
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo










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Mar 21, 2019

It's time for a Power Pause! 4 Inquiries to Ask Yourself To Feel Your Impact, Focus Your Work for the Months Ahead & Reset Imbalances in Work or Relationships

Vernal March Equinox is one of the four most powerful times of the year to take a 'power pause' and reset your rhythm, patterns and habits so they support you to create the life, work, relationships you desire to create. 

It’s also the time to consider HOW to focus your life force, time, and resources in your work, relationships and personal desires.

When you pause at this time, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift.

And you gain clarity on how to focus your life force so what you spend your time, energy & money creates what you desire.

Power pauses are leadership best practice, a wise way to run your business, organization or team, and I believe a must if you want to stay sustained and sane in a world in which we feel so much pressure to do so much. And then don’t have what we need to sustain ourselves.

Every year I hold power pauses at this 4 key shifting points, the equinoxes and the solstices, March, June, Sept and Dec - within my Feminine Wisdom Way training, some virtually, some weekend retreats and some for companies and organizations. I do this because this yearly practice of pausing 4x a year I believe is something most of us where not taught how to do, but when we do it, everything in our life works in better harmony. It’s how I run my life, business, partnership, relationships, and grow what is important to me.

Each power pause has a different focus and flavor depending on the time of the year.

In Feminine Power Time, I can’t share with you entire power pause process for March Equinox but I can give you a 30 minute power pause with 4 simple but mighty inquiries that will :

1. Show you what you have already done this year and how you are making a difference - so you can RECEIVE the rewards of your effort and FEEL the impact you are making.

If you don’t stop to acknowledge yourself, you never feel like you are doing enough, your brain does not register this as a reality so you keep pressuring yourself to do more, and you miss receiving the emotional feelings that come with recognizing your impact that fills you up, and gives you fuel for what is to come.

2. Reveal the imbalances in your work, relationships and patterns so you can re-balance the exchange of what you are giving and what you are receiving.

Equinox is the time to pause and really take a look at where the exchange between what you are giving to your work, relationships, projects, people, mission, are in harmony and where they are out of harmony. One big way you create overwhelm for yourself is over giving and under receiving. This creates financial stress, health stress, relational stress, all the stuff you don’t want into your life. So you reveal the imbalances and then take empowered action to shift them.


3. Name what you really desire to focus your energy on in your work and your relationships that may not be profitable or productive, but that you know would light you up or would help you create the new reality you desire for yourself.

Most people never get to their deeper heart and soul’s desires because their lives are packed too full, they are too busy. Or they feel the stress to make money and so don’t feel they have the space to work on things that are not money making. But in the feminine wisdom way, we believe that we must create space for these projects and relationships that are like deeper callings from our heart and soul that fuel the expression and elevation of our work and life.  

Bonus. We release a habit or pattern that doesn’t serve us any longer as we go into the next season - we don’t give up everything or go militant. We choose a few things to elevate and release, and also receive pleasure too.


Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, for this episode of Feminine Power Time, a Equinox Power Pause. 

Tune in. 

Listen to the power pause. Journal on the questions.

Invite a friend to go to dinner and ask each other the questions.


Go Deeper - In Person Retreats and
Online Transformation Programs

Every Spring Equinox, Christine Arylo offers an in person retreat and a virtual retreat you can do from anywhere in the world. For details:

  1. Spring Equinox Power Pause Urban Retreat - Seattle - with Ellevate Women’s Network March 23

  2. Burnout to Balance 40 Day Practice - open through April 1st - do this retreat from your life to create a more sustainable rhythm. 

  3. Elevate Feminine Leadership Immersion and Retreat - April 25-28
Mar 15, 2019

I am always over the moon thrilled when Spring Equinox rolls around - the vernal equinox which used to be the start of our calendar year before the calendar was changed by humans. It's the time on the planet where naturally things start to emerge, to sprout, to come up after a winter slumber. But in our mainstream world, we've already been hustling and working hard for months.

It's the time when if we were farmers we would plant our crops, choose what we were to grow and then work it equinox to equinox to reap an abundant harvest. Our work, business, project, wealth and relationships are no different.

It is also the time when our bodies naturally desire and need different food, they want to lighten up, cleanse and purify. Its the best time for elevating the practices, rituals and habits that create the structure and reality of how your life flows.

I never learned this in my traditional schooling or leadership training. I learned it through my wisdom training and my desire to seek a way to have the impact I desired, grow my work and wealth AND sustain my health ... to create a WHOLE LIFE in which I didn't have to push and work so hard.

I have much to share during the Spring which is why I hold retreats, power pauses and do my annual 40-Day Burnout to Balance practice. 

In this episode of Feminine Power Time, "The Power of Spring: Using the Energy of Seasonal Shift to Focus Your Work & Fuel Your Life Force", join me Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, where I'll get you started with:

  • Illuminate the imbalances in your life, relationships and work so you can get honest about what's not working and re-harmonize 
  • Learn the 8 realms of a whole harmonized life, so you can create one
  • How to think about your work in a way that helps you focus your life force and resources vs. try and do it all, or waste energy on what doesn't matter
  • How to prioritize what you focus on in a way that gives the right amount of energy and time to the projects and relationships with the most potential to grow
  • How to make sure you don't over give your time and energy to projects and people and drain yourself 
  • Elevate how you relate to your body and life force 
  • How to shift your habits and practices for the Spring based on what your body needs

To learn more about the 8 realms of a whole life, see the visual and do the harmony assessment - get the Fierce Grace feminine wisdom session Christine Arylo video streamed at or listen to it on the podcast Salon.

Upcoming retreats

Elevate: Power, Presence and Purpose. Feminine Leadership Retreat April 25-28 

Harmonize Spring Power Pause Seattle with Ellevate Women's Network: March 23rd, Urban 1/2 Day retreat. 

Upcoming 40-Day Practices

From Burnout to Balance: Create a More Sustainable Less Stressful Rhythm to your Life.  



Mar 9, 2019

When we look back at women's history, for over 50 + years since women fully entered the workforce, we have had to assimilate into systems for how we work, educate, govern, relate and operate in almost every realm of our lives... in which women had no say in creating.
The models for leadership, government, healthcare, education, business? All were created at a time when women had little power, no vote, and no voice.  

Today, we are in a different position.

Today, every woman - including you - has the potential to be a leader – in your organization, community, tribe, family, life – by consciously doing things differently.  

Leadership is a CHOICE you make, not a position, degree, or job you get.  Your power comes from your presence. Your presence comes from within. 

Your presence is that powerful, if you know how to access it's full spectrum and use it.  

On the eve of International Women’s Day, I held this feminine wisdom session you can tune into now. Join me Christine Arylo, women’s leadership teacher and advisor, MBA, and catalyst for personal and collective transformation, for an illuminating, eye opening, soul awakening wisdom "session" where we will dive into:

  • Overwhelm and Burnout: Why you can't maintain balance, or find the time and energy you need, and why it's not your fault - and why until we address and solve this, nothing can really change for you, for women or the world.
  • How Women Lead, Create & Operate Best: Why the current systems and solutions don't support how you innately work as a human being and a woman. If women designed the world, we'd get more done with less effort.
  • The 11 Spectrums of Power: What masculine and feminine power really are & why you need to be able to articulate and access both. I'll share a model that makes this so practical so you can begin to assess where you are strong and weak and understand your own power and value biases.
  • Feminine Presence: What is it? Why isn't it valued? And how are you giving this valuable asset away without being compensated or recognized for it?
  • Fierce Grace: How to access both your fiery fierceness and deep stillness and wisdom to be a force of change without having to push, force or fight. How do you channel anger and outrage in a way that serves?
  • How Power Expresses for You : How can you show up powerfully in a way that feels authentic to you? How do you use your power and life force strategically to cause the impact you desire?
  • Daily Structures & Practices for Staying Calm, Centered, Clear and Focused: without a recipe and rhythm for how you start and end your days, you will get swirled up into the chaos of the world. There is a different way. I'll share it.

