Are the choices you are making creating freedom for you? Or are you unknowningly creating realities that keep you stuck, stressed and out of alignment with what you truly desire? Most of us subconsciously make choices that laden us down vs. liberate us... but how do you know?
Take a power pause with Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher to shine a light on the ways in which you may be sabotaging your own freedom, so you can make sure you are making choices that lead to creating a life that supports and sustains what truly matters to you. In this episode of Feminine Power Time you'll gain wisdom on:
Make a conscious choice to gain the wisdom, tools and practices to keep you on your path, even if that means stepping outside of conventional wisdom and your comfort zone... And keep yourself out of overwhelm and burnout.
Join Christine for the yearly Burnout to Balance 40-day Practice - Starts April 15th -
Join Christine for her mid year Power Pause - a feminine wisdom weekend at Kripalu Retreat Center - July 27-29