
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Now displaying: June, 2019
Jun 28, 2019

There is SO much you could do the rest of the year, so much and so many you could give to, but what really matters to you??

One of the smartest things we can do at the mid year point is to pause, reflect, realign and redesign what we are going to focus our life force, resources and time on. This is true for how you run your work life - business, team, organization, career, classroom, etc. And how you run your personal life - wealth, health, home, relationships. For SO many reasons. 

This is what I call taking a Power Pause. It's a feminine wisdom way practice and a feminine leadership success principle. It's how we make sure we create realities that are both successful in what we desire to create and cause AND that are sustainable. 

It's also a best practice for getting out of overwhelm and the feelings that you are never doing enough or have enough. 

I've been doing Power Pauses myself for a decade and every year at this time I teach mid year power pauses, which I call FLOW for focus your life force on what matters, in many different forms. A virtual program/retreat, in person retreats and for women's leadership groups and teams within organizations. 

For you beloved Feminine Power Time listener, 4x a year I do these special Power Pause episodes that include 6 inquiries that are like a Power Pause appetizer. They give you a taste of the full process, and enough of a taste to give you some wisdom bytes about what you truly desire this coming year. 

In this episode, "POWER PAUSE: It's Mid-Year, Time to Reflect & Redirect: 6 Inquiries to Get Focused On What Really Matters to You the Rest of the Year" I will share with you

  • How to make sure all parts of your life get love and attention, so you don't end up lopsided, out of balance, or giving up what really matters. 
  • Why our productivity, happiness and impact increases when we work with the natural flow of the earth

And I will take you on a guided journey to:

  • CELEBRATE & ACKNOWLEDGE all you have done all ready this year! So you feel like you have done enough
  • GAIN CLARITY ON WHAT TRULY MATTERS TO YOU - so you make space for what you really want
  • FOCUS YOUR LIFE FORCE NOW so come next year, what you desire is coming into form
  • CREATE SPACE by letting go of what's not working or needed, or by moving things to 'maintance mode".

In the Feminine Power Time, I'll share 6 inquiries, which I also listed below. I invite you to journal on them. Invite a friend or your partner out to dinner to share about them. And then if you want to really receive the benefit of the mid year Power Pause, take the online version, you can do at your own pace or join me at one of the in person weekends or evening workshops.


1. Celebrate and acknowledge one thing you have done this year. Acknowledge one way you have made a difference in a persons life this year.

2. What would you love to have the space to do this year? 

3. What would you like to be true by next year?

4. What has the potential to flourish if you focus on it?

5. What needs to be let go? Composted.

6. What can you put on maintenance mode to make space to grow other things? 


For more on working with Christine 

1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - do in June or July to get focused on what matters -  Do from home. 

2. Feminine Wisdom Way - 6-month feminine wisdom training includes Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you to achieve what matters AND be sustained.  We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this. 

3. Feminine Wisdom Weekend Retreat - Kripalu - July 19-21 

4. The Path of Self Love Teacher Training - Kripalu - July 21-26 

For Other Events in Seattle area, go to  

Jun 20, 2019

Our human heart needs love to thrive just like our lungs need oxygen to survive. We are taught to be strong, have self esteem and project confidence. We desire to have meaningful ‘relationships’ in both our ‘romantic’ life and ‘friend’ life. But most women I know are lacking the connection, support, intimacy, affection, and acknowledgment they need and desire in both areas of their life.


We are weak receivers. Our capacity to receive the love, support, care, intimacy - aka your Love Quotient - is low. So even if the love and connection comes, you don’t actually let it in, really.

We’ve had to protect ourselves and so have built walls around us or become like teflon. So the connection cannot really get through.

We are so busy doing, we don’t have the space for true connection.

And more…

In this Feminine Power Time, "Receive More Love, Connection, & Support in Your Relationships", #2 in our series called OPEN TO RECEIVE, Christine Arylo dives into the realm of intimate relationships. Your life partner relationship and your sisterhood and deep soul family.