To get the video taping of this feminine wisdom session, go to 

To learn more about the Elevate Feminine Leadership Immersion at

To learn more about the 40 Day Burnout to Balance Practice go to 

To receive Christine Arylo's weekly Feminine Wisdom Letters go to 

Feb 28, 2019

We need sisterhood more than ever. Not just one friend or one group of women we relate to - but multiple 'circles' of women
 with different levels of intimacy, relationship, and connection that can be there with us and for us as we navigate through the intense and uncertain world we live in. 

Cultivating strong circles of sisterhood are our life saving devices during these intense and uncertain times.

With strong circles and connection to circles of other women -
that we are part of consistently, that we can reach out to in times of crisis or challenge, that know us, hold us and love us unconditionally- we can weather any storm that comes our way AND we gain the strength, courage and compassion to stretch in all the ways we are being called to grow and change.

Join Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, and Shasta Nelson, friendship expert, for an illuminating and thought provoking conversation and exploration that includes: 

  • How can you strengthen your circle of sisterhood?

  • Female health fact that might surprise you + the difference between BELONGING and CONNECTING

  • Why friendships don't just happen - get more conscious about the ingredients and actions for calling in + deepening your female connections

  • The 3 components all friendships need to thrive 

  • Why all friendships don't progress to deeper connections + how to tell which ones have the potential for growth

  • What to do when you are feeling a 'sisterhood deficit'?

  • What you desire NOW to strengthen your sisterhood connections?


Feb 14, 2019

This is wisdom my life partner and the man who has taught me about 90 percent of what I know about relationships stated to me when I was writing my first book, Choosing ME Before WE. Noah is often my first line editor when I write, as he brings a deep, thoughtful perspective. 

Over the years, it's only been me and the women in my mentoring and group programs that have benefitted from Noah's enlightening and practical wisdom. Or the few couples who have been up for doing work with us around creating powerful partnerships. He's as trained as me, he even has his master degree in spiritual psychology. But more than that, Noah seems to have been born with a super power to understand the dynamics between people, both in the relationship and the individual. He's been giving counsel on relationships since he was 8! 

So I thought, let's have Noah on Feminine Power Time for our series on LOVE and Relationship. 

I put a call out for questions through my Facebook pages and through my Feminine Wisdom Way circle.

I used these questions to frame our conversation. 

Noah says that LOVE is our natural state. Hmmm... I agree. It's not really love that is the hard part in relationships. We love easily. It's the trust, respect, leaning in, vulnerability, finding people willing to grow that seems to be challenging. 

Tune in with me Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor, MBA and wisdom teacher for this Feminine Power Time: #84 LOVE, A Man's Perspective On Relationship with guest Noah Martin. It's the 2nd in our 4 part series. We will dive into questions like:

  • It seems like the more I grow the harder it is to find someone who is at my same level, like there are just less people? What to do? 
  • Do men really care about relationship? What were your fears when you met Christine and in your marriage, and how did you overcome them? 
  • What do you do when you seem to be growing past your partner? You want to stay connected but it's not happening? 
  • What made you want to keep growing and leaning in to relationship? 
  • What are some of the things in your relationship with Christine that allow it to work so well? 
  • How do I be in relationship with someone else without losing myself? 
  • How do I know if the relationship I am in is not a good one for me?
  • How do you get what you need in relationship without being needy or being a doormat? 

There are lots of our stories. Lots of our real honest banter back and forth. Tune in and take the wisdom about love and relationship that can support any of your relationships. 

And make sure to tune into the first episode, #83: How Smart Women Sabotage and Sacrifice Themselves for Relationship. 

And special February Offering from Noah - to support those committed to growing and thriving through relationship 

30 Minute Relationship Illumination Sessions with Noah Martin

Learn more and sign up here 

There will be a pop up box or go to his coaching page.








Feb 14, 2019

In this special Feminine Super Power Salon, join Christine Arylo, MBA, founder of The Path of Self Love School, best-selling author of Choosing ME before WE, for a special session, where you will learn:  

  • The most common self-love weaknesses that lead to bad relationship choices
  • Why it's so hard to break repeating unhealthy relationship patterns - and how to get to the roots vs. treat the symptom  
  • The common signs of a lack of self-love that cause smart and successful or sensitive and kind people to make terrible relationship choices  
  • Reveal how your current relationships - romantic, friendships, family, colleagues - are affecting your career, wealth, health and dreams  
  • How to teach people to set the right expectations and levels of vulnerability - so they don’t set themselves up to be disappointed, deceived or drained  
  • How to teach people to go beyond the stories in their heads and the wounds in their hearts to get to the root of their own healing using self-love practices and creative ‘heart art’  
  • We will also answer questions about our upcoming teacher training on Self Love & Relationships, which like a yoga teacher training, can be taken for personal and professional reasons. For people ready for a deep dive and mastery in the realm of self-love and relationship 

To watch the video stream go to


Taped live on the international day of Self Love, February 13th.


To learn more about The Path of Self Love School go to


To learn more about the Year Of Self Love go to

Feb 9, 2019

Why do so many of us smart women sabotage ourselves when it comes to relationships? And as a result sacrifice what we need, or sacrifice or dreams and desires. Or settle for less in our partnerships and friendships? Or put up with non-respectful and relationships with our relatives or at work? How can we be good at our jobs and rock our careers, yet struggle in the realm of love and the heart?

And how do we find the wisdom to create the strong, beautiful, supportive partnerships, friendships, family, community that we not only desire but that we actually NEED to have the impact we desire and be supported and cared for and sustained. 

Over my life and my work with amazing, strong, good hearted women, I noticed that we have been sold a bill of goods about love and relationship that is just plain WRONG. What we are taught to expect, how we see ourselves and others, how we show up in them, what healthy relationships look like is in so many ways warped and distorted, not powerful and wise.

The cost of this is huge.

Your relationships can either be the wind beneath your wings that support you to soar, or the chains around your heart that keep you from your dreams, desires and deep human need to feel loved, safe and cared for.

If we as grown women do not know how to cultivate healthy relationships that support us to thrive, how can we expect the children we raise or the young people we influence to grow strong on the inside to have only respectful relationships?

In 2009, I wrote my first book, Choosing ME Before WE, because I just could not watch another woman suffer in her relationships.

In 2015 I started the Path of Self Love School to teach women and girls and now men and boys the wisdom I never got growing up but that we all need. And the tools to understand how to work with my own heart so all my relationships could support me to soar.

This month, I felt inspired to create a 4 part Feminine Power Time for you on LOVE and Relationships.

This first Feminine Power Time, “Why Smart Women Sabotage and Sacrifice Themselves in Relationship”  is with me Christine Arylo - you and me heart to heart on this essential part of our feminine power and wisdom. 

The ones to come will include guests to take us deeper into different realms of love and relationship - your LOVE LIFE includes much more than ‘romantic relationships’.

For today, I invite you to tune in as we dive deeper into:

  • 3 big misunderstandings about love that lead to suffering and sacrificing ourselves in relationship
  • 3 big wisdom bytes to right those misunderstandings that will affect all of your relationships
  • Why working harder, giving more and making it work are bad choices for your relationships
  • How wounds - love cracks-from our young life show up in our adult work life
  • Why our hearts hurt so bad when a relationship ends - it’s not what you think
  • How to tell if the person you love is really able to grow with you
  • How to tell if your overstaying in a relationship that needs to expire
  • Signs that you are sacrificing yourself or your dreams in your relationship


I will share my personal story about relationships and how it became my catalyst and saved me from creating a life and career that wasn’t what I really wanted.

