Are you clearing your emotional and energetic fields? What do you do when you get "gooped" by the world, a person, the news, the physical and virtual environments you find yourself in, or even by your own emotional triggers?
In this episode, Christine, Jennifer, and special guest Noah Martin explore what it means to be “gooped”, how to know when you are gooped up, how does it happen, and what do you do in the moment or as prevention to keep the external forces from knocking you off kilter?
Clearing your emotional and energetic fields is a must in our world today; just like you brush your teeth and get in your daily steps. On today’s podcast, we’ll explore how to care for your emotional and energetic bodies by looking at:
Get your practitioners, practices, and people in place that will keep you at a high frequency and keep your being light. Build these into your daily, weekly, and monthly rhythm to support your radiance.
Between now and the next episode, Christine, Jennifer, and Noah invite you to contemplate the inquiry: What To Do When I Get Gooped? Awareness is the first step to making a shift, and by the end of this episode you will have the tools to bring awareness to what tends to goop you up. You’ll also receive practices and resources to support you in clearing your emotional and energetic fields so that you can Stay Light. Join us!
Resources & Links:
Meditations by Noah - UnGoop Meditation
Overwhelmed and Over It Book - Section 2 Liberate Your Life Force
Daily Morning Flow Kit - Morning Receiving Practice book + video
Energy Clearing Sessions with Noah
Noah’s 10 Before 10 - take 10 deep breaths daily before 10:00 a.m.
Saltwater bath or saltwater in a bowl on your nightstand
Plus…other modalities for De-Gooping and Staying Light to check out: EMDR - Seemorg Matrix - Family Constellations - Chi Gong - Tai Chi - Kundalini Yoga - Kriya Yoga - Pranayama - Earthing
What’s next?
Ways to Connect:
Every year the wise one pause at the mid point of the year to reflect back and receive (acknowledge and honor) all of the progress made (so we can feel it, believe it, and savor it)... and to reset, restore and reset our pace for the next 3 months.
In this episode, Christine Arylo will walk you through a series of inquiries that will help you slow down, and tune in and
Between now and the next episode, we invite you to contemplate of these inquiries, as it relates to how you choose to spend your time, give your energy, focus your attention these next 3 months including:
What’s next?
Ways to Connect:
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The brightness and strength of your radiance affects every aspect of your wellbeing – from your physical health, to your access to your intuition and power, to your ability to share your gifts and genius with the world.
In this episode, Christine and Jennifer share inquiries and practices to illuminate what's draining or dimming your radiance, so that you can see it, name it, and be at choice with how to work with the forces that diminish radiance. All in order to stay light and bright, even during this challenging time in the world.
Beginning where you have the power within you to make shifts, regardless of what’s going on externally, they explore the 6 Ways We Drain, Dim, or Distort Our Radiance:
Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to contemplate the inquiry: What Drains My Radiance? Awareness is the first step to making a shift, and by the end of this episode you will have the tools to bring awareness to what’s diminishing your radiance. You’ll also receive practices to support you in making shifts to restore your radiance. Join us!
Resources & Links:
What’s next?
Ways to Connect:
What is Radiance? And how can cultivating our own inner radiance support us in Staying Light amidst the swirl and chaos of the present time?
In this episode (the first in the nine part Season of Light Series), Christine Arylo and co-host of this series Jennifer Alexander, discuss the importance of restoring your radiance as a way of Staying Light through transformational times. They explore both the mystical and material realms of radiance, and share simple yet mighty practices that can support you to restore your radiance levels to be bright and vibrant, and then keep that brightness and lightness strong, growing and glowing for the rest of this year.
You will learn:
What is Radiance and why it matters.
How Radiance dictates your health, relationships, ability to attract and receive opportunities, intuition, and overall mental and emotional wellbeing.
The difference between life force and Radiance, and where Radiance lives in your body.
Creative processes to reveal practical wisdom that you can apply to how you structure your life and make choices during the upcoming months – all with the intention of sustaining your Radiance.
Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to contemplate the inquiry: What Sustains My Radiance? As leaders, change makers, and beings daring to do things differently to create a better and more beautiful world, we need to Stay Light, even in - especially in - the face of challenge and chaos. It's HOW we lead and live through this time. Join us!
What’s next?
Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through August - and invite a friend to join you!
Participate in the Mid Year Power Pause retreat that begins June 19th.
Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on what sustains your radiance.
Ways to Connect:
Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters
Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, a private online community
Watch on YouTube