
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Now displaying: 2016
Dec 29, 2016

So many of our choices throughout the year do not align with what truly matters to us - in our work, relationships, health, self expression, home. This year, what if that changed? What if you gave yourself the space to tune into a deeper wisdom and consider the choices you’ve made and the choices you could make, so they were infused with wisdom, instead of the pressure the mainstream world starts to advertise and put out in January.

In this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, tune in for some wisdom and personal reflection to support you in creating a year that you love and that has space and time for what really matters, including:

  • The most essential question to ask yourself as you start the new year
  • What to do instead of making resolutions and goals at the start of January that will make sure your choices are wiser.
  • The Feminine Super Power of Choice - and why Gloria Steinem says it’s so essential to our health and happiness.
  • Dreaming and Receiving Time - how to tap into a deeper wisdom than you can access through your mind or a vision board

Join Christine for a Feminine Super Power Year at

Or receive the year end Reflection Ritual with Christine arylo at

Dec 22, 2016

Using the power of this time that signifies 'the return of the light' - the days get longer and many spiritual traditions celebrate the light too - take a guided  20-minute journey with Christine Arylo to

  • honor the imprint your light has made in the world and with those you love
  • honor the difference you have made this year 
  • receive the light of all you have done and become
  • release yourself from shame, blame, judgment and disappointments from this year so you can be lighter going into 2017
  • invite in the "divine' light to illuminate the path of ahead 

A special illumination meditation taped for you on the day the light returns. 

To receive the 2016 Reflection Ritual - including live video recording and booklet with illustrated templates - go to 

Dec 8, 2016

Have you ever considered that the stories that make up our history and the 'information' that is passed off as truth are not always 'the truth'. Or considered that the systems that we work within, operate within and take for face value as 'that is just how things are' are really man-made constructs that can also be de-constructed to create new more supportive realities, for you and this world?

In this Feminine Super Power Time, Christine Arylo ignites our "Feminine Super Power of Challenge" ... a power you innately have to break through illusions and constructs that just don't fit for you or this world, to illuminate more aligned, supportive ways of live, lead and succeed ... now.

As we complete one year and move into the next it's the perfect time to challenge the constructs, beliefs and systems that have gotten you to this point... to tap into your power as a wise woman or man to be a light of wisdom vs. a voice for fear. 

You'll love some of the stories Christine shares in this episode about how conventional wisdom is used to control people ... and why it's so essential to have the power to discern false stories and man made structures from truth and how things have to be. 

  • What Stonehenge, Lichen, Druids, Pilgrims and Thanksgiving can teach us about why it is dangerous to just take history as truth      
  • Why conventional wisdom can keep you stuck in jobs and situations that don't support or serve you - and how feminine wisdom can free you
  • How to embody the feminine power of "Challenge" to be a force of wisdom and change without alienating others or having to prove yourself 

Remember to RSVP for the Super Power Pause Reflection Ritual at the end of December with Christine to harvest the wisdom of the past year and illuminate the path ahead for what your INNER Wisdom - not conventional wisdom - is guiding you towards. RSVP at (free offering)


Dec 1, 2016

It's way too easy to get caught up in the collective holiday madness and frenzy that is pulling you to do too many things that lead to over spending, eating, scheduling, doing and working. Even if they are things you WANT to do... or feel like you SHOULD do. The collective is speeding up and spending lots of energy, money and time outside while the natural world is slowing down and going within.

There is a different way ... that allows you to BOTH enjoy the joy, peace, connection of the holiday season AND replenish, restore and focus your life force on what matters most to you, so that come the new year, you will feel FULL of vitality and energy, balanced inside, having not overspent your energy or money, or overindulged in ways that make you feel like you have to workout every day for three months come January.

Wise woman employ some very specific 'feminine super powers' that:

  • attune you to the natural cycle...
  • help you gain the wisdom from the year that's been...
  • focus your life force and resources... s
  • ay yes to what is sustaining and no to what's draining...
  • and put some energy towards the new year for the projects and things you hope to grow. 

Tune into this episode of Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo - I will share some of the ancient wisdom that will keep you connected to what sustains and nourishes you this season, and set the seeds for what's to come in the new year. 

And remember to Join me and people around the world on Dec 18th for a Super Power Reflection Ritual to complete your year powerfully and peacefully. I've done it the last 10 years and it's made such a difference in creating more harmony, inner peace, clarity and focus. 


