
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth within you. Christine Arylo, MBA, leadership advisor, and wisdom teacher marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness theory to expand your perspective and wake up your awareness. Each episode gives you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing. Our intention is to re-imagine the way we and the world work. We do that by bringing Wisdom + Leadership + Wellbeing together in ways that give us access to our personal power to influence the people, teams, families, systems and organizations we work and live in. Feminine Power Time is for all people who dare to do things differently, and who choose to embrace their co-creative power to have a positive impact through their voices, choices and presence.
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo










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Feb 12, 2023

“We have become so self-sufficient as women that we often don’t consider the support we need, and even when it does show up, we struggle to fully receive it.”

These are the words that start Chapter 8 in my book Overwhelmed and Over It which is the chapter that gets to the root about why we push away support or don't receive the support we need, and then up burned out, and stretched too thin.

In this 3-part series, Receive the Support You Desire & Require this Year, we take a stand together to get real and practical about how we ensure you DO get the support you need, require and desire, and/or make different choices based on the resources you have.  

I was going to do this as one episode, but when I felt into what would really serve us, a deeper dive into you FEELING and BEING supported on all levels came through loud and clear. 

In Part 1 we will explore and dive into some of the key wisdom teachings that create the foundation for support to actually show up in and grow in your life, including:

  • It is not weak to need support. Needing support is human.
  • It is a sign of strength to name the support you both desire and require. 
  • To receive support you have to both NAME it and CLAIM it.
  • Frequency preceds form - meaning you have to feel supported before you are supported.
  • We have more support than we think. Expressing gratitude for the support you have, creates more a field for more support to come in

Throughout the series, we will create space for you to tune into 5 different realms you have the power to be and feel more supported, from the inside out. These just all happen to begin with the letter P. 

They all reflect the FOUNDATIONS of SUPPORT we all need at this time. 

In this episode of Feminine Power Time we will explore PRACTICE + PLAY, including the structures and support that will:

  • Keep you tuned into your higher consicousness, even when you are having a very human experience 
  • Keep physically, emotionally and mentally harmonized - calm, clear, centered, rooted in wellbeing and resiliency 
  • Keep your spirit lifted 
  • Keep you feeling connected 
  • Keep your imagination and creative channels flowing and your frequency and clarity high as a result. 

Tune in. Share with a Friend. Then Support each other to receive the support you desire and require. 

Big heart, 



1. Overwhelmed And Over It Book - 





Jun 3, 2022

STAY LIGHT. These are the two words that will frame and focus this series, with the intention of supporting you to restore your "radiance" levels to be bright and vibrant, and then keep that brightness and lightness strong, growing and glowing the rest of this year. 

RADIANCE is one of those words we hear but why does it really matter? Wouldn't it be better just to focus on self-care, wellness and stress-management? Well if you want more "to dos" sure, you can go that way.

Or you can go deeper to get what is at the roots of what keeps your wellbeing strong - mind, body AND spirit and heart. Like instead of focusing on the leaves of the tree, you get into what's happening inside the trunk and within the roots and soil that allows that tree to stand tall, strong and briliant even in stormy weather. 

Radiance is defined in the dictionary as brightness and lightness. And there is SO much more!

In episode #1 of 3 in our STAY LIGHT series we will dive into:

  • What is Radiance and why it matters
  • How Radiance dictates your health, relationships, ability to attract and receive opportunities, intution and overall mental and emotional wellbeing.
  • The difference between life force and radiance, and where Radiance lives in your body.

We'll pose this central question for you to contemplate and give you creative processes to reveal practical wisdom you can apply to how you structure and make choices these next few months. 

"What sustains and supports my radiance?" 

I will share some of the common things that support and restore our radiance such as these wisdom bites from two beings whose work I respect very much:

"Radiance is a function of stillness." - Ariel Spilsbury

"Radiance acts as a hidden instrument of your intuition."  - Richard Rudd

Lastly, I'll lead you through a meditation and visualiization that starts the creative juices flowing of what lifts you up and lightens you up in 7 areas of the foundation of our radiance.

