Self Empowerment.... Be Empowered... Own your Power ... Stand in your power ... these are words that we see and hear alot more these days, but what does embodying our power really mean? What is self-empowerment? What does sovereignty have to do with all of this?
How do you know if you are coming from your pure power rooted in wholeness or distorted power rooted in woundedness?
How do you reveal where you are giving your power away - leaking power - in subtle but signifcant ways?
I've been exploring, researching and teaching self-empowerment as one of the 10 branches of self-love for over a decade. I started studying power and realized pretty quickly how distorted our cultural concepts and expressions of power are. And I dove deep into where we as humans, give away our power in unconscious ways. Or express power in distorted ways that actually diminish our influence.
Most of us are blind to where we lack self empowerment or we give away our power, or over-rely on distorted power in ways that don't serve us. All of which has a big impact on our careers, relationships, wellbeing, financial reality - we just don't see the connection with the 8th branch of self-love, self-empowerment.
Which is why I over the years I have created new defintions of power and sovereignty, practices to strengthen both, and ways to reveal where our leaks and strengths lie.
And why I decided to re-run this episode - as a self-empowerment check up! Originally part of the Self Love Series Episodes #178-181.
Here is an appetizer for starters - the definition of self-empowerment I crafted as part of the self-love tree:
Self-empowerment is choosing to take care of and responsiblity for your life by acting to create the life you really desire, without apology or requiring approval from others.
In this episode of Feminine Power, Self Empowement: How Are You Leaking Your Power or Discounting Your Value? :
I'll guide you through some self-reflection inquiries as well. If you have the Madly in Love With ME book or Overwhelmed and Over It, grab them as I'll be referencing them in our conversation and exploration.
And come over the Feminine Wisdom Cafe where I've posted the full definition of Sovereignty and we're inviting everyone to share what Sovereignty means to them.
See you there!
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What does Sovereignty Mean to You?
Here's the Self Love Tree one more time.
Have you ever considered that while we can do and be anything, you can't do it all at the same time. And honestly, if it's not in your design, even if you make it to your goal, it will feel empty and your lifeforce & energy will be emptied.
The dance between your soul path and career path is where the magic, meaning and sustainability live. Do you know what your soul path has to do with charting your career path and allowing it to unfold for you?
This is a pretty big topic, which could be it's own series. But I sat with what would most serve us to dive into support you in the NOW while you create the next ... in your career path, your life design and the way you focus your leadership for the most meaningful impact.
Imagine a world in which we grew up understanding our soul path... and had tools for staying on it, staying true to ourselves, knowing ourselves, defining success for ourselves, trusting ourselves, and making choices that were in alignment for our unique design, even if that meant disappointing another, distrupting the status quo, or daring to step out of our comfort zone, and into uncharted territory.
That's what we are up to in this Feminine Power Time: #219: How Your Soul Path & Career Path Dance Together. #3 of 3 in the Align to Your Design Series.
Consider this: The invisible - mystical, intuitive within you - is as powerful & essential as the visible - material, intellectual imprinted into you - to making choices that keep you aligned to your unique and true carer path & life design.
When you sense & feel forward vs. just think forward, you naturally create in tune with your dharma, desires and destiny.
Some of what we will explore:
I as usual make this all personal with a series of illumination inquries, woven throughout that you can take into your life, contemplate, journal and conversate them with another to bring forth the wisdom your soul truth is wanting to show you.
See you there!
P.S. REMEMBER to do 2 things. 1. Subscribe to the podcast so you get notifications. 2. SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together --> invite them to join you for the series. Use the inquiries to conversate, illuminate, liberate and elevate each other
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Have you ever considered how the work you do and the way you work could be different IF you & all people put your WELLBEING at the center?
Imagine if our culture embraced that all humans are designed differently, which means what supports our wellbeing - mind, body, heart, spirit - will be different. Therefore, the way we work, and the environments we work within need to be flexible, fluid and responsive to the different kinds of work styles required to empower and enable diverse humans to thrive.
Imagine a world in which we defined work not just by what we did to receive money, but all the ways in which we give our energy, care, time to a system, including care-giving & creative expression, as well as the jobs & roles we play within organizations and professions.
Then remember this: You and I have the power to co-create culture.
Culture is defined as: the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions, which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the group. The root of the word culture means to "cultivate a place" or "to till a place." Like a field.
Our power starts with choosing to intentionally cultivate the culture of our individual place/reality. Then the family/relational systems we live in. Then the team ecosystem we work in. Then the organizational, community & social ecosystems we swim in.
Consider this: Rather than wait for the big ecosystem to shift to creating a culture who builds how we work based on what we need as humans to cultivate and maintain a strong foundation of wellbeing... we can embrace our power of "harmonic defiance" and make small shifts that lead to bigger shifts to bring how we work and where we work into alignment with all realms of our wellbeing.
As Glinda the Good Witch says to Dorothy "You had the power within you all along!" My role is illuiminating where that personal power is. Tune into #2 of 3 in our series: Align to Your Design. Episode #218: Align Your Work with Your Wellbeing,
We'll explore these 3 realms to illuminate the way you are designed to work best, liberate you from what doesn't align, and then begin to take small but significant steps to bring your reality into alignment with your design now:
We'll also explore and illuminate what must be present for you in the environments you work within in order for you to truly thrive. It's like being an orca in the ocean ... what needs to be true about the environment, other creatures, & your part in where and how you work going forward?
See you there!
P.S. REMEMBER to do 2 things. 1. Subscribe to the podcast so you get notifications. 2. SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together --> invite them to join you for the series. Use the inquiries to conversate, illuminate, liberate and elevate each other
Page 265 (weekly rhythm) and 279 (harmonic defiance)
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