Nov 18, 2016


I believe we are the ones here at this time to be part of a great awakening on this planet, and awakenings are often not easy.

It’s HOW we respond to what is happening in our world, families, communities and systems, whether it’s an election, water and oil rights, the way we do business, how we raise and educate our children, how we come together in true sisterhood or not – that is the deciding factor of how this will unfold.

The ancient sages predicted we would come as a people to this time of unrest.

Change often requires a catalyst, a bolt of lightening to quicken the shift. But the HOW we get there is not pre-determined. We are the ones who will lead the way. YOU are the one who will lead the way.

We each have a part to play. Never diminish or discount the importance of your part, no matter how small it may seem.

Many sages have said that when the women truly come together the great shift will occur. And while we have made much progress in this way, one only has to turn on reality TV, look at Twitter feeds, look around her own circle of friends and family to see as women we are still divided in many ways.

I called this circle in sisterhood. For the hearts of women and girls worldwide. We each have a part to play.

This special episode of Feminine Super Power Time with Christine Arylo was originally broadcast as a livestream. You can listen to the broadcast on this podcast and if you want to watch the video go to

And if you’d like to go deeper into exploring feminine wisdom with like-minded sisters who believe in the power of connection and sisterhood, here are some upcoming events to mark on your calendar. More details will be coming soon…

* Feminine Super Power Year – Activate Your Feminine Power + Attune to a more natural & sustainable rhythm – Starts December 2016

* Visioning 2017 Online Retreat – Starts Jan 12th

* Visioning 2017 In Person Retreat – Jan 27-29th 

* Harmonize: Women’s Vitality Retreat in Mexico – March 25-April 1st 

* Kripalu East Coast Retreat: July 28-30

Nov 3, 2016

When there is so much "out there" that can disturb the peace inside, what do you do? How do you deal with the stresses showing up in your relationships, money, career or health that feel anything but peaceful?

How do you stay engaged in the world, be a force for peace and consciousness raising, and not get blown over or out by the mass levels of fear, anxiety, blame, control and anger flying around?

Whether you have disturbances of peace popping up in your personal life, or you are being affected by the madness of the media frenzy or state of the world, I've lit a fire, poured some tea and invite you to tune into this week's Feminine Power Time).

The yogi's predicted that these last 15 and the 15 ahead would be a time of chaos, unrest and challenge. Stormy. We are living in a time that can feel a little like living in a series of lightening storms. Sometimes thrilling, sometimes scary, moments of peace between the chaos, and lots of catalyzing happening in our personal lives and across all of humanity.

Things are changing because they must. But the change is often anything but peaceful.

So the question becomes, how do you keep the peace inside no matter what is happening on the outside?

In this session of Feminine Power Time, I'll answer that question plus share with you 3 super power practices steeped in the wisdom the sages have been teaching for thousands of years to move through times of unrest and upheveal.

I have modified this ancient wisdom for our modern lives with practices and perspective that really do give you super power to move through the storm with more peace, grace and calm.

To connect with Christine Arylo + receive her free Overworked, Overwhelmed and Over It Kit full of meditations and simple practices for navigating a stressful world with more grace, go to

Christine holds personal and group retreats around the world, as well as in Valley of the Moon California where she resides. 


Oct 28, 2016

I recently put myself on a personal vision quest, to give me the space to listen more deeply to my heart and to the Divine to get direction and guidance. I often take these super power pauses at this time of the year, a natural time for going inward and accessing more subtle and more profound guidance about one's soul path. 

On the last day, day 4, which was all about presence and bringing my presence into it's most powerful form at this time to do my sacred work and create a life that sustains me, I knew I had to spend time with one of the most present, powerful beings on the planet - the horses. I knew they had wisdom to open in my heart and body that I could not get to from my mind and I was right. 

I received some potent pieces of wisdom that I just had to share with you - right from the horses mouth:) In this session of Feminine Power Time, I've got a basket of 5 or 6 pieces of wisdom that are keys to how we can: 

  • Get out of the grind... think about it, the feminine is so not meant to "grind"
  • Let go of control and all the stress it breeds in us... the great mama horse I worked with reminded me of our feminine super power to "allow" things to come to us vs running around like chickens with our heads cut off to make stuff happen
  • Be powerful presences not through domination, control or pushing but through our "BEING" by mastering the balance of listening and leading ... OMG you are going to LOVE this story, and it will take some of that self imposed pressure and stress off your back.

