We have become so resilient that we have become too tolerant. We have said yes to keep doing more with less. Piling more on to already too full plates. Assimilating into ways of working and managing our lives that frankly haven't been working for a long time.
Now is the time, to give voice to what is no longer sustainable for you... in your work, in your relationships, in your life design, in your health and wealth.
And then look around, and realize this : It's not your fault. You are not alone. And together, we do have the power to change this. There are MANY many women and beings who feel the same way - overwhelmed, overworked and over it. Tired of over stretching themselves to make it work, make ends meet, get things done.
We've been talking about this for years at Feminine Power Time. And we are at the breakthrough or breakdown point ... which will you choose?
I invite you in to this three part series of Feminine Power Time : Embracing Our Power... where we will tap into the wisdom in the new Overwhelmed and Over It Book to explore and activate the ways we collectively and you individually can embrace and embody our power to STOP what's not working, SUSTAIN ourselves and those we love and lead, and RE-IMAGINE and RE-DESIGN the new.
The first episode in our series invites you to activate your power of taking a stand to say NO MORE... i have used this many times to make a change, call in the Universe's support and start making small but significant shifts that lead to the bigger shifts that have set me free.
Tune in. See show notes below for some of the inquiries and steps I shared. And the page numbers I referred to from Overwhelmed and Over It - and get your copy of the new book! www.overwhelmedandoverit.com
See you there.
Together, we will walk through this, re-imagine and re-design how we and the world work, and rise.
Dive in for more...
1. The Overwhelmed and Over It book unveiling & activation session - get access here www.overwhelmedandoveritbook.com
2. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com
Upcoming Gatherings, Councils and Programs - RSVP to get the Invitation, Save the Date
1. Crazy Wisdom Wisdom Session - Conjuring Up Clarity and Courage in Uncertain Times - Nov 8th 12:33pm PT - Free Gathering. Save the date
2. Sacred Rebel. Sacred Work. Wisdom Quest 2020 - Nov 13th - 15th. You can do this from wherever you are. www.WomensWisdomQuest.com
3. Gather and Guide Your People - feminine leadership and program design training, creative incubator, wisdom council. Starts Nov 10th www.GatherandGuideYourPeople.com
4. Feminine Wisdom Way 2021 - Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment opens November. Emerge visioning process starts Jan 3rd. Request the invitation when enrollment opens. www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
5. ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Councils 2021 - for women who are influencing change in the systems from the inside out. Applications accepted starting Nov 1st. To request an application go to www.ElevateFeminineLeadership.com
Wisdom Inquiry: What is no longer sustainable for you?
Steps to embracing your power to catalyze shift to happen
1. Draw the NO MORE Line as your wise self - speak the NO MORE out loud to yourself and the Universe
2. Release the mind from needing to know HOW. Ask for the Universe's hand in showing you the path.
3. Voice your NO MORE stand to another person, releasing any shame or guilt ... freedom!