Tune in to reveal and become more aware of:

  • Where and how you are blocking the love, support, connection, intimacy, acknowledgment, affection you desire
  • Signs you are blocking love and support
  • Your specific self-sabotaging love strategy for protecting yourself - which is repelling the connection you desire
  • Simple but might practices for opening yourself to receive more connection, support, care, love, community
  • 4 inquires to take into your life laboratory and gain more self awareness to how you are pushing away that which you desire in your relationships
  • How you show up in your friendships connect to how you show up in your romantic relationships
  • How your relationships - or lack of - affect your success in your career and work life 

Most of all come to press a pause on all the pressure you put on yourself to achieve in your career or to take care of others …. and be honest that you desire more love, connection and support in your life.

This episode of FemininePower Time is a choice to create space for what truly matters to your heart. That doesn’t make you weak. it makes you wise and a woman.


Wisdom Inquiries

Consider the relationships you desire - in your beloved partnership life and in your sisterhood (for women), brotherhood (for men) or soul circle for any gender. Notice what you desire. And what is true now.


1.   What am I protecting myself from?


2.  What strategies am I employing to protect myself?  Over protecting? Over giving? Walls around my Heart? Teflon affect?


3. What opens my heart?


4. What do I desire to receive in my beloved partnership? in my soul circle?  Connection? Camaderie? Intimacy? Recognition? Acknoweldgement? Affection?


Then go into your life and notice when you are contracting away from the love,  and when you are expanding.

Choose to expand your love quotient - use the mantra I OPEN TO RECEIVE!


For more on working with Christine

1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - do in June or July to get focused on what matters -  Do from home. 

2. Feminine Wisdom Way - 6-month feminine wisdom training includes Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you to achieve what matters AND be sustained.  We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this. 

3. Feminine Wisdom Weekend Retreat - Kripalu - July 19-21 

4. The Path of Self Love Teacher Training - Kripalu - July 21-26 



Choosing ME & WE 40-Day Practice 

Cultivate the Loving, Supportive Relationships You Desire & Deserve

Starts August 1st 

Jun 13, 2019

How do you achieve what you desire in your work and career, and receive the financial flow you need without driving, striving, pushing, and working so much your life gets out of whack? Or you feel depleted because you are giving, working and doing so much, but not receiving the money, support, space, time, appreciation and recognition desire and deserve?

We have been bred to be strong achievers and self less care givers, but few of us have been taught how to be strong receivers. We've been taught to be ambitious in order to be successful, so we approach our work, career and businesses like a racehorse with a strong desire for success and achievement. But even if we get 'there' - it doesn't feel like enough. We cannot receive it. 

A big part of my work in teaching feminine leadership and living and leading the feminine wisdom way is in teaching and living myself the feminine super power of RECEIVING.

A lack of receiving is at the root of all burnout, overwhelm, self sacrifice, overworking, over giving, feeling dissatisifed in your work, relationships and making self sabotaging choices about what you consume.

So... I thought we should dive into RECEIVING. 

This three part series of Feminine Power Time is called OPEN TO RECEIVE. 

In this first Open to Receive episode: 95: Achieving Success + Receiving What You Need in Your Work and Wealth we:

  • Reveal the difference between ambition and achieving and why ambition is not what you want to focus on.
  • Explore how you can develop a strong capacity to receive what you need and achieve your purpose/dream/etc. without sacrificing yourself
  • Do a short but mighty meditation to explore what you desire to receive in your work and wealth NOW and how you might be blocking receiving it
  • How to clear about what is really driving you - are you striving from your ego or a love crack? Or acting powerfully from your strong whole self? 
  • Practices for getting clear on what you desire to achieve in your work this second half of the year and then OPEN to receive it
  • How to work with the Universe so that you can relax control and open to receive more support and what you need in your work 

Tune in.