Simple yet mighty wisdom these magnificent creatures of such presence have to provide us with. I received such a healing and such clarity and guidance. And I am thrilled I can share this with you.

I am fortunate to live in Valley of the Moon in Northern California where we have a very special equine organization called Belos Cavalos, a non profit who works with horses and humans, and who specializes in working with children affected by trauma.

In the 15 years I've been teaching self love, I have not met an adult who doesn't have some version of trauma that has implanted things like fear, shame and stress in their hearts.... that then lead us to the emotional and physical maladies we create oin how we show up in our relationships, work and lives as adults. These horses definitely unleashed my heart. I hope what I learned does some for you too.

Here's a little bit on what the folks at Belos Cavalos say about the wisdom these horse beings have for us...   

"Our equine partners act as mirrors of our emotions, reflecting our behaviors, attitudes and ideas. Horses are in the moment and they cannot lie. Thus, they recognize and reflect the incongruence between our behavior and emotion, without judgment, revealing our truths." 

For more on retreats and events you can take with Christine Arylo go to  Christine does personal retreats from Valley of the Moon. 

Oct 13, 2016

Courageous women have risen above the forces that would try to diminish, distract, and discount their innate feminine power and wisdom because they feared the power of the feminine heart - for thousands of years. Not able to 'control' them, these powers sought to discount and derail them.

What we are seeing today in the media has been present on this planet for thousands of years... we just now have a tickers tape, social networks and 24/7 media so that this kind of blatant disrespect and disregard for the sacredness and power of the feminine body, heart and soul cannot be ignored.

In this Feminine Power Time, join me Christine Arylo, as we step out of the media madness where it's too easy to get caught up in the fear and frenzy, so we can:

  • Gain an elevated perspective - See what's really going on at a cultural and spiritual level - that the elections and media are just reflecting. Step back to see what's exciting about this!
  • Get real - Have our emotions - anger, frustration, sadness, despair - fully without falling into the exact thing we are fighting against.

  • Get Wise - How do you use your emotions to fuel the changes you want to see? 

  • Get Personal - Each of us has a part to play at this time in humanity when it's just not okay for any human to be disrespected or for fear and domination to be the way our culture works. That's big stuff. The shift starts within - I'll share 4 soul inquiries for this time. 

Remember..while what we see may anger us and try to pull us apart, remember our power comes from shining the light not only on what is vulgar and unacceptable, but also on illuminating what is possible when a woman dares to follow her heart and speak her truth. We each have a part to play - in how we show up, what we speak and how we choose to make the shifts our souls are calling for. 

Calling courageous women - to the Unleash the Feminine Heart 40-day Practice - starts in October, 


Oct 6, 2016

Follow your heart. What does that mean? How do you 'do' it? How do you conjure up the courage to step outside conventional wisdom to follow your inner wisdom? 

And why is it essential for women especially to know, trust, and follow their Heart Wisdom that can sometimes feel crazy?

Join me and my special guest Shiloh Sophia McCloud, visionary artist and one of my dearest soul sisters as we sit around her kitchen table and share with you what our wise mentors and teachers - wise women who were part of the feminist and women's movement in the 1970s and beyond. These wise women, including Alice Walker, have wisdom to share with all of us women so we can be wiser in how we live, make choices and dare to follow our hearts to create systems and realities that seek to free and sustain instead of control and drain. Tune into Feminine Power Time - and tap into the wisdom of the timeless feminine heart.

To bring more of the feminine wisdom into your life - join Christine Arylo for virtual circle of women participating in the Unleash the Feminine Heart 40-day practice, starting in October. 

Take a Vision Quest with Arylo and Shiloh and other wise women who dare to do things differently and are the visionaries weaving the new world.  

Sep 29, 2016

There is no question that we are living in intense and uncertain times where who we’ve been and how we’ve operated will not support us on the path ahead.

About every woman I know who is awake, open-hearted, and desiring to live her greatest life, in alignment with her soul, is being called to her “edge” - personally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

It’s like our souls are beckoning...“Let go of things that no longer fit and leap into the unknown” - in our relationships, jobs, homes, careers, wealth, health, lifestyles, and habits. Anything that stems from false security, diminishes our most true presence or distracts us from our soul path - we either surrender it or we suffer through it.

