
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Now displaying: Category: Power Pause
Sep 20, 2024

Wise beings know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support us to grow our work, wealth and relationships, and to support our overall wellbeing, and keep us focused on what matters.

Which is why at the quarter point shifts of the year - Solstices and Equinoxes - our personal leadership best practice (and one we can do with our teams and partners) is taking what I call a Power Pause.

Equinoxes specifically are all about illuminating imbalances, shifting habits to restore wellbeing, and re-focusing your priorities and intentions for the next quarter. In this episode we focus on the last quarter - between now and the end of the Roman calendar year (about 9 weeks) or between now and end of January, the start of the new lunar calendar year (about 12 weeks).

Tune into this Power Pause and take a step back to get some perspective on the main parts of your whole life - your work in the world, your wellbeing foundation, your relationships and your personal growth / presence.  

I will lead us through a creative inquiry process including somatic visualization to tune into and get clear on:

  • Where you truly desire to focus your energy, time and resources this last part of the year - so you start the new year in a good space + create momentum for next year
  • What two focus points - in your work in the world + your wellbeing foundation - matter most this last part of the year
  • What two relationships - with an individual and with a group/team/family/system are imbalanced and need a reset.  

See you there! 


P.S. Remember -->> REVIEW + / or SHARE this Power Pause with a friend or your partner. 

P.P.S. Make sure you are on Christine's wisdom letter list to receive access and notification of the Power Pause Guidebook:  or visit her wisdom library on her website at



Resources + Connect

1.. Overwhelmed and Over It the book + the companion journal. Learn more 

2. Connect on Linked In -

3. Learn about Feminine Wisdom Way + Cyclical Living


Jun 21, 2024

Every year the wise one pause at the mid point of the year to reflect back and receive (acknowledge and honor) all of the progress made (so we can feel it, believe it, and savor it)... and to reset, restore and reset our pace for the next 3 months.    

In this episode, Christine Arylo will walk you through a series of inquiries that will help you slow down, and tune in and

  • Recognize the progress and growth you've made in this last cycle
  • Honor what it's taken to become the person you are today 
  • Find the keys to how to create space this season so you start the next radiant and ready
  • Focus on what you want to give your energy to this season in ways that build on the momentum of the devotion, committment and energy you've already given.  

Between now and the next episode, we invite you to contemplate of these inquiries, as it relates to how you choose to spend your time, give your energy, focus your attention these next 3 months including:

  • What Would I Love to Experiment With?
  • What Do I Love Space for... this would be so replenishing and rewarding?
  • What Already Has Momentum that I Want to Keep Loving on?   

    Tune in for the full mini-power pause. And then consider joining us for the full Mid Year Power Pause, enrollment open through June. 

What’s next?

  • Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through August - and invite a friend to join you!
  • Participate in the Mid Year Power Pause retreat that begins the week of June Solstice.
  • Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on the inquiries provided to support each other in staying true to yourself.


Ways to Connect:


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Mar 24, 2024

Join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time, 4 Inquiries to Get Your Habits and Choices into Harmony for the Months Ahead. One of the four Power Pauses she shares each year, this one focused on what wise leaders and people do:

1. Illuminate the imbalances in the different realms of your life - so they don't become drama, disease, disaster and distress 

2. Shift habits and patterns in your daily life that might have been aligned before, but need to shift as you head into this next cycle 

3. Focus on and committ to the intentions, projects, relationships that are ready and ripe to grow and prosper 

4. Set a new rhythm for your day and week that supports and sustains where you are now, and what you are creating and managing these next three months, into June Solstice. 

When you pause at near the equinoxes and solstices, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift.

And you gain clarity on how to focus your life force so what you spend your time, energy & money creates what you desire.

Power pauses are leadership best practice, a wise way to run your business, organization or team, and I believe a must if you want to stay sustained and sane in a world in which we feel so much pressure to do so much. And then don’t have what we need to sustain ourselves.

Every year I hold power pauses at this 4 key shifting points, the equinoxes and the solstices, March, June, Sept and Dec - within the Feminine Wisdom Way Wisdom School, some virtually, some weekend retreats and some for companies and organizations in which we do "Cyclical Strategic Planning."

I do this because this yearly practice of pausing 4x a year I believe is something most of us where not taught how to do, but when we do it, everything in our life works in better harmony. It’s how I run my life, business, partnership, relationships, and grow what is important to me.

Each power pause has a different focus and flavor depending on the time of the year.

In Feminine Power Time, I can’t share with you entire power pause process for March Equinox but I can give you a 40 minute power pause with 4 simple but mighty inquiries - like a mini Harmony Adjustment for your life

1. Look at your sacred work and career - what is in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention? 

2. Look at your relationships - what is in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention ? 

3. Look at your health, wealth, home - what in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention now?

4. What if you chose to create from a place of joy? What would JOY feel like in you or for you?  

Bonus. What is ONE habit or pattern in your morning flow that isn't in harmony to keep doing into this next season? RELEASE this. Then what is ONE habit or pattern you can EMBRACE and place into your morning flow this next cycle?

We don’t give up everything or go militant. We choose a few things to elevate and release, and also receive pleasure too.

Tune in. 

Listen to the power pause. Journal on the questions.

Invite a friend to do the Power Pause too and ask each other the questions. And support each other to make soul-aligned, supportive, sustainable choices. 

With Great Heart



Go Deeper. Get Connected. Receive Wisdom, Structure & Support.

1. From Burnout to Balance 40-Day Practice -  

2. Connect on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe - Join the conversation!

3. Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World 

4. Re-Defining Relationships Podcast - Ep 149


Sep 29, 2023

The third part of any power pause is always about gaining clarity about what REALLY matters to you, so you and Realign and Refocus. When I say what matters, what I mean is what matters in your heart, spirit and body (the mind is not helpful in this realm, because it's job is to sort, it does not sense into what is real, aligned or life-energizing for you.)

What became so evident to me in my research around the roots of burnout, overwhelm, workstyle bias, & self-sacrifice and the real path to creating sustainable success & whole lives that foster true wellbeing is this:

Most people make the mistake of focusing on finding more time - "If I just had more time. I need to find time. When I have more time..."  This will only keep you in scarcity, lack and slaving away to the now.

The Wise ones know that the super power is in Creating SPACE within our NOW to co-create the next. 

Which is exactly what I am going to guide you through in Part 2 of the Equinox Power Pause - although you can do this anytime and work with the next 3-4 month cycle ahead. 

I will lead us through a 3-inquiry (plus bonus one) process, including visualization and meditation so you can really FEEL into your heart what matters and

  • Stay present to what is happening in your NOW so you can savor what you are harvesting, and truly find joy and feel fulfilled in the process 
  • Name what is wanting and needing to shift, so you can make space for the next, in your now
  • Name WHAT you desire space for - give specific heart felt  language to it and then CLAIM that space with fierce self-advocacy
  • Put the structure and support in place + name the next few steps to make this space a reality that you get to PLAY in!

See you there!

P.S. Remember -->> REVIEW + / or SHARE this Power Pause with a friend. Use the inquiries (listed below), share from the heart, witness each other, and WOW!

*** Resources + Connect

1.. Overwhelmed and Over It the book + the companion journal. Section 4 - Liberate Your Time. Learn more 

2. To be notified of upcoming progams: Sign up for Christine's twice a month wisdom letter here

*** Upcoming Happenings & Trainings & Retreats

  1. Align to Your Design - Transformational Career Path, Life Design & Leadership Impact
    - 1:1 Mentorship and Coaching
  2. Elevate Leadership Wisdom Council for Women Re-Imagining & Designing Next Cycle of Career, Life, Leadership.  

