
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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May 26, 2024

So excited to be landing here with you on the 8th anniversary of The Feminine Power Time podcast for a special segue conversation and exploration we navigate and co-create the next - for ourselves, those we guide & influence and the world. 

I have been asking myself, "What is next for this podcast? What is next for me? What is next for us?". Which led me to creating the centerpoint of our conversation today: "What is Evolving Within You?  Around You?" ...  How Do We Create Space for What's Next While Tending to the Now... How Do We Preserve What We've Already Created in Ways that Create Momentum?" 

Another way of saying that to yoruself is ... "How do I allow the process to unfold through and around me ... stay attuned to my design ...  accept (savor) where I am, while expanding into what is possible, even while I cannot see cleary yet?" 

Per usual here at Feminine Power Time, I will share less answers, and more inquiries and perspectives to support us to move through the shifts happening, supporting us to evolve so we can elevate, with grace, power, purpose, sustainability, compassion and wisdom. 

First, a personal share on:

  • My own evolution journey calling me to make shifts now that have been in motion for several years. 
  • What changes and shifts of focus I am saying yes to + still exploring 
  • How I am dancing between the next and the now

Second, practices, inquiries and perspectives to support you to work with what is evolving WITHIN you and AROUND including:  

  • Evolve from Essence 
  • Create a co-creative incubator space to play, listen, not have to create or know 
  • Bring language to what is at the center of your vocation, wellbeing & life for this next bigger cycle 
  • Feel for where the flow is going and leading you to naturally
  • 5 ways to preserve what you've created & garnered over the years, and receive from the momentum.

Third, what's next for Feminine Power Time, starting with:

  •  Season 8 1/2 vs 9, A Spacer for us all called A Season of Light
  • Inviting you into a 3 month / moon cycle container devoted to those of us here on the planet to re-imagine, re-design and elevate - guiding, influencing, and supporting people and systems to elevate.
  • Inquiries and wisdom to receive INSIGHT and WISDOM to keep your light bright, stay centered and attuned to your design, and evolve and elevate into the next expression.

I look forward to sharing with you what's been on my heart for months now. 

And for a Season of Light to come at a time those of us daring to do things differently and lead through our voices, choices and presence into the next era, can use as much light as we can open to receive.

And seeing many of you for the annual Mid Year Power Pause - starts June Solstice week - 

See you there.


*** P.S. Remember to SHARE this podcast with at least one friend or colleague. And then conversate on what is evolving within and around each of you. 



  1. Mid Year Power Pause - Reset, Realign, Refocus-for second half of the year .
  2. Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine -



Aug 27, 2023

Self Empowerment.... Be Empowered... Own your Power ... Stand in your power ... these are words that we see and hear alot more these days, but what does embodying our power really mean? What is self-empowerment? What does sovereignty have to do with all of this?

How do you know if you are coming from your pure power rooted in wholeness or distorted power rooted in woundedness?

How do you reveal where you are giving your power away - leaking power - in subtle but signifcant ways?

I've been exploring, researching and teaching self-empowerment as one of the 10 branches of self-love for over a decade.  I started studying power and realized pretty quickly how distorted our cultural concepts and expressions of power are. And I dove deep into where we as humans, give away our power in unconscious ways. Or express power in distorted ways that actually diminish our influence.

Most of us are blind to where we lack self empowerment or we give away our power, or over-rely on distorted power in ways that don't serve us. All of which has a big impact on our careers, relationships, wellbeing, financial reality - we just don't see the connection with the 8th branch of self-love, self-empowerment.

Which is why I over the years I have created new defintions of power and sovereignty, practices to strengthen both, and ways to reveal where our leaks and strengths lie.

And why I decided to re-run this episode - as a self-empowerment check up! Originally part of the Self Love Series Episodes #178-181.

Here is an appetizer for starters - the definition of self-empowerment I crafted as part of the self-love tree:

Self-empowerment is choosing to take care of and responsiblity for your life by acting to create the life you really desire, without apology or requiring approval from others. 

In this episode of Feminine Power, Self Empowement: How Are You Leaking Your Power or Discounting Your Value? :

  • Define Self Empowerment and Sovereignty
  • 5 Signs of a strong self-empowerent and 5 signs of weak self empowerment 
  • Difference between 'power' that is reckless , suppressed or distorted in you, and power rooted in wholeness 
  • 5 Power Leaks - which are affecting you
  • How this all shows up in our careers, life choices, and relationships to others, ourselves and the organizations we work in/with
  • How to speak from and stand in your pure power in everything from relationships to salary negotiations without being an ass or a pushover.