And it feels scary, uncomfortable and if we are honest,  there are times we’d rather pull the covers over our heads, or quit and just resign ourselves to do something easier.

This is what I call a SOUL STRETCH. You can either lean into the stretch and grow, breakthrough limits and old ways that no longer serve and eventually soar and reach deeper levels of strength and faith and expression. Or well, you can stay stuck, suffer and self sabotage.

And the truth is - during a SOUL STRETCH - you need support. You can't get through the stretch alone.

So in this Feminine Power Time we talk about how to get the support you need to support you through whatever soul stretch you are in.

and for more support from me

Join me for the Crazy Wisdom New Moon Circle 

And for the 40-Day Super Power Practice - Unleash the Feminine Heart ,a 40 Day Courage Boost, Fear Cleanse and Faith Lift. 




Sep 15, 2016

You hear a lot about 'stress management' but trying to manage stress is like trying to manage a two year old, it does not work. In this Feminine Power Time episode, Christine Arylo shares some ancient yogic and divine feminine wisdom that will give you the super power to change your relationship with stress all together... so you can meet it and beat it to thrive. 

To learn more about Christine Arylo's Grace Under Pressure Retreats, go to 

To download a copy of the Feminine Super Power Ritual Book for Modern Day Super Women go to 

Sep 1, 2016

If you are a card carrying member of the “Impatience Club” you are going to love this episode of Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo. You know you are a member if you do any of these things in your career, your relationship status, your body weight/shape, your health or your money: 

  • Put pressure on yourself to be farther ahead than you are 
  • Think things should be different than they are or should be happening faster than they are - and then obsess about why they aren’t 
  • Judge and compare yourself against other people’s lives and success - and make yourself miserable in the process  
  • Often set unrealistic expectations and goals that you either fall short of or burn yourself out to try and meet
  • Future trip - over focus on the future and trying to figure out how to make stuff happen vs being focused on what is right in front of you 

There’s more - but honestly if you suffer from impatience you likely know it. Most people never cure it because they only focus on the symptom or the quick fix. 

This Feminine Power Time will take you into the roots … give you some super power remedies you can apply right now to the place in your life you are feeling impatient… and teach you ancient wisdom you can take with you and use for the rest of your life. 

Tune in with Christine Arylo, spiritual catalyst, women's leadership advisor and best-selling author. 

To learn more about her Grace Under Pressure Retreat + Weave Vision Quest go to 

To learn more about your Impatience Personality - take the Inner Mean Girl Quiz at 


"The yogis say that when you are content, you draw things to you. Cultivate patience, experience contentment. Cultivate impatience and you will repel that which you desire.” 

Aug 18, 2016

When a woman or girl knows how to tell the difference between the inner force that reacts from fear, shame and judgment and sabotages her and the inner force that guides her from loving truth, to respond in accordance to her truth, she gains 'super power'. Super power to make the choices both small (in her daily live) and big (like who she will marry or if she will marry, what career she will choose, where she will live).

In my dream world, girls would be taught about their "Feminine Super Power of Intuition" and how to create a strong self trust from a very early age - as early as 6 or 7 (because that is when the other force starts to appear). And then we would grow up as young women talking about these forces, supporting each other to discern between them. We would live our lives as women holding space for each other to sort between what yogi's call the distorted negative mind and the distorted positive mind to find our neutral minds where they say we can know our truth within 9 seconds. We would live our lives trusting our intuition and we would follow it no matter what - even when we are scared or it goes against conventional wisdom or our peers.

In this week's Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, we'll tap into the yogic and divine feminine wisdom and explore:

  • What are these two inner forces within the hearts, minds and bodies within all women and girls - and how do we discern the difference between which one is behind our thoughts and actions?
  • How do we strengthen our self trust so we can choices that honor and support us - in our relationships, career, health, wealth, everything
  • What happens to women and girls when they don't trust their inner wisdom (i will share some stories that will touch your heart)
  • A couple simple feminine super power practices you can start using right away in your daily life to bring more awareness of these two forces, shifting negative self talk, self doubt and self sabotaging habits into self loving actions.

And of course we will end with a mighty meditation to make this all personal and embodied. Remember, feminine power is not a mental idea, it's an embodied practice and wisdom.