I’ll do a short reading from Choosing ME Before WE that rocked my world and opened the door to self forgiveness for my relationship choices.

We’ll stop and reflect on how these misunderstandings are showing up in your life or in those you love.

Then next week,

in Feminine Power Time on LOVE 2 of 4, my soul partner and the man who has taught me SO much about relationship, Noah Martin, will join us for “What We’ve Learned about Love in Partnership.”

More Resources, Programs, Books

If LOVE and Relationship is an area of focus for you this year or someone you know, join us and check out:


“The Impact of Self Love on Our Relationships”

SELF LOVE DAY - Feb 13th  RSVP for Free


The Path of Self Love Teacher Training 2019

Self Love & Relationship Module starts March 5th


Choosing ME Before WE - the book


Path of Self Love In Person Training & Retreat 
Teaching Others to Love Themselves

July 2019 - Kripalu




Feb 1, 2019

One of my favorite and most powerful feminine wisdom practices is asking powerful inquiries at the start to the year that give me clarity about how to focus in the year to come.  Inquiries are powerful portals to get beyond the limitations of your mind which can only create what it’s known before.

With the right inquiry you can open up your imagination and your connection to the Universal mind - which is so much more tuned in… and can show you ways of doing things that are different than you experienced before,

In the mainstream world, we are taught to value and trust the intellect over the intuition. We are taught to seek answers and to find facts. But this can only create more of the same we’ve known - in our own lives and in the world.

All great wisdom teachers have known the power of inquiry. Which is why over the past month I’ve been sharing with you a series of inquiries through the EMERGE 2019 series… to help you get focused and clear on how to best focus for the year to come. If you missed those episodes of Feminine Power Time, tune in!

Today, is the final inquiry I have for you … one that can expand what is possible for you… and keep you focused on what matters.

** What is this year really about for you? **

Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, for this Feminine Power Time: Episode 82: ‘What Is This Year Really About for You? Setting the focus, field and feeling for the year to come.

Wise women and men proactively ‘set the field’ for the year to come, they don’t just approach their year like a windsock who gets blown around. Nor do we only rely on our intellect and facts. Because we know our intuition and the imagination has super power!

So tune in as we explore together:

* What is the soul stretch or catalyst calling for your focus?

* How focusing on the stretch or catalyst can excel your path and what you desire to create.

* What are your 3 Harmonizers this year - the 3 words that reflect what you want to feel?

* How to use FEELING to guide your choices and projects this year so what you focus on gives you what you desire.

* In your work what is it time to grow? What is it time to seed?

* How to think about your work differently - in the feminine way that allows you to effort less and receive more.

I included lots of stories here about how real women including me!

And also I’ll slow it down like we always do at Feminine Power Time so you can check in with your inner wisdom about what is true for you.


And if you desire more Feminine Wisdom, support, wisdom, structure and sisterhood… join me for




* ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion 3-Day Retreat - April 25-28 - Seattle Coast  Invitation details Here

* March 23. HARMONIZE 2019. Seattle. A Spring Power Pause. Feminine Power for Creating a Successful and Sustainable Life in Which You Can Really Thrive. WIth the Ellevate Women’s Network.


* EAST COAST: Feminine Wisdom Weekend - Mid Year Power Pause. Super Powers for Staying Strong and True to Yourself. Kripalu July 19-21 Click here for details.



* Burnout to Balance Spring Re-Harmonizer Practice. Starts March 2019.



* Path of Self Love Teacher Training - March 5th - virtual

* Path of Self Love Teacher Training - July 21-26 - In Person Kripalu


Jan 21, 2019

Every year in January I wait to do this special Feminine Power Time session until the timing feels just right. This year, it was exactly on the first full moon of the year, a wolf moon, super moon, blood moon, eclipse just as the sun was setting on the Puget Sound across from my studio window.

I’ve been thinking of you all for weeks and what would emerge to be shared on the yearly “Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead” episode.

After weeks of being in my own reflection and visioning process, watching what’s happening in the world, deepening in my own practice and listening for guidance from Wisdom with a capital W, once again, a series of ‘wisdom bytes’ flowed out.

Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead - 2019, a yearly occurrence here at Feminine Power Time. It’s not about fortune telling, it’s about reading the signs all around us, feeling the knowings within us, and then being WISE about what is happening in the world and how we desire and choose to show up.

Feminine wisdom teaches us to prepare for the intensity, uncertainty, transformation and change that is just part of how the world is operating right now.

Not to brace yourself for it, but to embrace it, pace yourself through it and cultivate the vitality, resilience and wisdom you’ll need to stay elevated above the fray and the chaos.

Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and women’s leadership and empowerment teacher, as we:

  • Get real and honest about the ELEVATION the world is going through, and our individual part in it
  • Why ELEVATE is one of my favorite and most powerful words -and how it can support you in the years to come
  • Reveal what you need to know about what you don’t know - cuz you don't know what you don't know! 
  • Explore what level of consciousness is keeping you stuck at baser levels of reality, and what is needed to expand your possibility, change your reality, and keep you growing in a way that stretches but doesn’t stress you.
  • Share what Michele Obama and my two greatest spiritual mentors say about pacing ourselves so we don’t burnout
  • The 3 kinds of practices you want to be cultivating this year so you can stay centered, calm, focused, energized and healthy
  • How to think about the support you need for the coming year
  • How you have the power within to change the distortions in power, greed, consumption by your choices and what you are willing to see and explore within yourself

2019 will be full of change, transformation and uncertainty. Wise women prepare themselves with the practices, wisdom and support they need to walk through the storm with grace.


And if you desire more Feminine Wisdom, support, wisdom, structure and sisterhood… join me for



  • ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion 3-Day Retreat - April 25-28 - Seattle Coast  Invitation details here. 22 spaces available.
  • March 23. HARMONIZE 2019. Seattle. A Spring Power Pause. Feminine Power for Creating a Successful and Sustainable Life in Which You Can Really Thrive. WIth the Ellevate Women’s Network. Learn more here.
  • EAST COAST: Feminine Wisdom Weekend - Mid Year Power Pause. Super Powers for Staying Strong and True to Yourself. Kripalu July 19-21 Learn More Here.



  • Burnout to Balance Annual Spring Re-Harmonizer Practice. Starts March 2019.



* Path of Self Love Teacher Training - March 5th through May 2019 - virtual, attend from anywhere in the world - learn more 

* Path of Self Love Teacher Training, in person - July 21-26 - In Person Kripalu, come for a 5-day immersion and intensive 







Jan 10, 2019

There are SO many things you could do and give your life force and resources, which is why it is not only wise but essential to take a pause and get clear about what really matters to you, and you get real about what the Universe is guiding you to this year.

You have heard the saying “follow your heart”? That is not just some nice refrigerator magnet. That is a life directive. You’ve heard the saying, “Trust the Universe Has your Back” well if you are not communicating with the Universe, you can’t make choices in your work, relationships, health or wealth or home that are congruent with what the Universe is guiding you too.

We aren’t taught HOW to communicate with our heart and soul in school or on the job, but it’s the only way to create lives in alignment with our truth, and in my experience the only way to run a business, lead a career, make an impact, raise a family and stay sustained and nourished within.

This is the realm of Feminine Leadership and Wisdom, which is why I created this EMERGE 2019 Series for you - to open up possibility and help you get clarity about how to focus and flow this coming year — connected to your heart, led by Wisdom.

Originally it was going to be a 3 part series for Feminine Power Time, but after leading 65 women through an EMERGE evening workshop in Seattle I KNEW I needed to create this fourth episode for you: “What Really Matters for You this Year: Get Attuned to What Your Heart & Soul Have to Share with You About 2019.”

