Have you ever considered that the stories that make up our history and the 'information' that is passed off as truth are not always 'the truth'. Or considered that the systems that we work within, operate within and take for face value as 'that is just how things are' are really man-made constructs that can also be de-constructed to create new more supportive realities, for you and this world?
In this Feminine Super Power Time, Christine Arylo ignites our "Feminine Super Power of Challenge" ... a power you innately have to break through illusions and constructs that just don't fit for you or this world, to illuminate more aligned, supportive ways of live, lead and succeed ... now.
As we complete one year and move into the next it's the perfect time to challenge the constructs, beliefs and systems that have gotten you to this point... to tap into your power as a wise woman or man to be a light of wisdom vs. a voice for fear.
You'll love some of the stories Christine shares in this episode about how conventional wisdom is used to control people ... and why it's so essential to have the power to discern false stories and man made structures from truth and how things have to be.
Remember to RSVP for the Super Power Pause Reflection Ritual at the end of December with Christine to harvest the wisdom of the past year and illuminate the path ahead for what your INNER Wisdom - not conventional wisdom - is guiding you towards. RSVP at www.FeminineSuperPowerRitual.com (free offering)