If you'd like to learn more about the inner force that sabotages you, who I call the "inner Mean Girl" take this short but enlightening quiz 

If you would like to be part of the movement of people teaching girls and women self-trust and how to work with these two inner forces, consider joining us for The Path of Self Love Training & Certificate program - 

Aug 11, 2016

As part of our series on Cultivating a Field of Love in all of our relationships, I thought we needed to get real and deep about our female friendships. Our interactions with other women are one of the main places we either strengthen our feminine power or give it away, or worse, revert to the shadow of feminine power and use tactics like manipulation, colluding, gossip, blame and guilt or just cut off people all together.

Most of us didn't get training on how to show up in our female relationships from a place of courageous love, to both ask for what we need + use conflict, hurt feelings, disappointment and the hard stuff to create stronger connections with the women in our lives. 

For this episode of Feminine Power Time I invited a woman who I have been deepening and growing my friendship with for about 9 years, who also just happens to be a leading expert on friendship and women's relationships. Her name is Shasta Nelson, and we invite you to join us to explore:    

1. How to navigate conflict with a friend when your feelings get hurt, or she hurts you

2. How to set right expectations for different levels of intimacy and vulnerability 

3. How to know when a friendship is one to grow or one to let go and how to do both.

We'll share some super power tools you can use in your friendships right away + as always we end with a meditation to tap into your heart to see what friendships inside your life are ready to grow and which maybe time to let go. 



Here's a little about Shasta.. Shasta Nelson, M.Div., is the Founder of, a women’s friendship matching site in 35 cities across the U.S. and Canada. Her spirited and soulful voice for strong female relationships can be found in her books Frientimacy: How to Deepen Friendships for Lifelong Health and Happiness and Friendships Don’t Just Happen! The Guide to Creating a Meaningful Circle of GirlFriendsShe also writes at and in the Huffington Post, speaks across the country, and is a friendship expert in the media appearing on such shows as Katie Couric and the Today Show. 

Aug 4, 2016

Conflict. Disagreements. Challenges in a relationship. How do you show up in your power AND keep an open heart when you are mad, hurt, disappointed or in conflict with another person? What does Feminine Power look like when really you just want to scream, blame, or make yourself right? Or maybe even avoid the challenging situation in a relationship all together?

Join Christine Arylo and a special guest, her partner in love and life and business, Noah Martin, as we explore and share how to stay in your centered power without decimating another, destroying the Field between you, creating drama and drain, or disappearing or selling yourself out. 

We'll share the "6 Fear Reactors" with you - the unconscious ways that you react in challenges with others that create chaos instead of connection.

And share with you how we use the power of conflict to create more connection between us - so you can use these 'super power tools' in your relationships too.

For more, join us for "Cultivating a Field of Love: Create the Supportive, Respectful Relationships + World You Desire" at"

And for a copy of the Love Treaty that saves us from so many destructive fights and supports us to create conflict that connects, go to  

Jul 28, 2016

If we want the world 'out there' to be different. the first place we have to start is inside ourselves + every relationship we have. You've heard the saying, "Clean up your own side of the street first?Frankly, in many ways it's easier and more comfortable to focus on the bigger issues or on helping others than it is to look honestly at the ways that our actions, words and feelings towards others and ourselves contribute to a collective field of fear, blame and shame. But the Divine is inviting us to do both.  

Yes, be a powerful force in the world for positive change. 

AND be the love + harmony you wish to see in the world through every thought, action, and choice you make in your interactions & relationship with yourself and others. 

I mean this not in some kum-bay-yah, spiritual platitude kind of way. I am talking about how we "for real" practice all this unconditional love, one-ness, serve the world stuff.

Join me, Christine Arylo, for this episode of Feminine Power Time where I will share some of the real and simple yet profound ways you can make shift right inside your very own life that can make big shifts on a collective level. 

How can you choose LOVE for yourself over criticism and blame? 

How when you are having a moment and finding it hard to be loving to your mate, kid, co worker, the barista, can you re-find your center and respond from a place that elevates the field between you instead of decimates you or the other?

And how does your self-love and your ability to love others play a part in how powerfully you give your sacred work and contribute your gifts to bigger causes? 

Of course we will end with practical tools + a personal meditation. Giving you clarity on what your next actions are to take. 

To join us for cultivating more love in your relationships - go to 

To find where you are strong and weak in self love - take the self love quiz

To join me for an upcoming retreat or online program, go to to see where I will be this fall. 


