
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Now displaying: Category: Wise Woman Tea
Aug 9, 2021

When people ask me how I am doing, I always say to them "I am in the yoga of life." It's the most accurate, honest and frankly rewarding answer. Twenty years ago when I found yoga and it found me, I didn't realize how much it would re-shape how I saw the world, and honestly how much it would prepare me for this world today. I can honestly say that I would not be able to do what I do, be the person I am, without it. 

Yoga is so much more than being bend, meditating for hours or proving our strength by how long you can hold a pose, or if you can do a handstand. 

Yoga means union. 

The physical practice of yoga is just one gateway into what is a well of golden wisdom that the yogis left for us to meet the times we are in. It's like then knew 'this' - today's intense world - was coming. 

And while I talk about yogic wisdom all the time, and it's informed so much of my teachings, I also find that we have a lot of misperceptions about yoga in the western world. And there's so much more to it that is right there, if we are willing to open up to it. 

Which is why I invited a new friend, Patsy Kuo Eisenstein, a native of Taiwan who moved to the US at the age of 20, and host o f the New & Ancient Story Community to join us for a special "wise woman tea" session of Feminine Power Time: #160: Living Life as A Yoga, Yogi Perspectives for Thriving in Our Times.

We invite you to join us as we look through the eyes of the yogi, through our personal journey with yoga, the practice of yoga not just on the mat, but in every area of our lives, and how yoga as a way of life is core to our ability to serve this world and stay sustained within ourselves. 

We share our experience of:

  • How ‘yoga’ finds you and how the wisdom opens up to you over time.
  • Leadership and power through the eyes of a Western woman  practicing yoga 
  • Harmonic Defiance as a yogi - moving in strength, staying true to the self, receiving other people's judgements, and following your deeper wisdom no matter what
  • Dealing with people we don't agree with, that trigger us and that we just don't understand - in ways we don't waste our chi ranting or fighting against, but how that make a subtle but significant impact 
  • What 'living life as a yoga' means and how to explore what that could look like for you  

Tune in. 

Join us.

And then connect with Patsy. And come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and join in the conversation. 

with great heart, 


About Wise Woman Tea Episodes

These wise woman teas are special episodes always bringing forth a specific wisdom tradition we can lean into and look through to give us perspective, insight and elevated tools for how to meet and be with the times we live in.


About Patsy Eisenstein

Patsy Kuo Eisenstein, a native of Taiwan, has lived what seems like many lifetimes in one. She has forteen names including a spiritual name which means "the one who is without a name." She has experienced deep trauma and equally deep healing. She is normal and she is extraordinary. Through her life long journey from the darkness and the light, she has become a yogi.

In her youth, she had worked in law offices, Silicon Valley, real estate & construction, yoga education, nature health avacate and many other fields. She's also an artist, graphic designer, naturalist, esoteric practitioner, and a playful child at heart. Her proudest role in life is the mother of her three sons. Today she's married and lives in Maryland USA.

She serves as host of A New and Ancient Story Community, a reverence based global community. She works closely with her former husband and forever friend and family, Charles Eisenstein.

Connect with Pasty at:


Inspired Actions with Christine 

1. Share your insights and feedback on the podcast and how we communicate - I would LOVE and appreciate your feedback in the Feminine Power Time Survey.

GO here to take the survey.

2. Come to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and join in on the conversation on this Podcast and others. 

Click here to gain access to the cafe. 


Upcoming Trainings, Programs and Community  

1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - for women here to re-imagine and re-design the way we and the world work. Starts Oct 22nd. 

2. Path of Self Love Essentials Training - for professionals who would love to learn specific tools to use with their clients and in their work that strengthen self-love, emotional and mental wellness, and relationships. Starts Sept. 

Jun 13, 2021

We have huge misunderstandings of what creativity is, and how relevant and essential it is to every sector of our society, our economy, our wellness and happiness and our families. Creativity is not just about making a painting or a piece of ‘art.’

Some of the greatest thinkers and scientists have also said what the artists and sages have always known - imagination and intuition are more powerful than the intellect. It's our capacity to imagine and tune into a more expanded field of consciousness that inspires us, illuminates possibility for us, and both heals, awakens and empower us.  

Yet, if you look at the over-culture we live in, wow, it's set up to keep us from this primal, innate creative power.