I'll guide you through some self-reflection inquiries as well. If you have the Madly in Love With ME book or Overwhelmed and Over It, grab them as I'll be referencing them in our conversation and exploration. 

And come over the Feminine Wisdom Cafe where I've posted the full definition of Sovereignty and we're inviting everyone to share what Sovereignty means to them. 

See you there!


Go Deeper. Get Connected. Receive Wisdom, Structure & Support.

  1. Self Love Essentials Training: Tools for Wellbeing, Resiliency & Transformation. For those who guide and support others. Only offered once per year. or 
  2. Align to Your Design  1:1 Transformational Mentorship & Coaching  with Christine Arylo- learn more  
  3. Get your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World


Connect on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe

Join the conversation! 

What does Sovereignty Mean to You? 


Here's the Self Love Tree one more time.

Jul 6, 2023

Every year around the day known as Independence Day in America, I like to tap into the energy of freedom and liberation to bring forth the wisdom, practices and inspiration for all of us ... so we can use the freedom mojo to break free from what might be holding us back, and liberate us to imagine and design the path and possibility forward. 

This is a co-creative practice - a practice I engage in to co create the now and the next. I come back to this liberation and freedom energy every year at this time because if we are evolving, stretching and expanding we can expect resistance and struggle, but we don't want it to stop us.

One way we exterminate the interference is by expanding so much into the possibility, it just cannot take the light! 

This year I was really feeling we could all use a boost of heart power to clear out the interference and break our consciousness & creativity free, so we can feel the possibility as reality, so much so that it gives us momentum to fuel and focus us forward.  

Consider this: The consciousness that got you here, cannot take you to what you are thirsting for, what's calling you, what you want to feel and experience next. But if you are feeling it within you, it is real. So we expand to elevate. 

Here's the 3 parts we'll explore and bring into your life now in practical ways to 

  1. Interference -  The unconcious stuff that keep us stuck in patterns and realities that we no longer desire or no longer serve. Imprints like the solo-solitude or scarcity trap. Internal inteference like constraints and conflict that bind us up vs open us up. When you see the interfernce, you can move beyond it, otherwise you just get "goobered" up and stuck in it (very technical term lol).

  2. Imagine - What you are seeking is also seeking you. When you name it and speak it, from a deep place of self worth and empowerment it's like you are painting that reality through your radiance and passion into the world. I'll teach you a practice that invokes the power of Invitation & Radiant Magnetism.

  3. Design - It's not a magical manifestation trick, it's a co-creative path and practice we engage in actively to bring this into being. From the power of invitation to exploration to experimentation, it takes courage and clarity and conscious creation and creativity. But that is part of the gift ... the question is will we dance with the Universe or try to control it and therefeor kill it?

Join me for episode #216: Invoke Your Power To Expand Your Possibility & Reality - a liberation and invitation boost from the heart. 

See you there!


P.S. REMEMBER to SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together --> invite them to do the Invitation & Radiant Magentism process with you - naming what you desire to invite in & what you would love to be true by next year.  Inquiries below or on the podcast page



What would you love to be true by next year? 

Share and be inspired here.





Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters -

Linked in

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media:

You Tube:



  1. l would love to invite more into my life ... 
  2. I would love to invite in more .... (then respond for the different realms of your life,  my work in the world, my self expression, my wellbeing (home, health, wealth), my professional relationships, my personal relationships
  3. What I would love to be true by this time next year ...
Aug 25, 2022

Fierce Grace. If you asked me to describe embodied Feminine Power in two words i would say "Fierce Grace." When we are truly rooted in our unique expression of fierce grace we have access to  our full power, presence, purpose and wisdom.

Fierce grace comes through our presence, through our words both spoken and written, through our passion and purpose, through both courage and compassion - it's all about embodied pure heart.   

Now more than ever the world needs each of our pure hearted power, presence and purpose in the world. Imprints of what it looks, feels, and sounds like to embody both fire and water. 

