Hello Dear One ... Every May I love to re-listen to and re-share this episode on MOTHER LOVE which I recorded in 2017, and the wisdom still stands... and the message still so needed for us all to hear, contemplate and put into practical action. I've updated the start and end with a special reading and practice this year.
What is Mother Love? Mother Love is so much more than we think it is.) So many of us are feeling stretched - being called to make changes, expansions, trust. In times like you need more "mother love" - it's so powerful! MOTHER LOVE does not just come from your birth mother. And since most of us aren't taught what that is or how to source it, I am replaying this Feminine Power Time. If you've never heard it, tune in. If you have, re-listen this is medicine and a message that will bring clarity, confidence and courage to you at this time....
When you read the words ‘mother love’ you likely go right to thinking about the mother who gave birth to you or the mother who raised you. And while that mother definitely has a role to play in our lives, she cannot be our only source of “mother love.”
Mother love is... a specific kind of love that every human being needs – we don’t outgrow the need for it, although we sadly forget how much we do need it.
Mother love is… the deep, all-embracing, all-accepting, nourishing, nurturing, warm, safe, supportive love that soothes the places inside our hearts that feel scared and lonely.
Mother love is… the strong love that we can fall into when we are stressed, stretched, uncertain, and feeling like we just can’t handle what’s happening in our life.
Sourcing Mother Love is not something most of us were taught how to do. In this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo: Mother Love: The Feminine Love That Will Hold You Through Transition:
If you have not gotten your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World... here's the link - Get a copy and join the women daring to do it differently:
This book is at it's heart mother love ... first advocating for ourselves and those we love and lead to be sustained, nurtured, cared for, safe, supported ... so then we can create organizations, a society, a culture, a world that reflects that for all people and planet.
Other Links
1. Sovereign Woman. Sacred Relationship. wisdom session. Get access here.
2. Read the full write up and definition of Mother Love on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and share how you receive Mother Love. https://community.christinearylo.com/posts/mother-love-the-feminine-love-we-need-but-that-cant-come-from-just-one-person
And.... lastly.... Appreciate if you leave a Review or Share this with another person you feel would benefit from the wisdom shared.
How do you stay centered, clear, calm and sustained as you go through changes in your life - relationship, career, home, health? Whether you want the change and are intentionally creating it or it's a happening that you didn't ask for but find yourself in, when you can name the change as a 'threshold' you are crossing and moving through elevates everything.
Almost everyone I know if they are aware, conscious and choosing to grow through the catalyzing times we are in, is walking through a threshold crossing. While they are always challenging, they don't have to take you down or drive you to push through or run the other way.
There is wisdom - practices and perspectives - to share and apply now and in the months and years to come to whatever changes and shifts we find ourselves in -- in ways that empower us to be in co creation with the Universe and each other.
Most of us didn't get this wisdom in our traditional education or leadership training. I've crossed thresholds many times (more on the word threshold in the Podcast) and have learned some things I thought might help bring more ease, empowerment, and grace to you.
Wisdom and pratices that seem simple that one could discount them for lack of significance. But in truth, true wisdom is usually stated quite simply but is anything but simple.
In this episode of Feminine Power Time #182: Staying Sustained Through Change: Practices & Perspectives for Making Shifts with More Ease, we will dive into some of these such as:
And also we'll dive into some of the teachings in Overwhelmed and Over It about sustainable change and growth and apply them to whatever current shifts you are going through, including:
And I will walk you through practices to:
Tune in. See you there.
p.s. This week my ask is for you is to rate, share or leave a review on the podcast page. Would so appreciate it!
>> Go to Itunes here and click Listen from Apple Podcasts and scroll to bottom where it says Write a Review. Or do it from the Show Podcast Home page on your podcast app.
Happenings - RSVP and Attend
1. Sovereign Woman. Sacred Relationship. Wisdom Session. Live May 1st. Also Recorded. RSVP. https://christinearylo.lpages.co/sovereign-woman-sacred-relationship-wisdom-session/
2. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - Starts June 22nd. Learn more www.FlowPowerPause.com
1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverItBook.com
Elevate the Consciousness and Conversation
1. Choose one wisdom perspective or practice from the podcast and share it with a friend.
2. Come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and share your ideas in the conversation from last week's podcast "What is Sovereignty" -click here.
Self Empowerment.... Be Empowered... Own your Power ... Stand in your power ... these are words that we see and hear alot more these days, but what does embodying our power really mean? What is self-empowerment? What does sovereignty have to do with all of this?
How do you know if you are coming from your pure power rooted in wholeness or distorted power rooted in woundedness? How do you reveal where you are giving your power away - leaking power - in subtle but signifcant ways?
I've been exploring, researching and teaching self-empowerment as one of the 10 branches of self-love for over a decade. I first heard the word sovereignty in 2006 and it rang through my body like a deep truth I knew in my bones, but didn't have a mental understanding of.
Being the wordsmith and wisdom student I am, of course I looked up the current definitions of both - unsatifactory. I started studying power and realized pretty quickly how distorted our cultural concepts and expressions of power are. And I dove deep into where we as humans, especially women and girls, give away our power in unconscious ways. Or express power in distorted ways that actually diminish our influence.
Over the years I have created new defintions of power and sovereignty, practices to strengthen both, and ways to reveal where our leaks and strengths lie.
For starters - here's the definition of self-empowerment
Self-empowerment is choosing to take care of and responsiblity for your life by acting to create the life you really desire, without apology or requiring approval from others.
In this episode of Feminine Power Time, #4 of 4 in our Self Love Series, we'll dive into the top branch of the Tree of Self Love, Self Empowement: Power Leaks, Sovereignty, Embodying Our Pure Power :
I'll guide you through some self-reflection inquiries as well. If you have the Madly in Love With ME book or Overwhelmed and Over It, grab them as I'll be referencing them in our conversation and exploration.
And come over the Feminine Wisdom Cafe where I've posted the full definition of Sovereignty and we're inviting everyone to share what Sovereignty means to them.
See you there!
Go Deeper. Get Connected. Receive Wisdom, Structure & Support.
Connect on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe -www.femininewisdomcafe.com
Join the conversation!
What does Sovereignty Mean to You?
Here's the Self Love Tree one more time.
Join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time, POWER PAUSE - HARMONIZE: 4 Inquiries to Shift Your Habits, Choices, & Relationships into Harmony for the Months Ahead. One of the four Power Pauses she shares each year, this one focused on what wise leaders and people do:
When you pause at near the equinoxes and solstices, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift.
And you gain clarity on how to focus your life force so what you spend your time, energy & money creates what you desire.
Power pauses are personal and organizational leadership best practice, a wise way to run your business, organization or team. And I believe a must if you want to stay sustained and sane in a world in which we feel so much pressure to do so much. And then don’t have what we need to sustain ourselves.