Our schools have cut back on creativity as part of core curriculum, instead they are over-focused on memorizing and accepting conventional thought and scientific proof as the only reality. 

Women’s creativity is often diminished into “arts and crafts”, scrapbooking or a nice “hobby.”

And most people don’t see themselves as artists or artistically talented, because they can't paint or draw in a what is deemed beautiful, so they shy away from being “creative”.

This and more is keeping up from the truth of how creativity lives within each of us. Distancing us from our power and potential to create different realities for ourselves and the world. And keeps us  from potent self-healing techniques that we could be using to release trauma, move through challenging emotions, and navigate these intense times.     

Consider this... wisdom that emerged from this conversation and wise woman tea between myself and Shiloh Sophia McCloud, founder of the Center for Intentional Creativity (and my dear friend of almost 15 years), which we are inviting you to:

"People have mixed up talent and creativity. If you think you are not talented, you think you are not creative. Which is not true. EVERYONE is creative.

Creativity is the natural innate life force that exists in every person and how you chose to create it."

Join us for this special "Wise Woman Tea" with Arylo and Shiloh, to top off our series of Embracing Your Power to Create the World You Wish to Live In. In our wise woman tea episodes I invite a woman who has dedicated her life to living and learning a specific wisdom tradition or lineage, and has founded and brought forth this wisdom in practical ways that can empower us in these intense and changing times.   

In Episode 158 we focus on The Power & Practice of Intentional Creativity for Navigating and Thriving in Our Times we will explore: 

  • What creativity is NOT 
  • Embracing our creative nature and power as creators 
  • STOPPING the rhetoric that we are not "creative"
  • STARTING embracing our creativity as a super power that we all have and that we can use in ALL areas of our lives, professional and personal.
  • The systemic roots of why we get disconnected from our full creative power at a young age
  • Self-expression as essential to our wellness 
  • How we can guide and influence others to stay connected to their creative power, even if the systems don't support it #harmonicdefiance
  • The link between creativity and consciousness, how we think, and how our brains work
  • Using creative process and practice to cause significant breakthroughs individually and collectively

In the episode, Shiloh and I will share and talk about Intentional creative processes and physical practices that give us the power to:

  • AWAKEN our potential and new possibility 
  • HEAL and MOVE THROUGH challenging emotions and times
  • RELEASE trauma from our system
  • CONNECT with our intuition and receive wisdom and guidance
  • CREATE SPACE for contemplating and being in conversation with the Universe and your deeper Self.

Join us for the conversation and the exploration. And then take what you learn and start bringing the practice of intentional creativity into your DAILY life. 

We start the Mid Year Power Pause in June and July - which is an intentional creative process. Feminine Wisdom Way is a community and wisdom school that actively uses our creative power daily to co create the world we wish to live in. 

See you there!



Wisdom Bytes:

  • The mind can only create what it seen before. But your intuition has the power to expand possibility.  
  • Thinking is the long way to make change.
  • Wellness cannot be achieved through just the mind.
  • Creativity as a practice and a process is a way through to true healing, freeing and new ways of working, living and doing things.

Learn more about Shiloh McCloud and Musea, the Center for Intentional Creativity


Community on Facebook,  the Red Thread Cafe


Check out Shiloh's Book:
Tea with the Midnight Muse: Invocations and Inquiries for Awakening


GO DEEPER. Learn More.

Current and Upcoming Programs with Christine

1. The Mid Year Power Pause - FLOW Focus Your Lifeforce On What Matters the 2nd half of the year - starts the week of June 20th, through July 22nd. Do with us at our pace or follow your own. Learn more: 

2. Personal Transformation and Feminine Leadership Mentoring and 

3. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - applications open now, we start in October. 





Feb 5, 2021

Join me and one of my beloved mentors and teachers, Pele Rouge, for a "wise woman tea," where we bring the teachings of Earth Wisdom forward to give us a perspective on how to be and move through these intense times so we can thrive, heal, expand and elevate.

Some of what we'll dive into in this session of Feminine Power Time is what earth wisdom is how can these teachings and it tools can help us now.

Some inquiries that emerged and we'll explore through the eyes of earth wisdom is:

  • What does it mean to be human? What are the basic rights of humans that honor people and planet?
  • And how does that relate to what is really going on now on the planet? And the structures needed to lead us forward?
  • How do we BE in relationship with Self, Each Other and Earth?
  • What Divine Laws exist to guide us to follow and create a better life? 
  • What is the earth trying to show us? What would be wise to pay attention to? 
  • What is the path to getting into alignment with yourself?
  • How do we get in right relationship with ourselves, with each other and the world? 