This month is the two year marker of my fourth book, Overwhelmed and Over It was sent final edition to the printers ... this book was the first book in which I fully unleashed and embodied the energy of fierce grace. I had spoken from this place many times, including this podcast and all of my programs and trainings. But a written book or really any written form is a different animal. One I think all of us can use some wisdom on.  

I was inspired to re-run this conversation to dive into how we can share our words and writing with the world.

Whether you are a writer, or want to be, or you want to write a book, or a blog, or just show up more powerfully in your authentic presence in your communications -- or just start writing for JOY because you have something to say or you just want to! COME to this conversation. 

I invited Kristine Carlson, NY Times Best Selling Author of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Women, founder of the Book Doula incubator and community that starts every September, and a woman who has been like a big sister to me in my writing and book career to join us for Fierce Grace Talk #1: Sharing Your Words & Writing with the World"

It seems like the perfect time to pull the veil back and have a heart to heart about what writing a book is like ... how it catalyzes your personal growth ... and what support and structure is really needed. And HOW to just get started.

And to also explore at this time when so many voices are speaking out there -- how do YOU want to show up, speak up and share ? In a way that matters to you? Feels good to you? And is adding to the world you desire to create for yourself and others? This is the power of Fierce Grace. 

Take us with you for a walk.. pour some tea and settle in... take us out in the sun to do some earthing, heck pour a bath or snuggle up in bed ... it's a heart to heart ... supporting us each to share our words and writing in the world in ways that light YOU up and light up those you touch. 

Wherever this finds you... the words you share and the presence you share them through - in your voice, your energy, your purpose - matters. Nothing is too small, we start where we are. 

You matter. Believe it.


Resources for Sharing Your Writing and Words with the World

the BOOK DOULA incubator and community with Kristine Carlson - learn more or reach out to Kris for a conversation at ... her incubator starts early September. Check it out and you can also schedule a conversation with her. If you decide to do it, Kris offered 10% savings to all of us. Just use christinearylo10 as the discount code. 

Learn more about Kris Carlson, her blog, podcast and books at 

Apr 29, 2022

How do you stay centered, clear, calm and sustained as you go through changes in your life - relationship, career, home, health? Whether you want the change and are intentionally creating it or it's a happening that you didn't ask for but find yourself in, when you can name the change as a 'threshold' you are crossing and moving through elevates everything. 

Almost everyone I know if they are aware, conscious and choosing to grow through the catalyzing times we are in, is walking through a threshold crossing. While they are always challenging, they don't have to take you down or drive you to push through or run the other way.

There is wisdom - practices and perspectives - to share and apply now and in the months and years to come to whatever changes and shifts we find ourselves in -- in ways that empower us to be in co creation with the Universe and each other. 

Most of us didn't get this wisdom in our traditional education or leadership training. I've crossed thresholds many times (more on the word threshold in the Podcast) and have learned some things I thought might help bring more ease, empowerment, and grace to you. 

Wisdom and pratices that seem simple that one could discount them for lack of significance. But in truth, true wisdom is usually stated quite simply but is anything but simple.

In this episode of Feminine Power Time #182: Staying Sustained Through Change: Practices & Perspectives for Making Shifts with More Ease, we will dive into some of these such as:

  • Thresholds - what their nature is and why you want to name yours 
  • Purposeful Patience
  • Focused Fluidity 
  • It's Happening!
  • Travel in Flock Formation
  • Wise Advisors to the Left 

And also we'll dive into some of the teachings in Overwhelmed and Over It about sustainable change and growth and apply them to whatever current shifts you are going through, including:

  • Setting the pace and rhythm of your day, week, month and year
  • 3 Harmonic Rhtyhms of a Sustainable Pace

And I will walk you through practices to:

  • Keep your heart and spirit light vs weighed down
  • Keep your mind clear and open vs. future tripping and wound up
  • Keep your body free from holding stress 

Tune in. See you there. 


p.s. This week my ask is for you is to rate, share or leave a review on the podcast page. Would so appreciate it!

>> Go to Itunes here and click Listen from Apple Podcasts and scroll to bottom where it says Write a Review. Or do it from the Show Podcast Home page on your podcast app.

Happenings - RSVP and Attend

1. Sovereign Woman. Sacred Relationship. Wisdom Session. Live May 1st. Also Recorded. RSVP.

2. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - Starts June 22nd.  Learn more 


1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - 

Elevate the Consciousness and Conversation

1. Choose one wisdom perspective or practice from the podcast and share it with a friend.

2. Come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and share your ideas in the conversation from last week's podcast "What is Sovereignty" -click here.

