
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo











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Dec 4, 2017

How you complete the year directly impacts how you feel and start the coming year. So how do you want to FEEL when you wake up in the new year? So that you can start the new year ready, at a full tank, clear and strong on the inside? 

This is a question I ask every year as the holiday swirl starts so that I make sure I don't get caught up in the over consuming, over eating, over spending, over scheduling, over shopping...a set up for starting the new year depleted and already feeling behind. 

I developed this Feminine Super Power Practice, which I use every year and have taught women around the world, to give us 'super power' to make choices over the holidays that support and sustain us vs drain us... so that come the start of the new year we are recharged and ready for what is to come. 

I call it the Holiday Harmonizer. It's simple yet mighty. I'll teach you the practice, lead you through it, and then send you off with a simple way to practice it every day until Jan 2nd. 

It will help you say no to the invitations and to do's that don't really matter. Say no to OVER consuming and connecting. And say YES to those things that really do replenish you. 

Tune into this Feminine Power Time:

  • Get clear about how you desire to FEEL come the new year so you can make your choices now in a way that aligns 
  • Learn the Holiday Harmonizing Practice - and how it works to keep you clear and strong physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
  • Gain the super power to say no to things you don't want to do, and find new ways to connect with those you love without giving yourself away 
  • Get a daily practice you can do in less than 3 minutes each morning to connect within, keeping you out of the holiday swirl or other people's holiday swirl 

This Super Power Practice is part of the Feminine Super Power Year training, where women come to live, lead and succeed the feminine way in practical and powerful ways in how they approach their work, health, wealth, home and relationships. 

Join Christine for the annual Year End Power Pause & Relfection Ritual -  RSVP at (men and women invited)



Nov 26, 2017

SPACIOUSNESS... we all desire it. But we have not been taught how to cultivate it. We've been told to "find time," "Make time for self care", "meditate and be mindful" ... but time can't be found, self care is a way of life not something to add to your to do list, and WHY are we meditating and being so mindful? 

Feeling Spacious on the inside is not just some nice self care strategy... cultivating spaciousness is fundamental part of our ability to be powerful, courageous leaders... essential for accessing our inner wisdom to make wise choices... foundational to our health, emotionally and physically... and super power for staying young, vital and radiant. 

Cultivating spaciousness is a big part of what we teach and practice at our feminine wisdom school and in "Feminine Super Power Year" so it becomes a way of life. 

In this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, shares:

  • Why focusing on FEELING spacious on the inside empowers you in your wellness and leadership in ways that self-care and stress management don't    
  • The SPACIOUSNESS STAR ... a model that includes the 5 points that we need to put in place in order to feel spacious on the inside 
  • The spiritual and physical points that need to be strong and present in your life, or else it's almost impossible to cultivate spaciousness
  • Two words that you can embrace to release the relentless pressure to make more, be more and have more that makes you feel like you aren't enough or don't have enough time. 

Give yourself the gift of feeling SPACIOUS by choosing to cultivate it and claim it... timeless feminine wisdom put to use in your day to day life. 

To get the 5 points of the Spaciousness Star, visit the feminine wisdom blog at 

To learn more about Feminine Super Power Year, visit 

To learn more about the Dream Partnership Retreat - 

To receive Christine Arylo's weekly feminine wisdom letters, subscribe at 

Nov 13, 2017

When you pause in November to get clear about how you COULD spend your energy, time and resources and then mindfully choose where to focus in your work, relationships, and personal health ... you are so much more likely to end the year feeling good about your choices, and so start the year ready and regenerated for what is to come.

This practice is called POWER PAUSING. Wise leaders do it 4-8 times a year at key points that harmonize us with the natural cycles. 

Specifically we do it in November so we don't get caught up in the swirl of the holiday madness and consumption, but instead make space for what matters. 

In this power pause, Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor:

  • Teaches you about power pauses - why they work and how they support us as leaders, esp during intense times
  • Gives you 4 inquiries to ask yourself that you can apply to your work, relationships and personal health to create the space to complete what matters most to you by the end of the year
  • Shares how to stop the holiday time patterns and rituals that drain you and create new ones that sustain you
  • Shares how to use these wisdom tools to create deeper connection with your partner, team, friends and yourself. 

To receive Christine Arylo's feminine wisdom letters weekly - go to

Attend her annual Year End Power Pause and Reflection Ritual on Dec 17th - livestreamed from Valley of the Moon Wine Country. 


Nov 5, 2017

"Our women's wombs are not only for birthing children, but also for birthing new worlds" - Gaia Codex. 

There lives within the heart and body and spirit of every woman a deep wisdom... that goes beyond the intellect, beyond this time and way of thinking... some call it a 'codex' ... others call it a 'sacred web'... most of us were not taught how to access this deeper well and web of wisdom in our conventional school, families or on-the job trainings.

Yet knowing how to access and work with this wisdom and the 'sacred technology' it offers us, is the very key to the answers we seek on how we create, lead and live at this time in the world.

