Why do we consume things that are not good for our bodies? That make us feel sluggish, heavy, not at our best? Why do we believe that doing another diet, cleanse, or fast is going to finally be the trick? What if there were deeper reasons, unknown reasons to you, that drove the sabotaging choices that you make about what you put in, on and within your body? There are!
In this Feminine Power Time, the 3rd in our 3 part series on Receiving, I knew we had to dive into how a lack of receiving what we need in other areas of our lives, drives our choices for how we consume food, liquids, media, everything. And how a lack of receiving the wisdom we need vs. more information on the latest diet or super food or quick fix is keeping us from the wisdom of how our bodies really work as women.
So I invited a new wise woman sister to join us - a true sacred rebel, here to do things differently, Ms. Carly Pollack, author of the book "Feed Your Soul" and founder of Nutritional Wisdom to dive in deep with us and illuminate both the deeper reasons within ourselves and the hidden reasons in the overculture that keep us from having the vibrant, radiant, healthy bodies we desire.
I invite you to tune in, as we dive into this episode "Feed Your Soul Instead of Sabotage Your Body" and OPEN TO RECEIVE more of the wisdom and self-love you need to make choices that support you vs sabotage you.
In our conversation today we dive into:
It's a rich conversation with lots of #wisdombytes and inspiration. You will feel more open and more connected to yourself. Come and join us!
Wisdom Bytes
What is on your plate reflects your inner state #femininepowertime #carlypollack
Before you put something in your mouth to eat, ask "What is it that I need"
Release sugar. Receive sweetness.
For more on Carly Pollack
For more on working with Christine
1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - do in June or July to get focused on what matters - www.FlowPowerPause.com Do from home.
2. Feminine Wisdom Way - 6-month feminine wisdom training includes Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you to achieve what matters AND be sustained. www.FeminineWisdomWay.com We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this.
3. Feminine Wisdom Weekend Retreat - Kripalu - July 19-21 www.FeminineWisdomWeekend.com
4. The Path of Self Love Teacher Training - Kripalu - July 21-26 www.SelfLoveRetreat.com
For Other Events in Seattle area, go to www.ChristineArylo.com