If you want to have more balance, harmony & vitality, mimic Mother Nature.
Feminine Wisdom tells us that how we operate in the winter - the foods we eat, the pace we work at, the patterns and habits that form our daily routine and therefore our health and happiness - is perfect for the winter (you don't have to beat yourself up for gaining weight or now put yourself on some crazy cleanse). AND...it is time for a shift.
I call this the "Spring Forward Reboot"
At Spring Equinox, which is right around March 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, it's as if Mother Nature sends out a telegram with instructions on how to make the shift in a way that will be loving, supportive and nourishing. So that just as the natural world is making a shift, you are too.
In this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, shares the art of yearly reboot based on Feminine Wisdom:
To get the 4 Reset Components go to Christine Arylo's Feminine Power Time blog at www.ChristineArylo.com/blog
To join Christine and women around the world for your Spring Forward Reboot using the 40 Day From Burnout to Balance Super Power Practice, go to www.burnouttobalancepractice.com