In this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo and guest Sarah Drew, author of Gaia Codex, invite you into:

  • An exploration of feminine wisdom - what feminine wisdom really is?
  • An application of feminine wisdom - powerful ' sacred technology' that can support us to lead the way to creating the world we each desire to live in and each feel called to be part of creating.
  • Remembering this wisdom that has always been accessible to us as women - but we have forgotten how to access it, trust it and use it to inform our work in this world. Until now.
  • Expanding your access to the 'Codex' and power of 'Sacred Circle' to fuel and focus your work and support you to create in a way that sustains you personally as well as professionally.

Sarah Drew is the author of Gaia Codex and also one of the 11 wisdom teachers in The Art of Sacred Circle, a collective group of women, led by Christine Arylo, to birth new offerings, programs and trainings that create transformation and connection, and support their sacred work to grow, the feminine way.

To learn about The Art of Sacred Circle training and incubator -which starts in the Fall of every year go to

To learn more about Sarah Drew and Gaia Codex go to  

Oct 27, 2017

Why is it that we hide and hold back? When our inner wisdom whispers, or screams, at us to step forward, be more visible, speak up, be a force for change, give our great work, be seen in new ways that can feel vulnerable... why can even the most courageous confident woman hold back, procrastinate, distract herself with busyness, and any other of a myriad of strategies we employ that keeps us smaller than we are and less seen that we need to be?

There are real reasons we distract and sabotage ourselves from stepping out and giving our sacred work in new ways, speaking our truth or wisdom or making an offering that feels vulnerable or risky. 

And in this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo, with a special guest, open up a provoking conversation to explore what keeps women from stepping forward to be more visible and seen, including:

  • Illuminate the reasons behind why women hide and hold back that most people don't talk about - but would serve all women to know. 
  • Feminine Fear - what it is, how it works and how the collective fear of women being persecuted for being powerful and having wisdom still affects us today 
  • How we stop ourselves from putting our work, thoughts, offerings out there because we short circuit ourselves ... and yogic and feminine wisdom to just get started, even if it's not perfect.
  • The new model for creating and making our offerings and doing our sacred work in the world that requires us to stop isolating and start creating in collaboration. 

For those of you who are called to hold space for others or gather others to create connection and transformation, the 2017 Art of Sacred Circle Creative Incubator and Circle Training starts Nov 9th. Create and birth your next offering, program, circle, in sisterhood, with other wise women who dare to step forward to make shift happen. 


Oct 23, 2017

We need sisterhood more than ever. Not just one friend or one group of women we relate to - but multiple 'circles' of women
 with different levels of intimacy, relationship, and connection that can be there with us and for us as we navigate through the intense and uncertain world we live in. 

Cultivating strong circles of sisterhood are our life saving devices during these intense and uncertain times.

With strong circles and connection to circles of other women -
that we are part of consistently, that we can reach out to in times of crisis or challenge, that know us, hold us and love us unconditionally- we can weather any storm that comes our way AND we gain the strength, courage and compassion to stretch in all the ways we are being called to grow and change.

Join Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, and Shasta Nelson, friendship expert, for an illuminating and thought provoking conversation and exploration that includes: 

  • How can you strengthen your circle of sisterhood?

  • Female health fact that might surprise you + the difference between BELONGING and CONNECTING

  • Why friendships don't just happen - get more conscious about the ingredients and actions for calling in + deepening your female connections

  • The 3 components all friendships need to thrive 

  • Why all friendships don't progress to deeper connections + how to tell which ones have the potential for growth

  • What to do when you are feeling a 'sisterhood deficit'?

  • What you desire NOW to strengthen your sisterhood connections?

To learn more about creating gatherings/circles/programs that create connection and transformation for women - check out - a training and creative incubator that starts Nov 9th with Christine Arylo and featuring Shasta Nelson. 

To read the full blog that goes with this episode go to


Oct 8, 2017

On the eve of my 12th wedding anniversary, I invited my life partner Noah Martin to join us for an intimate, real and illuminating conversation on what the heck is going on in the dynamics between women and men who are in partnership? 

I've been talking with so many of the women I work with and hearing the same things...  

* Strong women exhausted from being the major money maker or care taker and tired of holding this role, but don't see another way

* Men who are good men but who can't seem to find their path and purpose or drive, or men who are driven but can't open up emotionally

* So many men who seem isolated, and are trying to figure it out without the support and brotherhood they need (and failing) - and their partners who are tired of trying to support them to get support.

* Couples where both people aren't totally happy with their 'roles' but don't know how to get out of them and create a new reality for their partnership 

* Single women who desire partnership but can't seem to find a 'good man' who is open to growing with them spiritually, together, and also has his sovereignty in tact. 

In this episode of Feminine Power Time, Noah and I sat at our kitchen table - a table made from a temple door from Indonesia, and opened the portal to share our experience in the way these same dynamics play out for us, what we have learned, how we have continued to create a partnership where we both can thrive, and some insight into why the way we are in relationship is calling for an upgrade and new ways. 

** We also share our "Love Treaty" - our agreements for when we fight, how we operate in our partnership, and how we use conflict to create more possibility for us both. Go here to get a copy 

** Noah Martin is a trained relationship advisor with a masters degree is Spiritual Psychology, and a former economic analyst and risk assessor who helps couples navigate their big life decisions and work together to create dream partnerships where both people thrive. Noah works individually with couples and individuals. Contact him at   

Sep 21, 2017

In intense times, we need "sacred space" to tap into our own inner wisdom more than ever... or else we run the risk of getting swept into the swirl of the world. But what is sacred space? How do you create it? What does it give us? And how can you make it part of the rhythm of your life without needing to find more time.