Every year I hold power pauses at this 4 key shifting points, the equinoxes and the solstices, March, June, Sept and Dec - within my Feminine Wisdom Way training, some virtually, some weekend retreats and some for companies and organizations.
I do this because this yearly practice of pausing 4x a year I believe is something most of us where not taught how to do, but when we do it, everything in our life works in better harmony. It’s how I run my life, business, partnership, relationships, and grow what is important to me.
Each power pause has a different focus and flavor depending on the time of the year.
In Feminine Power Time, I can’t share with you entire power pause process for March Equinox but I can give you a 50 minute power pause with 4 simple but mighty inquiries - like a mini Harmony Adjustment for your life
Bonus. What is ONE habit or pattern in your morning flow that isn't in harmony to keep doing into this next season? RELEASE this. Then what is ONE habit or pattern you can EMBRACE and place into your morning flow this next cycle?
We don’t give up everything or go militant. We choose a few things to elevate and release, and also receive pleasure too.
Tune in.
Listen to the power pause. Journal on the questions.
Invite a friend to do the Power Pause too and ask each other the questions. And support each other to make soul-aligned, supportive, sustainable choices.
With Great Heart
Go Deeper. Get Connected. Receive Wisdom, Structure & Support.
For a visual of the 8 Realms of a Whole Life, from the Overwhelmed and Over It book - its here on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe
Self-compassion, self-care and self-pleasure are three of branches of self-love that make up the 'heart line.' When these kinds of self love are strong within us, we are stronger and healthier in our hearts - emotionally, physically and spiritually.
With a strong heart line of self-love we are able to be both compassionate and courageous. Able to give sympathy and empathy to others, with healthy boundaries, and without becoming too emotionally entagled that we lose ourselves.
We have the internal foundation to both give and recieve, without guilt. Able to give to and support others and the work and causes we care for, and receive what we need to be sustained and valued in our exchange.
Instead of giving and giving like well that runs dry, we give and receive, so the water keeps flowing. So instead of feeling like we have to sacriifce our souls for work, success, stability or a cause, we feel nourished.
We RETAIN our radiance vs become dried up prunes, burned out lights, and self sacrificing martyrs or machines.
This heart line trifecta is core to our power, our presence and our personal wellness and happiness. But like most of the realms of self-love, few are educated on what self-compassion, self-care and self-pleasure really are. And even fewer are taught how to practically apply this to our lives, relationships, work, and choices.
Which is why in this episode of Feminine Power Time #180: The Heart of Self Love: Self-Compassion, Self-Care & Self-Pleasure (#3 of 4 in our Self Love Series) we will dive into each of these three branches including:
I'll lead you through a meditation for each branch to tune into the ENERGY of these branches and give you a PRACTICE for each. SO we can infuse this into your life now.
The truth is - we can do more for the world and those people and causes we love when we are full in our hearts.
Self sacrifice to the point of making ourselves sick, resentful and giving in ways that are not valued or given a harmonious exchange is a learned behavior. Supported by the burnout matrix.
You can choose to liberate yourself out of the burnout matrix, and in doing so, you unleash more of your radiance to be a light in this world.
Tune in. And then come to the personal wellness and leadership wisdom session - Overcoming Overwhelm - and we'll dive in more.
with heart
Request: SHARE + REVIEW this podcast. You can share and review it from your podcast app. Or directly on Itunes here.
Wisdom Sessions + Transformational Progams with Christine
1. Free Wisdom Session: Overcoming Overwhelm: Cultivating Sustainability in a World that Needs So Much. RSVP and Receive Access Here.
2. 4-month Transformational Experience: Overwhelmed and Over It: A Path to Sustainable Success. Starts April. Learn more www.OverwhelmedandOverItProgram.com
3. Yoga of Self Love - www.YogaofSelfLove.com
Here's the Self Love Tree -
What is self-trust? How do you know if your self trust is strong or weak? And how do you strengthen your self-trust? I would love to live in a world in which all people from 11 to 111 knew the answers to these questions... where we were taught the fundatmentals of self trust this from a very young age ... but alas, we are not there yet.
But change starts with each of us, so today we take a deep dive into self-trust, these inquiries and apply this self trust practically to your life now ... where you need it the most.
This episode of Feminine Power Time - "Strengthen Self Trust" is the 2nd in a 4 part series on Self-Love. Self-trust is one of the 10 branches of self-love.
When I created the body of self-love work that breaks self-love down so you can see where you are weak and strong, the metaphor of a tree came through. Self-trust is the trunk of the tree - everything stems from here. Self-acceptance is the root ball. Self-worth the roots.
Self trust is:
Choosing to listen to and follow the guidance of your inner voice, believing you know what is right for you, even when other people think or say otherwise.
Join me for this exploration as we:
* Illuminate the signs of a weak and strong self trust
* How self trust shows up in our careers, relationships and life choices.
* I pinpoint from a self love perspective, what we need to do as adults to regain and rebuild self-trust
* I take you through one of the most powerful self trust processes I created, to bring self love to the places and ways you have not followed and betrayed your inner knowing and guidance ... which when healed, keeps you from making unconscious choices.
If you want to learn more about self-trust, read chapter 8 in Madly in Love with ME and chapter 1 in Overwhelmed and Over It.
A little heads up: Be prepared to connect with yourself at a heart and self honesty level. Nothing to be scared of, going here is where your power and freedom is. Just wanted to let you know we aren't skimming the surface here when we dive into self-love.
I'll share my journey with self-trust from a self-love perpsective too. I wouldn't ask you to do something I have not done myself, more than one time.
With great heart,
p.s. Come by the Feminine Wisdom Cafe (my private online community) and share your Self Love Promise and Branch for this year.
Embodied Self Love Experiences & Trainings
1. FOR YOURSELF: Make it a year of Self Love - The Yoga of Self Love - receive practices, wisdom & creative exercises, one branch of self love per month www.YogaofSelfLove.com
2. FOR GUIDING OTHERS: Self Love Essentials Professional Training for those who support others. www.SelfLoveTraining.com
The Self Love Tree
Download a picture of it here
In 2008, I founded the international Day of Self Love - February 13th - to bring a deeper and practical awareness and understanding to self-love. This was meant not to be one day to celebrate ourselves, but a day to pause and look within at our inner foundation, and reveal what kind of self-love we needed to receive and strengthen this coming year. And then practically choose to do so.
You see, "Do I love myself?" is not a yes/no question. There are areas you are strong and weak in. Areas that need tending THIS year. Self-love, or a lack of it, is at the root of the choices we make everyday, the big life choices, and the way we feel in relationship, career and own skin. Self love is primary to emotional, mental and physical wellness.