Today, join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, MBA and wisdom teacher for a Feminine Power time that includes feminine wisdom + a personal guided meditation to: 

  • Receive wisdom about how the intersection of your heart desires and the Universe’s message are like portals to illuminating the path ahead for the year.
  • Receive two inquiries that will tap you into what your heart and the Universe have to say
  • Gain clarity on what REALLY matters to you this coming year - so how you give your life force and resources matches what nourishes you and what you truly desire vs. what pulls you in too many directions that make you busy not happy
  • Gain clarity on what the Universe is trying to show you about what to focus on this year in your work, relationships, health, wealth and home - so you can respond to the call vs. getting whacked with a universal 2 x 4 later or miss the opportunity all together

The first part of the session is a dive into the wisdom. The second a personal meditation I created for you to gain wisdom on what matters and what is calling for your life force this year.

You can ‘do’ it as a meditation and journal out what you find. Or you can just listen and imagine your intuitive channels opening and your true hearts desires forming so you can co create them into form this coming year.

If you have not yet received the wisdom from the first three episodes in the series, they are:



78: Resisting Change and Our Callings: How to Move Through It with Compassion, Courage and Grace - Emerge 1 of 4.

79: AWAKEN: Wake Up to What the Universe is Trying to Show You About You & This Coming Year! - Emerge 2 of 4.

SALON - A Different Way to Dream: Vision, Plan & Focus Your Year, The Feminine Way 2019 - Emerge 3 of 4.

And if you desire more Feminine Wisdom, support, wisdom, structure and sisterhood… join me for




* EMERGE 2019 Evening Workshop with Ellevate Women’s Network, Seattle. - Jan 15th - Details here.



* The Feminine Wisdom Way 2019 - Visioning Journey and Feminine Wisdom Training for leading, living and succeeding a different way.  Get the invitation



* Dream Partnership Retreat - Couples Who Dream Together Thrive Together - Feb 1-4, includes year end reflection, Jan visioning process and retreat

* Elevate Feminine Leadership Immersion - April 25-28 - Save the Date!



Jan 4, 2019

There is a misunderstanding in our culture about visioning, dreaming and goals setting that stems from the go,go, go,work hard, stay busy, mindset we've been trained to operate from in the distorted versions of masculine and feminine power in our mainstream systems.

Even big misunderstandings about manifesting, the law of attraction, and vision boards of baseline spiritual teaching that lead to self criticism & stress later in the year.

The good news is this....There is another way, a sacred, super-powered way to dream, that gives you access to deeper levels of Wisdom that can fuel  & focus what you desire to create for yourself, your work, your family and this world in 2019.

Which is why I, Christine Arylo, held this special feminine wisdom session and salon, A Different Way to Dream. Originally livestreamed via video, here for you now, where we will dive into:

  • Why using traditional goal-setting, resolution-making, manifesting techniques, and vision boarding can create  more stress,  pressure and self-criticism in 2019 (you don't want to start your year like this).  

  • The Wisdom Way of using the entire month of January to set the path and foundation for 2019 , so  you can create a reality in which you are both achieving what you truly desire + receiving what you need.  

  • How to set yourself up to stay OUT OF OVERWHELM in 2019 and stay FOCUSED on what matters most to you, so you can  grow your work /career/business, nurture your relationships, take care of what and who you love, with sacrificing yourself. 

  • How to increase your access to 'Feminine Wisdom' and keep it strong all year, so you feel Productive & Successful, and also Calm, Centered & Spacious throughout 2019...even in times of intensity. 


To gain access to the Feminine Wisdom Session and the visuals of the models that Christine Arylo talks about, go to to request the recording and access.  

To join Christine and women around the world for a practical and spiritual way to live and lead the feminine way, including Visioning and Planning the year the feminine way, go to 

Dec 28, 2018

As we embark on the journey into a new year poised to be full of more intensity, change and stepping into the unknown, it’s oh so essential to make sure that your Wisdom Channels are as clear as possible

The challenge is that you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it. The Universe is trying to get your attention, trying to show you things you can't see or understand yet, or maybe you don't want to see (because then you would have to do something about it!)

You can waste a lot of time and life force walking around in the dark, trying to figure things out, holding onto the same patterns because your CONSCIOUSNESS has not awoken to the next level of awareness and insight, yet.

Which is why I created this 3 part series of Feminine Power Time for you called EMERGE - to support you to emerge into the new year with more access to self-awareness and to a higher level of wisdom as to how you work, the world works and how you can best work within it.

You can't change what you can't see...
and once you see it, you must do something with it.

Don't fear this... embrace it. So much more power and wisdom await you if your willing to open your eyes to new realities and possibilities. 

This 2nd in the EMERGE series is called: AWAKEN: Wake Up to What the Universe is Trying to Show You about You!  I invited a guest to join us for a deep, real and enlightening conversation to give yourself space to AWAKEN… to adjust to the light, to stretch your body, to wake up gently but purposely into the new year. To consider what wisdom and guidance the Universe is knocking on your door trying to show you. 

 Awakening is not something you do one time in your life. If you are wise, it's something you do again and again. 

This time of year - the thresholds between years and the start of a new cycle - give you special super powers to access expanded levels of insight about yourself, the world, and the systems and relationships you work within. 

Today, join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, MBA and wisdom teacher, and guest Julie Santiago, author of Awaken: 6 Steps to Remembering Who You Are, for a juicy, real and heart opening conversation about:

  • What does it mean to awaken? And why you want to know how to consciously do it. 

  • Why awakening is not something you do just once and how it affects all your choices from career to love to money and more… wise women treat awakening like a continuous process you seek out. And understand that even the most 'spiritually evolved' still resist awakening! 
  • The process for how we become hip to things in our work or relationship or the way the world works that once seemed normal but when our higher consciousness kicks in seem crazy and unhealthy - and what do when you have these kinds of AHAs?? 
  • What do you do when start to see things that others around you at work and home don’t see - and you don't want people to think you are crazy! 
  • How do you determine when and if’s its time to leave a job or a relationship that you’ve outgrown - and how to do it wisely?
  • What are the signs that you are avoiding awakening to a deeper truth or a soul call?
  • What do you do when 'weird' stuff starts to happen that you can't explain with your brain - but you know in your heart is real.

  • How you can proactively ‘wake up’ to higher levels of insight and therefore working and living and relating - so you don't get a Universal 2x4 Wake Up Call at Your Door One Day.
  • What your awakening has to do with everything you see in the world that you don’t like or want to be different.

We will make this personal and real to you as we always do at Feminine Power Time. 

Bring whatever catalyst, change, calling is calling you to wake up and elevate your understanding and insight and wisdom.

We are all being called to awaken to more truth and to what is really happening around us and within us.

We are being called to make wise changes not brash moves. And we are being called to be bold in our stand for making changes that are often challenging. Wise + bold = need expanded levels of consciousness and understanding. We have to upgrade our operating systems! 

I invite you to tune into this episode and this time of the year when LIGHT RETURNS to light up the unconscious or unseen parts of your life, so that  you can EMERGE in 2019 focused on what matters, fully embracing your path and expressing yourself, embodied in your wisdom and power, ready for what’s ahead.

Join me for this series of Feminine Power Time: EMERGE 2019. And be sure to listen to the first episode in it 78: Resisting Change and Our Callings: Don't Get Stuck. 

And also make sure to join me for...


* 2018 Power Pause and Reflection Ritual - - my gift. RSVP.

* A Different Way To Dream - Jan 3rd Feminine Wisdom Session

* EMERGE 2019 Evening Workshop with Ellevate Women’s Network, Seattle. Jan 15th - Register here 



* The Feminine Wisdom Way 2019 - Visioning Journey and Feminine Wisdom Training for leading, living and succeeding a different way.  Get the invitation



* Dream Partnership Retreat - Couples Who Dream Together Thrive Together - Feb 1-4, includes year end reflection, Jan visioning process and retreat

* Elevate Feminine Leadership Immersion - April 25-28 - Save the Date!