*** Wisdom Inquires from Power Pause 

Write these out and contemplate them or conversate with a freind. Considering the cycle you chose - 3 or 4 months

  1. Stay Present - What do you desire to stay present to in this next cycle (3 or 4 months), to receive the harvest now while creating the next?
  2. Shfit - What is calling for a shift this next cycle, starting now? Look in these areas: What is calling for attention? What pattern or habit needs to shift? What way of working is no longer in alignment / is not working? Where are there imbalances in your giving and receiving? 
  3. What really matters to you to create SPACE for in this next cycle? NAME it to Claim it. 
  4. Claim the space by getting clear on:: What structure is needed / would hold me and create an incubator for me? What support would help me stay true to this desire & keep focus on it & make it fun? What are the next steps?  


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Sep 23, 2023

Wise beings know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support us to grow our work, wealth and relationships, and to support our health, and keep us focused on what matters.

Which is why one of my top three pratices for staying out of burnout and overwhelm and stay on the path of sustainable success, impact and wellbeing in the "Power Pause" + why I created the next two episodes for you, which are really more like a mini retreat. 

Power pauses are an elevated leadership best practice we do quarterly, at the Equinoxes and Solstices, the natural shifting times. Equinoxes are all about illuminating imbalances, shifting habits to restore wellbeing, and re-focusing your priorities and intentions for the next quarter.

The theme of Sept Equinox is always Harvest. This year, I added the themes of HONOR +  RECEIVE + CREATE THE NEXT WHILE LIVING THE NOW - because I feel like these are the energies and equations that will most support us in this cycle.

Tune into this Power Pause and learn some about:

  • Learn the wisdom behind taking power pauses 4 times a year 
  • Making the invisible and the internal visible  - so we can feel it and value it 
  • Honoring the process vs the product 

I will lead us through a 3 inquiry process, including visualization and meditation so you can really FEEL and register in your body, brain and being: 

  • How the energy and effort and focus you have given is returning harvest to you (but you have to pause to receive the harvest) 
  • That you have been stretched & chosen to stretch - so you can harvest the strength & keep the wisdom gained. 
  • You are supported & sustained in so many ways - but you have to soak it in to believe it. 

See you there! 


P.S. Remember -->> REVIEW + / or SHARE this Power Pause with a friend. Use the inquiries (listed below), share from the heart, witness each other, and WOW!

P.P.S. Come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe to share / be inspired by others self-honoring at Sept Equinox - Click here. 


Resources + Connect

1.. Overwhelmed and Over It the book + the companion journal. Learn more 

2. To be notified of upcoming progams: Sign up for Christine's twice a month wisdom letter here


Upcoming Happenings & Trainings & Retreats

  1. Align to Your Design - Transformational Career Path, Life Design & Leadership Impact
    - 1:1 Mentorship and Coaching
  2. Elevate Leadership Wisdom Council for Women Re-Imagining & Designing Next Cycle of Career, Life, Leadership.  


HONORING Wisdom Inquires from Power Pause 

Write these out and contemplate them or conversate with a freind. HONOR WHAT...  

  1. You are receiving harvest from now because of the choices you made or attention and focus you gave during this year? (or the past year?)
  2. Has started taking root?
  3. Has stretched you? And then strengthened you?
  4. Has sustained and supported you?



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Jun 23, 2023

One of the smartest things we can do at the mid year point is to pause, reflect, realign and redesign what we are going to focus our life force, resources and time on. This is true for how you run your work life - business, team, organization, career, classroom, etc. And how you run your personal life - wealth, health, home, relationships. For SO many reasons. 

This is what I call taking a Power Pause. It's a personal and team leadership practice and a core sustainable success principle. It's how we make sure we create realities that are both successful in what we desire to create and cause AND that are sustainable. 

It's also a best practice for getting out of overwhelm and the feelings that you are never doing enough or have enough. 

I've been doing Power Pauses myself for a decade and every year at this time I teach mid year power pauses, which I call FLOW for focus your life force on what matters, in many different forms. A virtual program/retreat, in person retreats and for women's leadership groups and teams within organizations. 

For you my beloved Feminine Power Time listener, 4x a year I do these special Power Pause episodes that include a series of inquiries that are like a Power Pause appetizer. They give you a taste of the full process, and enough of a taste to give you some wisdom bytes about what you truly desire this coming year. 

In this episode, "215:POWER PAUSE: Honor Your Progress & Reveal What's Working (or Not) for You", I will share:

  • The power & potential behind quarterly power pausing to create more calm, harmony, alignment (and less anxiety, burnout and overwhelm) for us individually and a society 

  • How you can use power pausing to ferret out what's not working for you - career, relationship, wellbeing, habits, home, money, etc -- before it gets to disease, distress or drama. 

  • The practice of acknowledging in your BODY your progress and your co-creative power, so you can experience co-creation as a real thing.

I'll take you through 6 inquiries focused in 2 realms -- Feel Good about where you are now (honoring your progress and choices) and Feel Forward to Right For You Next to reveal what wisdom & changes about your design & desires is trying to get your attention.   


INSPIRED ACTION>>> I listed the inquires below. A. Journal on them.  B. Share the Podcast with a  friend or your partner to share about them. C. Receive the benefit of the mid year Power Pause, 4-step process, do in your life - learn more 



FEEL GOOD NOW: Looking back at the first part of this year ... acknoweldge and honor:  

1. PROGRESS: Consider the shifts, changes, desires, goals, projects, relationships, etc. that you have been giving energy, time, resources and care to ... "I celebrate that I've made progress in ..."    

2. PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL CHOICES:  Consider the choices you made internally in the past 6 months, or even last year, that you are now experiencing momentum, movement or physical manifestation in... "I acknowledge & honor that the choice I made to XYZ is now XYZ."

3. MORE PLEASE: What would I love to keep doing, going, flowing, growing this second part of the year? 


FEEL FORWARD: Reveal what's working & not - in the 3 main realms of your life of personal foundation (home, health, wealth, practices), relationships + sacred work/career/self-expression so you can make shifts for the next

4. DRAIN: What is draining me? What no longer feels sustainable?  

5. SUSTAIN:What is sustaining me? What is giving me energy? Where do I feel the energy? 

6. GET WISE & RE-ALIGN : What does all this tell me? What are my feelings and responses revealing about the design of my life, work, relationships, that is not working? About what is working? What am I really desiring to create - to not do and to do differently?  



FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - do in June/July early August to get focused on what matters -  Do from home. 

Jun 15, 2023

At the start and midpoint of the year I always like to pause and put on my "wisdom goggles" to see what is really going on in the world - behind what we can see what our logical eyes or within the our day to day lives. I do this because it helps me see the bigger patterns that are going on... to see beyond the screens of frenzy and chaos ... and to see how what i call 'the banana world' is affecting me in ways I may not be noticing. 

I also take this pause with my super powered wisdom goggles to trace where the energy is going in the collective culture ... and how and if I want to respond to it. Which informs me so much on how I choose to focus my life force. 

I created this Feminine Power Time #214: Feminine Wisdom for Living in a Banana World, as a sort of mini power pause to stop and take a look around you and what is happening in the world ... not to be overwhelmed by it, but as an observer who is at choice about how you want to interact within it.

I invite you into this practice today as one of the primary practices you can strengthen to stay rooted and stable in the now, while you navigate the new, and make sure you don't get affected or infected by the banana world energy that can drain you and distract you without you even realizing it.

  • Come play with me the "What am i Noticing?" game.
  • Learn about some of our super cool wisdom tools - such as the wisdom googles, the overview pattern seer and the frequency detector. 
  • Hear what I am seeing in and outside of the banana world, and use my insights to support you in any way that resonates
  • Contemplate the liberating wisdom teaching : "Be in the world, but not of the world." 