Some of the earth wisdom tools we'll share:

  • The Medicine Wheel of Restructuring - for uncovering and re-leasing and re-patterning beliefs.
  • The Relationship between the Feminine and Masculine energies within us and in the world
  • The Medicine Wheel of the Human Parts
  • The Wisdom Council  

Wisdom Bytes that came through

  • Difference is a great gift. Difference expands.
  • To the extent we can make room for difference, we have a much larger palette to create.
  • Irritation is a sign you are either being guided a different way or there is something in you that is seeking to be healed.
  • Pay attention to what irritates you on the outside world, and seek to understand how it lives within you.
  • This is a time of remembering how to be human.

About Wise Woman Teas: These are invitations to join me and a special guest who has spent a lifetime studying and teaching a specific wisdom tradition or realm of experience that can offer us insight, wisdom, perspective, tools to understand ourselves, others and these times... so we can rise to be better more conscious leaders in our lives, relationships, community, organizations, teams and world. 

We always start with the inquiry of how can this wisdom teachings, tradition or experience see a perspective and find wisdom to guide us during this time. We never know exactly where the conversation will go. But by using the power of inquiry, wisdom we can use always emerge. Pour some tea, vino or pelligrino and join us


1. Pele Rouge - Learn More and Get Connected at 

2. Ken Carey - Return of the Bird Tribes book -

3. Wheel of Restructuring - Visit my Blog Post with an image of the wheel of restructuring. Get connected with Timeless Earth Wisdom to start learning more. 


Upcoming Events and Programs with Christine

1. The Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - applications being accepted Jan 22 through March 4th. 



Nov 20, 2020

Welcome to our first Wise Woman Tea episode, where I invite you into a conversation with one of my dear wise woman soul sisters - women who have attained a level of adeptness in a specific area that I believe can support each of us to tap into our own intuitive knowing, co-creative power, and higher intelligence. Often these areas are poo-poo'd or woo' woo'd away - discounting their significance to the 'real world' or to our practical needs or to what is relevant to topics like business, leadership and activism. 

When the truth is, these wise woman skills, arts, knowings and practices empower us to see and find what's real beyond the screen the mainstream overculture would like us to tune into. 

In my experience, the distrust or skepticism we have, or the lack of focus we put in these areas, is part of where we leak and diminish our power. 

When we embrace these wisdom teachings, skills, practices and arts and explore them with curiosity, we often are invited into a wealth of wisdom and new possibility we were previously blind to.

For this Feminine Power Time: Perspective for Thriving in Intense Times, I invited Astrologer Leslie McGuirk who is also a writer and creativity expert who is known for "pioneering an intersection between medicine and astrology, revealing the fastest pathway for mental and spiritual growth" to join us.

Leslie, is also really a dear friend, a woman I trust, who has helped me and the women leaders I've sent to her, to gain a better understanding of ourselves and how we are designed - to find more courage, compassion and confidence. 

We'll dive into three areas with the intention of giving us all PERSPECTIVE SHIFT for meeting these intense times as we step into this new year.

1.  What is astrology, really? What isn't it? How come it gets woo woo'd and poo poo'd? How can we use it powerfully? 

2. Perspective on what we are going through collectively in 2020 - what is happening? why is it happening? how can we be with it?

3. Perspective on how to walk into the months ahead, in a way that feels both empowering and present to what is, and open to what can be.

See you there!
Pour some tea :)



Dive in for more... 

1.  Overwhelmed and Over It Book - 

Upcoming Gatherings, Councils and Programs - RSVP to get the Invitation, Save the Date

1.  Crazy Wisdom Wisdom Session - Conjuring Up Clarity and Courage in Uncertain Times - Nov 22nd 5:30pm PT - 

2. Year End Reflection Ritual & Power Pause - Dec 20th. RSVP for free at  

3. Feminine Wisdom Way 2021 - Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment opens November. Emerge visioning process starts Jan 3rd. Request the invitation when enrollment opens. 

4. ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Councils 2021 - for women who are influencing change in the systems from the inside out. To request an application go to

Connect with Leslie McGuirk

Website -

Astrology Academy -

Creativity and Childrens Books -