Driving, striving, grinding is not the only way to succeed, achieve and live. Pushing to deadlines - ours and others - that make us sick and stressed out is not the only way to be productive and get stuff done. It’s just how we’ve be trained to work, nose to the grindstone, climbing mountains, giving it our all until there’s nothing left.
But what if there was a different way? A wise way? One that created realties in which what really mattered got done … where we had space to breathe and savor our efforts and every day lives … where people were treated as human beings not machines ... and we motivated ourselves by energized inspiration instead of toxic pressure?
This reality is not a fairy tale. It is a possibility. It is a perspective shift on productivity that empowers you to redefine success.
And it is a practice - one that if you are brave enough to implement it in your work, career, projects, relationships and expectations will lead you to a lot more freedom, fulfillment and impact, because you are focused on the right things in the right timing … aka you are working in the flow vs. pushing forward ignoring the signs.
In this episode of Feminine Power Time with feminine leadership advisor Christine Arylo, #147 Pace Don’t Push: A Wiser Way to Achieve & Succeed, take an exhale and prepare to release the unnecessary pressure you’ve been feeling from others, or putting on yourself.
And then go into your life and start putting PACE DON'T PUSH into practice in your every day choices. Expect resistance. Expect fear. Move forward anyway, in the flow, vs forcing your way through.
Here’s some of what we’ll dive in
And at the end of the podcast I will lead you through a visualization to:
I am so looking forward to having this conversation with you.
See you there.
With great heart,
p.s. Would LOVE if you are inspired to RATE, REVIEW and SHARE this episode and Feminine Power Time.
Do it on your app or go to Feminine Power Time on itunes. This is the feminine way - we share and together we rise.
p.p.s. Stay tuned for announcement for the Spring Overwhelmed and Over It experience.
It may not sound sexy - the Four Parts of Self - but that doesn't mean it's not super powered. In traditional schooling and training, we learn to over focus on the mind. In our society, we talk about mental wellness and physical wellness, but what about emotional and soul wellness? We read and hear about body, mind and spirit ... but what about the heart? Did you ever wonder why the heart gets left out?
The models we use for understanding our selves, which drive how connected we feel and which ultimately create the perspectives and reality we live are lacking the full circle of what makes us whole humans - body, mind, heart and soul.
The foundation of leadership and creating the world we wish to see starts with the relationship we have with our selves.
So today in #1 of 3 of a Feminine Power Series: Redefining Our Relationships: The Four Parts of Self, Knowing How Your Whole Self Works, we dive into re-defining our understanding the Self...through these four parts and the relationship they have with each other:
Know your mind.
Know your heart.
Know your soul.
Know your body.
When you really know how these four parts work individually and together, within you, you gain so much more awareness - of yourself and everything around you - which leads to so much more compassion, empowerment and ALIGNMENT.
I poured some coffee and lit a candle, so we can have a deeper conversation, and exploration on each of these 4 realms.
For each, I'll share with you a simple wisdom-led model that will help you get curious about how you operate, and give you more wisdom and insight to creating a whole life, that really does align and support all parts of you. From there, your capacity to influence what matters to you most expands, and the world on the outside shifts. That is feminine power, from the inside out.
See you there!
Upcoming Events and Programs
1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - For women here to re-imagine and re-design the way we and the world work. Starts March 18th. Applications accepted through March 4th. Learn More www.ElevateLeadershipCouncils.com
2. An Evening to Elevate with Other Pioneering Leaders - www.FeminineLeadershipGathering.com RSVP
1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverit.com
2. Choosing Me Before We Book -
Wisdom Bytes
Mind - Know your positive mind, negative mind and neutral mind. Notice defending and duality reality. Respond not react.
Heart - Know your wounds, desires and needs. Notice the connection between your emotions and your thoughts and actions. Respond from wholeness not the wound or wishful thinking.
Soul - Know your destiny path and soul design. Notice the omens, the signs, the doors that open. Trust your path is unique to you. Listen to your soul voice. Live true to your design and destiny.
p.s. If you missed the last episode before this - Wise Woman Tea with Pele Rouge, tune in. It will give you context for this series on Re-Defining Relationship.
Join me and one of my beloved mentors and teachers, Pele Rouge, for a "wise woman tea," where we bring the teachings of Earth Wisdom forward to give us a perspective on how to be and move through these intense times so we can thrive, heal, expand and elevate.
Some of what we'll dive into in this session of Feminine Power Time is what earth wisdom is how can these teachings and it tools can help us now.
Some inquiries that emerged and we'll explore through the eyes of earth wisdom is:
Some of the earth wisdom tools we'll share:
Wisdom Bytes that came through
This is a time of remembering how to be human.
About Wise Woman Teas: These are invitations to join me and a special guest who has spent a lifetime studying and teaching a specific wisdom tradition or realm of experience that can offer us insight, wisdom, perspective, tools to understand ourselves, others and these times... so we can rise to be better more conscious leaders in our lives, relationships, community, organizations, teams and world.
We always start with the inquiry of how can this wisdom teachings, tradition or experience see a perspective and find wisdom to guide us during this time. We never know exactly where the conversation will go. But by using the power of inquiry, wisdom we can use always emerge. Pour some tea, vino or pelligrino and join us
1. Pele Rouge - Learn More and Get Connected at www.timelessearthwisdom.com
2. Ken Carey - Return of the Bird Tribes book - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/return-of-the-bird-tribes-ken-carey/1102635646
3. Wheel of Restructuring - Visit my Blog Post with an image of the wheel of restructuring. Get connected with Timeless Earth Wisdom to start learning more. www.timelessearthwisdom.com
Upcoming Events and Programs with Christine
1. The Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - applications being accepted Jan 22 through March 4th. www.elevateleadershipcouncil.com