Taped here at the Fall Equinox - a super power time of the year for taking a power pause - sacred space to rebalance and reharmonize and reset your focus for the second half of the year, join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time episode and:

  • Get the wisdom byte on what sacred space actually is and why it has such super power (different from making time)
  • Learn about the four most powerful times of the year to take sacred space
  • Tap into how to use the Sept Equinox and the end of October for illuminating the path ahead in your work, life, relationships, health
  • Receive a mini power pause meditation with Christine including the 3 wisdom inquiries to ask yourself now at Fall Equinox so you can focus your energy, time and resources on what matters most the rest of the year
  • Why wise women and men vision in late Oct /early November not in January.

To learn about Christine's yearly Women's Wisdom Quest - this year in the Santa Cruz Mountains Oct 29-Nov 4th go to  


Sep 8, 2017

How do you stay connected with compassion and courage to the world around you and all that is occurring during these intense times without getting overwhelmed by it? Or distracted by it? Or just pulling the covers over your head and forgetting all about it.

Between the natural disasters of floods and fires, and the human disasters of man made missles launching over countries, and man made missles of frustation and anger being launched daily through Facebook, in the streets, in the workplace... just how do you deal with this in a way that is compassionate and caring but without becoming consumed by it? 

The sages predicted we would enter this time of catalyzation - it is intense. And they also left us wisdom for how to 'be' with it in which we can be the calm in the storm vs adding fuel to the fire. 

Join Christine Arylo, at this Feminine Power Time, for a invoking and elevating conversation about how those who desire to be part of changing the world and creating a world that supports humanity instead of separates it can:

  • Be connected to the world, without becoming overwhelmed by it, and getting caught in the swirl of fear and frenzy.
  • Have compassion and be an agent for change without becoming an empathetic mess who takes on others feelings 
  • Stay focused on your part and feel like what you are doing is enough 
  • The one thing we each need to cultivate more of during this time to stay centered - and how we can lead others to do the same

To learn more about Christine's work go to to receive her weekly Wisdom Letters and learn about the upcoming Wisdom Quest and Art of Sacred Circle Incubator and Training.

To be part of the shift by teaching others self love go to 


Aug 24, 2017

When a woman or girl knows how to tell the difference between the inner force that reacts from fear, shame and judgment and sabotages her and the inner force that guides her from loving truth, to respond in accordance to her truth, she gains 'super power'. Super power to make the choices both small (in her daily live) and big (like who she will marry or if she will marry, what career she will choose, where she will live).

In my dream world, girls would be taught about their "Feminine Super Power of Intuition" and how to create a strong self trust from a very early age - as early as 6 or 7 (because that is when the other force starts to appear). And then we would grow up as young women talking about these forces, supporting each other to discern between them. We would live our lives as women holding space for each other to sort between what yogi's call the distorted negative mind and the distorted positive mind to find our neutral minds where they say we can know our truth within 9 seconds. We would live our lives trusting our intuition and we would follow it no matter what - even when we are scared or it goes against conventional wisdom or our peers.

In this week's Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, we'll tap into the yogic and divine feminine wisdom and explore:

  • What are these two inner forces within the hearts, minds and bodies within all women and girls - and how do we discern the difference between which one is behind our thoughts and actions?
  • How do we strengthen our self trust so we can choices that honor and support us - in our relationships, career, health, wealth, everything
  • What happens to women and girls when they don't trust their inner wisdom (i will share some stories that will touch your heart)
  • A couple simple feminine super power practices you can start using right away in your daily life to bring more awareness of these two forces, shifting negative self talk, self doubt and self sabotaging habits into self loving actions.

And of course we will end with a mighty meditation to make this all personal and embodied. Remember, feminine power is not a mental idea, it's an embodied practice and wisdom.

If you'd like to learn more about the inner force that sabotages you, who I call the "inner Mean Girl" take this short but enlightening quiz 

If you would like to be part of the movement of people teaching girls and women self-trust and how to work with these two inner forces, consider joining us for The Path of Self Love Training & Certificate program -

To Join us for the free class on Transforming Inner Critics - go to  

Aug 17, 2017

If you could trust your Inner Wisdom more,
what would you be doing differently right now?

And just how do you tell the difference between the smart guidance of your Inner Wisdom and the fear or blind faith of  
that 'other' self-sabotaging inner voice?

How do you gain access to that deep wisdom within to guide your choices, and then conjure up the courage to follow it's guidance... no matter what??


There is no question most of us are feeling stressed, stretched and affected by the external swirl - so how do we stay clear, centered, and confident inside ourselves?

The truth is... 

While we may not be able to stop bullets with bracelets, as women and girls we DO have super powers for staying S.T.R.O.N.G., the feminine way.

And we need access to this internal power so we can be the leaders we desire to be for this world, our families, our work, our communities and ourselves.