And share how you can take this and create what I call the "Radiance Wheel" - which will support you not to do more, but to put structures in place and make choices to keep your light shining and wellbeing glowing, for many months and years to come.

As leaders, change makers, beings daring to do things different to create a better more beautiful world, we need to Stay Light, even in, especially in the face of challenge and chaos.

It's HOW we lead and live through this time.

Tune in
See you there


p.s. Remember: SHARE this podcast with a friend and explore Radiance together.



1. Flow Power Pause - starts June 22 - Register at 



Jul 11, 2019

Why do we consume things that are not good for our bodies? That make us feel sluggish, heavy, not at our best? Why do we believe that doing another diet, cleanse, or fast is going to finally be the trick? What if there were deeper reasons, unknown reasons to you, that drove the sabotaging choices that you make about what you put in, on and within your body? There are! 

In this Feminine Power Time, the 3rd in our 3 part series on Receiving, I knew we had to dive into how a lack of receiving what we need in other areas of our lives, drives our choices for how we consume food, liquids, media, everything. And how a lack of receiving the wisdom we need vs. more information on the latest diet or super food or quick fix is keeping us from the wisdom of how our bodies really work as women. 

So I invited a new wise woman sister to join us - a true sacred rebel, here to do things differently, Ms. Carly Pollack, author of the book "Feed Your Soul" and founder of Nutritional Wisdom to dive in deep with us and illuminate both the deeper reasons within ourselves and the hidden reasons in the overculture that keep us from having the vibrant, radiant, healthy bodies we desire.

I invite you to tune in, as we dive into this episode "Feed Your Soul Instead of Sabotage Your Body" and OPEN TO RECEIVE more of the wisdom and self-love you need to make choices that support you vs sabotage you. 

In our conversation today we dive into:

  • Getting Real: Why the basic consciousness about dieting, cleansing and eating healthy keeps you stuck in yo yo weight gain and loss, or in an unhealthy and unhappy relationship with your body
  • Getting Wise: Elevate your consciousness around your relationship to everything you put INTO and ON your body  
  • Getting in Touch with Your Self: How what you put on your plate reflects your inner state. And how to get in touch with how what you are lacking in other areas of your life are showing up in your body. 
  • Getting Inspired: 3 Invitations to Making Shift Happen in a way that feels good and supportive - Carly and I will give you 3 simple but mighty invitations to applying wisdom to how you approach choosing to ingest things that are GOOD for you
  • Making it Personal: We will tune into your body and heart to see what it is that you are really needing to RECEIVE that your body and soul is craving ... so you can give it to yourself in ways that nourish you. 

It's a rich conversation with lots of #wisdombytes and inspiration. You will feel more open and more connected to yourself. Come and join us!

Wisdom Bytes

What is on your plate reflects your inner state #femininepowertime #carlypollack 

Before you put something in your mouth to eat, ask "What is it that I need"

Release sugar. Receive sweetness. 


For more on Carly Pollack


For more on working with Christine 

1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - do in June or July to get focused on what matters -  Do from home. 

2. Feminine Wisdom Way - 6-month feminine wisdom training includes Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you to achieve what matters AND be sustained.  We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this. 

3. Feminine Wisdom Weekend Retreat - Kripalu - July 19-21 

4. The Path of Self Love Teacher Training - Kripalu - July 21-26 

For Other Events in Seattle area, go to  





Apr 13, 2017

Self care is one thing. Feeding the Feminine First takes getting what YOU need on a daily basis to an entirely new, deeper level. The truth is you already know how to take care of yourself.

The challenge is in giving yourself PERMISSION to receive what you need & in finding SMALL BUT MIGHTY ways to nourish, nurture, and get what you need in the midst of taking care of so much. Feeding the Feminine First is an invitation to doing your life differently in small ways that have a big impact.

Christine Arylo shares a new perspective on self-care that goes beyond the mental into the spiritual, sharing insights and small rituals you can do daily and monthly to nourish & nurture yourself.