Our leadership presence. Our prosperity. Our sense of belonging and being valued. Our thoughts, emotions, health. All linked to self-love.
But most of us were never educated on the different kinds of self-love - what I call the 10 branches of self-love. And in the world of business, money and 'serious' things, self-love is often fluffed and woo wooed away. When honestly if self-love was part of primary education and a sign of a healthy leader, we'd have less narcissitics, less greed, and more of a society where sovereignty and unity could co-exist and healthy inter- connection was the norm.
There is SO much power in exploring and embodying each of the 10 branches of self-love which make up the "Self Love Tree."
Which is why, this month, we'll explore 4 of the primary branches, one at a time, with perspectives, a practice and inquiries to ponder. And then I encourage you to put them to practice to what you are desiring to create or dealing with in your life, career, wellness and relationships.
Today, in Episode 178: Self Acceptance & Self Worth we explore:
Self Acceptance is the base of the ROOT line of the self-love tree, and our bodies. So it informs everything from your self-care to your self-esteem and self-trust.
Tune in.
Try the practices.
Take a self love pulse check and make a self love promise this year.
And exhale - we are in this together.
Big heart,
p.s. Come by the Feminine Wisdom Cafe (my private online community) and share your Self Love Promise and Branch for this year.
Embodied Self Love Experiences & Trainings
1. FOR YOURSELF: Make it a year of Self Love - The Yoga of Self Love - receive practices, wisdom & creative exercises, one branch of self love per month www.YogaofSelfLove.com
2. FOR GUIDING OTHERS: Self Love Essentials Professional Training for those who support others. www.SelfLoveTraining.com
The Self Love Tree
Download a picture of it here
Last Feminine Power Time we talked about the "meta" and "collective" - what the themes, energy and patterns are in the larger field as we go into 2022. This gives us wisdom for how to move through this year.
Today, we turn to the "personal" - what are the themes, awarenesses, perspectives and ways of looking at our lives and our choices within them. So we can walk through 2022 centered, sustained, focused on what matters, using this catalytic time for our good and the good of all. Without burning out, running back to normal or missing the possibility.
Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead, 2022, Part Two.
I'll share with you a series of "S" themed wisdom and pesronal inquiries that I'm applying myself and using with all the leaders and communities I work with. The intention is to help us:
And I'll share some S themed wisdom bytes you can put in your pocket to guide your choices now and in the months to come.
Slow then swift.
And more.
Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, leadership advisor and women’s leadership and empowerment teacher, as we dive in.
See you there!
p.s. Come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe where women are sharing their dreams for the world and for themselves. We'd love to know and witness yours.
Upcoming Programs , Retreats & Trainings Save the Date
- February 13th - Special virtual retreat -RECEIVE. A love offering for those who support others. RSVP to come.
1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com
Every year in January I wait to do this special Feminine Power Time session until the timing feels just right. This year, it was exactly just past the first full moon of 2022 (called "the wolf moon"), in the energy of the phase of the moon cycle all about initiating primal feminine power. Which is not about running into this year from fire like hit-the-ground running energy. Nor about mentally figuring it all out. Nor about waiting around for some new normal to settle in place.
The wolf is a symbol of free untamed feminine power, the teacher who guides through action. It reflects to us the need and desire to maintain our independence and sovereignty while also living and working in our packs, with time to play, create ... and rest.
I’ve been thinking of you all for the past two weeks and what would emerge to be shared on the yearly “Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead” episode. I always wait for the wisdom and focus to emerge ... which it did, yesterday during my morning practice.
After weeks of being in my own reflection and visioning process, watching what’s happening in the world, deepening in my own practice and listening for guidance from Wisdom with a capital W, once again, a series of ‘wisdom bytes’ flowed out.
It all popped out like a stew that had been cooking for weeks. That's letting the feminine lead, stillness then swiftness (which is a theme for this year especially, more on that).
Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead, - 2022, a yearly occurrence here at Feminine Power Time. It’s not about fortune telling, it’s about reading the signs all around us, feeling the knowings within us, and then being WISE about what is happening in the world and how we desire and choose to show up.
Feminine wisdom teaches us to prepare for the intensity, uncertainty, transformation and change that is just part of how the world is operating right now.
Not to brace yourself for it, but to embrace it, pace yourself through it and cultivate the vitality, resilience and wisdom you’ll need to stay elevated above the fray and the chaos.
This year, we'll do this in a two-part series. Part one focused on the meta and part two the personal.
Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, leadership advisor and women’s leadership and empowerment teacher, as we dive in.
See you there!
p.s. Come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe where women are sharing their dreams for the world and for themselves. We'd love to know and witness yours.
Upcoming Programs , Retreats & Trainings - Learn more
1. EMERGE 4-week Visioning Journey www.EmergeVisioning.com
2. Feminine Wisdom Way 2022 - Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment open throughout January. www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
Free Wisdom Sessions:
1. A Different Way to Dream & Succeed . www.FeminineWisdomSession.com
2. Year End Reflection Ritual & Power Pause www.ReflectionRitual.com
1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com
There are many things you could do this year, many things you think you should do, or maybe this year you have no idea what to do!? Or maybe you are feeling like you'd rather just pull the cover over your head.
Don't let the chaos and pressure of the world or the should's of your self-induced pressure and thoughts swirl you up. Instead turn inward, tune into your heart and dare to tap into your deeper wisdom and desires and let those inspire and guide you.
Wisdom teaches us to use the power and practice of "inquiry" to consider the path before moving into action.
Not so we can have it all figured out like an agenda or project plan. But so we can be clear on our intentions, be connected to what's really in right timing, and to see what we can't see with our eyes but can sense with our deeper intuitive knowing ... if we slow down to listen.
Wisdom also teaches us ... the wisdom is within you for your most soul-aligned path ahead, the path that sustains you on all levels - mind, body, heart and spirit. And the portal into that wisdom is not in your mental mind, it's in your heart and body.
Every year I do an episode that takes us through 6 wisdom inquires feel would serve us to contemplate.
How we start the year creates the reality ahead. Use the practice of these six 'wisdom inquiries' so you can stay focused on what truly matters, create the realities for ourselves and the world that align with our deeper truth and desires, and realize sustainable success.
Six is the number that creates harmony.
Every year the inquires are different.
Because every year, we need differently inquiries to lead us to the possibilities we haven't even considered with our limited - often fear reactive - minds.
I comb through the many inquiries we use in the EMERGE Visioning Process to find 6 to "prime the pump" and open your visioning, intention setting and focusing for the year to come.
And this year, a bonus inquiry jumped in! A seventh inquiry. 7 is the number associated with going deeper than we've gone before so we can emerge in a more radiant, whole form. Perfect.
Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, transformational leadership advisor and women’s leadership and empowerment teacher, for episode 175: 6 Inquiries to Tune In & Reveal What Truly Matters to You This Year
See you there!
P.S. This somatic and intuitive meditation was taped live during the Wisdom Session: A Different Way to Dream & Succeed. To tune into the full wisdom session go to https://christinearylo.lpages.co/a-different-way-to-dream/.
Upcoming Programs , Retreats & Trainings - Learn more
1. EMERGE 4-week Visioning Journey - starts Jan 9th, you can start any day in Jan. www.EmergeVisioning.com
2. Feminine Wisdom Way 2022 - Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment open throughout January. www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
Free Feminine Wisdom Sessions:
1. A Different Way to Dream & Succeed - Live Jan 5th . Free. RSVP. www.FeminineWisdomSession.com
2. Year End Reflection Ritual & Power Pause www.ReflectionRitual.com
1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com
6 Wisdom Inquiries Shared in the Podcast
This year...
In these intense times, where we are each being called to step forward... make changes, navigate uncertainty, do things differently... respond to the now, while re-imagining our future... it can all feel so overwhelming.
We need different ways to start our year, and vision, plan and create the year to come.
There are big misunderstandings in our culture about visioning, goal setting & achieving that stem from a "go, go , go, work hard, stay busy" mindset that many of us have been trained to operate from.... which honestly set us up for more pressure, overwhelm and self-criticism vs. true, sustainable success.
In this Feminine Power Time - #174: A Different Way to Start & Create Your Next Your we'll explore how to think about and go about the first 6 weeks of the year...setting your focus professionally and personally... and then working in "co-creation" all year.
Giving ourselves the space to rise up into the new year, and be intentional and tap into our intuitive intelligence to gain wisdom is how we stay focused on what matters, centered in ourselves, so you we stay fluid, meet what comes and expand into the possibility.
When you shift your relationship to how to start your year, you begin the year feeling healthy time pressure AND spaciousness, which sets up your year to feel the same.
We'll explore a different way to:
I will share three Feminine Wisdom Principles for Visioning and Intention Setting, including #1 and #3 and #8 - you will love these!
#1: Work with the natural cycles and mimic mother nature, not man-made constructs of time.
#3: Wise ones don't set goals or resolutions, or say "I want." Empowered beings desire and intend.
#8: Seek wisdom not answers. Seek a path not a plan.
I love sharing this deep and practical wisdom every year at this time as a different way to vision, succeed and reach out goals.
This year more than ever is the time to embrace doing things differently ... as a practice and a path.
Tune in.
See you there, and for more check out below.
Upcoming Programs - Learn more
1. EMERGE 4-week Visioning Journey - starts Jan 9th, you can start any day in Jan. www.EmergeVisioning.com
2. Feminine Wisdom Way 2022 - Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment open throughout January. www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
Free Feminine Wisdom Sessions:
1. A Different Way to Dream & Succeed - Live Jan 5th . Free. RSVP. www.FeminineWisdomSession.com
2. Year End Reflection Ritual & Power Pause www.ReflectionRitual.com
1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com
(check out section 4 Liberate Your Time for the glyphs on Focused Fluidity and Healthy Time Pressure and Spans).
Most of us feel like we are not doing enough - in our day to day, towards our goals, for others in need or for the planet .
It's more likely we feel like we are always behind, like there is never enough time, and like we will never have the space to get to what matters most.
Why? Because we suffer from “Achievers Amnesia.” We forget, can't see, and don't feel what we have completed, done for others, or brought more into form or how we have made an impact in our relationships, teams, organizations and world.
Think about it this way… over the course of a year, you give so much to so many people and projects and do much to manage your daily demands while also working towards your dreams. And you forget how much you actually accomplish.
It’s way easier to see what you have not done vs. seeing all you have. So you keep driving, striving, working, until you drop from exhaustion or melt down because of overwhelm. Or you just keep persevering and pushing forward.
Achiever's amnesia is a mental disease that drives us into burnout, overwhelm and anxiety. It robs you of receiving the success and happiness you work so hard for.
Here's the remedy:
Today, in this Feminine Power Time podcast 173:Achievers Amnesia: 3 Proof Points You've Done More Than You Think, we'll get the juices flowing, in ways that open your body and being up to see and feel just how much your presence and effort has made a difference in your dreams and goals AND with the people and life on this planet.
We'll shine a light on 3 proof points and I'll take you through an embodied meditation so you can feel the impact + give yourself some space to replenish and rest.
Tune in.
Take the love and wisdom in.
Then join us for the Year End Reflection Ritual and then for the Emerge Visioning.
With great heart,
Upcoming Gatherings & 2022 Programs - RSVP to get the Invitation, Save the Date
1. Year End Reflection Ritual & Power Pause - Dec 19th. RSVP for free at www.ReflectionRitual.com
2. Feminine Wisdom Way 2022 - Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Emerge visioning process starts Jan 9th. Learn more www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
3. EMERGE 2022 Visioning & Intention Setting 4-week Experience - a different way to set your focus and intentions for 2022 professionally and personally, the way women natural work & prosper best. Learn more at www.EmergeVisioning.com
Overwhelmed and Over It Book - - www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com
FEMININE WISDOM CAFE: Be inspired and join in the conversation & exploration of women daring to do it differently:
What's one way you've made a difference on the planet through a choice, project, or relationship?
SHARE THE WISDOM? Rate. Review Feminine Power Time And Share this episode with one person you think would benefit.
While the holiday marketing and messages promise us tidings of peace and joy, the reality is that the consciousness of overculture is set to get you and I to buy more, consume more, and do more.
And while we all want more meaningful connection, it's way too easy to say yes to things because of obligation, habit or fear of missing out.
Every year as we go into December, we take a stand for us all here at Feminine Power Time to do things differently - in how we make our choices for how we spend our time, money and energy so that come the new year WE FEEL SUSTAINED and REPLENISHED - emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially and mentally.
We choose to implement our practice of the "December Downshift" - so that we can begin the new year reset, replenished and rested.
This Feminine Power Podcast - 172 Avoid Holiday Overwhelm. 3 Practices to You Calm Centered Clear -builds on the previous podcast, so be sure to tune both. And then use the inquiries and the practices to support you to make small and bigger choices that sustain vs. drain you.
Here are 3 of the practices I'll share:
1. Practice #1: Create an intentional time span that creates both focus + space for what you need personally, relationally + professionally. From now through January 11th.
2. Practice #2: Make your choices in Nov & Dec based on how you want to feel physically, emotionally, & mentally and in your spirit as you start 2022. Choose your 4 Holiday Harmonizers.