Join Christine Arylo for this special episode of Feminine Power Time - a Feminine Wisdom Session & Salon streamed live with women around the world, where we explore:

  • The mental, physical, emotional and spiritual affects of the external swirl + how it's impacting our ability to make choices, stay clear and stay confident and grounded in our truth and inner knowing.
The 5  self-commitments we can make to ourselves to help us stay S.T.R.O.N.G, the feminine way - focused & fluid, courageous & compassionate, intuitively-tapped in, instead of overly-plugged in.
  • How to tell the difference between the smart guidance of your Inner Wisdom and the fear and blind faith of your self-sabotaging inner voice who fills your head with doubt, confusion & judgment.]
Some simple but mighty 'feminine super power' tools and practices to help you more consistently gain access to the deep wisdom within... so you can guide your choices wisely, and conjure up the courage to follow your Inner Wisdom's matter what. 

To receive the video stream of this Salon and the materials Christine Arylo talks about go to 

Aug 11, 2017

It can be really challenging to discern between your inner voice of fear and the guidance of your inner wisdom - which is why I am sharing this Self Trust Meditation with you, which is from the Self Love Meditation Album I created ( It's a short but mighty way to connect with your Inner Wisdom about a situation, challenge, or choice you might be facing - to help you presence the doubt or fear and potential self sabotage to cut through to the wisdom and truth in your heart and soul. 

Self trust is one of the 10 parts of cultivating a strong inner foundation, a strong self-love. Self trust is the ability to listen to one's inner guidance, gain clarity from within and then act from that inner truth no matter what, even if it scares you or leads you to do things differently than others. 

When a woman or girl knows how to tell the difference between the inner force that reacts from fear, shame and judgment and sabotages her and the inner force that guides her from loving truth, to respond in accordance to her truth, she gains ‘super power’. Super power to make the choices both small (in her daily live) and big (like who she will marry or if she will marry, what career she will choose, where she will live). The choices we make can change the trajectory of our lives – in powerful ways. Think about the choices you have made from your deep inner wisdom … and the choices you have made from fear that went against your inner knowing....

Tune in to this special meditation and have a conversation with your Inner Wisdom - illuminate the fear and then move forward from courage. 

For more of the self love meditations, you can get them on ITUNES or here

To strengthen your self trust even more, attend the Feminine Wisdom Session "Staying Strong and True to Yourself in Intense and Uncertain Times" - admission free. With Christine Arylo  RSVP here 


Aug 3, 2017

YOU DESERVE TO BE AND FEEL SUPPORTED... press pause on the outside world and let's get you the support you need (it's not weak to need support, it's stupid not to know what you need and ask for it and then use your Feminine Power to co-create it.) 

Reality: Women operate like banks who only give withdrawls -we give and give support but we don't RECEIVE the support we need, in our work and families to keep us healthy and well taken care of. Then we get sick or frustrated, feel exhausted and overwhelmed and begin to resent the things we love the most. And the hard truth is, we do it to ourselves.

Hard Truth: We don't ask for the support we NEED and REQUIRE. Instead we sacrifice ourselves and our health, we sabotage ourselves, and we settle - and this is so not self loving or feminine power. 

In this week's Feminine Power Time, I, Christine Arylo, invite you to join me and women and good men around the world to take a stand for getting the support you need so you can FEEL and BE supported in your work, your relationships and your health, wealth and home. Dive in with me as we explore:

  • The signs that you are NOT getting the support you really do NEED - feeling stretched, stressed, stuck? 
  • Why it's so hard to receive the support you need - and why the reasons you think are not the reasons you're blocking the support 
  • The faulty programming we've been imprinted with that makes you believe you should be able to figure things out on your own, and why that keeps you from your heart and souls desires
  • Your life now - tap into your inner wisdom to illuminate where you are not supported now... and what is needed to feel supported  
  • How your brain can sabotage you to stay stuck and stressed in not feeling supported
  • Feminine Wisdom for getting support when money and time feel lean

Go deeper into how to Stay Strong and True To Yourself in Uncertain & Intense Times - attend this free Feminine Wisdom Session with Christine Arylo - RSVP 

Take a Wisdom Quest - 4 days to tap in and illuminate the path ahead - Fall 2017 - details here.

Path of Self Love Training & Certification Program - Reforming Inner Mean Girls. Empowering the Inner Wisdom. 

Jul 27, 2017
Our beautiful, loving, open hearts have at one time or another been tromped on, broken or betrayed and so our normal, and probably necessary action at the time, was to build walls, force "fields, layers of protection around our hearts… resulting in us creating stories and sabotaging patterns that make us work harder than needed, make us
feel lonely, disconnected and like the world is on our shoulders, and keep us from the loving, respectful vibrant partnerships, friendships, families and work relationships we desire.
No matter how powerful, self confident or externally successful most people block the love – support, recognition, joy, connection, intimacy and fun – they crave.
In this feminine power time podcast, Christine Arylo for an illuminating conversation to explore:
  • Signs you are blocking love and support and connect
  • Why all people create blocks to love and support and connection
  • Reveal your specific ‘love cracks’
  • How to identify what strategies you’ve put into place to protect yourself but as a result are sabotaging yourself
  • Simple but mighty practices for expanding your capacity to receive and give love, support, connection, intimacy and joy
To go deeper, check out the 40 Day Choosing ME Before We practice at
And for more on self love visit 


Jul 20, 2017

You can set intentions. You can have desires. But without commitment nothing sticks, projects fizzle out, you dabble instead of thrive, you try to please everyone and do everything. The Yogi's go so far as to say that without commitment you will never find happiness.