Dec 13, 2018

These final three weeks of the year offer us a tremendous amount of power to gain the courage and compassion to meet the changes and opportunities ahead in 2019 - if you know how to work with the natural cycle and apply it to your life, work, relationships. Which is why I’m creating this 3 part series of Feminine Power Time for you called EMERGE - signifying how you will emerge as you step through the threshold into the new year.

The time before December Solstice, Dec 20th, the days are getting shorter and there is more darkness. It’s a time to go within, to reflect, to let go, to complete.

This is our preparation time for emerging.

Then the last days of December, and going into the first week of Jan before the first new moon, the light begins to return. Literally there is more daylight. And just like waking from a long slumber, you don’t just jump out of bed and hit the ground running (unless you want to operate in the distorted masculine and feminine power models.) You give yourself space to AWAKEN… to adjust to the light, to stretch your body, to wake up gently but purposely. (We will go here together in episode 2 of this series).

Then as the new moon of the new year emerges, so do you, now ready to DREAM the year into reality. You don’t just make a vision board one day or set resolutions and goals that come from your head. You EMERGE through your power center, your heart, to create a path and focus for the year ahead that aligns with your soul’s path and your deepest heart’s desires. Then the mind comes in to help. That will be our third episode.  And also the start of the Feminine Wisdom Way Visioning Journey called EMERGE, which you can join us for, 

Today, join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, MBA and wisdom teacher for episode #1 of 3 in our EMERGE series: “Resistance to Change and Our Callings: How to Move Through with Compassion, Courage and Grace So You Don’t Get Stuck or Distracted.”

  • Why it’s totally normal to have resistance - and how people who live their fullest lives work with it vs being distracted or bogged down by it.
  • Why you don’t want to spiritually bypass the resistance or spend 5 years talking about it to a therapist - there’s gold in here for you to free and heal your heart and unleash your courage and feminine power.
  • I’ll share my personal resistance story to change and following my calling this year
  • And then we’ll make it it personal to you - you’ll  articulate how you are currently in resistance to change, even if you really want it.
  • You'll be able to identify how resistance shows up for you - so you can identify it, be with it and use it to conjure up the courage you need to meet the change or calling calling you
  • Lastly, we’ll talk about how to make sure you don’t get stuck in the resistance OR get distracted and then miss the more fulfilling reality the Universe it trying to invite you into

We may know what will happen in 2019 AND I do believe it will be a year of increased intensity. So you can either prepare to meet it, so you EMERGE with grace, or you can avoid it and get a whallop or universal 2x4.

I’ll share with you the prayer we use at The Feminine Wisdom Way to invoke the feminine super powers of trust and surrender, which you will need for the times ahead.


We can EMERGE into 2019 strong, stable, supported and sustained - but that requires us to be conscious now.


Join me for this series of Feminine Power Time.
And also make sure to join me for


* 2018 Power Pause and Reflection Ritual - Dec 20th - my gift. RSVP. Recording or come live.


* The Feminine Wisdom Way 2019 - Visioning Journey and Feminine Wisdom Training for leading, living and succeeding a different way.  Get the invitation


* EMERGE 2019 Evening Workshop with Ellevate Women’s Network, Seattle on Jan 15th. Go here to learn more. 


Upcoming Retreats


* Dream Partnership Retreat - Couples Who Dream Together Thrive Together - Feb 1-4, includes year end reflection, Jan visioning process and retreat


* Elevate Feminine Leadership Immersion - April 25-28 - Save the Date! Islandwood Retreat Center, off the coast of Seattle 







Dec 7, 2018

How you complete this year will have a big impact on how you start and live next year. Wise women with smarts know it's way too easy to get caught up in the collective holiday madness and frenzy that is pulling you to do too many things that lead to over spending, eating, scheduling, doing and working. Even if they are things you WANT to do... or feel like you SHOULD do. 

The collective is speeding up and spending lots of energy, money and time outside while the natural world is slowing down and going within.

There is a different way ... that allows you to BOTH enjoy the joy, peace, connection of the holiday season AND replenish, restore and focus your life force on what matters most to you, so that come the new year, you will feel FULL of vitality and energy, balanced inside, having not overspent your energy or money, or overindulged in ways that make you feel like you have to workout every day for three months come January.

Wise woman employ some very specific 'feminine super powers' that:

  • attune you to the natural way women work and operate at the end and start of a year ...
  • help you gain the wisdom from the year that's been...
  • focus your life force and resources on what matters vs. trying to do it all... 
  • say yes to what is sustaining and no to what's draining in Dec and early Jan...
  • and put some energy towards the new year for the projects and things you hope to grow. 

Tune into this episode of Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo - I will share some of the feminine wisdom that will keep you connected to what sustains and nourishes you this season, and set the seeds for what's to come in the new year. 

And remember to Join me and people around the world on Dec 20th for the annual Year End Power Pause & Reflection Ritual to complete your year powerfully and peacefully. I've done it the last 10 years and it's made such a difference in creating more harmony, inner peace, clarity and focus.

RSVP for free - my gift to you. 


Nov 29, 2018

Our feminine power comes from our ability to feel deeply in our hearts, for the world, for what we care about, for those we care about, and ourselves. But in a world with so much chaos and distortion, domination, etc… how do you BE with those feelings of anger, sadness, grief, even despair without letting them run you, depress you, or send you into a bout of rage or blame, or just complete overwhelm?

The last few weeks I’ve been riding the feeling waves from despair to anger, some days feeling like a wet blanket was on top of me, like I was shedding tears for the world… and other days in overwhelm and despair about the state of the world and humanity… wondering if anything will really change or can?

So many things that are just #notokaywithme.

And imagine that you too have many things as you look around the world, your life, relationships, that are just #notokaywithyou.

Collectively, if we can harness these feelings of things that are JUST #NOTOKAYWITHUS, we can work with the power of the fierce feminine to make change happen in this world… to use the feelings we have in our hearts to fuel our work, to fuel our practice, and to keep us focused on what matters. 

I’ve been waiting to share this with you until I could re-steady myself, using the Feminine Power and Wisdom tools that do feel like super powers created for this time. Today, on my mat, it was time to invite you into this Feminine Power Time: “It’s Not Okay with Us: Channeling our Fierce Feminine Feelings to Fuel Our Work, Fuel Our Life-force and Change The World”

Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, MBA and wisdom teacher, as we dive into:

  • How do you work with the feelings of anger, fear, grief, anxiety and despair?
  • What is the difference between emotions that drag you down or distract you or cause you to add to the chaos and distortion and feelings that fuel your feminine power?
  • Why not having your feelings can lead to you carrying the weight of the world in your body - creating weight gain, anxiety, depression and addiction.
  • Three feminine archetypes that can help you tap into what’s not okay with you - and give you access to the power to speak it, so you can channel the energy for good
  • How to use the anger, grief, despair in positive and productive ways that honor your feelings and make you more powerful in your resolve, focus and presence. 
  • Practices for moving the heavy energy of despair and sadness and transforming the energy of rage and anger
  • Three small but mighty actions you can take to use your feelings to fuel your work, make change, fuel your practice and keep you focused on what really matters

Living and leading with our feminine power and wisdom is essential for navigating these times - but most of us are operating at half power and partial wisdom because we have not been taught how to wield our power or tap into our wisdom.

If you would love to learn how to access your feminine power and wisdom and use it practically in your work, life, health, wealth and impact in this world… Join me..

1. The Feminine Wisdom Year 2019

A year devoted to living, leading and succeeding from your feminine super power. Starts January 2019 with special year end reflection and visioning in December.   

Learn more at


2. 2018 Reflection Power Pause and Ritual

Complete the year feeling powerful, proud and peaceful.

RSVP for free. Attend live via video or audio stream or get the recording.