I also will walk you through a process/meditation that cues you into how the banana world might be amping up unhelpful energies for you ... in whatever threshold or challenges and changes you may be in... and then take you through a 4-step practice I call Fear Shifting. 

See you there! 


p.s. Remember to SHARE this with a friend to Elevate together -->  share your thresholds/changes and walk each other through the 4-step From Fear to Flow Fearshifting practice. 



Join us for the annual mid year Flow Power Pause - Learn more http:/  

RESOURCE:  OVERWHELMED & OVER IT BOOK - page 224 for the 4-step practice and inquiries



Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters

Linked in

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

You Tube:



Mar 13, 2023

Consider this: What you focus on now, will influence the reality you experience in the years to come. What you choose to give your life force and resources to this year will show up three years from now. The choices you make around your wellbeing now - in your habits, relationships and life & work design - will show up in your health & wealth twenty years from now.

This is a natural law, which means it is naturally how things work .... and this year more than ever that's true (more on that in the podcast).

Which is why I felt compelled to create an extended power pause for us this year ... that will give you wisdom, insight and clarity on this year (the NOW) and also the coming three year cycle (the NEXT). 

This power pause series - Wisdom for Thriving Now & Creating What's Next - will give you 3 inquiries per episode focused on a specific area of focus that felt like was really calling me & us to give some conscious thought, feeling and imagination to. 

Why so much to do about inquiries?

It's not as much about the words we say, but the inquiries we make and dare to seek deeper wisdom for that determine the quality and reality of our lives. 

Inquiry gives us insight into higher intelligence and inner truth. 

We'll focus on these 3 key inquiries in this episode #206, focused on your Wellbeing & Lifeforce ... both for the NOW and for the NEXT:

  1. What is needed to sustain the longevity of my wellbeing? 
    In my habits? Relationships? Work & Life design?

  2. What am I giving my lifeforce and resources to?
    What's draining/distracting me? What is in alignment (and NOT) with my values? What is sustaining & enlivening me?What's dimming my light?

  3. Where do I have the power to release some pressure now? 

I also break each of these down to make it practical and accessible for you. And end with a embodied meditation. 

These are the same inquiries I make for myself. I use the wisdom that arises to make choices that lead me to what is right, real and true for me now. May these wisdom inquiries serve you to make clear, courageous and compassionate choices that keep you aligned to your path, purpose and desires.


Choose to protect and retain your life force as if it is the most essential resource you possess. 

Because it is.

The systems will take everything you give them -- be an advocate for yourself by giving only what is in harmony, and being conscoius about what is no longer serving you, and what is truly enlivening you!

With heart,


p.s. Remember-->> Share your thoughts in the Feminine Power Time Podcast Survey 

Resources: Overwhelmed and Over It - page 292 - Pressure Release Process

Linked in or Instagram: @christinearylo 
Feminine Wisdom Cafe: 

ACTION: SHARE this podcast with a friend and conversate on the inquirires - you'll LOVE the wisdom you receive. 


Dec 21, 2022

Every year I love to create a special a Feminine Power Time episode that invites us to press pause and really reflect and receive the progress we have made, and the impact we have had on people, the planet and all of the projects and dreams that called for our attention this year. Why? Becasue most of us do not register in our minds, bodies or being that we really have made progress, and that what we are doing is making a difference.

Most of us feel like we are not doing enough – in our day to day, towards our goals, for others in need or for the planet. 

So we feel like we are always behind, like there is never enough time, and like we will never have the space to get to what matters most.

This is I believe is one of the greatest sources of anxiety, dissatisfaction, overwhelm, burnout and stress that we have the power to shift by choosing to do something differently -- pause to truly FEEL how we have made a difference so we can SEE IT and BELIEVE IT ... and RECEIVE IT.

Exhale. My body seriously just took an exhale as I wrote that!  

In order for your brain to register the progress you've made, and that things ARE happening and changing, you have to pause to feel it.

For your being to believe you are making a difference through your voices and choices, you've gotta feel that too.

And feel GOOD and PROUD ... this is called "honoring." 

Self honor is very connected to self respect. Self Honor is one of the 10 types of self love - so it's not boastful or distorted pride, it's healthy. Honoring yourself for how you have chosen to show up, give your energy, be a source of good in the world is a way to bring more LOVE and peace and goodness into the world. 

This episode is part wisdom teaching, part ritual, part guided visualization and feel-a-zation and part overall boost of wellbeing for your mind, body, spirit and heart.

Part 1: EOM - Evidence of Momentum. On the progress you have made in the different realms of your life - professionally and personally. 

Part 2: EOL  - Evidence that your Love and Light touched people, real humans, and it mattered! (in all the ways you gave your energy and care)  

Part 3: #HarmonicDefiance for the Planet: Evidence that your choices to do things differently + to elevate your own consciousness are impactly the planet's wellbeing. 

Tune in.  See you there. This is for YOU.


P.S. ELEVATION ACTION: Share this podcast with a friend and then do the ritual together.
Share on one or all  of the parts - "I acknowledge I have made a difference by..." Witness and reflect for each other that you in fact have made a difference. Your presence matters!


Join Us for Upcoming Experiences 

1.  RSVP for the Year End Reflection Ritual and Power Pause - 

2. Emerge Yearly Visionining and Intention Setting Experience -

3. Feminine Wisdom Way : Live, Lead and Succeed the Way Women Naturally Work Best. Join us to Vision, Focus and Co Create in 2023  -

Are you on Christine's Wisdom Letter list?  Go here.

Receive twice a month wisdom letters, updates on events and trainings and community gatherings and more.   






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Sep 23, 2022

Wise beings know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support us to grow our work, wealth and relationships, and to support our health, and keep us focused on what matters.

Which is why one of my top three pratices for staying out of burnout and overwhelm and stay on the path of sustainable success, impact and wellbeing in the "Power Pause" + why I created this episdoe for you, which is really more like a mini retreat. 

Power pauses are an elevated leadership best practice we do quarterly, at the Equinoxes and Solstices, the natural shifting times. Equinoxes are all about illuminating imbalances, shifting habits to restore wellbeing, and re-focusing your priorities and intentions for the next quarter. 

The September Equinox offers us insight to illuminate where the imbalances currently exist in your life & how to reset yourself and refocus your life force  - especially the ways in which you are over giving and under receiving, the habits that may have worked in the summer but won't support you now, and the ways in which making changes to your home, health and wealth can support you to end your year strong, sane and supported.

Often at Equinox, I am out in the world doing full day power pauses for teams, weekend and one day retreats for conscious women, and going through the process myself. And I like to do a mini power pause for all of us here at Feminine Power Time ... with some of the key parts of the process I feel like we can most benefit from this particular year.

The theme of Sept Equinox is always Harvest. This year, I added the theme of RECEIVE, because I feel like we can use a fill up at a heart, mind, soul, spirit and body level.  

Tune into this Power Pause and:

  • Learn the wisdom behind taking power pauses 4 times a year - and how this practice can yield big returns in your business, career, relationships and health/wealth/home
  • Learn about why we need to FEEL to make the impact we are making REAL.

I will lead us through a 5 inquiry process, including visualization and meditation to:

  • Feel good about what you have already done this year - and really feel the difference you are making + how much you've grown. 
  • Reveal the imbalances - work, relationships, health, wealth or home - that need attention.
  • Consider what you need to bring the imbalances into harmony, so you have what you need 
  • Bonus - Gain clarity on what really matters to focus your energy and attention on the last cycle of the calendar year.

See you there! 

And make sure to check out the Feminine Wisdom Cafe for a special packet I put together for you to help you find the imbalances or shifts of focus + re-harmonize and re-focus.




1. Harmony Assessment Practice - from Section 1 in Overwhelmed and Over It:  PDF from the Companion Journal + Meditation. Access it on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe Here.