Jun 6, 2021

Co-Creation is the practice and path we all have as humans to create the realities we live in - individually and collectively - but few of us were ever educated on HOW we do that. Co-creator. Hmmm. Just read that word a few times. CO CREATOR. CO CREATE. What does that even mean?

I am the co-creator of my reality? 

And, consider this... if you knew how to 'co-create' as a path and practice for how you approach all parts of your life and work, and all the problems you see around you or experience yourself, what possibility and potentiality could that open up for you?

Can you imagine that there are realities you can't even see, yet??

Do you know how to trust the process to unfold? Do you know how to be in active relationship with the process in a way that keeps you expanding into possibility?

This is why we are doing this 3 part series on Embracing Your Power to Create the World You Desire to Live In. To educate, explore, experiment and experience this power we have within us to make change, do things differently, shift this world, stop patterns and habits that keep us and others trapped in suffering.

Embracing your power as a Co Creator, which is an act of both humility and honoring, opens up the potential for us to truly be what the wisdom teachings have always said we could be:

We are the ones who dream reality into being through our imagination and intuition. We are meant to work with the Universe, each other and the earth. And when we do, we co-create a society that reflects wholeness and wellness, and empowers all life to prosper.

When we stop looking out there for the answers, the safety and security, and the ways we should think and believe, we open our hearts and minds to a deeper truth that reflects the soul of the earth & humankind ... which by nature creates  forms and organizes life in ways that create harmony.

Tune into this episode of Feminine Power Time with leadership advisor and social impact leader Christine Arylo: 157:  Be The Co Creator of Your Reality

  • What do I mean by "Co-Creation"?

  • 4 Realms of Co-creative Relationship: yourself, the Universe, the earth, and the others 

  • 4 phases of Sustainable Aligned Co-creation - when you follow these in your individual choices or in teams or organization, instead of creating too much, too fast or making choices that lead to bad outcomes, you create forms and take actions that lead to wellness, for the whole and you.

  • 7 practices for Co-Creating - these are practical things you 'do' in your daily life and in your decision making to be in connection to all four realms and stages of co-creation  

  • What keeps you stuck in limited thinking and reality cutting off your ability to co-create new possibility
  • How do you work with the power of INQUIRY, INTUITION, and RITUAL & RHYTYM to open up possibility, gain clarity and take steps forward?  

As we stand here at this time on the planet, our ability not just to believe but to experience that we have the power within, through our choices and voices, to be the creators of this world, is like a life line for us.

When you practice co creation as how you live, you feel so much more connected... so much more trusting... so much more alive... so less like a victim or the master controller of the universe, and so much more like you are held, guided and empowered to live well, and be part of humankind finding a better more loving way to live.

See you there




1. Join in the conversation on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and post: 

If you could make one inquiry to the Universe right now, what would it be?

Remember, you aren't looking for the exact answer, you are asking to be gifted with the insight to see the path. 

Post yours and be inspired by other courageous souls - click here

This is our private online community off of social media, where we connect and share on the topic we are exploring in these podcasts and more. 

Also... here is where I post up in written format some of what we talked about in the Podcast - like the 7 practices for co-creation. 

2. Get the Overwhelmed and Over It Book - learn about the 4 Stages of CoCreation, in section three of the book  -

3. Share. Rate. Review this podcast - THANK YOU. This is  how we get the wisdom out to more people 


GO DEEPER. Learn More.

Current and Upcoming Programs with Christine

1. The Mid Year Power Pause - FLOW Focus Your Lifeforce On What Matters the 2nd half of the year - starts the week of June 20th, through July 22nd. Do with us at our pace or follow your own. Learn more: 

2. Personal Transformation and Feminine Leadership Mentoring and 

3. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - applications open now, we start in October. 

Special Thank You to Sharon Zeugin for background art we are using for this series..




May 30, 2021

Have you ever looked around at the world, an aspect of society, or the organization you work and felt like WTF !? This is not working for me. This seems crazy? Sometimes we feel empowered to 'do' something about it, and others, we feel overwhelmed, like there's nothing I can do to change this reality?

We have more power than we know. 

As humans, we are 'makers' of culture.

