STAY LIGHT. These are the two words that will frame and focus this series, with the intention of supporting you to restore your "radiance" levels to be bright and vibrant, and then keep that brightness and lightness strong, growing and glowing the rest of this year.
RADIANCE is one of those words we hear but why does it really matter? Wouldn't it be better just to focus on self-care, wellness and stress-management? Well if you want more "to dos" sure, you can go that way.
Or you can go deeper to get what is at the roots of what keeps your wellbeing strong - mind, body AND spirit and heart. Like instead of focusing on the leaves of the tree, you get into what's happening inside the trunk and within the roots and soil that allows that tree to stand tall, strong and briliant even in stormy weather.
Radiance is defined in the dictionary as brightness and lightness. And there is SO much more!
In episode #1 of 3 in our STAY LIGHT series we will dive into:
We'll pose this central question for you to contemplate and give you creative processes to reveal practical wisdom you can apply to how you structure and make choices these next few months.
"What sustains and supports my radiance?"
I will share some of the common things that support and restore our radiance such as these wisdom bites from two beings whose work I respect very much:
"Radiance is a function of stillness." - Ariel Spilsbury
"Radiance acts as a hidden instrument of your intuition." - Richard Rudd
Lastly, I'll lead you through a meditation and visualiization that starts the creative juices flowing of what lifts you up and lightens you up in 7 areas of the foundation of our radiance.
And share how you can take this and create what I call the "Radiance Wheel" - which will support you not to do more, but to put structures in place and make choices to keep your light shining and wellbeing glowing, for many months and years to come.
As leaders, change makers, beings daring to do things different to create a better more beautiful world, we need to Stay Light, even in, especially in the face of challenge and chaos.
It's HOW we lead and live through this time.
Tune in
See you there
p.s. Remember: SHARE this podcast with a friend and explore Radiance together.
1. Flow Power Pause - starts June 22 - Register at