Jul 21, 2016

The world seems to be getting crazier & more chaotic by the minute. So much noise & angst flooding the field that even the most conscious of us can get swept into the fear and the despair. How do you stay present to what's happening without being overtaken by it? And how do you stay calm and centered inside so how you respond to the outside adds more harmony & connection to your personal experience & relationships, and as a result to the world? 

Join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time and get ancient spiritual wisdom modified for our modern times to support you to:

  • Keep your "inner field" clear, calm and centered even during chaos and conflict
  • Be part of the world but not be overwhelmed by everything happening 
  • Protect and set your personal field every day so you are less affected by the fear and angst out there with a practice you can do in less than 3 minutes every day.
  • Be a powerful presence of love, grace and truth in a way that creates more connection and healing.  

To get more super power practices for staying calm and centered and cultivating a field of love around you, go to . To learn more about Christine's 40-day Practices, go to    



Jul 7, 2016

The Feminine Super Power of Slowing Down - when you use it you make wise choices, create more harmony & get more done. When it's absent from your life, you work harder, deplete yourself, and make choices that create struggle. 

But how do you do it? Why is it so essential? And why this isn't about being less productive or impactful, but about being more sustainable and successful. 

In this episode of Feminine Power Time I will share with you this ancient wisdom about re-aligning your life, your body, your mind to one that is way more natural and supportive ... and that if you try it, put it into practice, will support you to get what matters most done, be more centered in your daily life, and give you a sense of harmony. You'll be able to stop chasing balance, and start having it. 

I'll be honest - I have had a hard time embracing and trusting this aspect of the feminine ever since my spiritual mentors told me I needed to slow down. I misunderstood what that meant. My inner achiever freaked out. But I've become to understand it is saving my life. I now share it with you. Ancient wisdom for your sacred heart and modern life. 

For more feminine super power rituals, you can get my free Feminine Super Power Ritual guidebook at  


Jun 30, 2016

"Your power ends precisely where your fear begins." - Melissa Etheridge. Fear diminishes, distracts, and dissipates feminine power. When fear leads you create realities you don't desire. You work too hard, effort more, create more stuff to do than what's good for you or needed. When fear leads your choices in how you give life force you give out is WAY MORE than what you receive. Result. Overhwhelm, stress, depletion, frustration, sigh.

But...when a woman (or man) clears the fear from their head, transforms the fear in their heart, a choose to lead from her heart, even if it scares her or seems crazy, now that is where our power is.  

The challenge is that fear is tricky and it can be really subtle, so most of us have NO idea that we are operating from fear, making our choices about where our life force flows from fear. It is only when you slow down, and tune in, that you can see the fear, hear your heart, and let your soul wisdom guide.

In this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, you'll receive a mini fear cleanse and freedom boost, tapping into the Feminine Super Power of Liberation and

  • understand which of the 7 kinds of fears are running in your operating system
  • reveal the root of the fear - your 'love cracks' where fear took up residence in your heart long ago
  • tune into where fear is driving your choices right now
  • take a power pause to find out what is true for your heart
  • tap into your feminine power to free your heart to lead and make the choice that creates more freedom 

To find out more about Christine Arylo and get the Feminine Super Power Kit go to . To find out more about fear manifests in you take the Inner Mean Girl Quiz at 

Jun 23, 2016

Sometimes it can feel like you are not making a difference, or doing enough, or making progress on your goals and dreams. But the truth is YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE - you just have 'achievers amnesia' so you can't FEEL or SEE the difference you are making y. When you don't receive all you have done and become, you make choices based on pressure and lack and create stress and suffering for yourself. No bueno!  

In this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo will take you deep into your heart and soul to reveal and tap you into:

  • Why it is you don't feel like you are making a difference - and how to shift your perspective
  • 4 feminine super power tools for seeing & feeling the difference you are making - and believing it
  • A meditation to feel the difference you are making so you can go into the rest of your year and make your choices from a place of enoughness 

Plus, as often happens in Feminine Power Time, the feminine presence came streaming through to deliver a message to your heart about shifting your focus on the way you are measuring the difference you are making - in your life, in your work, in the lives of others, and in the world. Super feminine power.

Tune in to get a burst feminine power so you feel and see how you are making a difference right now!  

And for a piece of "You are Making Difference" Love Art from Christine visit  and this podcast.  