We create the culture by how we grow & change ourselves, how we interact with others, what we choose to 'make' & the choices we make.

Here's a few wisdom bytes about our power to be 'makers' of the cultures we live in, from our own inner culture of self, to our family and tribe, to our teams and organizations and from there society. 

  • We are the makers of culture - our family, our organizations, our teams, our society - through the choices we make in our lives, big and small.
  • Our reality and the world around us is like clay - we have the power to shape it. We don't make the clay, we work with the clay, and like a sculptor or potter, we let it inform us, we engage in a co-creative process with it.
  • We don't force it. We work with it. Or we start over and create a different piece. We have more power than we think, when we focus on where we can have the greatest influence, and choose not to waste our energy on where we don't.
  • We create the culture around us in and in this world by how we grow and change ourselves - how we 'make' and shape ourselves. The 'work' we do within the Self contributes to the evolution of the collective.    

This wisdom is potent and practical, if you know how to apply it and use it. 

Which is why we are doing this 3 part series, diving into 3 realms of where our power lies to do things differently, to be conscious creators of reality and culture and society and our lives. Archetypes we have within us that we can access to be and feel empowered to see where we can make shifts: the Mother, the Maker, & the Co-Creator. 

Tune into this episode of Feminine Power Time with leadership advisor and social impact leader Christine Arylo: 156: Be a Maker of Culture: Embrace Your Power To Create the World You Desire to Live In and explore:

  • What does it mean to be a Maker?
  • What are you 'making' through your choices and through your own inner self expression?
  • How your courage to look within your Self honestly and then do the 'work' to heal and elevate on the inside is creating a better world
  • How to look at what you don't like in the world today or in the cultures around you, and find where that lives in you, and then embrace your power to do things differently
  • How to 'shape' your reality and become more adept at 'shaping' the realities you want to live.  

One of the things I think you will really love after this conversation is starting to see how your choices just in your very own life have the power to shift this world, and the environments around you.

May this session ignite your power of Harmonic Defiance ... to make choices that align for you, even if they are different than those around you, choices that create more HARMONY for you and others, and as a result create a world in more harmony.

We'll end with a super powered way to make this practical in your life today.

See you there




1. Join in the conversation on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and post: 

What is one way you have reshaped a belief, a habit or a way of living or working because you didn’t like the world you were seeing around you?

Post yours and be inspired by other courageous souls - click here

This is our private online community off of social media, where we connect and share on the topic we are exploring in these podcasts and more. 

2. Get the Overwhelmed and Over It Book - learn about your power of Harmonic Defiance -

3. Share. Rate. Review this podcast - THANK YOU. This is  how we get the wisdom out to more people 


GO DEEPER. Learn More.

Current and Upcoming Programs with Christine

1. The Mid Year Power Pause - FLOW Focus Your Lifeforce On What Matters the 2nd half of the year - starts June 20th, through July 22nd. Do with us at our pace or follow your own. Learn more: 

2. Personal Transformation and Feminine Leadership Mentoring and 

3. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - applications open now, we start in October. 

Special Thank You to Sharon Zeugin for background art we are using for this series..



Special guest wisdom teachers I shared wisdom from:

Anam Cara by John O'Donohue

Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home by Toko-Pa Turner




May 16, 2021

We have so much power within to create the world we desire to live in, for ourselves, those we influence and our society - but in the current reality, with the current stressors, we face, that can seem so far away or like self help rah rah. When it's anything but.

Knowing where our power is to take the pressure off, create space for ourselves, receive what we need, focus our energy and resources is essential for anyone who wants to make an impact, in a way in which you are sustained do. This is where our feminine power comes in.

In this series, we are building from the energy of the 5-year anniversary podcast Ep 154: Embrace Your Power to Create the World You Desire to Live In, to make this profound possibility and wisdom practical and applicable to you and your life. 

The series will take us into 3 realms of where our power lies to do things differently, to be conscious creators of reality and culture and society and our lives. Archetypes we have within us that we can access to be and feel empowered to see where we can make shifts: the Mother, the Maker, & the Co-Creator. 

In this episode #155 of Feminine Power Time we dive into Valuing the Mother, exploring

  • What is The Mother archetype and energy? All of us can be mothers, even if we choose not to be parents.
  • The distortions in our current over-culture that cause us to undervalue or devalue the Mother, and as a result burnout, not get what we need, and stay stuck in society that requires us to produce more, grow faster, give more and do more, always. 
  • Three aspects of our Mother Power:  To birth. To nurture. To advocate.

