines and timelines that you needed to do things by that stressed you out? Welcome to being a woman in the 21st century influenced by an overculture whose expectations for growth and success are completely distorted! And tune into this Feminine Power Time so we can support you to do it differently.

I've been working on my next book Overwhelmed and Over It! and thinking a lot about all of you and me and all of the women and courageous conscious men who have a big heart desire to make a difference in the world AND who desire to achieve their personal dreams and desires AND who want to be sustained materially and spiritually, and not have to sell their soul for money or have no money to keep their soul.

What I see so often is that we have not been taught how to work and grow our work, careers, and wealth in ways that really work, for how women or really humans work. So we exhaust ourselves, or our resources. Or we never feel like we are doing enough. Or we try and do too much.

So I took a pause from writing, to pop my head out and share this Feminine Power Time with you: Achieve Succeed Receive: How Women Grow Their Work, Careers and Wealth best. 

A few thing we dive into:

  • How our personal expectations on ourselves for growth are influenced, not in a supportive way, by the over culture
  • The Self Induced Pressure Cookers - the different ways you can put unnecessary pressure on yourself, your team, your organization based on timelines that are so not in rhythm. 
  • The Impatience Club. Are you a member?
  • Broken internal timing belts. Have one? 
  • How women naturally grow - you'll love this!
  • How to think about how you grow your work, career and wealth in a way that feels supportive and successful vs. stressful and short. 

I look forward to tuning in with you. Press pause. Tune in.





Feminine Wisdom Session - Nov 11th - RSVP for Free

Crazy Wisdom: Conjuring Up Courage, Clarity and Calm in Intense Times 


Feminine Wisdom Way 2020

Vision, Lead, Succeed and Live the Way Women Work Best

Opens first week of November. To receive the invitation go to




Feb 15, 2018

In our traditional mainstream culture, we are told we have to build our careers, work hard, and climb to the top - which is why we all feel so overwhelmed and over it, and why we never seem to 'get there.' We pressure ourselves to be there now. Or we lack the courage to go for what our heart's begging us to do. At this time on the planet, we are being called to DO THIS DIFFERENTLY- to take our power back from outdated ways of thinking about work and career which limit our freedom and expression. And be the powerful, wise presence we came here to be, self expressed, doing good in the world and also being SUPPORTED as we grow, take risks, put ourselves out there, and make shift happen.

I invited my good friend Jenny Blake, author of the book Pivot, and another woman who like me has chosen to continually evolve herself and her work in the world in ways that create more freedom, meaning, expression and goodness in the world. We've both cut ourselves free from the golden handcuffs, learned lessons about being entrepreneurs that business school didn't prepare us for, but that the WISDOM sought from other sources did. 

Since I am in the midst of a big PIVOT myself in my sacred work (more on this SHIFT in the podcast), I invited Jenny to join us this week so we can pull back the veil and get real and wise about:

  • What an empowered path for creating work you love and that aligns with you heart and soul looks like - it's not the vertical ladder to success, we can tell you that. 
  • The Trap of Having a "CAREER" vs. the POWER of Living & Giving Your Sacred Work - you'll love this small tweak with big liberation pow wow 
  • How to be WISE about how you "DO" your transitions and take risks in your work/career/business so that you are supported financially and emotionally 
  • Are you a Sacred Rebel or a High Net Impact Being? And if yes, what you have to do differently in how you approach your work and career.  

Stepping out of the rat race, linear race to the top, "safe" structure is a courageous act ... Redefining yourself, evolving your work, making choices outside of conventional wisdom also DARING. But what other way is there to live if we truly desire to be free vs be trapped in realities that suck our life force out of us?

Join us, tune in. I can't wait to share my PIVOT and invoke the Sacred Rebel, who dares to make shift happen, in her own world and then in the world at large. 


Christine Arylo

Feminine Leadership Advisor & Wisdom Teacher 


P.S. Join me for the Spring Equinox Retreat in March at Esalen: Grace Under Pressure: Feminine Wisdom for Thriving in Intense Times. Click here to get the details. 




Jul 20, 2017

You can set intentions. You can have desires. But without commitment nothing sticks, projects fizzle out, you dabble instead of thrive, you try to please everyone and do everything. The Yogi's go so far as to say that without commitment you will never find happiness.

But when you choose to consciously commit - to the people, the projects, and the purposes that matter most to you ... wow! you gain super power. 

Committing doesn't just happen and isn't just a one time thing. It's a choice we have to make consciously and often have to re-commit. At key times during the year, wise women take a power pause to ask the question "What am I committed to?" and then design their lives and make their choices based on those commitments. 

Join Christine Arylo, host of Feminine Power Time, for a power pause to get clear on what you really desire to be committed to giving your life force and resources to. In this episode you will explore the 4 P's of commitment and take action to commit to what matters:

  • Shift your relationship to commitment from one of burden, guilt and obligation to one of empowerment and choice 
  • PEOPLE - What are you committed to cultivating in your relationships? And what people specifically are you choosing to commit to out of LOVE not obligation.
  • PURPOSE - What mission, job, assignment that is aligned with your divine purpose and desires to offer this world are you committed to? And the difference between just dipping your toe in and really going for it. 
  • PROJECTS - What project can you commit to bringing into form or contributing to that will elevate your presence, support you to grow, bring your dreams into form now?
  • PACE - What pace of life are committed to support you - and what choices will you make to make sure you don't sell yourself and your wellbeing out?
  • Explore how to navigate when commitments compete for your attention and resources - how do you dance with that in a good way?

It's a personal Feminine Power Time inviting you to focus and fuel your intentions and desires with the power of commitment - a necessary part of the ingredients we often forget or avoid or don't fully embrace.

To join Christine for a Power Pause go to

To connect with Christine Arylo and receive notifications about retreats and programs and also stay connected via her Wisdom Letter go to