And come back for the next OPEN TO RECEIVE session, focused on opening to receive the love, support, connection you desire in relationship. 

Draw the Feminine Leadership Power Spectrum I gave you in this session for Receiving and Achieving. 

Tune into the Overwhelmed and Over It Series if you missed it. 

And to PRACTICE receiving in really practical ways you can use to focus your energy and time and money in your work, and receive what you need come to these:

1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - do in June or July to get focused on what matters -  Do from home. 

2. Feminine Wisdom Way - 6-month feminine wisdom training includes Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you to achieve what matters AND be sustained.  We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this. 

3. Feminine Wisdom Weekend Retreat - Kripalu - July 19-21 

4. The Path of Self Love Teacher Training - Kripalu - July 21-26 

Jun 7, 2019

As we approach the mid year point, ask yourself how is the pace and rhythm of your life working for you? Are you focused on what matters? Do you even have the space to focus on what matters? The truth is the swirl of the world & the pace of the systems you work in aren't going to slow down... but you do have the power within you to set the rhythm of your life differently.

But... "You only discover balance in your life when you learn to trust the flow of the ancient rhythm" - john O'Donohue. 

What does that mean? I will share more with you...  

I broadcast this episode the last two years at this same time, and decided to share it again because as I listened to it myself today I was inspired by what I said. I couldn't say it better a second time. 

So using two feminine leadership principles I'll share at the start of our conversation, I share this timeless wisdom with you for this time now. Tune in xoxo.

About this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo:

We lead crazy paced lives in part because we have made the unconscious choice to allow the rhythm of our life to be dictated by the pace the patriarchy and over culture has set - keeping us frenzied, fragmented and not focused on what truly matters.

And there is another choice...

Feminine wisdom shows us how to be in the world without being of the world, by taking the powerful act to consciously set the patterns and rhythms of days, weeks, months and years in a way that creates harmony, not havoc.

This was originally the third episode in the "Breaking Through the Myth of Balance" Series, as we illuminate a different way to live - so we can focus on what matters, be the most powerful presences of change, without exhausting ourselves and our resources including:

  • Indigenous, feminine and yogic wisdom for tapping in to the natural order of the cosmos and the earth to create a more natural order and flow to your life
  • How to structure your days, weeks, months and year differently and with intention to create more space for what matters and more space for you
  • Fuel your work and create the space to bring the projects you desire to bring into form using the 4 Feminine Super Power turns of the Year
  • What bio-dynamic farming, business theory and ancient wisdom all agree on regarding the rhythm we need to lead our lives with success
  • The Feminine Super Power of FLOW + Using the Power of Moonifesting - and how you can use it to get what matters done 

Join me to make this real and practical in your life:

1. FLOW Mid year power pause and virtual retreat - Focus Your Life Force on What Matters 

2.  East Coast power pause and Feminine Wisdom Weekend at Kripalu July 19-21 -

3. Path of Self Love Training and Retreat at Kripalu in July - 

4. Seattle Power Pause - July 9th -

5. The Feminine Wisdom Way Training and Sisterhood - 


For information on personal mentoring with Christine, email Sarah Mardell at 




Wisdom Inquiries:

1. What would I love to have the space to create? birth? experience? do? this year but I never seem to have the time or space for?

2. What support do I need to create the space for what you want to create?


Wisdom Bytes:

"When we try to do too much and too fast, we exhaust ourselves, our time, our money and we do not have enough of what we need."

"Organizations often try to do too much and too fast so they burn out their employees. We have to ask ourselves why are we driving and striving so hard? What is sustainable growth? And when will we give up the dominate the world culture as normal or acceptable."

"There is something deeper within you that wants the space to create or express. You have the power within to restructure your weeks and days. You cant make more time but you can create the space."

"It is a daring act to choose to live within a different structure than the one you've been conditioned to believe is normal. If you get into the flow of the natural cycles and deepen into the roots of mother nature, and allow the space for grace to come in, the path ahead will become illuminated."