I'll take you through these three aspects of Mother Power so you can take the pressure off yourself, give yourself the space and support you need, and shake off the over-culture B.S. that is not serving you.

We'll end with a super powered stand to say NO MORE to what is not supporting you.

See you there




1. Come by the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and post your NO MORE! www.FeminineWisdomCafe 

This is our private online community off of social media, where we connect and share on the topic we are exploring in these podcasts and more. 

2. Get the Overwhelmed and Over It Book -

3. Share. Rate. Review this podcast - THANK YOU. This is  how we get the wisdom out to more people 


GO DEEPER. Learn More.

Current and Upcoming Programs with Christine

1. Overwhelmed and Over It! A Path to Sustainable Success - open enrollment 

2. Personal Transformation and Feminine Leadership Mentoring and Coaching: 

3. Save the date - Mid Year Power Pause - starts June 20th. To receive the invitation when it's ready go to  

Special Thank You to Sharon Zeugin for background art we are using for this series..





Apr 18, 2021

Sustainable success. Soul-aligned life. That can sound like self help mumbo jumbo. Wishful thinking. Buzzwords. Or like, sure I will get around to that when I am not so overwhelmed just trying to deal with my current reality.

Add to that, that we are so conditioned by this over-culture to look for the quick fix, or the promise of some nirvana, and it's obvious why the levels of depression, anxiety, doubt, stress, fatigue, and burnout have gone up not down in the last four decades. 

Which is why in this third episode, we are going to get real about what it really means to CHOOSE to live a soul-aligned, sustainable life, in all areas of our lives, including how we work, run businesses, choose projects and make choices. 

Sustainable success and a soul aligned life is not a goal you achieve and mark off the list as complete. 

It is a path, a practice and a choice.

It is the how you co-create and cultivate this a reality in which you:

  • Achieve the impact you desire
  • Receive the sustainability and support you need 
  • Stay connected to those you love, including yourself
  • Stay focused on what truly matters to you
  • Create space to savor your life

Tune into this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, MBA, feminine leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher: #153 Sustainable Success: How Do We "Do" It ... so you can experience the your co-creative power to create more of the reality and world you wish to live in. This is not a quick fix, but it is a portal out of the overculture into a different way. 

Wisdom Bytes that we'll explore 


  • Expect uncertainty and the unexpected.
  • It is okay not to know.
  • Be committed and clear on what you desire to create - in your life design and in the work you give your life force to.


  • To wield the power of co-creation you need to be able to work with, trust and apply both your feminine and masculine power. 
  • Work with the natural cycles to create smaller time spans which will reduce your anxiety and increase your clarity. 


  • Don't let the system, others or yourself pressure you to speed up and  make a choice before you are ready
  • Claim and name the support and space you need 

Tune in. Then check out the Navigating Uncertainty video series on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe to go deeper. And if you'd like a structure and support to hold you, join us for the Overwhelmed and Over It: A Path to Sustainable Success experience.

See you there



Go deeper. Make this real in your life. 

1. Join Christine for the Overwhelmed and Over It : A Path to Sustainable Success experience. Starts April.  Learn more 

2. Visit our private community space The Feminine Wisdom Cafe and access the Navigating Uncertainty video series (it's not on facebook) where women who dare to do it differently gather. It's free to visit. 

3. For people ready to do the internal transformation to create an aligned life and work and relationship design - explore person mentoring with Christine - Harmonize & Rise.




Mar 14, 2021

If you and I change how we think about our relationship with the planet, we will find a lot of power and wisdom to make positive change in simple but profound ways. In the last of our three part series on redefining our relationships, we dive into our relationship with the planet... which can sound kind of vast, and esoteric, but I can promise is you is indeed profound.

It really is often the subtle places - if you know where to look and what inquiries to make bring you the most powerful shifts. Both in your larger perspective that guides your bigger life choices and in the practical everyday and how you feel within your life during this intense time on the planet.

Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, author and teacher, for this episode of Feminine Power Time: Making the Planet Personal.

What is Your Relationship to the Planet? Just that question alone is a mind shifter and consciousness elevator ... my relationship with the planet... hmmm, what would become possible if you were intentional about your relationship?? 