But when you choose to consciously commit - to the people, the projects, and the purposes that matter most to you ... wow! you gain super power. 

Committing doesn't just happen and isn't just a one time thing. It's a choice we have to make consciously and often have to re-commit. At key times during the year, wise women take a power pause to ask the question "What am I committed to?" and then design their lives and make their choices based on those commitments. 

Join Christine Arylo, host of Feminine Power Time, for a power pause to get clear on what you really desire to be committed to giving your life force and resources to. In this episode you will explore the 4 P's of commitment and take action to commit to what matters:

  • Shift your relationship to commitment from one of burden, guilt and obligation to one of empowerment and choice 
  • PEOPLE - What are you committed to cultivating in your relationships? And what people specifically are you choosing to commit to out of LOVE not obligation.
  • PURPOSE - What mission, job, assignment that is aligned with your divine purpose and desires to offer this world are you committed to? And the difference between just dipping your toe in and really going for it. 
  • PROJECTS - What project can you commit to bringing into form or contributing to that will elevate your presence, support you to grow, bring your dreams into form now?
  • PACE - What pace of life are committed to support you - and what choices will you make to make sure you don't sell yourself and your wellbeing out?
  • Explore how to navigate when commitments compete for your attention and resources - how do you dance with that in a good way?

It's a personal Feminine Power Time inviting you to focus and fuel your intentions and desires with the power of commitment - a necessary part of the ingredients we often forget or avoid or don't fully embrace.

To join Christine for a Power Pause go to

To connect with Christine Arylo and receive notifications about retreats and programs and also stay connected via her Wisdom Letter go to  

Jun 25, 2017

Where will you choose to direct and spend your powerful and precious life force -energy, time, and care this second half of the year? What really matters to you? What could flourish - in your work, your relationships, your personal wellness and growth - if you just focused there? What could drain you?  These are the inquiries wisdom requires us to ask ourselves if we desire to stay focused on what really matters and direct our energy and resources in powerful focused ways instead of fragmenting our energy trying to too do much, the wrong things, or the wrong things at the wrong time.

Every June Solstice, I, Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor and transformational catalyst, take a "Power Pause" for myself and for years I have been leading others to take these power pauses as ways to strengthen their careers, businesses, health, wealth, relationships and happiness. This year I led a virtual retreat, a one day retreat in Valley of the Moon Wine Country, a 3-hour retreat for a tech companies Women Leadership team... and I always do a short but mighty meditation at the four "Feminine Super Power Days" for my community - the subscribers here of the podcast Feminine Power Time.

Tune into this mini power pause - only 20 minutes or so - and gain some clarity and focus about this next half of the year. 

And if you want to do the full power pause this year - just go to where you can take it anytime in June or July. 

Subscribe to this podcast on Itunes or Stitcher. 




Jun 15, 2017

"The Wisdom is in the Pause.. I am here to remind you not to fear the pause... Some of the most courageous people I know are scared of it, as I have been myself." - Alice Walker, nobel prize winning writer of the Color Purple. 

You and I both know that we NEED to pause on a consistent basis - daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. The scientests have finally proven what yogis and mystics have known for centuries - not only does taking a pause - be it sleep, meditation or a walk in nature - clear our minds and restore our bodies - it literally is what Wisdom requires if you want to run your life from Wisdom vs the collective overculture, status quo and conventional wisdom. 

Yet left to our habits and patterns we will choose to fill the space, or run the outdated "i don't have time program" and then as a result focus on the wrong things, or too many things and our power gets fragmented and our lifeforce drained. 

This is where using what I call the Feminine Super Power of Pause + the practice of power pausing can help in big ways. 

Join Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, and her special guest Rachael O'Meara, author of the book Pause, for this Feminine Power Time: "Power Pauses: The Feminine Super Power Practice of Pausing": 

  • Why we need the pause and why we fear the pause - this is deep! 
  • How to tap into the power of the pause to make it part of your days, weeks, months and years - to increase your vitality, keep your sanity, stay focused on what matters 

  • How to use the power pause in your career when you know you need a change or things aren't working, but you don't know how  

  • A special pause meditation to get connected to what Wisdom is trying to communicate to you now.

This episode of Feminine Power Time is #4 in the Breaking Through the Myth of Balance Series.  Subscribe on Itunes or Stitcher to tune into the others - including "The Intensity Trap" "Beyond Work Life Balance" and "The Feminine Super Power of Harmony".

To take a mid year, end of the year or quarter of year power pause with Christine Arylo go to

To learn more about the book Pause: Harnessing the Power of Giving Yourself a Break by Rachael O'Meara go to


Jun 8, 2017

We lead crazy paced lives in part because we have made the unconscious choice to allow the rhythm of our life to be dictated by the pace the patriarchy and over culture has set - keeping us frenzied, fragmented and not focused on what truly matters. And there is another choice...


Feminine wisdom shows us how to be in the world without being of the world, by taking the powerful act to consciously set the patterns and rhythms of days, weeks, months and years in a way that creates harmony, not havoc.

Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, for this Feminine Power Time, the 3rd in the Breaking Through the Myth of Balance Series, as we illuminate a different way to live - so we can focus on what matters, be the most powerful presences of change, without exhausting ourselves and our resources including:

  • Indigenous, feminine and yogic wisdom for tapping in to the natural order of the cosmos and the earth to create a more natural order and flow to your life
  • How to structure your days, weeks, months and year differently and with intention to create more space for what matters and more space for you
  • Fuel your work and create the space to bring the projects you desire to bring into form using the 4 Feminine Super Power turns of the Year
  • What bio-dynamic farming, business theory and ancient wisdom all agree on regarding the rhythm we need to lead our lives with success
  • The Feminine Super Power of FLOW + Using the Power of Moonifesting - and how you can use it to get what matters done 

To join Christine for a Super Power Pause at one of the 4 key power turns of the year, go to 


Jun 1, 2017

I'm so busy. I have so much to do! Happy to get sick just so I can rest. I have to work this hard all the time. Moving so fast you lose things, forget things, or your body revolts. Feeling overwhelmed by the craziness of the world. Sucked into the internet, news or social media for more than 15 minutes. Your energy getting sucked up by other people's or the world's drama.

These are all signs you have fallen in to the "Intensity Trap" where the pace you are working and managing life at is not sustainable, but it's become 'normal.' Where you let your valuable energy and time get derailed by the happenings in this world in ways that don't empower you or change a thing, but just rile you up to meet the intensity and craziness.  

There is no question we live in intense times. No question that 'busy' and stretched beyond capacity is what we all feel. But it's all a trap - created by systems that were designed to exploit human capacity, distract feminine power and burn you out - physically and emotionally. But like many traps, you often don't know you are in it. Life this way just seems normal. Or you don't realize you have fallen into the trap until you've wasted hours of your precious life force and time.   

In this episode of Feminine Power Time "The Intensity Trap"Are, #2 in the Breaking Through The Myth of Balance Series, feminine leadership advisor and transformational wisdom teacher Christine Arylo, illuminates:

  • The signs you are caught in the Intensity Trap - and living your life at an unsustainable pace that you've made the new normal. You'll never feel balanced if you are always so busy.

  • Why even the smartest people get caught in the Intensity Trap and make themselves sick in order to rest and lead those around them to do the same

  • Ancient Wisdom for how our lives are meant to flow if we are in harmony with the natural order vs. setting our rhythm to the man made pace of burnout - like the ocean our lives are meant to have moment of intensity, moments of stillness, and moments of consistent flow. Not always intense and busy.

  • The power of setting the rhythm of your life to a more natural order and harmony - your days, your weeks, your months and your years. If you aren't consciously setting this for yourself, you are vulnerable to the Intensity Trap.

  • Signs that you are about to get sucked into the world's or a person's intensity in a way that doesn't serve you. And end up wasting your time and life force.

  • Wisdom and super power tools for staying connected and informed in the world without getting overwhelmed by the intensity of it. 

This episode of Feminine Power Time is part of the Breaking Through the Myth of Balance Series. To view more episodes, go to the Feminine Power Time feed on Itunes or to Christine Arylo's website 

Get out of the Intensity Trap by taking a "power pause" with Christine Arylo at the 4 keys shifting points of the natural cycle of how things flow - including mid-year in June and end of the year in December. Go to 

May 25, 2017

There is a reason we find it so hard to "find balance" or 'create work/life balance' - Balance in the way it's held in our mainstream culture is not possible, or even what we truly desire.

Balance can't be found, it's not lost. Work/life balance as an equation for success is the wrong equation. It cannot solve the stress, tension and overwhelm we feel because it is an equation that creates a duality reality which by nature creates tension between two things. Think about it - are there just two parts to your life - work and everything else? No wonder we feel like we don't have enough time or space... we are trying to stuff everything we care about together in half an equation.

Using the 'super power' of Feminine Wisdom to get out of the balance chasing game, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, invites you into this special Feminine Power Series "Breaking Through the Myth of Balance" ... a series dedicated to exploring and sharing a different way of living and leading your life that actually supports you to create the space and have the energy and time to focus on what matters.

Let's upgrade from the work/life balance equation (that cannot get us to what we truly desire) to the Feminine Super Power of Harmony:

In this first episode, The Feminine Super Power of Harmony, we'll dive deep into a heart opening, thought provoking episode and illuminate:

  • Why "Work/Life Balance" is a still a set up for stress and tension & why it's limited in it's ability to make the shifts we desire 
  • What 'balance' really is and how to cultivate it and not chase it so you are stronger at meeting the challenges of life 

  • The Feminine Super Power of Harmony - a new way to approach your life as a dynamic system - vs something to keep balanced/or manage - that when it's working together, creates a harmony inside you and a flow to your life 

  • What it would feel like and be like to be a powerful conductor in your life that directs and moves through the flow of work, family, health, wealth, home. Vs. trying to maintain a 'balanced state' which is like trying to live on a balance beam
  • The 8 parts of Harmony  (all need to flow for you to be and feel in the flow) + a meditation to identify where your life is currently in harmony and in disharmony so you can make shift happen.

