Most of us feel like we dont have the time we need to do what we really want, get what we need or do the things that might not be productive or profitable but are actually the things that feed us the most and that have the potential to catalyze us into the expressions, intentions and dreams we have for ourselves, our work and the world.
Wisdom Byte: If you are waiting to find the time, you will never find the time. Time is finite. You can't make time - there is no time kitchen. And you can't find more time - time is not lost.
What we need is not more time. What we need is the 'space' to take care of the demands of our current lives AND feed the desires still coming into form AND nourish our hearts and souls and bodies with things that may not be 'productive' or 'profitable' but that sustain us in big ways.
You are invited to join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time - a POWER PAUSE, taped at the mid-year point, to invoke
To join Christine for the full FLOW Mid Year Power Pause
From Your Own Home - go here.
At the Kripalu Retreat Center - go here.