Jun 16, 2016

In a world that at times seems to have gone mad, what can you do? How should you feel? What is your part to creating a world where peace is more present than fear, hate, shame and hurt? You can do much more than you think - just by who you choose to be and what you choose to give your life force to. 

In this session of Feminine Power Time created during the mid-year Solstice which offers 'super power' energy when you pause to tap in - think sun, heat, catalyzing, illuminating, burning off the old, expanding into the new - Christine Arylo invites us all to make peace - within ourselves and our own lives - and to focus our life force on doing our specific and unique part to elevating human consciousness by the sacred work we do everyday in our jobs, our offerings and services, and by raising our families.  

Tune in to Feminine Power Time where Christine will share how to pinpoint how to make peace within and find your part in the elevation of the human heart at this time. Your heart is much more powerful than you believe and even know. It can change the world.

Jun 9, 2016

Daily, your body needs to recharge. Your mind needs to rest. Your spirit to restore. But 8 hours of sleep a night won't do it. The yogis have known for thousands of years that it's the KIND OF sleep and rest you get that matters - you need DEEP rest to recharge. But most of us never get there because the habits and rituals we have the 4 hours before we go to sleep don't give us the space, time and rhythm we need to what's called in feminine wisdom 'DOWNSHIFT'.  

In this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo shares a new way to think about how you wind down your day - Daily Downshifting. Rather than waiting to an hour before bed, Arylo shares the 3 phases of daily downshifting, which begin hours before bedtime, by signaling to your body and mind that it's time to start winding down work to nourish your body.

In this Feminine Power Time you'll gain ancient wisdom modified for your modern life, including:

  • Wisdom about why daily recharging isn't just about sleep & why watching reality TV, scary movies or flipping through emails even 3 hours before bed wrecks your rest, and leaks into your next day. 
  • How to create a downshifting pattern using the 3 Daily Downshifting stages for your daily life that allows you to complete work & family activities in a way that nourishes you and sets you up for amazing rest.  
  • "Secret" yogi techniques for preparing your body, mind and spirit for rest - including how to clear your monkey glands, open your spirit and calm your mind  
  • Personal meditation to see how you can put these downshifting rituals to use in your life - with yourself and those you live with  
Jun 2, 2016

Overgiving is giving more energy, time, money, love, effort to the people, projects, & passions in your life than needed, and as a result you deplete yourself and your resources. In this session of Feminine Power Time, you'll learn the signs of over giving, and the 9 types of over-giving - including over promising, over working, over compensating - so you can identify your OVER and bring your giving & receiving equation into balance.

We will also explore the deeper roots of why you feel compelled to give more than you really have to... this is way deeper than just good self-care. There are all kinds of crazy out-of-balance equations running our internal operating systems that we need to rewire so we can stop operating like banks that only give out withdrawls, instead of taking in deposits.

We'll end with a short but mighty meditation to see where you are over-giving in your life right now, and then I'll share a super power practice for restoring balance in your personal relationships and work life. 

May 26, 2016

Comparing ourselves to others or who we think we should be or used to be is one of the most harmful toxic habits I see in the hearts of women and men. It will kill the most precious dreams, derail the most confident person, and suck your energy. Which is kind of crazy, since you literally can't be someone else. So why do we do it? What's the root?

And more importantly how can you transform comparison when it shows up into something that helps you instead of harms you? This episode, The Comparison Cure, is like a divine massage for your heart and mind so we can knead out the fear and judgment that's showing up as Comparison, then we'll rub on some good loving truth oils to get to the root of what your soul is trying to tell you.

I'll share my best super power tools for transforming comparison from a toxic habit into a self-empowering action, based in self acceptance and self compassion. From my heart to yours, tune in.

May 19, 2016

How do you show up as a 'powerful presence' that doesn't have to exert power or try to be powerful, but just IS powerful? Most of us were trained to operated from our 'distorted' power centers, so we blame, manipulate, push, control, and as a result don't really get what we need, or show up as the person we want to be. We try to appear powerful or exert power, but because the power is not centered in our body or connected to our true presence, we get feedback or results that don't align with the truth of who we really are inside. There is another center of power within you, the feminine power center of Fierce Grace. In this podcast, explore with Christine Arylo, the nature of distorted masculine power and feminine power, and try on a new kind of power, the feminine super power of Fierce Grace, so you can speak up, stand up, and show up as the powerful being you are. What is Feminine Power, really? And how do you use it in your daily life? Tune in and find out. 

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