3. Practice #3: Embrace & Do What Feels Sustaining.
Release & Redesign What Feels Draining. Including releasing doing things out of pressure, obligation, guilt, FOMO, “it’s tradition” or over-connecting. And mimicking the over-culture.
Plus I will lead you through a few visualizations and meditations that will help you tune into your deeper wisdom for what to say YES to, NO to, so you can stay true to yourself, even if that means disappointing another or doing things differently.
And I'll share wisdom on how to mimic the natural world to make December and January supportive and self empowering.
Tune in.
Then remember to RSVP for the annual year end Reflection Ritual - www.ReflectionRitual.com - and the EMERGE Visioning Journey in January www.EmergeVisioning.com .
See you there!
Upcoming Gatherings & 2022 Programs - RSVP to get the Invitation, Save the Date
1. Year End Reflection Ritual & Power Pause - Dec 19th. RSVP for free at www.ReflectionRitual.com
2. Feminine Wisdom Way 2022 - Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Emerge visioning process starts Jan 9th. Learn more www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
3. EMERGE 2022 Visioning & Intention Setting 4-week Experience - a different way to set your focus and intentions for 2022 professionally and personally, the way women natural work & prosper best. Learn more at www.EmergeVisioning.com
Overwhelmed and Over It Book - - www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com
FEMININE WISDOM CAFE: Be inspired and join in the conversation & exploration of women daring to do it differently:
What would you love to complete or take care of by the end of the year?
SHARE THE WISDOM? Rate. Review Feminine Power Time And Share this episode with one woman you think would benefit.
I have a question for you: "Would you like to start the new year feeling clear - mentally & emotionally? Like your physical space to feel clear and coherent? Like to be free of some of the relationship drama or distress in your personal or professional relationships?"
Imagine how you would feel if you had more space in the last few weeks of this year and the first few weeks of next year.
Are you exhaling yet?
Of course our answers to this possibility are YES! Starting the new year clear is not just a nice to have - it's what any wise person would do.
But how do you 'do' that? Especially in the intense year(s) we've been through?
My council has been the same for a decade, and it's even more essential in the times we are living in. The wisdom is clear:
You put into place simple but mighty practices that empower to you make choices that lead to you working and living and feeling in the f.l.o.w. (Focusing Lifeforce On What matters.
The practice I will guide you through today is called a Power Pause (a short and simple one). Power Pauses use the wisdom tool of 'intuitive thinking inquiries' that reveal insights you miss if you only operate from your mental mind vs your higher and heart mind.
In this episode of Feminine Power Time: a Power Pause: 3 Inquiries That Will Support Complete the Year Feeling Clear, I will share the FLOW practice I use myself every year at this time, and we do as part of living and working the feminine wisdom way.
It includes 3 inquiries that will help you
I will also share some very specific examples of what I do to create space, relief and release this way - including just releasing 3800 emails in one hour!
Do this short power pause with me now and then come to the full Year End Reflection Ritual and Power Pause on Dec 19th www.ReflectionRitual.com
So grateful we are connected!
With heart
p.s. SHARE THE WISDOM ? SHARE this podcast power pause with friends and colleagues you think it would benefit.
Upcoming Gatherings & 2022 Programs - RSVP to get the Invitation, Save the Date
1. Year End Reflection Ritual & Power Pause - Dec 19th. RSVP for free at www.ReflectionRitual.com
2. Feminine Wisdom Way 2022 - Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment opens Dec 1st. Emerge visioning process starts Jan 9th. Request the invitation when enrollment opens. www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
3. EMERGE 2022 Visioning & Intention Setting 4-week Experience - a different way to set your focus and intentions for 2022 professionally and personally, the way women natural work & prosper best. Learn more at www.EmergeVisioning.com Registration opens Dec 1st.
1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - See Section 4 to learn more about Healthy vs Toxic Time Pressure - www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com
Journal on these 3 inquiries and then take focused action that creates more FLOW for you. Create a time span between now and the end of 2021 to create healthy pressure. Over the next three weeks...
1. What would I love to complete, take care of or get done?(projects, "twiggly danglers" in your health, wealth, home or relationships, aka things calling for attention to bring into coherency).
2. What would I love to let go? (Emotional or physical twiggly danglers you choose to leave behind in 2021)
3. What would feel good and aligned to re-flow (move this into next year)?
WORK WISE + LIVE WELL is the HOW we get relief from the burnout, overwork, anxiety, and overwhelm. How we stop ourselves and the organizations we work in or run ourselves from accepting the grind, the push, the hustle as the norm.
Without new language, models, elevated perspectives + space to practice and trust doing things differently, we stay stuck in our current reality or make it just a little better.
As we start to tap into true WISDOM, we become empowered to use our voices and choices to create realities for ourselves, those we love & lead, our organizations and teams, and this world that are rooted in sustainability, wellness, connection and prospering for people and planet.
In this episode of Feminine Power Time, #170 Work Wise Live Well, #3 of 3 in our Overworked and Over It Series, we will explore:
3 models + 3 practices + 3 acts of harmonic defiance
for releasing ways of working that burn us out + embracing new ways that have the power to create sustainable success, wellness + a life we can savor.
We will explore models that illuminate the distorted and unhealthy way of working and thinking that's created our current society and norms, and shine the light on other ways to approach achieving, succeeding and thriving, including:
We'll also share practices for:
This episode was originally delivered as one of my quarterly/monthly Wisdom Sessions. For the past 7+ years I've held a wisdom session on 11.11 focusing on how we can tap into our deeper wisdom - our crazy wisdom - to do things differently, make courageous, wise choices that are aligned with our heart desires and soul path.
If you'd like to watch the session via video, or see the glyphs I mention, I included the link below. As well as in the episode I reference the book Overwhelmed and Over It with page numbers.
See you there!
1. Access Work Wise Live Well session with video + glyphs
2. Join in the conversation on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe with other conscious courageous women on this topic - taking a stand to do things differently.
3. Here's a link to get your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It
4. Share? If you think this would resonate with another person, forward it and share it. That's how wisdom does it's work!
5. Save the Dates
* Emerge 2022 Visioning Journey - www.EmergeVisioning.com - First session 1/9. Pre dreaming and year end reflection last week of Dec, first week of Jan.
* Year End Reflection Ritual & Power Pause - 12/19 - 12:30 PM PT. Registration opens soon.
* Feminine Wisdom Way 2022 - a wisdom school and community for women choosing to do it differently. Registration opens Nov 19th. www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
Time. It's one of those things that we all wish we had more of, and one of those things that contributes to the every day pressure we feel under. But did you ever... consider that time is a human made system? Or notice that many of the deadlines, must-get-done-by's, and must-do-this-nows put on us by others or generated by ourselves are in many cases preferences or unnecessary time constraints?