3. Dream Partnership Retreat - for couples who would love to vision the next phase of their life together, so both people can thrive. Starts with year end refection ritual in December, visioning in Jan and retreat Feb 1-4.

Nov 22, 2018

This Feminine Power Time is a big boost of gratitude and love from my heart to yours... an invitation to take a pause to SEE and FEEL the impact you are making in this world. Because I know you ARE making a difference. Yes, there is more to do, the days you feel like you aren't doing enough, but the underlying truth is that you are making a BIG difference, but you likely aren't receiving the truth of what a difference you are making. 

We are more powerful and less overwhelmed as women in our careers and relationships when we can see and feel the difference we are making. 

Yet, few of us every truly slow down long enough to see the impact we are making in the lives of others, the world and in our own lives. As a result, we keep pushing, striving and driving, which leads to the overwhelm and burnout we feel.

Women often feel like we should be doing more because we aren't acknowledging or receiving the impact we are making.

I know there is alot you could be doing and you might think you don't have time to really receive what you've done. And I invite you to consider a different way of living, the feminine wisdom way, which knows wise women slow down to SEE and FEEL the impact and as a result regenerate and refuel their passion, love and commitment to creating a better world, without sacriificing themselves.

Join Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, women's empowerment coach and MBA, for this episode of Feminine Power Time: THANK YOU for Making A Difference: Take a Pause to Receive the Impact You've Had, where we will:

  • Get real about why we as women rarely feel like we are doing enough - and often feel like we should be doing more
  • Explore how to be with all the needs in the world that do need our life force and resources AND not feel like we have to drain ourselves to make the difference we desire

  • Take a power pause to FEEL and SEE the difference you have made this year - in other's people's lives and the world
  • Reveal how you have made a difference in your own life and why it's essential for you to be proud and unapologetic about it - this is self-love 
  • Use the power of a day focused on gratitude - thanksgiving - which has both shadow and light in it, to support us to be with the challenges of the world and also see the beauty of humankind happening at the same time

Stay connected with Christine Arylo through her weekly Feminine Wisdom Letters and also get notices for upcoming events and programs- 

Join Christine for upcoming events 

Year End Power Pause - Dec 20th - 5:30pm  via Livestream

The Feminine Wisdom Way: Living, Leading and Succeeding Differently in 2019 -enrollment opens Nov 29th -    

Dream Partnership Couples Retreat - For couples who desire to create the next part of their lives together. Includes year end reflection ritual, January visioning process and February retreat. Space for 6 couples max.  




Nov 16, 2018

When you pause in November to get clear about how you COULD spend your energy, time and resources and then mindfully choose where to focus in your work, relationships, and personal health ... you are so much more likely to end the year feeling good about your choices, and so start the year ready and regenerated for what is to come. 

This practice is called POWER PAUSING. Wise women do it 4-8 times a year at key points that harmonize us with the natural cycles. 

Specifically we do it in November so we don't get caught up in the swirl of the holiday madness and consumption, but instead make space for what matters. 

So many people fall into patterns during the holidays that drain and over stretch then - in how they spend their time, money, connection and what they consume. 

The holidays turn us into human consumption machines when what we are craving is human connection.  

In this Feminine Power Time power pause, Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor:

  • Teaches you about power pauses - why they work and how they support us as leaders, esp during intense times

  • Gives you 4 inquiries to ask yourself at the end of the year to complete what really matters and stay sane, sustained and strong - you can apply these to your work, relationships and personal health to create the space to complete what matters most to you by the end of the year

  • Shares how to stop the holiday time patterns and rituals that drain you and create new ones that sustain you - you will leave empowered to say NO to the obligatory holiday to do's that don't support you any longer

  • Shares how to use these feminine wisdom inquiries to create deeper connection with your partner, team, friends and yourself. 

Save the Date - Year End Power Pause with Christine Arylo, Dec 20th, 5:33 pm PT - My gift to you. RSVP soon! Make sure we are connected by signing up for my wisdom letters as 

If you'd like to learn to live, lead and succeed the Feminine Wisdom Way and gain the super power to get out of overwhelm, get what matters done, and be supported and sustained in your work, relationships and health and wealth, this 'feminine wisdom school' is the place. 

Register to get the invitation.

Save the Date - Feminine Leadership Immersion. ELEVATE, Power, Presence and Purpose. April 25-28.  Seattle Coast. 

Nov 8, 2018

Why is it that we women hide and hold back? When our inner wisdom whispers, or screams, at us to step forward, be more visible, speak up, be a force for change, give our great work, be seen in new ways that can feel vulnerable... why can even the most courageous confident woman hold back, procrastinate, distract herself with busyness, and any other of a myriad of strategies we employ that keeps us smaller than we are and less seen that we need to be?

There are real reasons we distract and sabotage ourselves from stepping out and giving our sacred work in new ways, speaking our truth or wisdom or making an offering that feels vulnerable or risky. 

I originally taped this episode last year at this same time of the year, and it's SO powerful and relevant, I felt like we needed to hear it again. I myself just listened to it and I am inspired. 

Tune into this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor with a special guest, open up a provoking conversation to explore what keeps women from stepping forward to be more visible and seen, including:

  • Illuminate the reasons behind why women hide and hold back that most people don't talk about - but would serve all women to know. 
  • Feminine Fear - what it is, how it works and how the collective fear of women being persecuted for being powerful and having wisdom still affects us today 
  • How we stop ourselves from putting our work, thoughts, offerings out there because we short circuit ourselves ... and yogic and feminine wisdom to just get started, even if it's not perfect.
  • The new model for creating and making our offerings and doing our sacred work in the world that requires us to stop isolating and start creating in collaboration. 

For those of you who are called to hold space for others or gather others to create connection and transformation, the 2018 Art of Sacred Circle Creative Incubator and Circle Training starts this Month, November. Create and birth your next offering, program, circle, in sisterhood, with other wise women who dare to step forward to make shift happen. 

For those desiring to go deeper into feminine wisdom and learn how to lead, live and succeed the feminine way, successful and sustainable, Feminine Super Power Year 2019 opens on Nov 17th.   

For women leaders here to make shift happen ... the ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion Retreat is April 25*28, 2019.

For private leadership mentoring and coaching, email Christine at  



Nov 4, 2018

Courageous Women feel fear and have doubt too, the difference is they meet and move through the uncertainty to make choices that feel right for them…regardless of what is considered acceptable or feels comfortable.

Some call this crazy, I name it brave. If you look back through herstory you’ll see powerful women who dared to conjure up courage to step past their own fear and the projection of fear placed on them from others to follow their heart’s deep wisdom.

These trailblazers were often called “crazy” as a way to diminish and discount their feminine power and intuitive wisdom.… but in truth these women were the ones who lived freely and fully regardless of external circumstances or opinion.

They dared to stand in their true soul expression as Courageous Wise Women. Some wise women’s courage changes the masses. And for many of us, while our courage may only touch as far as our children, friends, peers, clients, communities and selves, the amount of courage it takes to stand up and lead and speak from your heart is just as immense, and brave.

Truthfully... feminine wisdom is not “crazy,” but it is crazy powerful.

And we need it more than ever to navigate these intense times, where we are each being called to step forward, make change, stretch ourselves out of what feels comfortable and in line with conventional wisdom to what feels empowering and aligned to a much deeper, human wisdom. 

This Feminine Power Time: Crazy Wisdom: Conjuring Up Courage and Clarity in Intense Times is a "Salon" - originally broadcast as a live video stream and virtual circle by Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and teacher. These salons are feminine wisdom sessions that go into deeper levels of teaching and wisdom based on what we are experiencing. 