Tune in to find out as we dive into a series of wisdom bytes meant to give you something to chew on and contemplate and a handful  of wisdom inquiries to support you to make wiser, different choices that expand possibility.

As we always do at Feminine Power Time - I will marry the timeless ancient wisdom with the modern day ...

What if...

  • We were stewards of land vs. owners of property?
  • We saw planet not as a resource but as our home?
  • We valued cultivating prosperity over accumulating wealth? 
  • We saw ourselves as global citizens vs. tribal protectors?
  • We saw ourselves as part of nature vs. nature something we visit, observe or live in?

Consider the choices you make in big and small ways:

  • What do I take for granted, that it will always be there? 
  • How can I think globally and act locally?
  • What simple choices can I make as act of harmonic defiance - that have the power to inspire others too to do things differently in way that creates harmony?

And then lastly, I'll share with you a dis-ease that is affecting all of us, that is one of the root causes for the disease we see on the planet. I call it the IHF, the ignorant human factor. Learn how you can cure it within yourself and also use it to find compassion for others. And ultimately use it to fuel and focus what your part is to do a human's whose current home is earth.

See you for the conversation!



1. Come over to the post : Women. We are Strong. We are Tired. We have had ENOUGH.

2. Save the Date: April 11th. The Overworked, Overwhelmed and Over It 16-week Path to Sustainable Success personal transformation experience. 



P.S. As we move into March Equinox, which is a time for shifting our patterns, so we create a rhythm that is in alignment I am going to be shifting the posting day of new episodes to SUNDAYs. 

I've been feeling into a new rhythm and this is what feels right for both of us. That way I can tape it on Fridays without feeling like I have to rush to get it out to you. And you can expect it on Sunday morning so that you can have it to set up your week. You will get it right to your feed. And if Sunday doesn't work, you can listen to it anytime that week.

I'll talk more about this next week as an example of practically using the feminine wisdom way of working.

But for now, you can rely on the Sunday rhythm until June Solstice when I will check in again to see how it's working.  


Feb 14, 2021

It  may not sound sexy - the Four Parts of Self - but that doesn't mean it's not super powered.  In traditional schooling and training, we learn to over focus on the mind. In our society, we talk about mental wellness and physical wellness, but what about emotional and soul wellness? We read and hear about body, mind and spirit ... but what about the heart? Did you ever wonder why the heart gets left out? 

The models we use for understanding our selves, which drive how connected we feel and which ultimately create the perspectives and reality we live are lacking the full circle of what makes us whole humans - body, mind, heart and soul. 

The foundation of leadership and creating the world we wish to see starts with the relationship we have with our selves.  

So today in #1 of 3 of a Feminine Power Series: Redefining Our Relationships: The Four Parts of Self, Knowing How Your Whole Self Works, we dive into re-defining our understanding the Self...through these four parts and the relationship they have with each other:

Know your mind.

Know your heart.

Know your soul.

Know your body.

When you really know how these four parts work individually and together, within you, you gain so much more awareness - of yourself and everything around you - which leads to so much more compassion, empowerment and ALIGNMENT.

I poured some coffee and lit a candle, so we can have a deeper conversation, and exploration on each of these 4 realms.

For each, I'll share with you a simple wisdom-led model that will help you get curious about how you operate, and give you more wisdom and insight to creating a whole life, that really does align and support all parts of you. From there, your capacity to influence what matters to you most expands, and the world on the outside shifts. That is feminine power, from the inside out.

See you there!



Upcoming Events and Programs

1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - For women here to re-imagine and re-design the way we and the world work. Starts March 18th. Applications accepted through March 4th. Learn More

2. An Evening to Elevate with Other Pioneering Leaders - RSVP


1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book -

2. Choosing Me Before We Book - 


Wisdom Bytes 

Mind - Know your positive mind, negative mind and neutral mind. Notice defending and duality reality. Respond not react. 

Heart - Know your wounds, desires and needs. Notice the connection between your emotions and  your thoughts and actions. Respond from wholeness not the wound or wishful thinking. 

Soul -  Know your destiny path and soul design. Notice the omens, the signs, the doors that open. Trust your path is unique to you. Listen to your soul voice. Live true to your design and destiny.

p.s. If you missed the last episode before this - Wise Woman Tea with Pele Rouge, tune in. It will give you context for this series on Re-Defining Relationship.