I have spent ALOT of time thinking about time - lol. Going deeper underneath to find the roots of the pressure, burnout, stress, anxiety and driving forces that force us to work and operate in crazy-paced, unrealistic ways.
As I was writing Overwhelmed and Over It, I wrote 20,000 words on Liberating ourselves from the time constraints and toxic time pressures that are just not necessary. We've just accepted the pace and pressure of how we work as normal but it's anything but 'normal' for a healthy planet and healthy humans.
For this podcast, Transforming Tight Time Constraints & Toxic Time Pressure (#2 of 3 in our Overwhelmed and Over It Series, which will lead us into the Work Wise. Live Well. Wisdom Session).... I combed through the book to find three pieces of wisdom + 3 practices and actions you can take now to release yourself from the ways of working that are rooted in undue time pressure and ideals.
Here's some of what we will explore:
To see glyphs of what I am talking about and get the inquiries I mention, refer to Section 4: Liberate Your Time in the Overwhelmed and Over It book.
See you there!
p.s. Remember to RSVP for the Wisdom Session : Work Wise. Live Well. Live on 11/11 or get the recording.
Here's the link:
p.p.s. Come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe to connect with other conscious courageous women on this topic - taking a stand to do things differently.
Here's the link:
Here's a link to get your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It
Share? If you think this would resonate with another person, forward it and share it. That's how wisdom does it's work!
Burnout, overwhelm, feeling like we have too much to do with not enough time, resources or support, struggling to find work/life balance is not new, our bodies breaking down because the stress is too much, our minds unable to slow down, feeling like it's all on us.
It's been our reality especially as women for MANY decades. The catalyst of the pandemic, chaos, intense weather, etc are outpicturings that we have hit the boiling point ... as a society, a culture, and individuals.
The truth is:
How we have been imprinted, educated and expected to work is not sustainable, healthy or human.
And when I say work, I don't just mean what you do to receive money. I mean ALL the things you give your life force and time to, including those people, communities and causes you parent, care for and tend to.
Consider this: We are at standing at the place where we can make great shifts in short time spans... if we are willing to take a stand, say NO MORE to what doesn't work and isn't really necessary or healthy, and say YES to do things differently. Even if that means disappointing another, disrupting a pattern, & dismantling structures.
But how do we 'do' that ? Without overwhelming ourselves or just quitting our jobs and lives and creating an even more unsustainable reality?
This is what I have spend the last decade plus researching, living and defining, and what became the foundation for the Overwhelmed and Over It book.
In this three part series, Overworked and Over It: I combed through the book pulled out 3 principles, practices and perspectives that give us the power to spot the B.S. ways of working that burn people and planet out... and then give us the wisdom to do it differently.
These are specific simple but significant acts you can take in your day to day life, now to do what i call "Work Wise. Live Well" ... as you begin to make different choices, you start to see the distorted internal imprints & external norms you've been responding from, and you gain the insight to make wiser choices for yourself, others and your organizations.
In this episode #168 of Feminine Power Time "Overworked and Over It: Stop Filing the Gaps & Giving 110%" we will explore 3 wisdom teachings for working wise + inquiries and practices you can use in your day to day to make different, more sustainable choices:
Wisdom for Working Wise:
Practices and Inquiries:
Tune in. Refer to the Overwhelmed and Over It book for visuals and the wisdom written down for you.
See you there,
p.s. Remember to RSVP for the Wisdom Session : Work Wise. Live Well. Live on 11/11 or get the recording.
Here's the link:
p.p.s. Come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe to connect with other conscious courageous women on this topic - taking a stand to do things differently.
Here's the link:
Here's a link to get your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It
Anger and grief are good human emotions. They have the potential to open up so much for us - individually and collectively. Lead to healing, breaking down barriers, breaking through to better realities.
The problem is that most humans weren't taught how to express anger or grief in healthy ways, so it comes out sideways in distorted ways, or it gets stuffed down until we blow up or get sick. Sometimes we are the receiver of that big emotional eruption and other times we are the "unleasher" or "erupter" on someone else.
Join me for this Feminine Power Time conversation - Sacred Rage. Holy Grief. - where we explore perspectives and practices around dealing with the kind of rage and grief that comes from people's/our wound, and how to it differently in ways that lead to wholeness. We will explore inquiries like:
How do we...
See below for some of the practices I mention in the podcast.
I've been contemplating this topic for weeks and weeks, waiting for the right moment to arise. Today it did.
After you listen, share with me one insight you took away that spoke to your heart, or illuminated a wisdom bite for you. (on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe).
With heart,
Resources mentioned:
If this speaks to you, so appreciate you sharing it with a friend. Then the two of you can conversate about it too. And support each other in taking your big emotions and using them for healing and creating.
This is a special broadcast of a letter I wrote to from my heart to the hearts of the women around the world when I was writing Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World.
I often write a letter when writing a book, to help me tap into the heart and soul of why i am writing this book, and why I feel so passionate about sharing the perspectives, wisdom and stories enclosed in it.
For this book, that letter became the opening. Today, on the one year anniversary of its publication, I am sharing it FIRST here with you on Feminine Power Time as a special podcast broadcast.
Why? Because every time I sit down to create and tape a Feminine Power Time, I intend to connect with you heart to heart... to be real... to share openly... to bring insight and wisdom... and to be space where you can deeply tap into your deep internal wisdom.
For 5 years, the listeners of this podcast have been with me, here, having these conversations that much of the world is just waking up to.
The world's been crazy for a long time. It's just now, it's catalyzing at warp speed, because we MUST change. People and the planet have been burning out for decades if not centuries.
But the game isn't over.
You and I are the makers, creators, mothers of the world ... we shape culture by how we make our choices and use our voices ... we create reality ... but not if we get swirled into the swirl, can't see the systemically-generated and self-induced burnout games and structures.
AND we need each other, to help us tap into what is real, she what is needed, and then from our deep wisdom, embrace our power to choose differently and say NO MORE to what's not working.
So today... I share this with you...
Get some tea or vino or pelligrino. Or just take a chill moment in the sun. And tune in.
May this release some pressure and create more courage and clarity and connection for you today.
with great heart,
p.s. If you have not gotten your copy of Overwhelmed and Over It yet, go to the book page and order a copy for you + a friend
p.p.s If you do have your copy, I'd super appreciate a review to help others find the book. Leave one wherever you bought it or here on Amazon.
And remember... Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, where courageous conscious women gather, including a special group exploring and experimenting with the wisdom in this book. Go here to learn more, it's free.
In the third part of our series on Staying Sane in an Insane World, we activate one of the most subtle but absolutely potent powers we have ... the power of inquiry and contemplation.