Usually streamed during one of the 'power days', Christine invites you to join her and other courageous souls around the world to:

  • Identify your “Crazy Wisdom” edge – this is the intersect between what you KNOW you desire to create and do and the fear that diminishes your power, and creates doubt and distraction.
  • Reveal What’s Really Driving Your Overwhelm, Lack of Clarity or Inability to Bring Your Inner Knowing into Material Form 
  • Discern Between Choices Made From Masked Fear & Blind Faith (not wise) and Rooted Faith & Courageous Wisdom (wise) - so you can make wise and courageous choices even when you are confused, scared, or uncertain. 
  • Get Clear on What Really Matters to Focus On For the Rest of the Year and Courageously Let the Rest Go 

To receive the video of this feminine wisdom session, go to


If you are a brave courageous soul here to do things differently in how you lead and live, then consider joining us for one of our upcoming trainings, programs and circles to support your work, your presence and what you desire to create in this world. 

Art of Sacred Circle Training and Incubator - for people who gather and teach others or desire to and are called to create a new offering 

Feminine Super Power Year - A Feminine Wisdom School for living, leading and succeeding the feminine way. 

ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion - Save the Date - April 25-28, Seattle Coast. 






Nov 2, 2018

Courageous Women feel fear and have doubt too, the difference is they meet and move through the uncertainty to make choices that feel right for them…regardless of what is considered acceptable or feels comfortable.

Some call this crazy, I name it brave. If you look back through herstory you’ll see powerful women who dared to conjure up courage to step past their own fear and the projection of fear placed on them from others to follow their heart’s deep wisdom.

These trailblazers were often called “crazy” as a way to diminish and discount their feminine power and intuitive wisdom.… but in truth these women were the ones who lived freely and fully regardless of external circumstances or opinion.

They dared to stand in their true soul expression as Courageous Wise Women. Some wise women’s courage changes the masses. And for many of us, while our courage may only touch as far as our children, friends, peers, clients, communities and selves, the amount of courage it takes to stand up and lead and speak from your heart is just as immense, and brave.

Truthfully... feminine wisdom is not “crazy,” but it is crazy powerful.

And we need it more than ever to navigate these intense times, where we are each being called to step forward, make change, stretch ourselves out of what feels comfortable and in line with conventional wisdom to what feels empowering and aligned to a much deeper, human wisdom. 

This Feminine Power Time: Crazy Wisdom: Conjuring Up Courage and Clarity in Intense Times is a "Salon" - originally broadcast as a live video stream and virtual circle by Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and teacher. These salons are feminine wisdom sessions that go into deeper levels of teaching and wisdom based on what we are experiencing. 

Usually streamed during one of the 'power days', Christine invites you to join her and other courageous souls around the world to:

  • Identify your “Crazy Wisdom” edge – this is the intersect between what you KNOW you desire to create and do and the fear that diminishes your power, and creates doubt and distraction.
  • Reveal What’s Really Driving Your Overwhelm, Lack of Clarity or Inability to Bring Your Inner Knowing into Material Form 
  • Discern Between Choices Made From Masked Fear & Blind Faith (not wise) and Rooted Faith & Courageous Wisdom (wise) - so you can make wise and courageous choices even when you are confused, scared, or uncertain. 
  • Get Clear on What Really Matters to Focus On For the Rest of the Year and Courageously Let the Rest Go 

To receive the video of this feminine wisdom session, go to


If you are a brave courageous soul here to do things differently in how you lead and live, then consider joining us for one of our upcoming trainings, programs and circles to support your work, your presence and what you desire to create in this world. 

Art of Sacred Circle Training and Incubator - for people who gather and teach others or desire to and are called to create a new offering 

Feminine Super Power Year - A Feminine Wisdom School for living, leading and succeeding the feminine way. 

ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion - Save the Date - April 25-28, Seattle Coast. 






Oct 26, 2018

Most women operate at half power, trying to assimilate into ways of working that don't support how we naturally operate and create, undervaluing ourselves and our work, and taking more responsibility than is ours to take on. We care about the world. We want to make things better. But the way we've learned to lead and work is based on models that do not support nor tap into our 'feminine' power and wisdom. 

But what the heck is the 'feminine' and why do we need it? Can't we just all try to be better people, grow our careers, and talk about leadership without needing to gender modify it? The answer is NO.

If we desire to create a world in which there is pay equity, gender equity, connection instead of isolation, where we grow ourselves, our families and our work/business in ways that sustain and nourish us vs like some crazy Monsanto accelerated growth model, we have to LEARN what the feminine is... REVEAL the full range of our power... and then VALUE and APPLY a different way to work, live and lead.

There's much to say about Feminine Leadership and we are not going to cover it all today - I don't want to add to your overwhelm love! I want to give you the path out of it, which feminine leadership and wisdom offer us.

After studying tradition leadership for over two decades and realizing it didn't have what I needed as a woman or as a human who didn't want to perpetuate a domination and consumption model for business and living, I sought out 'the feminine' (even though I had no idea what that was at the time. Over the last decade I've applied this Wisdom to my own life and work and shared it with many more. 

Today, is the start of on ongoing conversation here at Feminine Power Time, the first of our deep dives into Feminine Leadership, a way of living, working and creating I've devoted my life to teaching and living. 

For today's session "Feminine Leadership: What Does it Look Like to Lead As a Woman?" we will dive into 5 foundational realms of Feminine Leadership, so we can open up to some deeper wisdom, new insights and expanded possibilities that and support us in being the change we wish to see, including:

  • The Power Spectrums of feminine power and masculine power - what are these and why do we need them to access our full power and wisdom?

  • Why the way we think about masculine power and the patriarchal power disempowers us 

  • Why Mama Nature is the go-to expert on getting out of overwhelm - and how we've been conditioned to ignore her and how we've been distanced from what humans once knew intuitively to sustain life but is not called woo woo
  • How we each contribute to the pay inequity and the disrespect we see women receiving from men and vice versa - it's not easy to embrace this but we will never have pay equity or equal rights or women and girls being valued and respected if we don't look at how we ourselves don't value the feminine, within ourselves and in how we work and lead 
  • Why feminine leadership has to be part of the path to elevating human leadership, and creating a new model for what leadership in business, politics, education, government, families, healthcare looks like

When we lead naturally as a whole woman we embody both our masculine and feminine powers in ways that naturally lead us to creating realities that create more harmony, sustainability and prosperity. 

We will end this Feminine Power Time with a short meditation that leads you to connect with HOW big a difference you are making -so you can stop pressuring yourself and start acknowledging yourself. And will help you take the pressure of taking on more responsibility than is yours... feminine leadership leads us to just do our part.

We are just getting scratching the surface here on Feminine Leadership. To explore more check these out:

1. Free Feminine Wisdom Session: CRAZY WISDOM: Conjuring Up Courage and Clarity in Intense Times. RSVP for Free. 

2. Art of Sacred Circle Training and Incubator 2018/19 - Starts Nov. For women desiring to birth new offerings, programs, events, workshops, gatherings and to expand the impact and presence of themselves and their sacred work. Only offered 1 time per year. Learn more at 

Save the Date

1. Feminine Leadership Immersion Retreat - ELEVATE. Power. Presence. Purpose. April 25-28th, 2019. Islandwood Retreat Center. Island off the coast of Seattle. Early Bird Opens in Nov.

2. Feminine Super Power Year 2019 - A wisdom school for learning, living and succeeding the feminine way. Enrollment opens Nov 11.




Oct 19, 2018

Couples who dream together thrive together. People who are clear and centered in their own dream create partnerships that support them to soar. Sadly, most of us have never been taught how to create such relationships. We are kinda clueless about what 'dreaming' together really is, and how to create the kinds of relationship where both people's dreams can be met.

It's so easy to get bogged down by the day to day reality that our relationships can become all about getting through our lives, taking care of the money, kids, house vs. have a shared dream that inspires each person and holds the center for how you make your life choices. 

