Last Feminine Power Time we talked about the "meta" and "collective" - what the themes, energy and patterns are in the larger field as we go into 2025. This gives us wisdom for how to move through this year.
Today, we turn to the "personal" - what are the themes, awarenesses, perspectives and ways of looking at our lives and our choices within them. So we can walk through 2025 centered, sustained, focused on what matters, using this catalytic time for our good and the good of all. Without burning out, running back to normal or missing the possibility.
Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead, 2025, Part Two. Keeping Peace in Our Cells
I'll share with you a series of themed wisdom and inquiries + practices that I'm applying myself and using with all the leaders and communities I work with.
I will also take you through some embodied integration of the wisdom, so it really lands in your body, being and brain.
Here are some of the Wisdom Pearls you can put in your pocket to guide your choices now and in the months to come - use these proactively + also in the moments when you get the internal wobbles, or the external world or circumstances threaten to pull you into the swirl.
See you there!
p.s. >> SHARE THIS EPISODE with a FRIEND --> Conversate on the inquiries + make a pact to be Elevators for each other when you need support finding the peace.
RESOURCES - Additional Podcast Series Mentioned
At the start of every lunar new year or about three weeks into the calendar year, I tune in to this inquiry "What is the wisdom that can guide us forward into the next year cycle?" First I we look at the "meta/macrocosm" bigger cycles and patterns happening that we are all a part of. Then we zone in to the "personal/microcosm" to discern how we set ourselves up with the support, structure, and strategies ... this is where our personal power and leadership lives.
In this episode, we dive into the macro energies - which are bigger than ever this year. Which is why we are going to lean into of the best wisdom tools and ancient science modalities I know to navigate changing times and the unknown - Evolutionary Astrology.
To gain some insight on: What does this all mean? How do we be?
The macro energies are invisible to our naked eye, but if we have access to langauge for the invisible, and open up our perception to our higher mind and innate knowing, we start to see the bigger patterns at play.
So instead of being whipped around by the meta energies, we gain the insight and power to work with them.
Evolutionary astrology can help us make sense of what's unfolding, find our place in these larger cycles of time, and gain some sanity, clarity and calm to keep us centered for whatever comes.... and most importantly remember how to utllize our creative power, our unique path and our super powers to enjoy the waves of transformation, even if they make us a little sea sick at times:)
I invited a dear friend, teacher, and evolutionary astrologer Shannon Lei Gill, to bring her depth of wisdom on this system that is definitely a game elevator for us in these times.
I invite you to:
See you there!
Resources to Connect with Shannon and Learn More
Upcoming Happenings
Connect with Christine
Website -
There are many things you could do this year, many things you think you should do, or maybe this year you have no idea what to do!? Or maybe you are feeling like you'd rather just pull the cover over your head.
Wisdom teaches us to use the practice of "inquiry" to consider the path before moving into action... which results in more easeful effort, sustainable success + fluid efficiency (plus keeps us light, which we need during challenging times, to keep us sustained.)
Wisdom requires us to slow down, to hear the insights and guidance. So we practice the "Slow Start Our Year" and intentionally give ourselves space to hear our deeper truth and wisdom.
If we want to access Wisdom vs. just more mental ideas, we need to FEEL not THINK our way forward.
CONSIDER THIS: Your mind can only create what it's done or seen before. If we want things to be different, we have to go deeper - into our hearts, bodies, and "subtle energy" realms.
Which also means we also need something to 'do' -- we can't just sit around and wait for insight to drop in, LOL.
Every January I pull a small set of potent inquiries from the Emerge Visioning process that are like portals into a more expansive possibility, higher intelligence, and guidance. This morning I combed through the inquiries in the Emerge Journal an pulled 5 to get you started visioning, intention setting & focusing for the year to come.
I will walk you through Wisdom inquiries in the podcast + they are posted on my wisdom blog here.
See you there!
>>p.s. BE AN ELEVATOR, SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH ONE PERSON + then conversate together-- Just share, or dare create connection by 'doing' the inquiries together.
1. EMERGE Visioning Journey -
2. Feminine Wisdom Way 2025 - Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best.