Through her Feminine Super Power teachings, Christine Arylo defines The Feminine Super Power of Harmony as "The ability to create a rhythm to your life – your days, weeks, months & years – that supports and sustains you and allows you to be graceful, powerful & flexible in how you interact with, lead, and respond to all parts of your life. Your life is like an orchestra. Each part is like a section of your orchestra, you are the conductor, and the Divine is the inspiration, energy & tune that plays through you. " 

Join Christine for her yearly mid-year power pause retreats - F.L.O.W. Focus Your Life Force on What Matters - attend live from home or come to one of the in person retreats on the West Coast and East Coast.  

For a picture of the 8 Petals of Harmony go to + Christine Arylo's blog post for this episode. 

May 14, 2017

At some point in her life every woman is faced with the question of whether she will have children or not have children. It's a very personal question that we don't have a lot of wisdom and ritual around in our culture, which can lead to a lot of stress, anxiety, personal doubt and shame, and even a lot of separation and judgement among the best of friends.

The very question around motherhood itself sets us up for separation and self judgment because it's a yes/no duality based question, which automatically creates limitation with only two choices. Either I have a child if I want to be a mother or I don't. This polarizing approach to motherhood also puts a lot of pressure on a woman to have a body that can produce a child or can beat the clock or that she can justify a reason if she chooses not to birth children.

Feminine Wisdom guides us to make inquiries that expand possibility and bring us deeper into our own personal truth.

A wiser question - one that can lead us to our own inner truth and feminine power is:

How do I desire to mother?

It is deep within a woman's psyche to mother.

Our feminine energy within MUST give birth, we  just are not all meant to give birth to physical children. 

Our feminine energy within has a yearning and instinct to nurture and be a guiding supportive presence. We are all just not meant to be day to day parents. 

Our feminine energy within calls us to gather and care for others. 

All women have an instinct and need to "mother." What if mother was a verb, not a noun? 

In our current "overculture" we are domesticated to believe that means giving birth from our physical bodies. There are deep subconscious beliefs and fears that can cloud our ability to truly know what our path with motherhood is - causing us all kinds of suffering, self doubt and self judgment. 

We are missing more conscious ways to explore our relationship and choices around motherhood that diminish our feminine power and sisterhood and self worth that I would love to invite us to explore - for ourselves and for the girls and women we love.

In this Feminine Power Time, To Be A Mother or Not to Be? That is Not the Question, with Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and feminine wisdom teacher, invokes an expansive conversation to explore: 

  • The "overculture" beliefs around motherhood that still drive our choices at a subconscious level, clouding our clarity - even the most intelligent and educated women often don't have insight to what is driving their beliefs and choices.
  • The deep desire all women have to mother - and how holding mother in the way the collective culture holds it, diminishes our feminine power and sisterhood. And can confuse us or drive us to make choices that sabotage us.
  • Changing the way we approach the very personal questions about how we each are called to mother  - step out of the collective 'fishbowl' to explore how expanding our choices to mother could change the world, and our over stressed lives.
  • Conscious processes for making the choice for how you will mother - Christine Arylo will share her specific personal process that includes exploring choices at a multiple levels - including diving into yourself to illuminate subconscious societal beliefs, your personal soul path, and more.     

And... Christine has invited a special guest to join to share another perspective on the journey. Laurie Jacobsen Jones, a woman who explored many paths to motherhood, first unconsciously - from both ego and soul - then consciously - following the flow of her soul path - including the natural way, the 'fertility gauntlet' way, and finally was led to adopt two daughters, leave her corporate executive career to start a school, and became very clear about what her truth with being a parent and a mother was. 

This Feminine Power Time is the 4th in the Feminine Bond Series hosted by Christine Arylo.

To learn more about Christine Arylo visit  

To subscribe and receive the other episodes in the Feminine Bond Series - go to Itunes or Stitcher and type in Feminine Power Time. Or visit 


*Note: The overculture is something we as women must continually pause to see clearly. So pervasive, and we've lived in it for so long, it's like living in a fishbowl and not realizing you do. The word overculture was coined by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Women Who Run with Wolves. For the full definition visit the podcast page   

May 4, 2017

We need sisterhood. And I don't use that word 'need' lightly. But in this case it is true. We need the support, love, care, witnessing that can only come from another woman. 

Even women who have amazing supportive partnerships with a beloved need sisterhood. There is just something about the feminine bond that our hearts crave, our souls blossom from and our bodies and minds relax in. We know this. Yet...

Why is it so hard for us to cultivate the sisterhood we need?

And why does the space for it often get put last on the list?

Creating soulful connections with other women is essential yet most of us were not taught HOW to cultivate the intimate connections we need to thrive. And as our guest Shasta Nelson, friendship expert and one of my dear soul sisters, reports after studying female relationships for over a decade, Friendships Don't Just Happen. 

Tune into this episode of Feminine Power Time - # 3 in a 4 part series on our Feminine Bonds - with feminine leadership advisor and spiritual catalyst Christine Arylo and her special guest, Shasta Nelson, founder of Girlfriend Circles and friendship expert and dive into: 

  • How can you strengthen your circle of sisterhood?
  • Female health fact that might surprise you + the difference between BELONGING and CONNECTING

  • Why friendships don't just happen - get more conscious about the ingredients and actions for calling in + deepening your female connections

  • The 3 components all friendships need to thrive 

  • Why all friendships don't progress to deeper connections + how to tell which ones have the potential for growth

  • What to do when you are feeling a 'sisterhood deficit'?