(if you cannot access the Cafe, it's free, but you do have to sign up - try this for access -

2. Overwhelmed and Over It the book + the companion journal. Learn more 


Elevation Wisdom Inquires 

Write these out and contemplate them or conversate with a freind 

1. How have you already made a difference this year? 

2. How have you made choices to support & sustain yoruself? 

3. Where are the imbalances in your career, work, self expression, and where can you focus or make a shift to create harmony?

4. What relationship is calling for a shift? What is needed to create harmony? 

5. Choose your body, health or home as an area to shift a pattern or habit? What pattern or habit is creating an imbalance or disharmony? What new pattern, habit or ritual can you swap in and create more harmony?

Upcoming Happenings & Trainings & Retreats

1. Gather and Guide Your People: Transformational Program Design Training, Incubator and Council 


To be notified of upcoming progams: Sign up for Christine's twice a month wisdom letter here


Mar 25, 2022

Join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time, POWER PAUSE - HARMONIZE: 4 Inquiries to Shift Your Habits, Choices, & Relationships into Harmony for the Months Ahead. One of the four Power Pauses she shares each year, this one focused on what wise leaders and people do:

  1. Illuminate the imbalances in the different realms of your life - so they don't become drama, disease, disaster and distress 
  2. Shift habits and patterns in your daily life that might have been aligned before, but need to shift as you head into this next cycle 
  3. Focus on and committ to the intentions, projects, relationships that are ready and ripe to grow and prosper 
  4. Set a new rhythm for your day and week that supports and sustains where you are now, and what you are creating and managing these next three months, into June Solstice. 

When you pause at near the equinoxes and solstices, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift.

And you gain clarity on how to focus your life force so what you spend your time, energy & money creates what you desire.

Power pauses are personal and organizational leadership best practice, a wise way to run your business, organization or team. And I believe a must if you want to stay sustained and sane in a world in which we feel so much pressure to do so much. And then don’t have what we need to sustain ourselves.

Every year I hold power pauses at this 4 key shifting points, the equinoxes and the solstices, March, June, Sept and Dec - within my Feminine Wisdom Way training, some virtually, some weekend retreats and some for companies and organizations.

I do this because this yearly practice of pausing 4x a year I believe is something most of us where not taught how to do, but when we do it, everything in our life works in better harmony. It’s how I run my life, business, partnership, relationships, and grow what is important to me.

Each power pause has a different focus and flavor depending on the time of the year.

In Feminine Power Time, I can’t share with you entire power pause process for March Equinox but I can give you a 50 minute power pause with 4 simple but mighty inquiries - like a mini Harmony Adjustment for your life

  1. Look at your sacred work and career - what is in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention? 
  2. Look at your relationships - what is in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention ? 
  3. Look at your health, wealth, home - what in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention now?
  4. What if you chose to create from a place of joy? What would JOY feel like in you or for you?  

Bonus. What is ONE habit or pattern in your morning flow that isn't in harmony to keep doing into this next season? RELEASE this. Then what is ONE habit or pattern you can EMBRACE and place into your morning flow this next cycle?

We don’t give up everything or go militant. We choose a few things to elevate and release, and also receive pleasure too.

Tune in. 

Listen to the power pause. Journal on the questions.

Invite a friend to do the Power Pause too and ask each other the questions. And support each other to make soul-aligned, supportive, sustainable choices. 

With Great Heart



Go Deeper. Get Connected. Receive Wisdom, Structure & Support.

  1. Burnout to Balance - 40-Day Practice. 
  2. Overwhelmed & Over It! A Path to Sustainable Success - 16 week transformational experience,using Christine's newest book, to release ways of working and relating that drain, distract and distress you. And embrace different ways of achieving, leading, succeeding and living that support and sustain you.  Starts April 11th. Register now or at any time 
  3. Harmonize to Rise 1:1 Transformational Mentorship with Christine Arylo- learn more  
  4. Connect on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe -www.femininewisdomcafe.comJoin the conversation!
  5. Get your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World


For a visual of the 8 Realms of a Whole Life, from the Overwhelmed and Over It book - its here on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe



Sep 20, 2021

It's time to activate and utilize one of the most powerful tools we have to stay centered, sustained and focused on what matters - the Power Pause.

This practice gets us focused the last  3 months / 4 moon cycles of the year.  And does wonders for keeping us healthy in an unhealthy world.

There are many things you could do these last 3 months of the year, but what is really most important to you? What will bring you the best returns ? And what shifts in your habits, patterns, and structures are needed to support you in this last cycle?  

Wise women know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support them to grow their work, wealth and relationships, to support their health, and to keep them focused on what matters.

The September Equinox offers you insight to illuminate where the imbalances currently exist in your life & how to reset yourself and refocus your life force  - especially the ways in which you are over giving and under receiving, the habits that may have worked in the summer but won't support you now, and the ways in which making changes to your home, health and wealth can support you to end your year strong, sane and supported.

In this Feminine Power Time : POWER PAUSE: Reflect, Rebalance and Reset Your Focus at Equinox ... and exhale! 4 Inquiries to Get Focused on What Matters Most the Last Part of this Year & Feel Good About What You've Already Done...

Women's leadership and empowerment advisor and teacher, Christine Arylo, marries her MBA business background with 15+ years of wisdom and spiritual study in practical ways that can support you to elevate out of overwhelm, stay focused on what matters, shift sabotaging habits and take care of small things that make a big difference. 

Tune into this Power Pause and:

  • Learn the wisdom behind taking power pauses 4 times a year - and how this practice can yield big returns in your business, career, relationships and health/wealth/home
  • Experience the feminine way of growing our work and impact vs tackling projects, driving like a torpedo, or pressuring ourselves to make things happen too fast

Be led through a visualization and meditation to:

  • Feel good about what you have already done this year. 
  • Reveal the imbalances - work, relationships, health, wealth or home - that need attention.
  • Consider what you need to bring the imbalances into harmony, so you have what you need 
  • Gain clarity on how to best focus your attention the last part of this year.

Power Pauses are a form of feminine leadership which teaches us to work in harmony with the natural cycles of how the material and mystical world both work. Part of her Feminine Wisdom School and Feminine Leadership Programs Arylo teaches how to use this ancient wisdom and way of working to apply to creating a life and work that creates an impact and is sustainable. 


Jun 28, 2021

Most of us feel like we don't have the time we need to do what we really want, get what we need or do the things that might not be productive or profitable but are actually the things that feed us the most and that have the potential to catalyze us into the expressions, intentions and dreams we have for ourselves, our work and the world. 

Wisdom Byte: If you are waiting to find the time, you will never find the time. Time is finite. You can't make time - there is no time kitchen. And you can't find more time - time is not lost.

What we need is not more time. What we need is the 'space' to take care of the demands of our current lives AND feed the desires still coming into form AND nourish our hearts and souls and bodies with things that may not be 'productive' or 'profitable' but that sustain us in big ways. 

You are invited to join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time - a POWER PAUSE, taped at the mid-year point, to invoke

  • THE FEMININE POWER OF CREATING SPACE ... which gives you the power to create space for things that may not be urgent or profitable or productive but that matter to you
  • Your internal power to name what it is that you really desire to create space for these next few months with 4 wisdom inquiries ... in your work, in your relationships, for your body and just for yourself 
  • The power of pausing at the mid-year point - the Solstice... this interactive session is like the appetizer to the deeper power pause we take every year to get clear and conscious and intentional about how we focus our life force
  • The ELEVATION projects you want to create space for - that have the power to elevate your presence, self expression in the world  

See you there!



1. Join in the conversation on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and post: 

What is one thing you are proud of achieving + one way you have made an impact already this year?