We are trained in our over culture to value and work with questions and answers to drive to a conclusion, usually as fast as possible. "Time is money." And we are imprinted with a value system that says we must have the answer, if we don't we risk looking a fool, being called out or being discounted.
But operating this way - in a mindset about quick answers vs. contemplation and consideration... in a world that values confidence over curiosity.... keeps us stuck in the consciousness and realities that don't work for us individually or collectively. Unhealthy, insane ways of working, relating and living.
In a wiser, healthy culture, one that values the feminine, we practice the art of inquiry and contemplation to open up possibility and to gain clarity.
For this session of Feminine Power Time I chose 4 inquiries that I use often in making choices everyday. They are the same ones I use when I am working with a leader to unlearn the distorted approach to growth, goal setting and management, and to learn a different, wiser, healthier way of working.
As I lead you through these 4 inquiries, bring a challenge, a catalyst, a situation you are working or that is working you. And we can apply it to inquiries and see what emerges!
Some of what we'll explore:
1. The power of wonder. Inquiry: I wonder...
2. The power of quintessence. Inquiry: What is at the core? What is the essence?
3. The power of seeing beyond your five senses to shift out of fear into a response that leads to harmony and healin. Inquiry: What's real? What's needed? What do I need?
4. The power of choosing to move forward consciously vs waiting for change to kick you in the butt. Inquiry: How do we/I move forward from here?
See you there!
p.s. Come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe to get connected into conversation and exploration with other wise, courageous women daring to do things differently.
It's time to activate and utilize one of the most powerful tools we have to stay centered, sustained and focused on what matters - the Power Pause.
This practice gets us focused the last 3 months / 4 moon cycles of the year. And does wonders for keeping us healthy in an unhealthy world.
There are many things you could do these last 3 months of the year, but what is really most important to you? What will bring you the best returns ? And what shifts in your habits, patterns, and structures are needed to support you in this last cycle?
Wise women know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support them to grow their work, wealth and relationships, to support their health, and to keep them focused on what matters.
The September Equinox offers you insight to illuminate where the imbalances currently exist in your life & how to reset yourself and refocus your life force - especially the ways in which you are over giving and under receiving, the habits that may have worked in the summer but won't support you now, and the ways in which making changes to your home, health and wealth can support you to end your year strong, sane and supported.
In this Feminine Power Time : POWER PAUSE: Reflect, Rebalance and Reset Your Focus at Equinox ... and exhale! 4 Inquiries to Get Focused on What Matters Most the Last Part of this Year & Feel Good About What You've Already Done...
Women's leadership and empowerment advisor and teacher, Christine Arylo, marries her MBA business background with 15+ years of wisdom and spiritual study in practical ways that can support you to elevate out of overwhelm, stay focused on what matters, shift sabotaging habits and take care of small things that make a big difference.
Tune into this Power Pause and:
Be led through a visualization and meditation to:
Power Pauses are a form of feminine leadership which teaches us to work in harmony with the natural cycles of how the material and mystical world both work. Part of her Feminine Wisdom School and Feminine Leadership Programs Arylo teaches how to use this ancient wisdom and way of working to apply to creating a life and work that creates an impact and is sustainable.
In the second part of our series on Staying Sane in an Insane World, this week we press the "elevate" button to get a wider, higher view of what's happening in our world landscape.
This practice of "pressing the elevate button" is how we find wisdom amongst the madness, find our way to center in the midst of chaos, and open up possibility, compassion and connection instead of more of the same game humankind has been stuck in some thousands of years.
I've been contemplating what I would share in this podcast "4 Perspectives for Staying Sane in an Insane World" as I've been in deep listening and observing mode.
What I share are four perspectives to contemplate, consider, chew on, try on and be curious about. Take what resonates, leave the rest. All I ask is you come with an open heart and mind, in service to us each unlocking ourselves and all beings and life from the consciousness that just no longer serves.
Some of what we'll explore:
Plus I will sing a little diddy for you at the end.
Share the English paper I wrote that broke my heart open and opened my wise woman eyes.
I'll end us with a short meditation and leave you with these words:
Who do you choose to be?
Remember your personal healing matters.
Believe your personal choices matter.
How will you give your gifts and voice to create the world you know in your heart is possible?
See you there!
Upcoming Trainings, Programs and Experiences
What I know about this fall and winter...
1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils 2021/2022 - for women whose work and purpose is to re-imagine and re-design the way we work as a world ... through the field you work in and the presence you are ... and would love to have collaboration, guidance, wisdom, space with other conscious change makers.
Starts October 2021. Applications being accepted now.
2. Path of Self Love 12-week training for professional: Self Love Essentials: Specific Self Love Tools for emotional and mental wellness in our times - www.PathofSelfLove.org
3. Fierce Grace: Power Presence Purpose. Feminine Leadership Experience - 6-week, virtual - Starts Sept 29th.
4. Overworked and Over It Virtual Workshop - date to come. Free admission with purchase of a book. www.OverwhelmedandOverit.com
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
The word sane means free from mental disturbance. I would add emotional disturbance too. The kinds that creates confusion, doubt, impulsive choices, procrastination and all kinds of the commotion we might be feeling within, and are seeing spinning in our world.
While we cannot stop the insanity we see happening in our world and the people within it at a whole new level these days (or even may be feeling ourselves)... there are things we can DO to stay sane, sustained, centered and focused on what matters.
We 'do' these things - called practices - not just when the wave of insanity becomes a tsunami or a tropical storm. The wise ones put these into place proactively, we design our lives, the way we work, think and operate with them.
Our daily and weekly practices are the structures that hold us no matter what is happening around us.
Our practices give us the space to have our human emotions and release them out of our system so we can respond from an elevated, higher frequency, more humane consciousness that opens people and possibility up vs. creating more polarity and unhelpful chaos.
Our practices give us wisdom.
So we can use our creative life force to create the world we desire for ourselves, each other, and those we love, lead and influence.
So here's what we are going to do these next three episodes of Feminine Power Time focused on "Staying Sane in an Insane World" ... Start with 4 practices for staying emotionally & mentally healthy & clear in this episode #162. Then perspectives. Then possibilities.
We are going to be with what is, and use our super power to lighten up, be the creators and the makers, and ensure we have what we need to make clear, supportive choices and navigate when we 'fall off our surfboard'.
Tune in and I'll share more about the practices:
Did you know that the root of the word SANE means healthy?
Which means we are diving into how to Stay Healthy in an Unhealthy World.
Just think about that re-frame ... if you let your wise being eyes see the unhealthy worlds and realities... and you make a choice to stay healthy - mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationally and materially at this time - how would that inform or guide your daily, weekly and bigger choices.
