What is the Feminine? And how can it support and guide us in the present time - both individually and collectively?
In this episode, Christine and Jennifer conversate on the inquiry: What is the Feminine? And how can it support and guide us now? They explore this inquiry through the lenses of Cyclical Living, Changing Relationships with our Creations, and the Feminine archetypal energies of Compassion and Creativity.
They also introduce the upcoming 9-part Season of Light series, beginning next week. The intention for the Season of Light is to create a container for all of us to come and recharge our radiance so that we can Stay Light amidst the swirl and chaos of the present time.
Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to reflect on where you are in your current life cycle, and in the cycles of anything you’ve created. Recognize what’s calling you to seed, what’s ready to sprout, what’s coming into full blossom. This is a way to connect to the cycles within and around you in order to bring your being into greater harmony with both the natural world and your own unique design.
What’s next?
Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through August - and invite a friend to join you!
Participate in the Mid Year Power Pause retreat that begins in June.
Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on the cycles you’re currently in, how your relationship to your creations might be shifting and changing, and where you can lean into the feminine superpowers of Compassion and Creativity in this next season.
Ways to Connect:
Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters
Connect with Christine on LinkedIn
Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, a private online community
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