Post yours and be inspired by other courageous souls - click here

This is our private online community off of social media, where we connect and share on the topic we are exploring in these podcasts and more. 

Also... here is where I post up in written format some of what we talked about in the Podcast, like the 4 inquiries to create space for what you need and desire. 

2. Get the Overwhelmed and Over It Book - learn about the Feminine Super Power of Creating Space  -

3. Share. Rate. Review this podcast - THANK YOU. This is  how we get the wisdom out to more people 


GO DEEPER. Learn More.

Current and Upcoming Programs with Christine

1. The Mid Year Power Pause - FLOW Focus Your Lifeforce On What Matters the 2nd half of the year. 

2. Personal Transformation and Feminine Leadership Mentoring and 

3. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - applications open now, we start in October. 




What do I DESIRE space for ... What do I NEED space for ...

- In my relationships?

- In my body?

- In my work?

- Just for myself?

Mar 22, 2021

Join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time, 4 Inquiries to Get Your Habits and Choices into Harmony for the Months Ahead. One of the four Power Pauses she shares each year, this one focused on what wise leaders and people do:

1. Illuminate the imbalances in the different realms of your life - so they don't become drama, disease, disaster and distress 

2. Shift habits and patterns in your daily life that might have been aligned before, but need to shift as you head into this next cycle 

3. Focus on and committ to the intentions, projects, relationships that are ready and ripe to grow and prosper 

4. Set a new rhythm for your day and week that supports and sustains where you are now, and what you are creating and managing these next three months, into June Solstice. 

When you pause at near the equinoxes and solstices, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift.

And you gain clarity on how to focus your life force so what you spend your time, energy & money creates what you desire.

Power pauses are leadership best practice, a wise way to run your business, organization or team, and I believe a must if you want to stay sustained and sane in a world in which we feel so much pressure to do so much. And then don’t have what we need to sustain ourselves.

Every year I hold power pauses at this 4 key shifting points, the equinoxes and the solstices, March, June, Sept and Dec - within my Feminine Wisdom Way training, some virtually, some weekend retreats and some for companies and organizations.

I do this because this yearly practice of pausing 4x a year I believe is something most of us where not taught how to do, but when we do it, everything in our life works in better harmony. It’s how I run my life, business, partnership, relationships, and grow what is important to me.

Each power pause has a different focus and flavor depending on the time of the year.

In Feminine Power Time, I can’t share with you entire power pause process for March Equinox but I can give you a 40 minute power pause with 4 simple but mighty inquiries - like a mini Harmony Adjustment for your life

1. Look at your sacred work and career - what is in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention? 

2. Look at your relationships - what is in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention ? 

3. Look at your health, wealth, home - what in harmony? What is out of harmony? What is calling for your attention now?

4. What if you chose to create from a place of joy? What would JOY feel like in you or for you?  

Bonus. What is ONE habit or pattern in your morning flow that isn't in harmony to keep doing into this next season? RELEASE this. Then what is ONE habit or pattern you can EMBRACE and place into your morning flow this next cycle?

We don’t give up everything or go militant. We choose a few things to elevate and release, and also receive pleasure too.

Tune in. 

Listen to the power pause. Journal on the questions.

Invite a friend to do the Power Pause too and ask each other the questions. And support each other to make soul-aligned, supportive, sustainable choices. 

With Great Heart




Go Deeper. Get Connected. Receive Wisdom, Structure & Support.

1. Overwhelmed & Over It! A Path to Sustainable Success - 16 week transformational experience, using Christine's new book, to release ways of working and relating that drain, distract and distress you. And embrace different ways of achieving, leading, succeeding and living that support and sustain you.  Starts April 11th. Save the date. 

2.  Harmonize to Rise 1:1 Transformational Mentorship with Christine Arylo - learn more  

3. Connect on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe - Join the conversation!

4. Get your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World 

Sep 25, 2020

It's time to activate and utilize one of the most powerful tools we have to stay centered, sustained and focused on what matters - the Power Pause. This one, gets us focused the last  3 months / 4 moon cycles of the year.  

There are many things you could do these last 3 months of the year, but what is really most important to you? What will bring you the best returns ? And what shifts in your habits, patterns, and structures are needed to support you in this last cycle?  

Wise women know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support them to grow their work, wealth and relationships, to support their health, and to keep them focused on what matters.

The September Equinox offers you insight to illuminate where the imbalances currently exist in your life & how to reset yourself and refocus your life force  - especially the ways in which you are over giving and under receiving, the habits that may have worked in the summer but won't support you now, and the ways in which making changes to your home, health and wealth can support you to end your year strong, sane and supported.

In this Feminine Power Time : POWER PAUSE: Reflect, Rebalance and Reset Your Focus at Equinox ... and exhale! 3 Inquiries to Get Focused on What Matters Most the Last Part of this Year & Feel Good About What You've Already Done...

Women's leadership and empowerment advisor and teacher, Christine Arylo, marries her MBA business background with 15+ years of wisdom and spiritual study in practical ways that can support you to elevate out of overhwelm, stay focused on what matters, shift sabotaging habits and take care of small things that make a big difference. 

Tune into this Power Pause and:

  • Learn the wisdom behind taking power pauses 4 times a year - and how this practice can yield big returns in your business, career, relationships and health/wealth/home
  • Experience the feminine way of growing our work and impact vs tackling projects, driving like a torpedo, or pressuring ourselves to make things happen too fast

Be led through a visualization and meditation to:

  • Feel good about what you have already done this year. 
  • Reveal the imbalances - work, relationships, health, wealth or home - that need attention.
  • Consider what you need to bring the imbalances into harmony, so you have what you need 
  • Gain clarity on how to best focus your attention the last part of this year - what will bring you the most meaningful and abundant harvest? 

Power Pauses are a form of feminine leadership which teaches us to work in harmony with the natural cycles of how the material and mystical world both work. Part of her Feminine Wisdom School and Feminine Leadership Programs Arylo teaches how to use this ancient wisdom and way of working to apply to creating a life and work that creates an impact and is sustainable. 


  1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book Unveiling: Embracing Our Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World - RSVP for Free 

  2. To receive invitations to Christine Arylo's fall Feminine Leadership Councils - called Elevate - and her fall Wisdom Quest for Women desiring to gain clarity, focus and courage to take the next steps to bring their sacred work into form, subscribe to her  Wisdom Letters at 

  3. Women's Wisdom Quest Nov 13-15th 

  4. Gather Your People - Transformational Program Design, Creative Catalyst and Wisdom Council for creating workshops, retreats, events, gatherings online or in person that create meaningful connection and lasting transformation 


Jul 10, 2020

There is SO much you could do the rest of the year, so much and so many you could give to, but what really matters to you?? 

Given the current level of intensity and uncertainty, how can you create stability and sustainability for yourself and those you love and lead financially, emotionally, mentally, physically?  

How can you work with the transformational energy happening to create more of the reality you desire for yourself and this world? 

These are some of what we will explore together in this power pause, so you can gain clarity and focus for the next part of this year.

One of the smartest things we can do at the mid year point is to pause, reflect, realign and redesign what we are going to focus our life force, resources and time on. This is true for how you run your work life - business, team, organization, career, classroom, etc. And how you run your personal life - wealth, health, home, relationships. For SO many reasons. 

This is what I call taking a Power Pause. It's a feminine wisdom way practice and a feminine leadership sustainable success principle. It's how we make sure we create realities that are both successful in what we desire to create and cause AND that are sustainable. 

It's also a best practice for getting out of overwhelm and the feelings that you are never doing enough or have enough. 

I've been doing Power Pauses myself for a decade and every year at this time I teach mid year power pauses, which I call FLOW for focus your life force on what matters, in many different forms. A virtual program/retreat, in person retreats and for women's leadership groups and teams within organizations. 