Something to ponder ... and put into practice :)
With great heart,
p.s. Remember to share your insights on the Feminine Power Time Survey Here - THANK YOU!
Upcoming Trainings, Programs and Experiences
What I know about this fall and winter...
1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils 2021/2022 - for women whose work and purpose is to re-imagine and re-design the way we work as a world ... through the field you work in and the presence you are ... and would love to have collaboration, guidance, wisdom, space with other conscious change makers.
Starts October 2021. Applications being accepted now.
2. Path of Self Love 12-week training for professional: Self Love Essentials: Specific Self Love Tools for emotional and mental wellness in our times - www.PathofSelfLove.org
3. Fierce Grace: Power Presence Purpose. Feminine Leadership Experience - 6-week, virtual - Starts Sept 29th.
What's still forming...
2021 Women's Wisdom Quest & Live Gatherings - virtual last year, may be this year too. As well as some in person, intimate gatherings in Austin, Arizona, and Seattle.
And more. Stay tuned.
You and I have the super power to consciously choose to catalyze ourselves vs. wait to be catalyzed the a big Universal 2x4. We have the power to work with the catalyzing energy happening on our planet right now in a way that supports and serves us and others vs. overwhelming us. But like any super power, if you can't name it and articulate it, you can't wield its power.
The feminine super power of catalyze is: the power to use the situations that life brings you as liberators and elevators that lift YOU & OTHER up to expanded levels of consciousness and reality.
When you choose to embrace your power to catalyze yourself out of a comfort zone, with focus and swiftness, you release and shed what's no longer needed (and is weighing you down)...
And as a result take a self empowered step into your soul's evolution, liberating yourself to a more full, true, empowered expression.
When you shift how what's challenging you right now in your life from something happening to you into something happening through you, you step into your power to meet and work with whatever is showing up.... as a process and path to greater healing, freeing and expressing.
Look around your life right now - at your work, your relationships, your physical foundation of health, wealth and home. Ask yourself:
1. What would I LOVE to catalyze in my life right now?
2. What is already being catalyzed in your life? And if you named it, you could powerfully start working with it vs it working you.
Then Join me for episode 161 of Feminine Power Time - Feminine Super Power: Catalyze! Release the comfortable. Embrace the call to shift.
This is practical wisdom in action - to apply to whatever is catalyzing or wants to be in your life. We'll dive into:
We'll reveal and identify:
Tune in. And if you missed the podcast series on Sacred Transformation #126 - 128, tune in to that too.
See you there.
p.s. Remember to share your insights on the Feminine Power Time Survey Here - THANK YOU!
Wisdom Byte:
Sometimes we need to RELEASE what we've been good at so we can step into our greatness.
9 Common Catalyzers / Soul Curriculum:
Relationships - Romantic
Relationships - Friends or specific gender
Relationships - Family
Upcoming Trainings, Programs and Experiences
What I know about this fall and winter...
1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils 2021/2022 - for women whose work and purpose is to re-imagine and re-design the way we work as a world ... through the field you work in and the presence you are ... and would love to have collaboration, guidance, wisdom, space with other conscious change makers.
Starts October 2021. Applications being accepted now.
2. Path of Self Love 12-week training for professional: Self Love Essentials: Specific Self Love Tools for emotional and mental wellness in our times - www.PathofSelfLove.org
3. Fierce Grace: Power Presence Purpose. Feminine Leadership Experience - 6-week, virtual - Starts Sept 29th.
What's still forming...
2021 Women's Wisdom Quest & Live Gatherings - virtual last year, may be this year too. As well as some in person, intimate gatherings in Austin, Arizona, and Seattle.
And more. Stay tuned.
When people ask me how I am doing, I always say to them "I am in the yoga of life." It's the most accurate, honest and frankly rewarding answer. Twenty years ago when I found yoga and it found me, I didn't realize how much it would re-shape how I saw the world, and honestly how much it would prepare me for this world today. I can honestly say that I would not be able to do what I do, be the person I am, without it.
Yoga is so much more than being bend, meditating for hours or proving our strength by how long you can hold a pose, or if you can do a handstand.
Yoga means union.
The physical practice of yoga is just one gateway into what is a well of golden wisdom that the yogis left for us to meet the times we are in. It's like then knew 'this' - today's intense world - was coming.
And while I talk about yogic wisdom all the time, and it's informed so much of my teachings, I also find that we have a lot of misperceptions about yoga in the western world. And there's so much more to it that is right there, if we are willing to open up to it.
Which is why I invited a new friend, Patsy Kuo Eisenstein, a native of Taiwan who moved to the US at the age of 20, and host o f the New & Ancient Story Community to join us for a special "wise woman tea" session of Feminine Power Time: #160: Living Life as A Yoga, Yogi Perspectives for Thriving in Our Times.
We invite you to join us as we look through the eyes of the yogi, through our personal journey with yoga, the practice of yoga not just on the mat, but in every area of our lives, and how yoga as a way of life is core to our ability to serve this world and stay sustained within ourselves.
We share our experience of:
Tune in.
Join us.
And then connect with Patsy. And come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and join in the conversation.
with great heart,
About Wise Woman Tea Episodes
These wise woman teas are special episodes always bringing forth a specific wisdom tradition we can lean into and look through to give us perspective, insight and elevated tools for how to meet and be with the times we live in.
About Patsy Eisenstein
Patsy Kuo Eisenstein, a native of Taiwan, has lived what seems like many lifetimes in one. She has forteen names including a spiritual name which means "the one who is without a name." She has experienced deep trauma and equally deep healing. She is normal and she is extraordinary. Through her life long journey from the darkness and the light, she has become a yogi.
In her youth, she had worked in law offices, Silicon Valley, real estate & construction, yoga education, nature health avacate and many other fields. She's also an artist, graphic designer, naturalist, esoteric practitioner, and a playful child at heart. Her proudest role in life is the mother of her three sons. Today she's married and lives in Maryland USA.
She serves as host of A New and Ancient Story Community, a reverence based global community. She works closely with her former husband and forever friend and family, Charles Eisenstein.
Connect with Pasty at: https://www.naascommunity.org/
Inspired Actions with Christine
1. Share your insights and feedback on the podcast and how we communicate - I would LOVE and appreciate your feedback in the Feminine Power Time Survey.
2. Come to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and join in on the conversation on this Podcast and others.
Click here to gain access to the cafe.
Upcoming Trainings, Programs and Community
1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils - for women here to re-imagine and re-design the way we and the world work. Starts Oct 22nd. www.ElevateLeadershipCouncils.com
2. Path of Self Love Essentials Training - for professionals who would love to learn specific tools to use with their clients and in their work that strengthen self-love, emotional and mental wellness, and relationships. Starts Sept. www.SelfLoveTraining.com