  • What you desire NOW to strengthen your sisterhood connections?

To learn more about Shasta Nelson, and Girlfriend Circles go to 

To amp up your sisterhood connection, join Christine Arylo at a women's retreat this year - 

Apr 27, 2017

Our strength as women has always come from our bonds to the women in our lives. When the bonds are strong, it's like we feel connected to a timeless unbreakable rope that keeps us safe and strong no matter the storm and we can do and face anything. 

Yet sisterhood, true sisterhood is anything but easy.

I've seen and experienced myself the carnage that can come through the wounds our relationships with other women can cause, even from truly conscious women.

Blame. Betrayal. Competition. Cliques. Cutting Off. Maybe you can relate?

Collectively, sisterhood has also been at the root of all the great risings of feminine power, and the tears in the fabric of the sisterhood have dismantled and weakened these feminine risings, slowing the momentum. 

Tune in this special Feminine Power Time Salon, with Christine Arylo and special female leaders spanning 3 generation and 3 continents, as we explore: 

* How the shadow in female relationships and pressure from outside systems weakened the feminine movement of the 1960's and 70s's and caused the momentum to wane (so we don't repeat the pattern) 

* The ABCs of Sisterhood that weaken and destroy our bonds - from Accusation to Blame and Betrayal to Competition and Collusion. Why it happens, the truth of how it harms the feminine heart, and what we can do instead. 

* Where and how we as women are unconscious to how the outside systems and our own internal systems use the shadow of the feminine to weaken our bonds

* How to heal the past wounds of betrayal, blame, separation or isolation - within your own heart and for the collective 

* How we can work with these shadow qualities of sisterhood when they show up in our friendships and communities


To experience transforming the ABC's of Sisterhood in your own heart - you can join Christine Arylo and Shiloh Sophia McCloud for the "Wise Woman Out of Exile" transformational workshop - virtually from your home. Go to  

To receive the Feminine Super Power Kit with meditations and daily practices, go to 

About Feminine Power Time Salons - The salon format is one that allows for us to bring a specific topic to dive into with a group of women who bring different perspectives and thoughts with the intention of provoking new thought, invoking deeper feelings, illuminating wisdom and elevating the conversation and consciousness for ourselves and each other. They run longer than regular Feminine Power Times and you can tune in and participate all at one time or listen in and return. 


Apr 20, 2017


When you read the words ‘mother love’ you likely go right to thinking about the mother who gave birth to you or the mother who raised you. And while that mother definitely has a role to play in our lives, she cannot be our only source of “mother love.”

Mother love is... a specific kind of love that every human being needs – we don’t outgrow the need for it, although we sadly forget how much we do need it.

Mother love is… the deep, all-embracing, all-accepting, nourishing, nurturing, warm, safe, supportive love that soothes the places inside our hearts that feel scared and lonely.

Mother love is… the strong love that we can fall into when we are stressed, stretched, uncertain, and feeling like we just can’t handle what’s happening in our life.

Sourcing Mother Love is not something most of us were taught how to doIn this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo – part 1 of 4 of "The Feminine Bond" Series – we will:

  • Reveal why one mother cannot be our only source of love – and how embracing this can wipe out all kinds of baggage and free you to receive the support, nurturing, courage, acceptance, patience, understanding and compassion
  • Define Mother Love – this is SO much more than the story or situation between you and your birth mother. Even if you had the greatest mother growing up, your need for more Mother Love doesn’t end.
  • See how the lack of Mother Love is often at the root of things like loneliness, feeling like you don’t belong, fear, not feeling like you have enough, are enough, not being cared for, not feeling supported  – these patterns will keep showing up if you don’t get to the root
  • Explore the powerful 3 Sources of Mother Love that are here for all of us - there is SO much of this support here for us beyond what we have been taught exists.
  • Learn simple practices you can do to invite this powerful, potent, feminine love into your heart and life –  including the Great Mother Bath

To dive deeper into the feminine connection with Christine Arylo, attend one of her virtual or in person Feminine Super Power Wisdom Sessions or Retreats - go here for more details 

Apr 13, 2017

Self care is one thing. Feeding the Feminine First takes getting what YOU need on a daily basis to an entirely new, deeper level. The truth is you already know how to take care of yourself.

The challenge is in giving yourself PERMISSION to receive what you need & in finding SMALL BUT MIGHTY ways to nourish, nurture, and get what you need in the midst of taking care of so much. Feeding the Feminine First is an invitation to doing your life differently in small ways that have a big impact.

Christine Arylo shares a new perspective on self-care that goes beyond the mental into the spiritual, sharing insights and small rituals you can do daily and monthly to nourish & nurture yourself.

Includes a meditation to check in on where you are feeling depleted & where you are thriving and an invitation to join women around the world, choosing to embrace what Feeding the Feminine First means.

To receive the Feed the Feminine First daily morning practice - get the free Feminine Super Power Kit at 

To make shift happen in your daily life, take the 40 day super power self love practice, Burnout to Balance with Christine Arylo 

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