For you beloved Feminine Power Time listener, 4x a year I do these special Power Pause episodes that include a series of inquiries that are like a Power Pause appetizer. They give you a taste of the full process, and enough of a taste to give you some wisdom bytes about what you truly desire this coming year. 

In this episode, "POWER PAUSE: It's Mid-Year, Time to Reflect & Redirect: 6 Inquiries to Get Focused On What Really Matters to You the Rest of the Year" I will share with you

  • Why especially this year we are personally feeling so much pressure and how to make sure you don't react in ways that distract and drain you.

  •  The 3 realms of focus we are being called to consciously work with now in these intense times - focusing on the past to HEAL, the now to SUSTAIN, and the future to CREATE. 

  • Why our productivity, health and impact increases when we work with the natural flow of the earth

In the Feminine Power Time, I'll take you through 6 inquiries focused in 3 realms of past, present and future -  which I also listed below. I invite you to journal on them. Invite a friend or your partner to share about them. And then if you want to really receive the benefit of the mid year Power Pause, take the online version, you can do at your own pace.


1. HEAL: What inside of you is calling for a deeper healing and wholeness, so you can be more free to create the reality and world you desire? 

2. HEAL: What in your relationships is calling to be released or redesigned, to free up emotional and mental space and open up your capacity to receive the support, connection you desire? 

3. SUSTAIN: What do you need in place for your physical body to be strong, sustained and healthy? What practices / rituals are in place you preserve, keep doing? What new ones do you need? 

4. SUSTAIN. In your work, what is already in place that you can maintain and preserve, and in doing so will create more stability and sustainability for you? You can receive from the energy you've already created? 

5. SUSTAIN: In your relationships, what and who could you give life force and energy to this next half of the year, that would support, nurture and sustain you? 

6. CREATE: What are you being called to create - bring into form, call, cause - for yourself or the world? How and on what do you choose to use your co-creative power this second half of the year.


For more on working with Christine 

1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - do in July to get focused on what matters -  Do from home. 

2. Feminine Wisdom Way - 6-month feminine wisdom training includes Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you to achieve what matters AND be sustained.  We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this. 

3. Personal Mentoring - Harmonize and Rise. learn more at 


Mar 21, 2020

In the midst of intensity and uncertainty it can seem crazy to 'pause' ... but it's exactly what wise, sane, empowered people do. It is what gives us the power to see what is real. what is needed. and how to best focus our life force and resources so we are sustained on all levels. Today, I share with you and walk you through a POWER PAUSE - a practice I do and take others through every quarter turn of the year, specifically on the Equinoxes and the Solstices. I will tell you more about why in the podcast. 

A Power Pause in normal times is a leadership best practice - for leading your life, your organization, your business, your team, your health and wealth, everything. It's time to pause and

  • REFLECT to see all that you have already done and acknowledge it, so you can SEE and feel that you are making a difference and things are happening. Otherwise you always feel like you aren't doing enough. 
  • RE-HARMONIZE & RESET - to reset where things feel out of whack or imbalanced, so you can stop any energy or resource leaks, to make sure you have what you need to be Sustained emotionally, physicallly, financially and relationally. 
  • REFOCUS - like we talked about last week, in times of uncertainty you want to invoke your power to create and move into creative action. A power pause helps you do that in a shorter time span that feels manageable vs overwhelming.  

In Intense times, I don't know how to stay focused, centered and sustained without them. Good thing we don't have to.

Join me for this episode of Feminine Power Time: POWER PAUSE: Re-set,&  Refocus -  #3 of 3 of practices for staying centered in chaotic times. 

I'll share more about this practice and how to use it to support yourself. 

Also we'll talk about the bigger Power Pause that's happening globally and a perspective on how to be with what is happening, in a way you are prepared and wise vs. panicked. 

And how to break down and work with 'time spans' to help you focus in more manageable spans so you can focus on what matters. 

I'll lead you through a set of Power Pause inquiries we use specifically during the Equinoxes that will help you re-set and re-focus between now and May 1st or June 21st - Solstice - depending on what you choose. 

I included the inquiries below. 

Wherever this finds you today love, know that these structures and practices are what hold, center and guide you through any storm. Slow down. Press pause. Let's tune into your deeper knowing and the Universe's guidance. 

with heart


p.s. If you missed the Grace Under Pressure Feminine Wisdom Session: Staying Clear, Calm and Centered in Chaotic Times, you can still listen or watch it - 

Wisdom Inquiries

Choose your time span - between now and May 1st (about 7 weeks, 40 days, or the super power day of Beltane), or June 21st Solstice (half way point of the year). Set the space and get clear these, and then focus here:

1. What do I need to be sustained - physically, emotionally, relationally?

2. What is imbalanced or out of harmony in my life? Or desiring more attention now? Physical foundation of home, health, wealth, practice?  Relationships professional or personal? In career or work? 

3. To reset and re-harmonize these imbalances or desires, what needs to be released? or re-designed? 

4. Where is my life force being called to focus and flow between now and the time span I chose ? In my physical foundation of home/health/wealth/practice? In my relationships? In my work/career? 


Focus giving your life force where the flow guides you (give here)

Choose 3 imbalances and re-harmonize them between now and the end of this time span (re-set here)

Claim what you need to be sustained and take the action needed to receive it  (recieve here) 

Oct 3, 2019

I decided to extend our Power Pause into a 2-part series because I felt like we could use it! Lots of people feeling pressure, as we go into the last 3 months of the year. But that doesn't mean the pressure is healthy, needed or productive!

I'm going to take you through a mini version of a Feminine Wisdom Way practice I do once a year at this time to ferret out the "SELF INDUCED PRESSURE" - the pressure you put yourself that adds to your stress load, triggers your self sabotaging habits, drains your life force and sucks the joy out of whatever you are doing. 

Self induced pressure is pressure you have the power to release.

You may not be able to change all the systemic pressure coming at you from $$ to deadlines to taxes or whatever. But you can change the self induced pressure. 

Which is what we will do together in this Feminine Power Time with me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, "Pressure Release Power Pause: 3 Ways to Release the Self-Induced Stress & Create Space and Sanity for the Rest of the Year. 

Here's some of what we will dive into:

  • The difference between healthy and helpful pressure, and toxic sabotaging pressure 
  • How to tell when you are feeling pressured - the mental, physical and emotional signs 
  • One simple practice for what to do when you feel pressured so you can discern what is really needed and what is just a bunch of b.s. man made or self made pressure
  • A set of 4 inquiries you can ask yourself
  • How to reset timelines in a way that feels good and in the flow  

We will dive into your life now, and ferret out the self induced pressure you can release because of

  • Timelines, deadlines, and time frames - yours and others  
  • Pushing - yourself, others, projects 
  • Unrealistic and misaligned Expectations

This is such a supportive power power to do that will impact your career/work/business and your relationships AND your own sense of spaciousness, health and even money. 

Wise women leaders pause before they move swiftly into the last 3 months of the year - this is the feminine wisdom way. Try this short practice and see what happens.


1. What is real?
2. What is needed?
3. What is enough? 
4. What is in the flow?



Thank you so much for those of you who responded to the survey this summer. At the end of this podcast I will share some of the results. And how I am making the choice to do it differently based on what you shared - which confirmed my own inner wisdom! 


Thank you for continuing to share reviews on ITunes.

And for sharing with your friends. This is how we change the world through sisterhood!! (and brave men too!).

Appreciate if you can RATE - REVIEW - SHARE ... 

  1. Go to Itunes and search for Feminine Power Time.
  2. Open in Itunes
  3. Hit tab that says Ratings and Reviews 
  4. Post review and rate :) 

OR on your podcast app, on the home page of the show, where you episdoes are, you should be able to scroll all the way down and leave review and rate.





