In a year where we spend 8,720 hours doing, giving, working, caring, creating, mentoring (and sleeping) … and so much more … to not create space to reflect on all we have done and who we have become, as well as recognize (and honor + receive) our impact, growth & progress, would be just plain crazy :)
Plus honoring feels great! And when we pause to actually see and feel both the visible - but even more so the invisible - we actually RECEIVE energy in return in ways that make a big difference in how we experience our lives, world, wellbeing, security and satisfaction.
The energy and act of "Honoring" is one of the most powerful things we have access to, but that we often under use. Honoring is a form a love. It melts away the heavy feels, the judgements of not enough, the pressure to do more. It turns struggle into comfort and possibility.
I invoke the super power of honor every year at this time because I continue to see the power it has to open our hearts, lighten us up, fill us up and give us a way to start the next cycle radiant & clear, roooted in our enoughness.
Which is why I am re-running this episode again this year - I just listened to it myself ... and again it really supported me to see and feel and VALUE the invisible things I've done PLUS see and acknowledge others in my lives for the invisible and important ways they show up.
We think of honor as something someone else has to give to us - when in reality we have the power to bestow honor upon ourselves, in a healthy way, with humility and dignity.
There is so much to say about honor and what a super power it is.
In this episode of Feminine Power Time - 258: The Year-End Honoring & Receiving Ritual - I'll walk you through this honoring ritual that I do every year for myself, 1:1 with others, with groups, so you can really FEEL the honor, shining a light in these three areas:
I love this ritual so much - May it fill you up with radiance, good vibes and a deep sense of how your presence, care, devotion, and choices matter.
With heart,
P.S. SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH A FRIEND + DO AN HONORING RITUAL TOGETHER. Share what you are Honoring in these different areas for this year. Use the words "I am proud that ... I honor that..." Reflect for each other._____
Imagine a world in which in December all humans turned their focus to connect to what matters, and worked with the energy of the season in ways that support their wellbeing in all ways. So come the start of the next linear calendar year, we all felt fresh, radiant, clear and centered ... ready to receive what is to come.
We don't have to wait for that reality - we make it now. One of ways we 'do' this is to tap into the wisdom of "releasing practices". Intentional reflections and actions we engage in as part of our December Downshifting that:
As I felt into what would serve us this year to release, I turned to the same three practices I do every December myself, and decided to re-run last year's episode because it's what is still needed: #257: Year-End Release to Feel the Peace: Clear Out Now So You're Set Up for Next Year.
Consider this: The over-culture makes us think we have to keep creating new. But wisdom teachings and structures are timeless. So when we use the same basic structure year after year, we can relax into the known structure, but bring a different and fresh energy and focus year after year. This makes inner peace and releases internal pressure.
Join me and I'll take you through 3 Releasing practices:
I so love this practice! May it bring you peace, possibility and power.
P.P.S.. SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH A FRIEND. Share your Releases for this year. Support each other.
The December Downshift is a practice we come back to year after year to signal to our internal systems (and the people and projects around us) that it's time to start the slow down vs. get swirled into the year-end or holiday madness, followed by new year start pressure. It's the cyclical co-creation rhythm and structure we practice to mimic the natural world, who has managed to prosper for billlions of year (and gives us a template for how to evolve, grow and thrive).
Think of the practice of downshifting at year end like driving a manual transmission car - you don't want to keep moving through Dec in 5th gear, at a high pace/ intensity/output still running on mental or emotional stressors from the weeks/months prior, and then hard downshift into neutral the last days of the year ... you'll blow out your system. And then likely need to recover from all the OVER indulging, doing, spending, connecting in the new year. So you start depleted vs. ready to receive.
It's a wiser to move through the gears one by one, over the course of weeks, so you can: savor your connections, deeply replenish, and receive from all you have created the previous 12 months. Making choices that support you to be healthy, clear and ready to receive inspiration, insight and clarity for focusing and co-creating next year.
Every year while the process of year-end downshifting is the same (there are 4 phases of downshifting - relax, rest, replenish, regenerate), the flavor and focus is different based on that year.
This year ... I tuned into create this year's December Downshift practice for you and received these themes: PEACE, PRESENCE, PEOPLE + PROSPER. I'll guide you through two somatic meditations + help you put intentional & spacious structure into place for Dec + Jan in these parts:
For 15 years I've created this structure through December and January for the co-creators + people willing to do things differently, wiser. We'll be here again - keep tuning in weekly on the podcast + join us for the live happenings (see below).
With great heart,
P.S. Elevation Action: Share this podcast with a friend, so you can support each other real time. Invite them to join you for the Year End Reflection Ritual, and do it together.
Upcoming Experiences
1. RSVP for the Year End Reflection Ritual - December
2. Emerge Yearly Visionining and Intention Setting Experience - Starts First Sunday of January
3. Feminine Wisdom Way : Live, Lead and Succeed the Way Women Naturally Work Best. Join us to Vision, Focus and Co Create in 2025 -
Other Podcasts
1. The Library of Year End and Year Start Podcasts from Over the Years - Access the Series Page Here -
2. #198 - Complete Your Year Clear Avoid Holiday Overwhlem -