Or if you are single, and are not clear on your personal dream or you don't have an imprint of what a true strong partnership looks like, you can end up choosing a mate who isn't capable of supporting you to create the life your heart and soul desires.

Over the past 17 years, I've had the honor of knowing (and living with, working with and being in sacred partnership) with one of the wisest people I know when it comes to relationships and how people work and don't work within them... my soul partner, Noah Martin, and man who has helped many women, men and couples get clear on their dreams, strengthen their connection, change their roles and open to more love.

So I've invited Noah to join us for this Feminine Power Time with me Christine Arylo, Dream Partnerships: Creating a Relationship Where Both People Thrive. I like to invite Noah to join us every so often to share a man's point of view and truthfully straight up good practical wisdom on relationships.

We can't talk about Feminine Power and Feminine Leadership if we also don't talk about relationship, because our relationships have a huge impact on our ability to have the impact we desire, do our sacred work and be supported along the way. Here's what we dive into...  

  • What is 'dreaming' really and why is it essential to any great partnership - couples who dream together grow together. 
  • How do you create conversations to come up with a shared dream? And what if your partner is resistant to talking about such things?
  • Why so many couples struggle or get stuck in the mundaneness of life - and how having a personal and collective dream shifts that. 

  • How to identify the poles and roles you can play into that cause one person to feel like they are sacrificing themselves for the other, and how to NOT do that.

Dreams are the fuel that allows you to live your life in connection and joy, even when stuff gets hard. 

To learn more about the Dream Partnership Retreat with Christine and Noah, go to 

To learn about the 4 Sacred Pillars of Partnership, go to

To learn more about Noah Martin, decision making and relationship advisor and coach, go to 




Oct 5, 2018

How do we "BE" with what we are seeing in the world all around us - the anger, the greed, the disrespect, the separation, etc. etc.- without becoming consumed by it, sucked into it or feeling like we have to spiritually bypass it? How do you speak up, stand up and show up to be the agent of change, truth, compassion that you desire to be, when everything feels so overwhelming, compressed and out of control?

The yogis predicted we would come to this time of madness. Our role is to be able to stay present with what is happening in this world, be agents for change and elevation, not forces who add to the chaos, frenzy and fear. 

How do you stay present with what's happening in the world without being overcome by it? Whether it's happening in politics, in power plays on your job or in relationships, or in your community or within yourself, we need super powers and wisdom for staying present with what is, staying human in the process, but not becoming part of the very things we wish to change. 

In this Feminine Power Time, with Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, MBA and Wisdom Teacher, dive in for:

  • How to tell when you have been sucked up into the frenzy and fear machine and are being affected by the madness in unhelpful ways - so you can shake it off and stay centered in what is real
  • Why so many of us are feeling so compressed, overwhelmed and like the world is out of control - elevate out of the chaos to see what is really happening
  • 3 'wisdom bytes' that will empower you to be present with what is happening in the world without being overcome by it or letting it distract you from your purpose and part
  • How we speak up and stand up to be forces of elevation and humanity vs. adding to the fear, frenzy, isolation and domination.
  • The difference between the cowardly act of condoning and the courageous act of human compassion 
  • The bigger story happening right now for us as humanity - and how to be at choice as to how you play the 'game' and do your part to change the story. 
  • How to tap into your part to play in making the change you wish to see so you can be your sacred rebel Jedi self. A force for freedom and elevation!

Chaos loves to speed things up. But we lose our power when we become part of the sand storm. We embody our power when we stand still in the midst of it, see what is real, see the fear game being played. We gain an elevated perspective that empowers us to act in ways that can create powerful change. 

This is the time to start slowing down, not speeding up. We need to step out of our daily rhythyms to hear the deeper wisdom within.

Join Christine for her yearly Women's Wisdom Quest: Sacred Rebels. Sacred Work Nov 2-4th the best time for deepening your access to wisdom. 




Sep 27, 2018

Wise women know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support them to grow their work, wealth and relationships, to support their health, and to keep them focused on what matters.

The September Equinox offers you insight to illuminate where the imbalances currently exist in your life & how to reset yourself and refocus your life force  - especially the ways in which you are over giving and under receiving, the habits that may have worked in the summer but won't support you now, and the ways in which making changes to your home, health and wealth can support you to end your year strong, sane and supported.

In this Feminine Power Time with women's leadership and empowerment advisor and teacher, Christine Arylo, marries her MBA business background with 15+ years of wisdom and spiritual study in practical ways that can support you to elevate out of overhwelm, stay focused on what matters, shift sabotaging habits and take care of small things that make a big difference. 

Tune into this Power Pause and:

  • Learn the wisdom behind taking power pauses 4 times a year - and how this practice can yield big returns in your business, career, relationships and health/wealth/home
  • Experience the feminine way of growing our work and impact vs tackling projects, driving like a torpedo, or pressuring ourselves to make things happen too fast
  • Tap into your heart and mind to feel what's just not working for you in your life right now - so you can gain the power to make small but might changes
  • Reveal what in your health, wealth or home is out of balance or needing attention that's making it hard to be the fully powerful and present leader and person you desire to be
  • Gain clarity on how to best focus your attention the last part of this year

Power Pauses are a form of feminine leadership which teaches us to work in harmony with the natural cycles of how the material and mystical world both work. Part of her Feminine Wisdom School, Arylo teaches how to use this ancient wisdom and way of working to apply to creating a life and work that creates an impact and is sustainable. 

To receive invitations to Christine Arylo's fall feminine leadership mentorship - called Elevate - and her fall Wisdom Quest for Women desiring to gain clarity, focus and courage to take the next steps to bring their sacred work into form, subscribe to her  Wisdom Letters at   

Sep 20, 2018

When you are 'tuned in' to your inner wisdom and your channel is clean and clear, wow can you step forward with courage, stay focused on what matters, and make wise choices for yourself, your work/business and in your relationships. But when your wisdom channels are blocked up or mucked up, wow can you make some bad choices, shrink back, spin out, work too hard and give too much and generally create havoc vs harmony for yourself. 

But how do you know if your inner guidance system is tweaked out vs tuned in? 

I just had to add this bonus Feminine Power Time to complete our series of Feminine Wisdom: What is it? Why is it essential? How do you use it? It will be the 5th in this Feminine Wisdom Series. Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, for a conversation we have to have to make sure we are responding from our truth vs reacting from our fear.

If we aren't self aware of how we work inside and understand the signs we are operating from distorted emotions and ideas, we can't support ourselves or get the support we need to face the levels of change, stretch, possibility and uncertainty we face.

Join me and We'll dive into:

  • What are the signs that your thoughts and your sense of things are 'tweaked out' vs 'tuned in' - driving you to make unwise choices? 
  • How your 3 minds work together to either sabotage or support you - from the ping-pong paradigm, to the obsessive worry, strategizing future tripping mind, to the overly optimistic cheerleader, learn more about how your mind works for and against you.
  • How to use your body and your emotions to determine whether what you are thinking and feeling is true or just a distorted reaction based on past imprints and perceived fears
  • Why working with your inner critic, gremlin or saboteur doesn't get to the heart of what we need as women to not just deal with the pressures we face, but to transform them and elevate our lives, work, relationships by moving through them. 
  • Practices you can use preventatively and in the moment to clear the channels to get to your wisdom , and calm the fear.

I invited a special guest to join us for this Feminine Power Time, Stacey Hoffer, the director of programs at The Path of Self Love School, whose "inner mean girls" = the force that disempowers and distorts your inner wisdom = are different than mine. 

I'm bringing my Achievement Junkie, Move the Bar Belinda, and my Invincible Super Woman, who I haven't named yet! Stacey brought her Rejection Queen and her Overly Optimistic Cheerleader. You will Love their names!

If you'd like to join Stacey and me for this falls Empower Your Inner Wisdom, Expose Your Inner Mean Girl, personal transformation circle, learn more here 


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