- Feminine Wisdom Session coming up - free - in late Oct/early Nov. 

- Feminine Wisdom Way - Leading, Living and Succeeding a new way opens in November. 

- Feminine Leadership Immersion and Incubator - starts Jan 2020. Accepting Applications starting November. 


Sep 26, 2019

There are many things you could do these last 3 months of the year, but what is really most important to you? What will bring you the best returns? And what shifts in your habits, patterns, and structures are needed to support you in this last cycle?  

Wise women know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support them to grow their work, wealth and relationships, to support their health, and to keep them focused on what matters.

The September Equinox offers you insight to illuminate where the imbalances currently exist in your life & how to reset yourself and refocus your life force  - especially the ways in which you are over giving and under receiving, the habits that may have worked in the summer but won't support you now, and the ways in which making changes to your home, health and wealth can support you to end your year strong, sane and supported.

In this Feminine Power Time with women's leadership and empowerment advisor and teacher, Christine Arylo, marries her MBA business background with 15+ years of wisdom and spiritual study in practical ways that can support you to elevate out of overhwelm, stay focused on what matters, shift sabotaging habits and take care of small things that make a big difference. 

Tune into this Power Pause and:

  • Learn the wisdom behind taking power pauses 4 times a year - and how this practice can yield big returns in your business, career, relationships and health/wealth/home
  • Experience the feminine way of growing our work and impact vs tackling projects, driving like a torpedo, or pressuring ourselves to make things happen too fast

Be led through a visualization and meditation to:

  • Feel good about what you have already done this year. 
  • Reveal the imbalances - work, relationships, health, wealth or home - that need attention.
  • Consider what you need to bring the imbalances into harmony, so you have what you need 
  • Gain clarity on how to best focus your attention the last part of this year - what will bring you the most meaningful and abundant harvest? 

Power Pauses are a form of feminine leadership which teaches us to work in harmony with the natural cycles of how the material and mystical world both work. Part of her Feminine Wisdom School, Arylo teaches how to use this ancient wisdom and way of working to apply to creating a life and work that creates an impact and is sustainable. 

To receive invitations to Christine Arylo's fall feminine leadership mentorship - called Elevate - and her fall Wisdom Quest for Women desiring to gain clarity, focus and courage to take the next steps to bring their sacred work into form, subscribe to her  Wisdom Letters at   

Women's Wisdom Quest Nov 7-10 

Transform the Inner Critic. Empower the Inner Wisdom training. 



Jun 28, 2019

There is SO much you could do the rest of the year, so much and so many you could give to, but what really matters to you??

One of the smartest things we can do at the mid year point is to pause, reflect, realign and redesign what we are going to focus our life force, resources and time on. This is true for how you run your work life - business, team, organization, career, classroom, etc. And how you run your personal life - wealth, health, home, relationships. For SO many reasons. 

This is what I call taking a Power Pause. It's a feminine wisdom way practice and a feminine leadership success principle. It's how we make sure we create realities that are both successful in what we desire to create and cause AND that are sustainable. 

It's also a best practice for getting out of overwhelm and the feelings that you are never doing enough or have enough. 

I've been doing Power Pauses myself for a decade and every year at this time I teach mid year power pauses, which I call FLOW for focus your life force on what matters, in many different forms. A virtual program/retreat, in person retreats and for women's leadership groups and teams within organizations. 

For you beloved Feminine Power Time listener, 4x a year I do these special Power Pause episodes that include 6 inquiries that are like a Power Pause appetizer. They give you a taste of the full process, and enough of a taste to give you some wisdom bytes about what you truly desire this coming year. 

In this episode, "POWER PAUSE: It's Mid-Year, Time to Reflect & Redirect: 6 Inquiries to Get Focused On What Really Matters to You the Rest of the Year" I will share with you

  • How to make sure all parts of your life get love and attention, so you don't end up lopsided, out of balance, or giving up what really matters. 
  • Why our productivity, happiness and impact increases when we work with the natural flow of the earth

And I will take you on a guided journey to:

  • CELEBRATE & ACKNOWLEDGE all you have done all ready this year! So you feel like you have done enough
  • GAIN CLARITY ON WHAT TRULY MATTERS TO YOU - so you make space for what you really want
  • FOCUS YOUR LIFE FORCE NOW so come next year, what you desire is coming into form
  • CREATE SPACE by letting go of what's not working or needed, or by moving things to 'maintance mode".

In the Feminine Power Time, I'll share 6 inquiries, which I also listed below. I invite you to journal on them. Invite a friend or your partner out to dinner to share about them. And then if you want to really receive the benefit of the mid year Power Pause, take the online version, you can do at your own pace or join me at one of the in person weekends or evening workshops.


1. Celebrate and acknowledge one thing you have done this year. Acknowledge one way you have made a difference in a persons life this year.

2. What would you love to have the space to do this year? 

3. What would you like to be true by next year?

4. What has the potential to flourish if you focus on it?

5. What needs to be let go? Composted.

6. What can you put on maintenance mode to make space to grow other things? 


For more on working with Christine 

1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - do in June or July to get focused on what matters -  Do from home. 

2. Feminine Wisdom Way - 6-month feminine wisdom training includes Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you to achieve what matters AND be sustained.  We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this. 

3. Feminine Wisdom Weekend Retreat - Kripalu - July 19-21 

4. The Path of Self Love Teacher Training - Kripalu - July 21-26 

For Other Events in Seattle area, go to  

Mar 21, 2019

It's time for a Power Pause! 4 Inquiries to Ask Yourself To Feel Your Impact, Focus Your Work for the Months Ahead & Reset Imbalances in Work or Relationships

Vernal March Equinox is one of the four most powerful times of the year to take a 'power pause' and reset your rhythm, patterns and habits so they support you to create the life, work, relationships you desire to create. 

It’s also the time to consider HOW to focus your life force, time, and resources in your work, relationships and personal desires.

When you pause at this time, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift.

And you gain clarity on how to focus your life force so what you spend your time, energy & money creates what you desire.

Power pauses are leadership best practice, a wise way to run your business, organization or team, and I believe a must if you want to stay sustained and sane in a world in which we feel so much pressure to do so much. And then don’t have what we need to sustain ourselves.

Every year I hold power pauses at this 4 key shifting points, the equinoxes and the solstices, March, June, Sept and Dec - within my Feminine Wisdom Way training, some virtually, some weekend retreats and some for companies and organizations. I do this because this yearly practice of pausing 4x a year I believe is something most of us where not taught how to do, but when we do it, everything in our life works in better harmony. It’s how I run my life, business, partnership, relationships, and grow what is important to me.

Each power pause has a different focus and flavor depending on the time of the year.

In Feminine Power Time, I can’t share with you entire power pause process for March Equinox but I can give you a 30 minute power pause with 4 simple but mighty inquiries that will :

1. Show you what you have already done this year and how you are making a difference - so you can RECEIVE the rewards of your effort and FEEL the impact you are making.

If you don’t stop to acknowledge yourself, you never feel like you are doing enough, your brain does not register this as a reality so you keep pressuring yourself to do more, and you miss receiving the emotional feelings that come with recognizing your impact that fills you up, and gives you fuel for what is to come.

2. Reveal the imbalances in your work, relationships and patterns so you can re-balance the exchange of what you are giving and what you are receiving.

Equinox is the time to pause and really take a look at where the exchange between what you are giving to your work, relationships, projects, people, mission, are in harmony and where they are out of harmony. One big way you create overwhelm for yourself is over giving and under receiving. This creates financial stress, health stress, relational stress, all the stuff you don’t want into your life. So you reveal the imbalances and then take empowered action to shift them.