Includes a meditation to check in on where you are feeling depleted & where you are thriving and an invitation to join women around the world, choosing to embrace what Feeding the Feminine First means.

To receive the Feed the Feminine First daily morning practice - get the free Feminine Super Power Kit at 

To make shift happen in your daily life, take the 40 day super power self love practice, Burnout to Balance with Christine Arylo 

Jan 19, 2017

If we are going to meet the demands of our lives, the intensity of our times and succeed at creating the work, lives and relationships we desire, without draining ourselves, trying to manage stress, or get to the gym everyday isn't going to cut it.

We  need practices that literally generate and cultivate VITALITY. But what does that even mean?

Vitality is defined as 'the power to live or grow' ... 'exuberant physical strength and mental vigor'... 'capacity for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence.'

Good yes? We all need it and desire it, but few of us unless you have sought out training have the wisdom and the practices we need. This goes beyond green drink and being able to do a headstand in yoga class and stress management classes. 

In this episode of Feminine Power Time "Vitality for Victory" host Christine Arylo shares ancient wisdom for your thriving in your modern life, including:

  • The Four G's for Vitality - foundations for making sure you have the energy you need  
  • How to empty your subconscious garbage collector - aka - "The lower triangle" which is like a lint trap where all your emotional garbage gets stuck.
  • Access to Wisdom - what your nervous system and stress have to do with blocking it, and how to use vitality practices to keep it clear
  • What the earth's magnetic field and your energy levels have in common
  • Ancient Chinese Secrets for powering up your creative life force 

Fun, powerful, illuminating. Tune in.

And join Christine for these deeper intensive trainings to cultivate the energy and vitality you need to thrive.

Harmonize Mexico Retreat - Learn vitality generating and intuitive expanding practices and wisdom ocean and jungle side

Feminine Super Power year - Reprogram your internal operating system to lead, live and succeed the feminine way (includes monthly yoga and wisdom practices)    


Jun 9, 2016

Daily, your body needs to recharge. Your mind needs to rest. Your spirit to restore. But 8 hours of sleep a night won't do it. The yogis have known for thousands of years that it's the KIND OF sleep and rest you get that matters - you need DEEP rest to recharge. But most of us never get there because the habits and rituals we have the 4 hours before we go to sleep don't give us the space, time and rhythm we need to what's called in feminine wisdom 'DOWNSHIFT'.  

In this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo shares a new way to think about how you wind down your day - Daily Downshifting. Rather than waiting to an hour before bed, Arylo shares the 3 phases of daily downshifting, which begin hours before bedtime, by signaling to your body and mind that it's time to start winding down work to nourish your body.

In this Feminine Power Time you'll gain ancient wisdom modified for your modern life, including:

  • Wisdom about why daily recharging isn't just about sleep & why watching reality TV, scary movies or flipping through emails even 3 hours before bed wrecks your rest, and leaks into your next day. 
  • How to create a downshifting pattern using the 3 Daily Downshifting stages for your daily life that allows you to complete work & family activities in a way that nourishes you and sets you up for amazing rest.  
  • "Secret" yogi techniques for preparing your body, mind and spirit for rest - including how to clear your monkey glands, open your spirit and calm your mind  
  • Personal meditation to see how you can put these downshifting rituals to use in your life - with yourself and those you live with  
Apr 21, 2016

The Superwoman Sob: the phenomenon of finding oneself in a stream of tears due to the sheer amount of pressure, stress, burden, and overwhelm you feel under. There are warning signs that you are on the brink of a Super Woman Sob. Tap into divine feminine wisdom and learn to use the pressure as a catalyst to liberate yourself from the burden & create a different, more supportive and sustainable reality. For more simple yet mighty practices, get the Feminine Super Power Kit with

Apr 5, 2016

Why do you feel overwhelmed? And more importantly, how do you stop the stress? Christine Arylo shares ancient wisdom modified for modern life on how to prevent overwhelm, release stress, tap into feminine power and make sure you are taking care of yourself in the midst of a busy life. Includes meditation and reflection and divine feminine practice. Choose self love and self care over self neglect.