3. Name what you really desire to focus your energy on in your work and your relationships that may not be profitable or productive, but that you know would light you up or would help you create the new reality you desire for yourself.

Most people never get to their deeper heart and soul’s desires because their lives are packed too full, they are too busy. Or they feel the stress to make money and so don’t feel they have the space to work on things that are not money making. But in the feminine wisdom way, we believe that we must create space for these projects and relationships that are like deeper callings from our heart and soul that fuel the expression and elevation of our work and life.  

Bonus. We release a habit or pattern that doesn’t serve us any longer as we go into the next season - we don’t give up everything or go militant. We choose a few things to elevate and release, and also receive pleasure too.


Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, for this episode of Feminine Power Time, a Equinox Power Pause. 

Tune in. 

Listen to the power pause. Journal on the questions.

Invite a friend to go to dinner and ask each other the questions.


Go Deeper - In Person Retreats and
Online Transformation Programs

Every Spring Equinox, Christine Arylo offers an in person retreat and a virtual retreat you can do from anywhere in the world. For details:

  1. Spring Equinox Power Pause Urban Retreat - Seattle - with Ellevate Women’s Network March 23

  2. Burnout to Balance 40 Day Practice - open through April 1st - do this retreat from your life to create a more sustainable rhythm. 

  3. Elevate Feminine Leadership Immersion and Retreat - April 25-28
Nov 16, 2018

When you pause in November to get clear about how you COULD spend your energy, time and resources and then mindfully choose where to focus in your work, relationships, and personal health ... you are so much more likely to end the year feeling good about your choices, and so start the year ready and regenerated for what is to come. 

This practice is called POWER PAUSING. Wise women do it 4-8 times a year at key points that harmonize us with the natural cycles. 

Specifically we do it in November so we don't get caught up in the swirl of the holiday madness and consumption, but instead make space for what matters. 

So many people fall into patterns during the holidays that drain and over stretch then - in how they spend their time, money, connection and what they consume. 

The holidays turn us into human consumption machines when what we are craving is human connection.  

In this Feminine Power Time power pause, Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor:

  • Teaches you about power pauses - why they work and how they support us as leaders, esp during intense times

  • Gives you 4 inquiries to ask yourself at the end of the year to complete what really matters and stay sane, sustained and strong - you can apply these to your work, relationships and personal health to create the space to complete what matters most to you by the end of the year

  • Shares how to stop the holiday time patterns and rituals that drain you and create new ones that sustain you - you will leave empowered to say NO to the obligatory holiday to do's that don't support you any longer

  • Shares how to use these feminine wisdom inquiries to create deeper connection with your partner, team, friends and yourself. 

Save the Date - Year End Power Pause with Christine Arylo, Dec 20th, 5:33 pm PT - My gift to you. RSVP soon! Make sure we are connected by signing up for my wisdom letters as 

If you'd like to learn to live, lead and succeed the Feminine Wisdom Way and gain the super power to get out of overwhelm, get what matters done, and be supported and sustained in your work, relationships and health and wealth, this 'feminine wisdom school' is the place. 

Register to get the invitation.

Save the Date - Feminine Leadership Immersion. ELEVATE, Power, Presence and Purpose. April 25-28.  Seattle Coast. 

Sep 27, 2018

Wise women know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support them to grow their work, wealth and relationships, to support their health, and to keep them focused on what matters.

The September Equinox offers you insight to illuminate where the imbalances currently exist in your life & how to reset yourself and refocus your life force  - especially the ways in which you are over giving and under receiving, the habits that may have worked in the summer but won't support you now, and the ways in which making changes to your home, health and wealth can support you to end your year strong, sane and supported.

In this Feminine Power Time with women's leadership and empowerment advisor and teacher, Christine Arylo, marries her MBA business background with 15+ years of wisdom and spiritual study in practical ways that can support you to elevate out of overhwelm, stay focused on what matters, shift sabotaging habits and take care of small things that make a big difference. 

Tune into this Power Pause and:

  • Learn the wisdom behind taking power pauses 4 times a year - and how this practice can yield big returns in your business, career, relationships and health/wealth/home
  • Experience the feminine way of growing our work and impact vs tackling projects, driving like a torpedo, or pressuring ourselves to make things happen too fast
  • Tap into your heart and mind to feel what's just not working for you in your life right now - so you can gain the power to make small but might changes
  • Reveal what in your health, wealth or home is out of balance or needing attention that's making it hard to be the fully powerful and present leader and person you desire to be
  • Gain clarity on how to best focus your attention the last part of this year

Power Pauses are a form of feminine leadership which teaches us to work in harmony with the natural cycles of how the material and mystical world both work. Part of her Feminine Wisdom School, Arylo teaches how to use this ancient wisdom and way of working to apply to creating a life and work that creates an impact and is sustainable. 

To receive invitations to Christine Arylo's fall feminine leadership mentorship - called Elevate - and her fall Wisdom Quest for Women desiring to gain clarity, focus and courage to take the next steps to bring their sacred work into form, subscribe to her  Wisdom Letters at   

Jun 14, 2018

Most of us feel like we dont have the time we need to do what we really want, get what we need or do the things that might not be productive or profitable but are actually the things that feed us the most and that have the potential to catalyze us into the expressions, intentions and dreams we have for ourselves, our work and the world. 

Wisdom Byte: If you are waiting to find the time, you will never find the time. Time is finite. You can't make time - there is no time kitchen. And you can't find more time - time is not lost.

What we need is not more time. What we need is the 'space' to take care of the demands of our current lives AND feed the desires still coming into form AND nourish our hearts and souls and bodies with things that may not be 'productive' or 'profitable' but that sustain us in big ways. 

You are invited to join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time - a POWER PAUSE, taped at the mid-year point, to invoke

  • THE FEMININE POWER OF CREATING SPACE ... which gives you the power to create space for things that may not be urgent or profitable or productive but that matter to you
  • Your internal power to name what it is that you really desire to create space for in the next half of the year with 4 wisdom inquiries ... in your work, in your relationships, for your body and just for yourself 
  • The power of pausing at the mid-year point - the Solstice... this interactive session is like the appetizer to the deeper power pause we take every year to get clear and conscious and intentional about how we focus our life force
  • The ELEVATION projects you want to create space for - that have the power to elevate your presence, self expression in the world  

To join Christine for the full FLOW Mid Year Power Pause 

From Your Own Home - go here.

At the Kripalu Retreat Center - go here.


Mar 20, 2018

Spring Equinox is one of the four most powerful times of the year to take a 'power pause' and reset your rhythm, patterns and habits so they support you to create the life, work, relationships you desire. When you pause at this time, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift... & you gain clarity on how to focus your life force so what you spend your time, energy & money create what you desire.

Join Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, for this episode of Feminine Power Time, a power pause that will:

  • Give you simple but powerful tools that you use now to reset your rhythm that can keep you out of burnout and overwhelm the rest of the year
  • What you might not know about how the systems you work and operate in are tweaking your internal rhythm and creating stress
  • How to use the power of your natural rhythm and the earth's rhythm to set a sustainable pattern for yourself and stay above the fray
  • The Daily Bookends - how creating daily rituals to start and end the day keep you out of the swirl
  • A Spring Equinox Harmonizing Meditation - I'll lead you through a short but mighty meditation that will illuminate the places your life is out of harmony, in harmony and the steps you can take to bring any imbalances into balance. 

Every Spring Equinox, Christine Arylo offers an in person retreat and a virtual retreat you can do from anywhere in the world. For details:

Spring Equinox Weekend Retreat - Grace Under Pressure - Esalen, Big Sur, CA - go here for details. 

Burnout to Balance 40 Day Practice - Starts April 8th - do this retreat from your life to create a more sustainable rhythm. 

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